Конспект урока, Code (B2), Unit 4 (Changes)

Составитель: Алексеенко Д.В.
Количество уроков: три.
Примечание: данный конспект разработан на три урока, которые проходят в один день, один за другим.
Учебник: Code, B2. (Macmillan)
Тема: Unit 4 (Changes)
Задачи: 1. Образовательные:
Развитие навыков работы с текстом (scan-reading)
Формирование навыков устной речи (толкование слов, построение диалога, развернутый ответ на вопросы)
Развитие умения языковой догадки (понимание значения слова из контекста)
Расширение словарного запаса
Отработка новых слов, их включение в активный словарный запас
Развитие навыка аудирования (через речь учителя, одноклассников и носителей языка)
Формирование экзаменационной компетентности (приобретение знаний и умений, необходимых для сдачи ЕГЭ через выполнение типовых заданий по чтению и аудированию)
Формирование общей языковой компетенции посредством всего вышеперечисленного
2. Развивающие:
Развитие критического мышления, воображения
Формирование коммуникативных навыков: умения отвечать на поставленный вопрос, задавать уточняющие вопросы, слушать собеседника и быть готовым выразить интерес.
Развитие аналитического мышления (через работу с текстом и новыми словами)
3. Воспитательные:
Воспитание любви и интереса к изучаемому языку
Этап Деятельность Пометы
Greeting Warm-up Small talk
Phonetical warm-up: tongue-twister.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
With every student.
Memory-game: deleting word by word.
Starting up What will you do next Wednesday? What will you do next November?
Let’s talk about future more. P.44, ex.A. Involve as many students as it is possible.
Reading What are these texts about? (Crime in the 21st century). Who are speaking? (The computer expert, the police officer, the scientist, the victim).
Read the task for the ex.D. What do you have to do? How are you going to do the task? (Do not concentrate on every word. You have to find the most important information stated in the task).
Reading (individually).
Let’s check up. (Students give their answers. Discuss only if they have problems). Don’t forget that in this type of tasks you have to concentrate on the main idea only. Do you think, you’ll face something like this during your exam?
Give definitions of the following words and word combinations:
To commit crime (A), to rob a bank (A), hacker (A), website (A), crime rate (B), movement (B), privacy (B), dangerous (B), odour (C), gun (C), front door (D), gang (D).
Ex. E – find words according to their definitions. Ex.F – explain, what do we use the things for.
Formulate the main idea of each paragraph in 1-2 sentences.
Which opinion is the closest to yours? Why? Pre-reading questions.
Stating the aim.
4-5 min.
This task should be done in a high rate. Also ask students to define the context.
Students should feel free to have prompts from the teacher.
Vocabulary Do you think that the Internet will play an important role in the crime? Why? Do you know about any crimes committed through the Internet?
How do we call a device which helps up to surf the Internet? (computer)
Do you know how to call the parts of computer?
To learn more – ex. A, p.47.
Ex. B. – read and name WRONG words. Reading (to check up) + on the blackboard – the algorithm (students can work with the open books).
Ex.C. If students don’t know the meaning of a word, teacher gives them definition.
Ex. E. Discuss the verbs (explain the difference between them) before doing the ex-s (using the pictures). Ask students to give their own examples of sentences with the words. You also can discuss any famous hijackings, robberies, etc students know.
Ex. F, G. Ask students to make up a sentence with each word.
‘You have one minute to revise all the new words from this page’.
‘Close your books and name as many words as you remember’. (Teacher writes them on the blackboard, gives the hints).
Now chose 8 words which you consider the most difficult to remember and write them down. 4 words should be written in English, and 4 words, please, write in Russian. 2-3 answers.
Students can name any parts they know. Write down the words they name on the blackboard.
Students do the ex-s by themselves, than – checking.
These papers should be gathered and used during the next lesson for the dictation. Give students the papers and ask them to give definitions and translations for these words.
Listening Look at the p.48. Look through the material and try to predict what the dialogue is going to be about.
You’re going to listen to the dialogue now. You have two tasks: to choose which prediction is the closest to the truth. Your second task is to tick the words you hear in the dialogue from the list. You should tick 8 words. If you can, write down the collocation or a sentence where the word is used.
Students listen to the dialogue once.
Check the task and discuss the predictions. In case the students didn’t manage to do the task, redo it later (after the second listening).
Second listening – ex. B (multiplied choice).
Ask students to mark themselves and discuss what was difficult for them and why.
Have you ever bought anything online?
What was that? Do you think it’s more convenient? Is it cheaper? Are there any things you would never buy online? Pre-listening work: prediction.
Write down the predictions on the blackboard and don’t forget to discuss them after the listening.
Each student gets a copy of a worksheet.
The key:
Speaking p.49, ex. A, B.
Ex. C, E.
Students work in pairs. Each of them has to answer all of the questions. His\her partner writes down the answers and all the language chunks the partner uses. Teacher should constantly listen to people talking and pay attention if they speak Russian. Each time teaches hears a pair speaking in Russian, he makes a note. If there will be a pair, who’ll get two or more notes, they will have to do the “extra-challenge”: extra-home task. Teacher should tell the class about this term BEFORE the task.
Collect all the papers and ask some students. Compare the notes with the actual answer.
Revise the chunks by translating them.
Write an article for w newspaper about the greatest crime of the 21st century (using imagination, of course).
Revision The game “guess the word”
Divide students into pairs. Give each pair a set of cards. One of them has to describe each word (all the words were used during the lesson), the other has to name it. Give them 1-2 minutes, than change the roles. Don’t forget to count the guessed words and name “the most understanding couple”.