Конспект уркоа по английской литературе Д.Дефо Робинзон Крузо
План урока Тема: Д. Дефо «Робинзон Крузо»
Цель: Ознакомить учащихся с фактами из биографии Даниэля Дефо, с сюжетом романа «Робинзон Крузо», с историей его написания и основными действующими персонажами Ход урока
1.Оргомент2.Новые слова:issue of the day - злободневный вопрос
a butcher – мясникto flee – спасаться бегствомpersecute – преследоватьridicule – высмеивать, надсмехаться
subtle – тонкий, нежный
a pillory – позорный столб
forsake – оставлять, покидать, отвергать
fortitude – стойкость, сила духа
to endure – вытерпеть, вынести
despondency – отчаяние, уныние
to withstand – устоять, вынести
3. Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 in London. His father was a butcher. The family were non-conformists (they didn’t go to the Anglican Church). Got a good education and was going to become a minister in non-conformist church. After his 5-year training was over, Daniel Defoe refused to devote himself to the ministry, as it was “neither honourable , pleasant nor profitable”. Was engaged in business as a hose merchant. A businessman to the finger-tips, energetic and practical, Defoe was complete failure in business and went bankrupt several times. In 1692 he had to flee from his creditors. “Thirty times I was rich and poor.”
At the age of 23 started writing pamphlets on issue of the day. In his 1st pamphlet he attacked the policy of the king Charles II, but he didn’t sign it.1695 took part in the revolt against James II to put the Duke of Monmouth to the throne and hardly escaped prosecution.1688 – the Protestant King William III came to power, and that was the beginning of Defoe’s career. 1702 – the Dissenters were persecuted by the queen Ann. “The Shortest Way with the Dissenters”, a pamphlet which ridiculed the church authorities. The irony was so subtle, that the enemy did not understand it at first and it was considered to be next to the Bible. But as soon as realized the real character of the pamphlet, Defoe was sentenced to seven years imprisonment, and he was subjected to a cruel punishment – he had to stand in a pillory on a public square with his hands and head in stocks. “Hymn to the Pillory” criticized the law and demanded a fair trial. Though never published, the pamphlet had become very popular and had tremendous success with the people. This was the climax of Defoe’s political career and the end of it. After he was realized from prison, became the editor of a journal, which supported his former enemies. 1719 – “Robinson Crusoe”. Defoe became famous and rich and was able to pay his creditors in full. He wrote for 4 public journals and received a regular sum of money from the government. 1720 – “Captain Singleton”, “Moll Flanders”, “Lady Roxana” and “Colonel Jacque” in 1722.1729 – Fell ill with a serious mental disease. For two years lived in poverty and quite alone, forsaken by all who were dear to him, died 1731.IMPORTANCE - The novel is a praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature. Labour and favorite help Robinson to endure hardships.- Defoe is a great master of realistic detail.- Robinson is an optimistic person who is able to withstand all calamities and despondency. His guiding principles are “never say die” and “in trouble is to have your troubles doubled”.- He is typically bourgeois and very practical. The beauty of nature does not appeal for him. He regards the island as his property and takes care of it.4.Чтение отрывка из романа «Робинзон Крузо».Post-reading task: Find out the meaning of the new words:dreadful – страшный, ужасныйoffing – взморье, с берега до горизонтаdismal – мрачный, унылый afflict – страдатьdevoured – жрать, глотать давясьsoundly – хорошо, серьезноturf – терновник stump – обрубок whimsy – капризsullenness – угрюмостьdesign – злой замысел apt – удачный, способный The Journal September 30, 1659. I, poor miserable Robinson Crusoe, being shipwrecked, during a dreadful storm, in the offing, came on shore on this dismal, unfortunate island, which I called “The Island of Despair”; all the rest of the ship’s company being drowned and myself almost dead. All the rest of the day I spent in afflicting myself at the dismal circumstances I was brought to, I had neither food, house, clothes, weapon, nor place to fly to: and, in despair of any relief, saw nothing but death before me: either that I should be devoured by wild beasts, murdered by savages, or starved of death for want of food. At the approach of night I slept in a tree, for fear of wild creatures; but slept soundly, though it rained all night. October 1. In the morning I saw, to my great surprise, the ship had floated with the high tide, and was driven on shore again much nearer the island; which as it was some comfort on one hand, for seeing her sit upright, ad not broken top pieces… From the 1stof October to the 24th. All these days entirely spent in many several voyages to get all I could out of the ship, which I brought onshore, every tide of flood, upon rafts. October 26. I walked about the shore almost all the day, to find out a place to fix my habitation, greatly concerned to secure myself from any attack in the night, either from wild beasts or men. Towards night, I fixed upon a proper place, under a rock, and marked out a semi-circle for my encampment; which I resolved to strengthen with a work, wall, or fortification, made of double piles, lined with cables, and without with turf. November… I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man’s naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen on the sand… After innumerable fluttering thoughts, like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came home to my fortification, not feeling, as we say, the ground I went on, but terrifies to the last degree, looking behind me at every two or three steps, mistaking every bush and tree, and fancying every stump at a distance to be a man; nor is it possible to describe how many various shapes my affrighted imagination presented things to me in, how many wild ideas were found every moment in my fancy, and what strange unaccountable whimsies came into my thoughts by the way. …Never man had a more faithful, loving, sincere servant than Friday was to me; without passion, sullenness, or designs, perfectly obliged and engaged; his very affections were ties to me, like those of child to father; and I dare say he would have sacrificed his life for the saving mine, upon any occasion whatsoever… I was greatly delighted with him, and made it my business to teach him everything that was proper to make him useful, handy and helpful; but especially to make him speak, and understand ma when I spoke: and he was the aptest scholar that ever was; and particularly was so merry, so constantly diligent, and so pleased when he could but understand me, or make me understand him, that it was very pleasant to me to talk to him. Now my life began to be so easy that I began to say to myself, that could I but have been safe from more savages, I cared not if I was never to remove from the place where I lived. Answer the questions:1. How did Robinson feel himself after shipwrecking? a) happy b) unhealthy c) miserable and dismal 2. How did he call the island?a) the Island of Horror b) the Island of Happiness c) the Island of despair3. How did he sleep his first night at the new place?a) badly b) didn’t sleep at all c) soundly4. What was the weather like?a) it was hot and sunny b) it was snowing heavily c) it was raining5. What did he see in the morning?a) savages b) a ship floating upright c) a castle 6. Where did he find the place for this habitation?a) under a rock b) in a cave c) in a hole 7. What were Robinson’s first feeling when he saw a man’s footprints in the sand?a) he was agitated b) he was glad c) he was terrified8. What did Crusoe want to teach Friday first?a) to submit b) to speak c) to fix things9. What servant was Friday towards Crusoe?a) loving and sincere b) sullen and plotting c) useful and helpful 10. Find the synonym to the word “dreadful” in the text11. Find the synonym to the word “habitation” in the text12. What is the synonym to the word “fancy”?a) speculation b) imagination c) superstition 13. How did Robinson’s feelings about the island change at the end of the passage?5. Подведение итогов урока, оценивание учащихся.6. Домашнее задание.