Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов СПО специальности «Экономика и бухучет»

Министерство образования и науки Краснодарского края

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский)
для студентов 2 курса специальности СПО
080110 «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)»

Краснодар, 2014

цикловой комиссией по иностранным языкам
протокол №___ от « __» _________2014 г.
Председатель цикловой комиссии:
____________________/ Устинова Л.Е./

Прокофьева Н.В., преподаватель ГБПОУ КАСТ, канд. филол. наук

Лесная М.В.
канд.филол.наук, преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ КК КАСТ

Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов 2 курса специальности СПО 080110 «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)»
Пособие соответствует рабочей программе и календарно-тематическому плану по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03. «Иностранный язык» (английский) и рассчитаны приблизительно на 50 часов аудиторной работы во 2 семестре 2 курса.
Каждый раздел содержит несколько текстов, к каждому тексту даются словарь и упражнения. Упражнения построены на базовом лексико-грамматическом материале 1 курса обучения.
Представленные задания построены на основе дифференцированного отбора языкового и текстового материалов с учётом особенностей иноязычного общения специалистов в области экономической и финансовой деятельности. Система учебных заданий предусматривает последовательное формирование и контроль базовых коммуникативных умений в устной речи и чтении на материале специальности обучаемых.
Цель учебного пособия – познакомить студентов, изучающих английский язык, с основными понятиями бухгалтерского учета, различными экономическими вопросами, а также с терминологией в сфере экономики и бизнеса на английском языке.
Основная информация – экономика и бизнес Англии и США.
Материалы пособия могут использоваться как в ходе самостоятельной работы студентов над языком, так и на практических занятиях под руководством преподавателя.

Introduction to accounting..4
Unit 1. Accountant’s resume. Business visits 6
Unit 2. Money ...10
Unit 3. Macroeconomi
·ient Greece.
1. book-keeping - счетоводство, ведение бухгалтерских книг (стадия учета, которая заключается в регистрации хозяйственных операций в учетном регистре);
2. double-entry book-keeping system - система двойной записи (система учета, в соответствии с которой каждая операция отражается одновременно по дебету одного и кредиту другого бухгалтерского счета);
3. entry- бухгалтерская запись, проводка (на счете, в учетном журнале, в бухгалтерской книге);
4. transaction - сделка, торговая операция;
5. account - счет, вклад, депозит);
6. a debit - дебет (левая сторона бухгалтерских счетов; в активных счетах приход (получение денежных средств, материалов, увеличение себестоимости готовой продукции, увеличение задолженности покупателей и т. д.), в пассивных расход (погашение обязательств, уменьшение капитала или получение убытка); в банковском учете отражает списание средств со счета клиента);
7. credit - кредит (правая сторона бухгалтерского счета или учетной книги; в активных счетах расход (расходование денежных средств, материалов, списание из запасов готовой продукции, списание накопленных затрат со счета незавершенного производства и т. п.), в пассивных поступление (привлечение дополнительного акционерного капитала или получение новых кредитов, получение прибыли и т. п.); в банковском учете отражает зачисление средств на счет клиента) .

The basic concepts of accounting as we un
·nancial statement that is used to present this information is known as the Profit and Loss Statement (or income statement)11.
1. Luca Pacioli - Лука Пачоли, итальянский математик, в 1494 г. опубликовал трактат "Сумма арифметики, геометрии, учения о пропорциях и отношениях", считающийся первой книгой, в которой была описана система двойной бухгалтерии;
2. an individual person – физическое лицо
3. a legal entity – юридическое лицо
4. assets - имущество, средства, ресурсы, активы (все материальные и нематериальные объекты собственности, которыми владеет то или иное физическое или юридическое лицо)
5. capital assets -основные средства [фонды], материальные внеоборотные [долгосрочные] активы);
6. liabilities - долги, денежные обязательства, задолженность;
7. equity – собственный капитал, собственные средства (разница между активами и обязательствами, активы минус текущие и долгосрочные долговые обязательства);
8. balance sheet - бухгалтерский баланс, балансовый отчет [лист] (финансовый отчет, в котором отражаются активы и пассивы компании по состоянию на определенную дату; обычно представляет собой таблицу, на левой стороне которой указываются активы, на правой собственный капитал и обязательства);
9. income – доходы;
10.expenses – расходы;
11. Profit and Loss Statement, income statement – отчет о прибылях и убытках.

Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. Who invented the basic concepts of modern accounting?
2. Whom
·Задание 2. Выпишите в тетрадь определения терминов, выделенных жирным шрифтом, и выучите их.

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Составление резюме бухгалтера. Деловые визиты
UNIT 1. Accountant’s resume. Business visits
Задание 3. Ниже представлены названия и определения профессий специалистов-бухгалтеров. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки ниже и диаграмму ниже.

specializing studying for inspecting its accounts processing the records giving administrative support to inspect its accounts supervises work acts as

Trainee accountant (бухгалтер-стажер)
Accountants who are_____________________1 for professional examinations
Book-keeper (accountant) (бухгалтер)
Mid-level administrative staff responsible for_____________________2 of a business's financial activities.
Chief Accountant (главный бухгалтер)
Chief Accountant _____________3of the Accounting Department, checks and approves financial documents, balance sheets and Profit and Loss Statements.
Deputy Chief Accountant (заместитель главного бухгалтера)
Deputy Chief Accountant _____________________4 the Chief Accountant in his/her absence.
Tax accountant (бухгалтер по налогообложению)
A tax accountant_____________________ 5 in a company's tax affairs.
Back-office manager (менеджер операционного отдела)
Person in charge of the staff responsible for_____________________6 to the Finance department.
Internal auditors/ controllers (внутренние аудиторы/ревизоры)
Employees of a company who are responsible_____________________7.
External auditors/ controllers (внешние аудиторы/ревизоры)
People employed by an outside firm of accountants and hired by a company.

Text 2.
Accountants (book-keepers) deal in cash flows, sales, purchases and taxes, different business transactions of the company. Accountants first record all the appropriate figures – in the books of original entry, or Journals. At the end of a period - usually a month- the totals of each book of original entry are posted into the proper page of the Ledger (главная книга). The ledger shows all the expenditures and all the earnings of the company. On the basis of all the totals of each account in the Ledger, every quarter the accountant prepares a Trial Balance (пробный бухгалтерский баланс). The accountant’s responsibility is to analyze and interpret t
·(дипломированный бухгалтер высшей квалификации)
The Chief Accounting Officer of a large company is the Controller. Controllers are responsible for measuring the company’s performance. They interpret the results of the operations, plan and recommend future action. This position is very close to the top executives of the company.
Задание 4. а) Закончите предложения по содержанию текста:
Accountants (book-keepers) deal in .
The Ledger shows .
The accountant’s responsibility is .
The accountant is to determine .
Certified accountants in England are called
Controllers are responsible for .
b) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What do bookkeepers deal in?
2. What is the accountant’s responsibility?
3. What is the Ledger?
4. Who are chartered or certified public accountants?
5. Who is the Chief Accounting Officer of a large company?
c) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Коммерческий инвойс, выставить инвойс, транспортно-сопроводительные документы, дата доставки, условия платежа, аккредитив, судно, дата отгрузки, порт назначения, наименование товара, цена за единицу; цена за тонну; общая сумма к оплате, валюта.
d)Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику о должностных обязанностях различных бухгалтерских специалистов.

Задание 5. Прочтите и переведите резюме бухгалтера в Тексте 3. Из каких частей оно складывается? Какими качествами должен обладать бухгалтер?
Text 3.
·atements on Russian standards, partially - for a foreign investor (according to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards (МСФО), payroll and salary accounting, fixed assets lists, bank transactions and periodic performing of the duties of Chief Accountant.

Задание 6. Составьте вопросы для интервью с претендентом по каждому пункту резюме.

Задание 7. a) Прочтите и переведите Текст 4. Составьте диалог о деловом визите в компанию, используя Текст 4 и фразы в рамке.

Meeting people
Hello, Mr/Ms .... I
· Your resume is very impressive.. Michael Yes, that's fine. I guess you know from my resume that I studied economics in New York,...

Задание 7. б) Расположите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Составьте из предложений диалог.
1 in Mr moment Martens you with will be a.
2 have Did you a flight nice?
3 coffee Would some you like?
4 keep Sorry you to waiting.
5 come Please in seat take and a.
6 call finishing He's just phone a.
7 to nice you meet It's.

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Деньги
UNIT 2. Money
Text 5.
Прочтите текст о деньгах и выполните задания после текста.
Money is one of the most important inventions of humankind. Without it a complex, modern economy based on the division of labor, and the e
·st, a form of money with virtually no tangible properties - electronic money -seems to gain in popularity.

1. Дайте русские эквиваленты терминам:
Coin, paper note, checks, inflation-prone currencies, monetary transactions
2. Перечислите, какие типы денег упомянуты в тексте.

Text 6.
Прочтите Tекст 6 и выполните задания после текста.

There are numerous myths about the origins of money. The concept of money is often confused with coinage. Coins are a relatively mode
·. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What commodities served as money in the past?
2. What are the requirements of a commodity to serve as money?
3. What precious metal was used first to serve as money?
4. How did coins come into existence?
5. How did paper banknotes come into existence?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Происхождение денег, монеты, различные товары, скот, меха, кожа, износостойкий, драгоценные металлы, заменить серебром, золотые слитки, отвесить металл, разрубить металл на части, печатные деньги, златокузнец (ювелир), номинальная стоимость, деноминация, медяки, сильная инфляция.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
the money in the past
the way banknotes appeared
the metals of which coins were and are made
the silver coins and coppers

Text 7.
Прочтите Tекст 7 и выполните задания после текста.
The official currency of the Unites Kingdom is
·e inscription on the face of the banknote reads: I promise to pay the bearer (предъявитель) on demand the sum ofAnd then there are two signatures. The first signature is that of the person authorized by the Government and the Bank of England. The second s
·wounded soldiers from Crimean War, war of England and France versus Russia.

Дополнительная информация о британский фунтах
A British pound is subdivided into 100 pence. The word "A British Pound” or "Pound of Sterling” dates back to Anglo-Saxon times (12 century) when coins called sterlings were minted from silver; 240 of these sterlings weighed one pound. Before 1971 1 pound was equal to 240 pence.

Дополнительная информация о соотношении денежных единиц до 1971 года
1 гинея (guinea) =21 шиллинг (schillings)
1 фунт стерлингов (pound sterling) = 20 шиллингов
1 крона (crown piece) =5 шиллингов
1 полукрона =2,5 шиллинга
1 флорин (florin) =2 шиллинга
1 шиллинг=12 пенсов
1 гроут=4 пенса
1 пенни=2 полпенни или 4 фартинга

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. W
·Прочтите Tекст 8 и выполните задания после текста.
The American dollar is subdivided into one hundred cents.
The dollars are issued by the Federal Reserve System, established by Congress in 1913.
Here is the text on the face of an American dollar banknote:
Federal Reserve Note
The United States of America
this note is legal tender (платежное средство) for all debts public and private
Washington, D.C.
Treasurer of the United States
Secretary of the Treasury.

On the face of America
·Capitol, which houses the Senate and the House of Representatives
Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, where Independence of the 13 British colonies was proclaimed.
All the banknotes bear the words: In God We Trust

1. Заполните пропуски по содержанию текстов 7 и 8.
The official ______________of the United Kingdom is the ____________which is ______________to one hundred pence.
Bank of England ___________banknotes and ____________coins.
On the face of English banknotes one can read the ____________________
·_ as a nurse to Turkey to take care of the wounded soldiers.
Alexander Hamilton was a famous American __________________who fought in the Independence War.
The _____________________issues dollars.

2. Расскажите, что вам известно об английских банкнотах и английских монетах.

3. Расскажите о русских денежных единицах по плану:
its denomination
its issuer
inscriptions, if any
portraits, if any
flags, if any.
РАЗДЕЛ 3. Макроэкономика
UNIT 3. Macroeconomics
Text 9.
Прочтите Tекст 9 и выполните задание после текста.
1. Many critics of globalization say that it is a major cause of poverty, that it opens developing countries to exploitation by big foreign corporations, and that it results in people in wealthy countries losing jobs when
·Какие абзацы текста наиболее точно соответствуют смыслу утверждений (A-G)?
A. Globalization benefits many people around the world by creating new jobs.
B. Economic growth of developing countries is the antipoverty weapon.
C. Globalization forces countri
Прочтите Tекст 10 и выполните задание после текста.
Gross Domestic Product or GDP is the amount of money a country makes from goods and services inside the country for a certain period of time, usually for a year.

· Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is Gross Domestic product or GDP?
2. What sectors of economy are usually analyzed?
3. When GDP is calculated in the United Kingdom?
4. What can you say about GDP in the USA?
5. How many employed population of the United States is engaged in agriculture?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Валовой внутренний продукт, сумма денег, товары, производства, сельское хозяйство, торговля, горнодобывающая промышленность, цифры, энергетический сектор, процентная доля, удовлетворяет две трети потребности страны, строительство, занятое (=работающее) население.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Gross Domestic Product, UK economy, USA economy.

Text 11.
Прочтите Tекст 11 и выполните задания после текста.
The United States of America is a highly developed industrialized country. Shipbuilding, electronics, automobile industry, aircraft industry,
·n the States are also tobacco, soy-beans, peanuts , grapes and many others. There are a lot of large and modern cities, but a great proportion of the country consists of open land dotted with (усеяна) farmhouses and small towns. The usual average town, in any part of the United States, has its Main Street with the same types of stores selling the same products. Many American residential areas tend to have a similar look. As to big cities their centres or downtowns (деловые центры) look very much alike. Downtown is the cluster of skyscrapers (небоскреб) limitations of New York giants.
New York City is die first biggest city of the States. Its population is more than eight million people. It is a financial and advertising business centre. It is also
·ducer and many others.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
What industries are highly developed in the U.S.?
What mineral deposits are there?
What plants are grown in the U.S.? Why?
What can you say about the usual average town?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений:
Благодаря различиям в климате; земли плодородны и хорошо орошаемы; выращивают
кукурузу и пшеницу; разводят много скота; большие площади заняты фруктовыми садами; вывозятся в другие штаты и страны.
3. Что говорится в тексте о:
The biggest industrial regions of the U.S.A., New York, Chicago, Huston, New Orleans
Text 12.
Прочтите Tекст 12 и выполните задания после текста.
The United
· Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What economy did the USA enter the 21st century?
2. What did the USA endure in the first half of the 20th century?
3. What did the nation enjoy in the 1990s?
4. Why is the American economic system characterized by dynamism?
5. Why will the United States be a major actor in global matters?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Вступить в 21ый век, успешные меры, мировая депрессия, острая инфляция, высокая безработица, бюджетный дефицит, реструктуризация промышленного сектора, истощение озонового слоя, уничтожение лесов, загрязнение морей, глобальное потепление.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
global depression in the first half of the 20th century;
a period of economic calm in the 1990s;
changes in American economic system;
global ecological problems.

РАЗДЕЛ 4. Микроэкономика. Бизнес компании
UNIT 4. Microeconomics. Company business
Text 13.
Прочтите Tекст 13 и выполните задания после текста.
Most businesses in the United Kingdom operate in one of the following ways: sole trader, partnership, limited liability company, branch of a foreign company.
The sole trader
· simply in Ltd.
A branch of a foreign company is a part of a company incorporated outside Great Britain but acting under the law of the U.K. Usually these companies act in the U.K. under their normal foreign names.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is the most common type of company in the U.K.?
2. Are all limited liability companies joint-stock companie ?
3. What can you say about the types of the following companies: Fine Furniture Ltd., General Foods p.l.c.
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Sole trader, farmer, garage man, joint-stock limited liability company,
private limited liability company, a company acting under the British law.

3. Заполните пропуски словами из текста
1. The names of of the firm are printed on the stationery of a partnership.
2. The names of such companies simply in Ltd.
3. Many of such companies are joint-stock companies by shareholders.

Text 14.
Прочтите Tекст 14 и выполните задание после текста.
Businesses in the U.S.A. may be organized in one of the following forms: individual business, general partnership, limited partnership, corporation, alien corporation.
An ind
· Скажите, что говорится в тексте о:
individual businesses
general partnerships
limited partnerships
alien corporations
foreign corporations
charters and certificates

Text 15.
Прочтите Tекст 15 и выполните задания после текста.
· Скажите, что обозначают следующие числительные:
14 630 1918 366,937 114 billion
2. Соотнесите слова из текста и их определения:
1.consumer a) the necessary tools, clothing etc. for a particular purpose
2.variety b) repair
·, type or difference
3. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами из рамки:
Consists of
· extensive renovations
· goods
· business segment
· multinational
· equipment
· division, variety
· business domains
· provide services
· launched
· home appliances
· r
·ng which needs extensive .
We produce industrialfor car manufacturers and.after-sale .
The retailer offers a 25% discount on all electrical.until the end of the week.
4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
What kind of company is the Panasonic Corporation?
What does it produce?
Where is its head office?
Where does Panasonic operate?
What is the company’s structure? Which business domains is it active in?
What are the company’s main competitors?

Задание 8. Ниже приводятся профили компаний. Расскажите об одной из них, используя информацию из таблицы.
Name of company

Head office
London, UK
Chicago, USA

Business domains
Retail trade, cinema, hotels, communication, financial services, investments, travel.
Mobile phones, electronic systems, components and services, two-way radios, defence and space electronics, computers.

Main markets
23 countries including the USA, the UK, Europe, Australia, Japan.

Annual sales
Ј 3 billion
$ 30.2 billion

Text 16.
Прочтите Tекст 16 и выполните задания после текста.
“Profit” in everyday life means advantage or good obtained from something. Besides, it can mean money gained in business.
“Profit” for an accountant means simply the difference between total receipts and total c
·ull value of a worker's production" is based on his work, not on how much profit is created.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is profit?
2. What is profit for an accountant?
3. What does an economist take into account to calculate profit?
4. What is essential characteristic of capitalism?
5. What do opponents of capitalism protest about?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Прибыль, различные понятия прибыли, полученная выручка, получение прибыли, реализация прибыли, продажа продукта, частные собственники, полная стоимость, заработная плата.
Text 17.
Прочтите Tекст 17 и выполните задания после текста.
Taxation is the process by which the people pay the expenses
·mounts. The transferor is liable for the gift taxes but if the transferor fails to pay the gift tax, the transferee may be held liable for its payment.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is a tax?
2. What is Value Added Tax imposed upon?
3. What Income Tax imposed upon?
4. What tax is paid based upon the value of property?
5. What happens if the transferor fails to pay the gift tax?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Налог, сумма денег, взимаемая с, налог на доход, налог на собственность, налог с продаж, налог на добавленную стоимость, налог накладывается на, рыночная стоимость, налогоплательщик, владельцы собственности, единый налог на наследование и дарение.

Text 18.
Прочтите Tекст 18 и выполните задания после текста.
Companies pay corporation taxes nine months after the end of the accounting period. Corporation taxes are charged for a financial year (also called fiscal year) which runs from 1 April to the follo
·. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What are direct and indirect taxes?
2. What is a fiscal year? How long is it?
3. What taxes are paid by corporations?
4. What taxes are paid by employees?
5. What is P.45?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Налогообложение; оплачивать расход; налоги платятся с дохода, корпоративный налог, после окончания отчетного периода, налоги взимаются за финансовый год, налог на доход, работники, налоговый код, вычитаемый налог, вычеты рассчитываются, налоговый орган.

3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Taxation, direct taxes, indirect taxes, higher prices, income tax, P.45.
Text 19.
Прочтите Tекст 19 и выполните задания после текста.
From the Trial Balance, prepared by the bookkeeper, the accountant creates a Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet.
A Profit and Loss Statement or a Profit and Loss Acc
·es and capital of the firm, make up a Balance Sheet. This shows the net value or book value of the company.

1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих терминов:

profit and loss statement
balance sheet
trading profit
rent received
interest paid
profit before tax
profit retained
accounts receivable
merchandise on hand

2. Заполните пропуски словами из текста:
1) A profit and Loss Statement the income or loss of the company for the period.
2) The accountant a Profit and Loss Statement and Balance sheet.
3) The Profit and Loss Statement is only on the basis of those accounts of the Ledger which affect the profit and loss of the company.

РАЗДЕЛ 5. Деловая корреспонденция. Контракты и счет-фактуры
UNIT 5. Business correspondence. Contracts and invoices
Text 20.
Прочтите Tекст 20 и выполните задания после текста.
When sellers quote prices in their offers they usually state on what terms, at this price, they will deliver the goods. The price wil
·ost, insurance and freight) - the price will cover the cost of the goods, insurance expenses and freight expenses or transportation expenses, to the port of destination;
– С & F (cost and freight) - the price will cover the cost of the goods and freight to
· the port of destination;
– FOR (free on rail)- the price will include the cost of the goods and transportation expenses to the railway station only
Here are a few examples of how terms of delivery can be mentioned in offers:
– The price is USD 2,000.00 per ton FOB New York.
– The quoted price is GBP 1,200.00 each CIF Murmansk.
– We can offer the goods at the price of GBP 78.00 per metre С & F Liverpool.
– The goods are offered on a FOR basis.
The date of the bill of lading issued in the name of the Buyers is to be considered the date of delivery.
Payment is usually made by a letter of credit on presentation of the following documents:
1) Sellers’ Commercial Invoice
2) Full set of clean on board Bills of Lading
3) Quality Certificate issued by the laboratory
4) Weight Certificate issued by the recognized company
5) Certificate of Origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
6) Insurance Policy issued by the State Insurance company.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. Is delivery of goods considered by sellers when they quote prices?
2. What is Incoterms?
3. What does the price include if the goods are offered on FOB terms?
4. What does the price include if the goods are offered on CIF terms?
5. What does the price include if the goods are offered on С & F terms?
6. What does the price include if the goods are offered on FOR terms?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Выставить цену, предложения, доставить товар, условия поставки, продажа товаров, стоимость товаров и транспортировки, порт отгрузки, страховые расходы, грузовые расходы, порт назначения, способ транспортировки, перевозятся на борту корабля, перевозятся по железной дороге, за тонну, за метр.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Price, terms of delivery, Incoterms, the most popular terms of delivery.
Text 21.
Прочтите Tекст 21 и выполните задания после текста.
Offers usually state the terms on which the goods are to be paid or terms of payment.
Terms of payment usually mean the currency, time of payment, mode of payment and many details.
In foreign trade transactions various modes of payment are practised, among which the most popular are as follows:
– by a banker's transfer;
– by a letter of credit;
– for collection;
– by drafts;
– on an open account.
Sometimes mixed terms are practiced. That depends on the value of the goods, volume of the goods, time of delivery and many other factors.
Here is an example of how terms of payment can be stipulated in the offer for some expensive sophisticated equipment:
We propose the following terms of payment...
Ten percent of the total sum should be paid in advance by telegraphic banker's transfer.
Fifty percent of the total sum should be paid by telegraphic banker's transfer within 30 days after your bank receives shipping documents.
Forty percent of the total sum should be paid by drafts at 90 days' sight.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. Do offers usually state terms of payment?
2. What particulars do terms of payment cover?
3. What terms of payment are practiced in foreign trade?
4. On what does the choice of terms of payment depend?
5. What example of terms of payment is quoted in the text?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Предложение, условия платежа, товары оплачиваются, сделки международной торговли, способы платежей, банковский перевод, аккредитив, валюта на инкассо, тратта (вексель), по открытому счёту, ценность товара, объем товара, время доставки, общая сумма, произвести предоплату, погрузочные документы.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Terms of payment, modes of payment.
Text 22.
Прочтите Tекст 22 и выполните задания после текста.
Commercial invoices are usually issued by sellers or sellers' banks after the goods are shipped. Together with shipping documents invoices are usually sent to the buyers’ bank for payment. Commercial invoices generally contain the following information:
– number and date of the invoice;
– number and date of the contract;
– date of delivery;
– number and date of the transport document;
– description of the goods;
– price per unit;
– quantity;
– total amount to be paid.
Here is a part of a specimen invoice:
Invoice No R04-22
Date: 27 November, 1994
Contract Reference: Contract 32-1 of 4 September, 1994
Payment terms: by letter of credit
Sold to: Petro Co., Liverpool, England
Shipped: by Hafta Co., Liverpool, England
Vessel: Alexander Pushkin
Date of shipment: 20 November, 1994
Port of shipment: Riga
Port of destination: Liverpool
Description: Chemicals ST, CIF Liverpool
Quantity: 5000 kg.
Unit price: GBP 175.00 per kilo
Total amount: GBP 875, 000. 00
Currency: English Pound Sterling
Bank: United Bank, Liverpool
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. When are commercial invoices issued?
2. What information is usually included in the invoice?
3. Look at the part of the specimen invoice n the text above. When were the goods shipped?
4. How were the goods paid? How much goods were shipped?
5. What is the price per unit and the total amount to be paid?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Коммерческий инвойс, выставить инвойс, транспортно-сопроводительные документы, дата доставки, условия платежа, аккредитив, судно, дата отгрузки, порт назначения, наименование товара, цена за единицу; цена за тонну; общая сумма к оплате, валюта.

РАЗДЕЛ 6. Маркетинг
UNIT 6. Marketing
Text 23.
Прочтите Tекст 23 и выполните задания после текста.
Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and, on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the process of moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, selling, credit, traffic and marketing research.
The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And through advertising he attempts to influence the customer to buy. Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of the consumer's dollar. Thе trend in the USA has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centres has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandise and plenty of parking facilities.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What does marketing mean?
2. What activities does marketing consist of?
3. What do marketing operations include?
Text 24.
Прочтите Tекст 24 и выполните задания после текста.
Marketing concept includes various elements such as planning, research, new product development, sales, communications, advertising, etc. Marketing starts with production and later studies all its stages before, during and after production. In the sales area, marketing provides information about forward demand for products and services.
Advertising is an important element of the marketing plan. It is used to increase sales by making the product or service known to a wider audience, and by stressing its superior qualities. A company can advertise in many ways, depending on how much it can spend on advertising. The different media for advertising include television, radio, newspapers, magazines and direct mail, by which advertisers send letters, brochures and leaflets directly to potential customers advertising is a highly developed business a lot of money is spent on advertising in every country.
Marketing planning is an integral part of the marketing mix and it depends on a thorough situation analysis.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
What does marketing concept include?
What does marketing start with?
What information does marketing provide in the sales area?
What is an important element of the marketing plan?
What do the different media for advertising include?
What kind of business is advertising?
How much money is spent on advertising in every country?
What does marketing planning depend on?

2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
Понятие маркетинга включает различные элементы, такие как планирование, исследование, разработка новой продукции, продажа, переговоры, реклама и т.д.
Маркетинг обеспечивает информацией о перспективе спроса на продукцию компании или обслуживания.
Реклама – высокоразвитый бизнес.
Маркетинг начинается с производства и изучает все его стадии до, во время и после производства.
Рекламодатели отправляют письма, брошюры, листовки непосредственно потенциальным покупателям.
Много денег тратится на рекламу в каждой стране.
Маркетинговое планирование – неотъемлемая часть системы маркетинговых мероприятий и зависит от анализа ситуации.

3. Поставьте глаголы-сказуемые в соответствующей видо-временной форме:
We (to thank) you for your letter of March 5-th.
Last week our clients (to write) to us that they (to need) the machine tools urgently.
For some reason of other they (to stop) the construction work for sometime, but they will resume it very soon.
Exhibitions and fairs (to hold) every year in many countries of the world.
Mr. Johnson (to give) all the necessary information on the model during his visit to our office.
They (to be) our regular buyers of the mining equipment from Russia for the last years.
We (to consider) your price competitive.

4. Выпишите из текста “Marketing and advertising” предложения, в которых глаголы-сказуемые употреблены в страдательном залоге.
5. Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными:
Advertising is an important element of the marketing plan. (What?)
All the necessary information was sent to the firm last week. (When?)
The accommodation was reserved by cable. (How?)
A new contract has just been signed. (What?)
Our president is satisfied with the results of the talks. (Who?)
Text 25.
Прочтите Tекст 25 и выполните задания после текста.
A market is anywhere that buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods and services. Market research is of great importance for any business. Market research can be defined as a collection, collation and analysis of data relating to the marketing and consumption of goods and services. For example, firms gather information about the likely consumers of a new product and use the data to help in their decision making process. Market research includes the following aspects:
a demand for a product
what style, shape color or Form it should take
the price people can pay for it
information about themselves - their age, likes, interests and life styles.
Market research can either be carried out by a firm itself or by a market research agency. The research involves collecting primary data. This is information which has to be collected to gain marketing advantages (получить маркетинговое преимущество над...) over other firms. Most primary information is gathered by asking consumers questions or by observing their behavior. The most accurate way to do this is to ask or observe all consumers of a particular product. However, this may be either impractical or expensive. That's why there are some other research methods a business can use. Among them are: questionnaires (анкета), personal and telephone interviews, postal surveys, observation and many others.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
What is a market?
What aspects does it include?
What research methods do you know?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Покупатели и продавцы, собирать информацию, иметь большое значение,
потенциальные потребители, процесс принятия решения, самый точный
способ, дорогой.
3. Заполните пропуски словами из текста:
1) Market research either be carried out by a firm itself or by a market research agency.
2) This information to be collected to gain marketing advantages over other firms.
3) Market research can be defined as a collection, collation and analysis of data relating to the marketing and consumption of goods and services.

РАЗДЕЛ 7. Банки
UNIT 7. Banks
Text 26.
Прочтите Tекст 26 и выполните задания после текста.
Bank generally, a corporation formed for the purpose of maintaining savings accounts and checking accounts, issuing loans and credit, and dealing in negotiable securities issued by governmental entities and corporations.
By law, banks are usually permitted to engage in activities and offer numerous services incidental to and beyond those listed above, e.g., buying and selling gold and silver. Banks earn money by investing their customers’ deposits. Banks protect the customers against loss and are strictly regulated.
Commercial bank by far, the most common and most unrestricted type of bank. It is allowed the widest range of services it offers and the investment it makes. Its major limitation is that it must keep on reserve a larger percentage of its deposit. This reserve is used to cover the bank’s daily needs, to guard against a money shortage at the bank and a resulting panic, and to shield the customers against the bank’s failure and the consequent loss of deposits.
Savings bank’s major service was the “time” savings account, or deposit, from which money, once deposited, could be withdrawn only after a set period elapsed or 30 days’ notice was given. By law a savings bank’s investments are usually limited to certain corporate and government bonds and securities. Its advantages are that it can pay higher interest rates than commercial bank, has certain tax benefits, and can keep a smaller percentage of its deposits on reserve. Usually, the bank is owned by its depositors as creditors whose dividends are paid in form of interest on their accounts.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is bank in general?
2. What are bank’s objectives?
3. How do banks earn money?
4. What is the “time” savings account?
5. What are advantages of savings banks?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Хранить сберегательные счета, выдавать ссуды и кредиты, оборотные ценные бумаги, государственные юридические лица, заниматься деятельностью, предлагать услуги, зарабатывать деньги, вклады клиентов, защищать клиентов от банкротства банка, потеря вкладов, сберегательный банк, процентная ставка.

3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Banks’ services, commercial bank, savings bank.
Text 27.
Прочтите Tекст 27 и выполните задания после текста.
Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in Russia and CIS. Sberbank dominates the Russian banking sector in terms of total assets. It is the key lender to the national economy. Sberbank's equity totals RUB1.7 trln, which corresponds to 27.4% of aggregate capital of Russian banks. The founder and principal shareholder is the Central Bank of Russia, which owns 50% of the Bank's authorized capital plus 1 voting share. The rest of the shares are held by international and domestic investors.
Established in 1841, during Sberbank's 170-year history, it has grown into a universal commercial bank with diversified businesses. Sberbank provides banking services to individuals and all types of corporate clients including big corporates, small and medium-sized businesses as well as state-owned, sub-federal units and municipalities.
Sberbank provides a broad range of banking services to clients, including deposits, various types of loans (consumer, car loans and mortgages) as well as bank cards, money transfers, bank insurance and brokerage.
Sberbank provides banking services in all of the 83 sub-federal units of Russia and operates a unique branch network of 17 Regional Banks and more than 18,400 branches. The Bank also offers services through a new distribution channel - one of the world's largest network of ATM machines and self-service terminals (~68,000). Sberbank is also actively developing its Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online applications with a massive client base totaling over 5.4 mln of active users.
Sberbank has always been one of the best brands in Russia and universally recognizable household name standing for stability and reliability. In recent years, however, Sberbank has focused on innovation and modernization of its infrastructure and technology.
1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is the status of Sberbank in Russia and CIS?
2. What is Sberbank's equity?
3. What is the founder and principal shareholder? What does it own?
4. Whom does Sberbank provide its banking services to?
5. What does the broad range of Sberbank's services include?
6. What branches does Sberbank have?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
СНГ, общие активы, акционерный капитал, суммарный капитал, учредитель, голосующая акция, физические лица, корпоративные клиенты, средний бизнес, банковские услуги, вклады, ссуды, ипотека, денежные переводы, страховка, сеть филиалов, банкомат, клиентская база, надежность.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Equity, the Central Bank of Russia, banking services, regional branches, Sberbank as the best brand in Russia.
Text 28.
Прочтите Tекст 28 и выполните задания после текста.
Banker’s services cover an enormous range of activities today.
A full list would include:
1. Current account services
They are extended to anyone whom banks regard as reliable. A new depositor should be recommended by his employer or should present a reference. If this proves satisfactory the bank will accept a deposit from him which will be entered in his current account.
A cheque book will then be issued free of charge. Once the customer has received his cheque book he may use the cheques to order the banker to pay our sums of money from his current account. Money is being paid into and paid out of the account as often as the customer finds convenient.
2. Deposit account services
Companies and individuals can deposit cash funds that are not needed at present. They need it or after a certain period in case of time deposit.
3. Savings account services
It enables small savers to put money away for particular purposes, for example, for holidays.
4. Other services:
– foreign exchange;
– foreign exchange transactions;
– services in foreign trade payments;
– granting loans;
– services in investment management;
– safe custody;
– economic information;

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. Whom are current account services extended to?
2. When is a cheque book issued?
3. What cash funds are deposited by companies and individuals?
4. What taxes are paid by employees?
5. What is P.45?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Банковские услуги, услуги по расчетным счетам, надежный, новый вкладчик, предоставить рекомендацию, принять вклад, чековая книга, выдается бесплатно, оплатить со счета, услуги по депозитным счетам, денежные средства, откладывать деньги на конкретные цели, обмен иностранной валюты, сделки в иностранной валюте, выдача ссуд, ответственное хранение.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Current account services, deposit account services, savings account services.

РАЗДЕЛ 8. Международная торговля
UNIT 8. Foreign trade
Text 29.
Прочтите Tекст 29 и выполните задания после текста.
Countries buy and sell various goods as well as various services. Goods bought from abroad, such as food, cars, machines, medicines, books and many others, are called visible imports. Goods sold abroad are called visible exports.
Services, such as insurance, freight, tourism, technical expertise and others, are called invisible imports and invisible exports. The total amount of money a country, makes including money from visible and invisible exports, for a certain period of time, usually for a year, is Gross National Product, or GNP.
The difference between a country’s total earnings or GNP, and its total expenditure is called its balance of payments.
The difference between what a country receives for its visible exports and what it pays for its visible imports is its balance of trade. If a country sells more goods than it buys, it will have a surplus. If a country buys more than it sells, it will have а deficit.
In the 19th century Britain dominated international trade, accounting for about one-third of world’s exports. Early in the 20th century its position changed. The volume of world's exports increased but the percentage of British exports in world trade declined significantly.
The United Kingdom's principal exports are vehicles, machinery, manufactured goods and textiles. Her main exports are food staffs and most of the raw materials for industry. Britain imports half the food it needs. The earnings from foreign tourism are one of Britain’s important industries.

1. Выберите правильный вариант слова в скобках:
Goods sold to other countries are (visible, invisible) exports.
Services sold to other countries are invisible (imports, exports).
The difference between total earnings of a country and its total expenditure is called its balance of (payments, trade).
The difference between a country’s GNP and its total expenditure is called its balance of (payments, trade).
If a country sells more goods than it buys it will have a (deficit, surplus).
2. Закончите предложение в соответствии с текстом:
If a country buys more goods than it sells it will have a .
Gross National Product is the total amount .
Gross Domestic product is .
Invisible exports and import are .
A country’s trade balance is .
3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What is called visible exports?
2. What is called invisible exports?
3. How is balance of payments calculated?
4. What goods does Britain export?
5.What goods does the United Kingdom import?
4. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Различные товары и услуги, товары, купленные за рубежом, лекарства, экспорт товаров, невидимый импорт, общая сумма денег, валовой национальный продукт, общие расходы, платежный баланс, излишек, дефицит, объем мирового экспорта, сырье, промышленные товары, продовольственные товары.
Text 30.
Прочтите Tекст 30 и выполните задания после текста.
The European Economic Community, or the Common Market, or the EEC was established in 1957. The original six member countries of the Community were France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Then a few other countries joined the Community. Britain, together with the Irish Republic and Denmark, joined the E.E.C. on 1st January, 1973.
Now the Community forms an enormous trading area of almost 250 million people, and accounts for two fifths of the world's trade. Today's Community (it's usually called the EC now, not the EEC) works hard to promote European business, industry and free trade. It's not just an economic organization. These days, EC decisions and laws affect almost every aspect of life in the member countries, including education, employment, energy, environment, foreign aid, human rights, the law, medical and scientific research, transport.
The membership allows imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties.
All member countries contribute to a common budget for certain purposes, based on relative total output of goods and services, or gross national product.
Under the Community regulations, people of member countries may freely enter another member state to travel or to work there.
The Community has the following institutions:
The European Parliament embers of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directly elected every five years by voters in their own countries. There are 518 of them. France, Britain, Germany and Italy have 81 each, Spain has 60
The Council of Ministers consists of government ministers from all member countries who meet regularly to talk about Community business.
The Court of Justice
The headquarters of the European Economic Community are located in Brussels, Belgium.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
When was the E.E.C. established?
What countries established the E.E.C.?
How many people live in the E.E.C.?
What privileges do E.E.C. citizens have, coming to those countries?
Where are the E.E.C. headquarters?
2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:
Европейское экономическое сообщество, "Общий рынок", страны-члены, вступить в ЕЕС, продвигать Европейский бизнес, затрагивать почти каждый аспект жизни, образование, энергетика, окружающая среда, права человека, научные исследования, без пошлины, по более низким таможенным пошлинам, суммарный выпуск товаров и услуг, валовой национальный продукт.
3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:
Member countries of the Community;
Trading area of the Community;
EC decisions;
EC institutions.
Text 31.
Прочтите Tекст 31 и напишите 8 вопросов к тексту.
World Trade Organization (Всемирная торговая организация) is the successor of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It was established on 1 January, 1995, and is the legal (законодательный) and institutional (институционный) basis of the world trading system.
The essential functions of the WTO are:
execution of trade agreements;
acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;
seeking to resolve trade disputes;
overseeing (осуществлять надзор) national trade policies;
cooperating with other international institutions involved in global economic policy-making.
Members are to grant to the products of other members no less favourable treatment (не менее благоприятный режим) than to the products of any other country. Tariffs or customs duties are legal in the WTO.
The WTO Agreement on agriculture is designed to provide increased fairness (справедливость) in farm trade. The WTO Agreement on intellectual property will improve conditions of competition. WTO encourages industrialized countries to assist trade of developing nations.

The WTO authorities are:
the Ministerial Conference (министерская конференция) (было проведено 7 конференций)
the General Council (Генеральный Совет)
There are three Councils in WTO:
for Trade in Goods (Cовет по товарной торговле)
for Trade in Services (Cовет по торговле услугами)
for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (Cовет по вопросам торговых аспектов прав интеллектуальной собственности)
There are four Committees in WTO:
on Trade and Development
on Balance of Payments
on Trade and Environment
on Budget, Finance and Administration
The Secretariat is located in Geneva.
* General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (Генеральное соглашение по тарифам и торговле, заключено в 1947 году, после войны, с целью восстановления экономики. Основная цель – снижение тарифов в торговле)

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