Урок английского языка по теме: Защита окружающей среды
Урок английского языка в 8 классе.
Тема: «Защита окружающей среды»
Развивающие задачи:
1. Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку.
2. Развивать и углублять знания по экологии.
3. Развивать познавательную активность учащихся, навыки информационного чтения и диалогической речи.
Коррекционные задачи:
Коррекция произносительной стороны речи, слухового восприятия и внимания на основе упражнений.
Воспитательные задачи:
1. Развивать экологическую культуру детей.
2. Воспитывать ответственное отношение к природной среде, исключающее нанесение ущерба, загрязнения и разрушения окружающей среды.
3. Развивать у детей бережное отношение к исчезающим видам растений, животных, птиц, насекомых.
Оборудование: 2 папки с исчезающими видами животных, растений, птиц, насекомых, карта государственных заповедников нашей стран, плакаты на экологические темы под лозунгом «ThinkGlobally, ActLocally!», плакат «LitterLast».
План урока
I. Начало урока
1. Оргмомент.
2. Вступительное слово учителя.
II. Постановка проблемы: Загрязнения окружающей среды.
Обсуждение проблем экологии.
Что изучает наука экология.
Причины загрязнения рек, озер, морей, океанов, земли и атмосферы.
Проблемы загрязнения.
Проблемы утилизации пищевых и бытовых отходов.
III. Решение проблемы: Охрана окружающей среды.
Что мы должны делать, чтобы сохранить нашу Землю для будущих поколений.
Защита диких растений и животных.
Экономия электричества.
Экономия воды.
Эффектное использование бумаги и переработка отходов.
IV. Заключение
V. Окончание урока.
Итог урока. Выставление оценок.
I Оргмомент.
Teacher: Good afternoon children! I am glad to see you. Is everybody or time? I hope nobody is absent today?
Pupil: Yes, all the pupils are or time, but(Ivanov) is absent. He is ill. He has caught a cold.
Teacher: Oh, I am sorry to hear that, but I hope he will be well soon.
Pupil: Yes, he is better now, but he is not quite well.
Teacher: Today some quests from our school are present at our lesson. We must greet them on behalf of our students. Would you do it, please?
Pupil: I am happy to greet you on behalf of our answers. We like English and try to study it as well as we can.
Вступительное слово.
Teacher: On our lesson we shall speak about the environmental problems in our country, about the protection of nature and what must we do to make the world a better place.
But first of all, tell me please what does the world «ecology» mean?
Pupil(1): Ecology is a science about nature and about relations of man with it.
Pupil(2 ): Practically, it is a science studying whether we, human beings, keep our common house, our planet Earth, in a good state and how we use the gifts it is giving us: water, air, land, plants, animals and minerals.
Pupil(3): Ecology is a science which studies the relation ship between all forms of life an our planet with it’s environment.
Teacher: What pollutes, basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans many land territories and atmosphere?
Pupil: They are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear and other wastes. When air, land or water becomes dirty, we say it is polluted.
We know that polluted air, land and water are harmful to plants, animals and people.
Teacher: What are the names of the environmental problems of today?
Pupil: Air pollution, smog, water pollution, destruction of natural resources.
The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere protect the world from the sun’s harmful rays. The chemical used widely in aerosol cans, refrigerators and other products are destroying this precious layer.
Teacher: Why the electric power stations are dangerous?
The electric power stations burn coal to produce the energy that keeps your light on. That burning coal gives off gases that came the green house effect and acid rain.
Teacher: How long do you thing litter lasts?
Pupil: If you throw a glass bottle on the ground it will litter the Earth forever. Never throw glass bottles on the ground. You damage the land. Aluminum cans and plastic bottles last up to 100 years.
Teacher: Look at this scheme. There is appoximate decomposition time in a landfill.
How long do you think litter lasts? (работа с таблицей).
Teacher: Do you ever throw litter on the ground?
Pupil(s): No, I never do/ Yes, I sometimes do.
Teacher: Don’t leave a litter is the street.
Teacher : Is litter a problem is your town?
Pupil(s): Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Teacher: What must we do to make our life happy, healthy and beneficial? How can we keep our Earth clean?
Pupil: We must not throw litter on the ground. We must always throw garbage in the garbage can. Litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wild life. Small animals can get hurt on sharps cans or broken bottles.
Teahcer: Remember these words please!
Now we shall speak about water pollution.
Open your book at page 148 ex 64. Read the text once and say what it is about.
Обсуждение экологических проблем.
1. What is one of the greatest dangers to human life or Earth?
The pollution of environment is one of the greatest dangers of human life on Earth.
2. How is land polluted?
Man has been truing to make his life easier for many centuries. In doing so, he extended machines and instruments. They have been working and polluting the world we live in.
3. What is happening to the rivers and seas?
The seas and rivers are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste. These wastes added to the mud brought down by the river are speeding up the mud brought down by the river are speeding up the process by which a river becomes useless for shipping. The fish die in such dirty water. Nothing can live on grow in the polluted water.
4. Do you think it is possible to save the Aral Sea?
I think it is not possible to save the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea is on the drink of extinction.
The problem is in the area around area around the Aral Sea has been caused by economical activities.
5. Why is air pollution dangerous?
Modern plants and factories put their waste materials into atmosphere which are carried by winds for great distance and pollute the environment.
6. Are nuclear power stations dangerous?
The nuclear power stations are dangerous, because they are polluted land territories, atmosphere nuclear wastes.
7. What happened in Chernobyl?
Some years ago it was a tragedy in Chernobyl and many people died from radiation.
8. What will happen to our planet if nothing is done to prevent land, water and air pollution?
If nothing is done about it over one million species of animals, plants, insects disappear in twenty years from now.
If nothing is done about it one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
9. Do people realize the importance of environmental protection?
People are begging to realize that environmental problems are not somebody else’s. They join and support various international organizations and green parties. Many people starter to realize that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary.
The people all other the world do everything to protect their nature, to make their country, to make their life happier.
III Охрана окружающей среды.
Teacher: What do you know about Greenpeace?
Pupil: Greenpeace is the international organization which actively works to protect the environment from harm.
Teacher: I think there are a lot of ways of keeping the planet healthy. We must care of nature and help wild animals and wild flowers.
It is important to protect wild flowers in your mind?
Pupil: Yes, it is wild plants are being destroyed on a scale never known before. 22 flower species extinct since records began, 317 standing on the brink. Many people like to pick up wild flowers.
Teacher: Look at these pictures. There are disappearing species of animals, birds, plants and insects. We must try to keep them on the earth.
On this map you can find seas, rivers and lakes and nature reserves which are under the special protection.
The problem of the environment is much spoken about our lesson. But now we shall speak about the economical use of the national resources.
Teacher: What can you do to save electricity?
Pupil: Turn off the lights when you leave the room and turn off light in the room that you really don’t need. Turn off the TV or the stereo then you are not watching or listening.
Teacher: How can we save water?
Pupil: We always turn off taps when we don’t need water any more.
Teacher: How can we make the most efficient use of paper?
Pupil: Most paper printing on one side. We can ask our parents to bring home some of this paper so you can use the blank side for drawing or writing.
Teacher: Why should newspaper is reused?
Pupil: Old newspaper should be reused because marking newspaper from “Old” paper requires less energy than making paper from trees. Besides it takes 500 000 trees just to make the newspaper we reach every Monday.
IV. In conclusion, I want to tell you, if we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better and heal their world, we must learn to protect the weather, the air, the earth from pollution.
All together we can help change the world for themselves and for future generations.
V. Our lesson is nearing its end. I hope it will be perfect.
Children, I’m pleased with your work today. I’ll give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you. The lesson is over. Bye. See you.