Проект детской площадки во дворе школы на английском языке Как сделать первый проект
How to make a project for the first time?
The students of the 7a form do their first project of the children”s playground in the yard of their school.
lefttop“ Merry playground”
Made by the students of the 7a form.The teacher Miheeva
Tatiana Alexandrovna
Some steps the teacher should follow:
Step № 1. Define the item of the project (the problem).
Step № 2. Devide the students of the group in two parts.
Step №3. Let the students choose any group they like.
Step № 4. Give the students instructions, which they should follow.
Step № 5. Give them time to think the instructions over and to discuss them.
Step № 6. Listen to each group”s solutions and proposals.
Step № 7. Help children to define the role of each student.
Step № 8. Find out if all the students have an access to electronic devices.
Step № 9. Suggest your help if they need it in the process of work.
Step № 10. Appoint the time when your students must bring their drafts.
Step № 11. Listen to each group”s solutions and proposals.
Step № 12. Discuss with all students and choose the best variant of the project.
Step № 13. Write the project and try to win the grant (money) to realize it.
Some steps the students should follow in the process of making any project.
Step № 1. Define and describe the item of the project (the problem).
Step № 2. Put the aim and the tasks of the project.
Step № 3. Look for similar projects in the Internet to find brilliant ideas.
Step № 4. Listen to each group-mate solutions and proposals.
Step № 5. Write the principle points of your project.
Step № 6. Find out which conditions (resources) you have, and which you have not.
Step № 7. Write the list of people or organizations you will ask to help you.
Step № 8 . Appoint the date of the beginning and the finishing of the project.
Step № 9. Make the calculations (price list) of all works for your project.
Step № 10. Define the results which you expect.
Don”t forget to write the list of the literature you have used in the process of making your project.
Write the project and try to win the grant (money) to realize it.
Step № 1. Define and describe the problem of the project.
1. Why should we do our project.
We, the students of class 7a, want to do a project of improvement of our schoolyard, and in summer we are going to realize our project with our parents and high school students. We will build a small town or a playground for children of the lower grades. This idea appeared a year ago, but we didn't know what to begin with. High school students of our school inspired us.
The problem is that we really need a playground or a small town for children in our schoolyard.
First of all, children from primary school often play in the schoolyard after their lessons. In winter, there is, of course, what to do: to ski or to skate, to play snow – balls. But sometimes it is dangerous because you can get into the class window on the first floor.
Sometimes teachers ask children to go away, because they make a lot of noise.
In summer children cannot hide from the bright sunny rays, because there are no trees in the yard.
Small children from the summer camp cannot play and run or exercise because
there are no objects for doing that, swings or merry-go-round in the yard.
Step № 2. Put the aim and the tasks of the project.
The aim of our project is build a healthy and economical playground for children in our schoolyard.
We called our project "economical" because most objects in our town we want to do with our hands and from materials that we will not buy.
The objects of our town that we ourselves cannot buy because of lack of money, we'll ask to buy our sponsors, which we need to find now.
Some of the objects we will ask to do our parents (dads) who will not refuse to help us.
We called our project "healthy" because children will move, grow, build muscles here.
Because in the heat they will be protected from the hot rays in the cool shade of the trees.
Because looking at the colored and merry figurines in our town, they will get a good mood.
Step № 3. Look for similar projects in the Internet to find brilliant ideas.
We found some interesting pictures in Internet as an example of benches, swings and other objects for our playground.
Here are some of them.
Two nice summer – houses for rest.
lefttopTwo swings, one of which we can buy and the other we can do, using simple materials, for example, wood.
We should ask our dads or up- grade students to help us.
We think they are not dangerous, because they are not high.
Of course, it is necessary to build a small fountain: it will be useful especially in a very hot day and very picturesque. But maybe it is difficult to do them.
We also like these two flower beds, they are nice and not complicated.
And this very- very small, but very- very beautiful pond we like very much.
Step № 4. Listen to each group-mate solutions and proposals.
We discussed the objects, offered by our group – mates, and decided that they are expensive and not safe.
This proposal seemed to us not economical and unsafe because:
The project will cost us more than 120.000 rubles,
it seemed unsafe, as there are large stones, on which you can hit,
objects do not allow us to do the exercises, move, but just to look at them and enjoy, it looks more like a park than a playground.
And we offered some other objects, which we think are less expensive and more safe.
To make the project economical and safe we should use such materials as: old wheels, pieces of trees, second-hand materials, that we have at school, and other materials that are not harmful for health.
For example, to place on our playground such objects and items.
These bright summer – houses for rest are not so expensive.
Flowerbeds can be more original:
But for games and workouts we can make such simulators.
Step № 5. Write the principle points of your project.
We will have a sandbox, in which can play not only the children of the kindergarten age, but also pupils of 1 and 2 class.
1485901924050Under a shady tree, we can put these original benches, on which several girls or boys can sit, facing each other. We offer to make a "trainer for legs", which will be a track covered with small granite drops, which can be found on a nearby construction site.
From the first prospect we after disputes took a pond that in winter will be a skating rink. In summer it will serve to cool legs, because water temperature will be lower than air temperature.
From the first prospect we took a swing, because it's one of the most favorite entertainment of children.
Step № 6. Find out which conditions (resourses) you have, and which you have not. What can you do yourselves.To start our project and move from the dead point, we think we should take the following steps:
Invite City Duma deputy Ivanov Maksim Evgenyevich, youth group , parents, who want to participate in the project, or to provide material assistance.
Tell them about our problem and our project.
Carry out propaganda work through posters, advertisement on the school website, presentations at parent meetings and in classrooms.
Plant flower seedlings in pots in the school.
Prepare tools, buy paints, brushes, ask drivers to bring wheels…
Make up a schedule that would begin with the June 1 and will last for 18 days. We think that during this time we will do our project.
The schedule might be:
Remove old bushes.
Cut off all the lower branches of trees.
Paint the wheels in different colors.
Bring the sand.
Make 2 flowerbeds and plant flowers.
Install swings, benches, summer houses, dig tires for safe exercise.
Dig a hole for the pond. Pour water.
The playground will be ready. Welcome to!
Step № 7. Write the list of people or organizations you will ask to help you.
City Duma deputy Ivanov Maksim Evgenyevich.
The Krasnoflotsky District Authority.
The Former students of our school.
The volunteers from young people, who cares of our children.
The director of our school Klimova Irina Alexandrovna.
Our parents and high school students.
Step № 8. Appoint the date of the beginning and the finishing of the project.
The project will begin with the June 1 and will last for 18 days.
But we will have about 30 days to prepare:
Carry out propaganda work through posters, advertisement on the school website, presentations at parent meetings and in classrooms.
Plant flower seedlings in pots at school.
Prepare tools, buy paints, brushes, ask drivers to bring wheels…
So our project will last for 2 months: May and June.
Step № 9. Make the calculations (price list) of all works for our project.
Materials Cost
Summer house 14.000 rub.
Swings high 6.000 rub.
Swing low3.500 rub.
Seats for ship 1.200 rub.
Celofan for pond800 rub.
Sand for sandboxesSponsor shipTank of wheelsSponsorshipPaint colorful5000 rub.
600 rub.
Brush tool and paint thinner for hand washing. 500. rub
Hardboard Sponsor shipFlower seedlings 1000 rub.+
Sponsor shipFacing flowerbeds and swimming pools. 500 rub.
Economic and legal base of our project.
Now, according to our calculations, our playground will cost us more than in 3 times cheaper, approximately 33-35,000 rubles.
Part of the materials we will replace by materials from our sponsors,
Our parents will help us to shorten cost of works and high school students. Legally we can have permission to build the playground from the headmaster, because the playground territory belongs to the school.
Step № 10. Define the results which you expect.
We will build a very economical and safe playground for our school and for its students.
The list of literature.
The UN Convention on the rights of the child.
The laws of the Russian Federation «About education».
The collection of normative documents «Organization of summer holidays for children» by the Khabarovsk – city authority.
Semyonov E. “ School and social society cooperation”