Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме «Sherlock Holmes – the man who never lived and never died» для учащихся 9 классов

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия
по английскому языку
по теме «Sherlock Holmes – the man who never lived and never died» для учащихся 9 классов
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Нынешнее поколение школьников ‘’digital natives’’ вызывает у нас, учителей со стажем, “digital immigrants”, безусловное восхищение и уважение. Но все чаще, ностальгически обращаясь к своему школьному детству, мы задаемся вопросом – почему современные дети так мало читают?
Как помочь им в этом безумном мире информации, при неоспоримой нехватке времени и загруженности в школе, не потерять интереса к книге?
Актуальность данного мероприятия подтверждается и ФГОС для средней школы, согласно которому важными предметными результатами образования должны стать:
«осознание значимости чтения и изучения литературы для своего дальнейшего развития;
формирование потребности в систематическом чтении как средстве познания мира и себя в этом мире;
воспитание квалифицированного читателя со сформированным эстетическим вкусом, способного аргументировать свое мнение».
Выбор темы внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку обусловлен ее актуальностью и в связи со 125 годовщиной создания первого произведения о Шерлоке Холмсе и местом в системе уроков английского языка (Rainbow English 9 класс под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой Unit 2 Step 2)
Учитель: Тарасова Ж.В.
Дата проведения: 26.11.2015
Предмет: “Иностранный язык (английский)”, “Литература”.
Тема: Биография и творчество Артура Конан Дойля, его литературного героя Шерлока Холмса
Цели мероприятия:
Общеобразовательная - формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся путем ознакомления с английской литературой, расширение кругозора и повышение общий культуры учащихся, приобщение к мировой культуре.
Развивающая - развитие интеллектуальной, эмоциональной и мотивационной сферы личности учащихся. умение работы в команде.
Воспитательная – формирование интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка, её литературному наследию.
Дидактические задачи:
активизация лексических навыков по темам «British writers, “ Reading” ;
закрепление материала по теме и контроль его усвоения.
Вид занятия: игра-викторина «Своя игра»
Материально-техническое обеспечение урока:
мультимедийный компьютер;
программное обеспечение – Microsoft Power Point;
заготовки наградных материалов;
Пояснительная записка
В игре участвуют 2 команды по 5 человек. Каждой команде даётся задание изучить биографию и творчество А. К Дойля, рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе.
Игра проходит в пять раундов. Для каждого раунда на слайдовой презентации вынесены 6-8 вопросов, с обозначенной ценностью каждого из них в баллах (10, 20, 30, 40, 50). Команда, оказавшаяся первой после проведения жеребьёвки, выбирает один из вопросов. Вопрос открывается на слайде и прочитывается. На обсуждение даётся 15 секунд. Затем звучит сигнал. Та команда, которая среагировала первой, имеет право на ответ. Если ответ верный, то на счёт команды жюри записывает стоимость вопроса в баллах. Если ответ не верный, то баллы не начисляются, а ответить может другая команда.
В конце игры жюри подводит итоги, подписывает грамоты, проводит процедуру награждения.
Ход мероприятия:
Ведущий: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our Literary Casino show!
звучит увертюра «Шерлок Холмс»
No doubt, this melody is recognized by everyone. Yes, you are absolutely right, today we are going to talk about one of the most famous literary character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The two teams of brilliant and smart students are going to compete in our Literary Casino today.
As for the objectives of today’s meeting we gathered here to sum up the information about well-known British writer and to honour the 125th anniversary of Sherlock Holmes’s birth. Besides, all of you will have a great opportunity to practice your English, to broaden your outlook and as for the members of the teams they will have useful experience of working as a team.
So, guys, you are welcome to introduce yourselves.
Представление визитных карточек команд
And now it’s high time to find out which team knows this subject better.
You will choose the categories of tasks and for completing every task each team will get a certain banknote.
Category 1 “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Biography”
1. Where was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle born?
A) Edinburgh
B) Dublin
C) London
2. What was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s occupation after leaving university?
A) Solicitor
B) Journalist
C) Doctor
3. Which of these names is usually left out of Arthur's full name?
A) Jerome
B) Ignatius
C) Dickens
4. In what genre is Arthur considered to be a major innovative influence?
A) fictionB) occultC) romance5. After the deaths of his wife, son and several other family members what did Arthur turn to?
А) Communism
В) Spiritualism
C) Catholicism
6. Who was Joseph Bell?
A) medical lecture of Edinburgh University
B) editor at the Strand Magazine
C) spiritualist who converted Conan Doyle
Category 2 “Right or wrong”
1. Author Conan Doyle is famous only for his stories about Sherlock Holmes
2. Sherlock Holmes was a young slim young man with big moustaches
3. Sherlock Holmes’s assistant, Dr Watson, was a medical officer
4. Sherlock Holmes lives at 222-b, Baker Street
5. Sherlock Holmes didn’t play any musical instruments
6. Sherlock Holmes knew nothing about such sciences as Astronomy and Philosophy.
7. Sherlock Holmes’s had no any relatives
Category 2 “Across Holmes’s Adventures”
1. In the Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, where was the Carbuncule found?
а) It wasn't
b) In a goose
c) Inside a statue of Napoleon
d) It was thrown in the pond
2. Holmes admires one woman. To Holmes who is always woman?
а) Violet Hunter
b) Ms Cushing
c) Irene Adler
d) Mrs Baker
3. How does Sherlock Holmes greet Dr Watson at their first meeting?
a) Your housemaid is sloppy and you've lately been in bad weather
b) I am in need of a good doctor
c) How are you, my good Doctor?
d) You have been in Afganistan, I perceive
4. Which "modern" technology did Holmes use?
a) computer
b) penc) answering machine
d) telegraph5. Which of these hobbies did Sherlock Holmes enjoy?
a) making tea
b) wrestlingc) building doll's houses
d) coin collection
6. What was Doctor Watson's first name?
a) George
b) John
c) James
d) Hamish
7. Which publication first featured a Sherlock Holmes story and when was it published?
a) The Times 1888
b) The Strand Magazine 1891
c) The illustrated London News 1895
d) Beeton's Christmas Annual 1887
8. Which country did Sherlock Holmes visit with Doctor Watson?
a) Australia
b) Switzerland
c) America
d) Timbuctoo
Category 4 “Associations”
1. The Five Orange Pipes
2. The Red-headed league
3. The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb
4. The Adventure of the Dancing men
5. The Hound of the Baskervilles
6. The Adventure of the Speckled Band
7. The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Category 5 “Decoding”
Professor Moriarty - the type of the code is A MIRROW IMAGE
2. 23-1-20-19-15-14
Doctor Watson - the type of the code is LETTERS ARE REPLACED BY NUMBERS
Henry Baskerville
Sherlock Holmes - the type of the code is SCRAMBLED LETTERS
5. lemon, egg, sun, tree, rose, apple, dog, eye
Inspector Lestrade - the type of the code is
Viewers’ Game
How many Sherlock Holmes stories and novels are there? 
A.56 Stories and 4 novels
B.50 Stories and 10 novels
C.60 Stories and 4 novels
D.60 Stories and 6 novels
Which of these is NOT a Sherlock Holmes quote from the
A. "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."B. "Elementary, my dear Watson!"
C. "My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know."
D. "Where there is no imagination
there is no horror."
Which of these is NOT a Sherlock Holmes story?
A.The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
B.The Adventure of Thor Bridge
C.The Adventure of The Speckled Band
D.The Adventure of the King of Scandinavia
What is Sherlock Holmes' girlfriend's name? 
A.Irene Adler
B.Violet Smith
C.Mary Sutherland
D.Sherlock Holmes doesn't have any girlfriend
Which of these is NOT one of Sherlock Holmes' hobbies?
A. Writing detailed monographs on varied topics
B. Playing the violin
C. Writing down the details of his previous cases in the form of a memoir
D. Conducting chemical experiments
Which of these characters is NOT one of Sherlock Holmes' arch enemies in the books?
A. Sebastian Moran
B. James Moriarty
C. John Douglas
D. Charles Augustus MilvertonWhich one of these is NOT one of Sherlock Holmes' peculiar qualities?
A. He presents his findings in a very dramatic way
B. He uses the word 'elementary' very frequently in his conversations with Watson
C. He 'forgets' to eat sometimes when he's thinking about a case
D. He suddenly detaches himself from the case for a while and has fun
What is very special about the Sherlock Holmes story, 'The Empty House?'
A. This is the shortest Sherlock Holmes story out of all stories
B. This is the only Sherlock Holmes story narrated by Holmes and NOT Watson
C. This is the Sherlock Holmes story in which Sherlock Holmes finally returns after apparently dying as he fought Moriarty at the Reichenbach Falls
D. This story has been voted as the 'most scary Sherlock Holmes story' by the Baker Street
Sherlock Holmes keeps things around him neat and tidy. Is that correct
A. No. That's not true! Holmes keeps his surroundings untidy.
B. That's very true. Holmes does keep his surroundings spic and span.
C. Holmes is not very particular about cleanliness but he's OK
D. Holmes is sometimes very clean and at other times very dirty. He's moody when it comes to cleanliness.
Captains’ Contest
Now the time is for a very important and the most complicated contests of our show – the Captains’ Contest. You’ll be shown some videos and you are to guess what its name. Here the quickness is also needful because the person who will push the toy to make a sound will be the first to answer.
 Our captains got the task of great importance. They were to express their attitude to the problem of preferences books to watching video etc.

While we are counting the score I’d like to watch a video of remembering the famous detective

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