Исследовательская работа У моря живем, морю песню поем

V городская конференция
«Ломоносовские чтения на английском языке»
Название работы
" У моря живем, морю песню поем "
Выполнена ученицей 11 класса
Муниципального бюджетного
общеобразовательного учреждения
муниципального образования «Город Архангельск»
«Средняя школа №45»
Зайковой Еленой Дмитриевной
Научный руководитель – учитель
муниципального бюджетного
общеобразовательного учреждения
муниципального образования «Город Архангельск»
«Средняя школа №45»
Сорванова Антонина Павловна
г. Архангельск
2016 год
The main part. “We live by the sea and we sing songs to the sea”.
Chapter 1. The history of the creation of the Northern Russian folk chorus.4
Chapter 2. The leaders of the Northern chorus.……..…………….…………...4Chapter 3. The Northern Choir’s repertoire.…………………………………...5
Chapter 4. The awards and the status of the Northern Russian Folk Chorus. 6
Bibliographical list………………………………………………………….……...8
I am from Arkhangelsk which is situated near the White Sea. My ancestors also lived in this amazing place too. The Northern proverb says:” To live by the sea means not to know any troubles.’’ (Жить у моря - не знать горя). They also say: “ It is important to like and know your native land’’. At the lessons of literature, history, music we get acquainted with history and culture of our country, our land. My family and I like to travel around our native land and to get acquainted with various cities and settlements of the Arkhangelsk region, to talk with different people, to listen to different tales of the Northern region, to study folk art. I have been dancing professionally for many years and I always enjoy how brightly, fervently and stately the participants of our Northern chorus dance.
This year the Northern Russian Folk Chorus (the NRFC) celebrates its anniversary. The Northern Russian Folk Chorus is a professional art collective executing folk music. Exactly 90 years ago Antonina Yakovlevna Kolotilova based the Northern chorus. And I have decided to expand my knowledge about the Northern Russian National culture, exactly about the Northern Chorus.
The aim of my research work is to learn as much as possible about the Northern Russian Folk Chorus.
My tasks:
1.To get acquainted with the history of the creation of the Northern Russian folk chorus.
2.To study the biography of the founders of the Northern chorus and its heads:
Kolotilova Antonina Yakovlevna and Meshko Nina Konstantinovna.
3.To study the repertoire of the Northern chorus.
4.To learn about the awards and the status of the NRFC.
The main part. “We live by the sea and we sing songs to the sea”.
“У моря живем, морю песню поем”.
Chapter 1. The history of the creation of the Northern Russian folk chorus.
The Northern chorus was organised in 1919 when Antonina Yakovlevna Kolotilova started the amateur female ensemble in Velikiy Ustyug.
The 8th of March 1926 is a remarkable date for the whole Russian North. On this day 20 participants of the amateur folk chorus from Velikiy Ustyug gave their first public concert. A wonderful musician, Valeriy Yakovlevich Kolotilov, Antonina Yakovlevna Kolotilova’s brother, accompanied to the chorus. This day is considered to be the official date of the Northern Choir’s birth.
In 1935 A. Ya. Kolotilova was invited to work for the Regional Radio Committee. She and 12 participants of her collective went to Arkhangelsk. Later many people from different districts of the Arkhangelsk region entered the choir. The Chorus became a pride of the Northern Land. It gave concerts in our region and all over Russia. The choir paid attention to the collection and study of folklore, folk traditions. Such Northern bards as Marpha and Agrafena Krukovs, Anna Ivanovna Gladkoborodova, Angelina Evdokimovna Suchoverkova were invited to participate in the concerts. In 1936 the Northern chorus took part in All-Union Radio Festival.
On the 2nd of February, 1940 the chorus got the status of “State” and it made possible to have a ballet and orchestra in the chorus. The chorus was given a new name: “A folk chorus of the Northern song”.
During the Great Patriotic War the chorus made trips to military units and hospitals of Karelian and Leningrad fronts. In 1957 the chorus became a laureate of Youth and Students Festival in Moscow. Since that year the chorus has begun active touring to the nearest countries and abroad.
In 1960 Nina Konstantinovna Meshko became the choirmaster of the chorus, and since 1961 she had the post of the artistic director of the choir and was its leader to the end of her life till 2008.
The modern chorus continues to give concerts in Russia and abroad. Nowadays the main people of the Northern Russian Folk Chorus are: Svetlana Konopianovna Ignatieva, the art leader
Asadchik Natalia Georgievna, the director
Kachaev Alexander Petrovich, the main conductor
Rudukan Tatyana Igorevna, the choirmaster
Selivanov Alex, Selivanova Elizabeth, the choreographers
In 1990 Nikolai Kalikin (an honored figure of the Russian culture and a laureate of Kolotilova’s awards) founded an ensemble “ The Northern pearls”. Its participants are the veterans of the Northern Chorus.
In 2012 - 2013 Small Northern Chorus appeared in the choir. This chorus took children of different ages. Selection in the studio was very strict, not everybody could enter it. Not long ago a concert “The Northern bells” was in Archangelsk centre of the city culture. Artists performed songs and dances which are in the Golden Fond of the Small Northern Chorus and also showed new compositions such as “Mezen topotushki”,” “Go-go clowns”, “ A village boyfriend”.
This year the Northern chorus has an anniversary concert season. Festive performances take place in the cities and districts of the area. On the 10 of March, 2016 one of the central anniversary actions took place in our regional drama theater. The name of the concert was “We live by the sea and we sing songs to the sea”. The artists showed to the audience their best and new numbers.
Chapter 2. The leaders of the Northern chorus.
Antonina Yakovlevna KolotilovaAntonina Yakovlevna Sherstkova was born on the 4th of April in 1890 in the village Zhilino. In 1909 she finished Velikiy Ustyug’s female gymnasium with excellent marks. In 1914 she married V.V.Kolotilov and moved to Nickolsk. She worked as a teacher in people’s school. In 1919 she moved to Velikiy Ustyug where she organized the amateur female ensemble. Antonina Yakovlevna had great vocal abilities, brilliant skills of playing zither and she was an unusually energetic and active woman. She died on the 6th of July in 1962. She was buried in Arkhangelsk in Kuznechevskoe cemetery.
Nina Konstantinovna Meshko.
Nina Konstantinovna Meshko was born on the 31 of May in 1917 in the village of Malakhovo (now Rzhev district of the Tver region) in a family of rural teachers. Since the early childhood she grew in the atmosphere of love to music and singing. Nina Konstantinovna got primary music education in the Musical school named after the October Revolution in Moscow. From 1960 until her death she was the head of the NRFC. Nina Meshko accepted the management from A. Kolotilova, the founder of the chorus and her teacher . She opened the new page in the chorus life connected with further development of art traditions. She was the founder of the constant choral studio and in 1974 this studio was turned into the folk group. Nina Meshko is the author of many musical changes of Russian folk songs which are performed by the Northern chorus. Under her leadership the Northern Chorus began touring abroad.
Nina Konstantinovna Meshko died at the age of 92 on the 9th of October in 2008.
Chapter 3. The Northern Choir's repertoire.
The name of the anniversary concert of the NRFC is “We live by the sea and we sing songs to the sea”. In their songs, the Chorus praises their beloved city Arkhangelsk, the Northern people, the White sea and the Northern Dvina.
“We love you, Arkhangelsk, we have the same blood with you.
We love you, Arkhangelsk, old and young.
We love you, Arkhangelsk, the Russian pride and honor.
We love you, Arkhangelsk - just because you are!
Arkhangelsk land is rich in treasures,
But of course, its main treasure is the people of the North-
Because Lomonosov grew up here
And the White Sea Fleet protected Russia. ”
A lot of songs are devoted to the White Sea:” Вниз по морю” (Down the sea), “Ой, морюшко, море, ой, Белое, наше” (Oh, the sea, a small sea, oh, our White sea),” Их встречали с великим почетом, хлеб и соль вынося на причал” (They were met with honor, bread and salt were brought to the berth).
“Oh, the sea, a small sea, oh, our White sea, we sing a great song to you.
We don’t sow, plow your spaces, but we still call you our wet-nurse.”
Also Northern Choir's repertoire includes the following dances, rituals, festivals and dances.
Northern Games - a wedding game which reproduced elements of the wedding ceremony with majestic round dances, games and dances, the soul of the entire item being the colorful woman-matchmaker and the original merry-making man-matchmaker.
Northern Barabushka - scenes at a village party attended by young men and women. Their relationship is revealed in the course of the party, with the culminating scene being Northern Barabushka, a passionately frantic dance in which the dances compete, revealing their impetuous temperament and character.
Vologda Lace – poetic round dance expresses in great measure the tenderness of woman’s soul embodied in the dance, music and lyrics.
Welcome to our North – the singers and dancers are whirling in a round dance at a house-warming party.
A dove was flying – this lyrical dance attracts the viewers by the grace of the dancers, their chaste movements and noble attitude to each other. The magnificent Russian shawls flapping like wings give an impression of flight.
Skomorokhs – this scene reproduces the skomorokhs’ ancient art in which satire, humour and mischief play the leading role.
Playing tricks - the dance portraying a competition between village fellows and a city lad, thrills the viewers by the virtuoso Russian dancing tricks, intricate acrobatic tricks, funny jumps and amusing dancing steps.
Utushki – a Pomor folk dance, which penetratingly evolves, to the accompaniment of a wonderful lyrical song, the theme of love.
In the green grove – a humorous song.
Snow-storm along the street – a round dance.
By our gate – a round dance.
Kalinka – a pair dance to the music of the popular Russian song of the same name, reveals with noble elegance the relationship of the partners.
Chapter 4.The awards and the status of the Northern Russian Folk Chorus.
1940 – The Northern Chorus was given a status of “Professional State Chorus”.
1976 – The Northern Chorus was awarded a title “Academic” by the Ministry of Culture.
2001 – It was a laureate of the International Folklore Festival in Saint- Ghislain (Belgium).
2002 – It was a laureate of the International Folklore Festival in Rovaniemi (Finland).
2003 – It was a laureate of Russian Festival of national culture (Saint-Petersburg).
2008 – L.A. Dementieva, T.G. Pakhova, P.S. Pugacheva and T.P. Khvastunova became Honored Artists of Russia.
Conclusion.The Northern Russian Folk Chorus glorifies our Northern region. No wonder that at the celebration of the anniversary of the NRFC Igor Orlov, the governor of Arkhangelsk Region, said: “The Northern Chorus is our pride. Their singing art calls delight and thrill of soul. Sincerity, noble elegance in the relationship of the partners, the richness of northern many- voiced singing are the reasons of people’s love to the Northern chorus. These peculiar features specify the Northern chorus, attract people’s attention and make the power of the honoured choir.”
The Northern chorus honors traditions, saves the information about the historical past of the North. Their museum has collected a lot of material connected with its creative activity: posters, photos of artists, musical instruments, certificates of awards of the NRFS. I am proud to be born on our Northern land, I am proud of my countrymen and their affairs, I am proud of our unique culture.
“There is no place like home, so there is no doubt why this place was chosen by Pomors and the city was named after the saint Mikhail Arkhangel.
This land is given to us for good affairs, we give it our hands and hearts and the Russian spirit and the White Sea will be eternal, and the Russian North will be Russian forever “.
Bibliographical List:
Попов Андрей Александрович
Источник: http://sevhor.ru/kollektiv/administrativnaya-chast Государственный академический Северный русский народный хор ©
Гимн Архангельска. Автор слов:С. Осиашвили, композитор А. Левшин, 2000
Гузанов В.Г. "Юнги Северного флота: документальная повесть и очерки" – Москва, Просвещение, 1977. – 219 стр.