Интеллектуальная игра Game 1001 provebs and 101 riddles

1001 proverbs and 101 riddles
Хиса Ж.
Қарағанды облысы
Теміртау қаласы
№9 мектеп-лицейі
Good day! Dear girls and boys, teachers and guests!
Welcome to our game «1001 proverbs and 101 riddles»
The participants of our game are the 8th forms.
Our game has 3 levels.
The first level is called Who can tell more proverbs?
The second level is called Who can continue the proverbs?
The third level is called riddles guessers.
Dear pupils! Let`s begin our game. The first teller is Miss Samal Adilova from Form 8a. The second teller is Miss Perizat Zhalelova from Form 8 ә . The next teller is Miss Symbat Aitmyratova from Form 8 b. Let`s applaud to the girls! /Introduce yourself/
Now dear proverb teller! Your task is to tell your favourite proverbs.
Miss Samal told us……….her favourite proverbs.
Miss Perizat told us………..her favourite proverbs.
Miss Symbat told us………..her favourite proverbs.
That`s very good, thank you. Let`s applaud to the girls!
Let`s begin the second level. It is called Who can continue the proverbs?
I shall begin the proverbs and you must finish and translate it.
Every bird thinks /his own nest best/ /Өз үйім – өлең төсегім/
So many countries / so many customs / Әр елдің салты басқа, иттері қара қасқа. Life is short /art is long/ /Өмір қысқа, өнер мәңгі/
While there is / life there is hope / / Өмір бар жерде үміт бар/
 Business before /pleasure/ / Еңбек түбі – бейнет, Бейнет түбі – зейнет/
Live and /learn / /Оқусыз білім жоқ, Білімсіз күнің жоқ/
Knowledge is /Power / /Күш – білімде/
A good name is /better than riches / / Жақсы сөз – жарым ырыс/
The eyes are / the mirror of the soul/ /Көз – көңілдің айнасы/
Health is /above wealth/ /Денсаулық – зор байлық/
A man is / what he eats //Ас – адамның арқауы/
Dear participants! The second level is ended. That`s why she…. will leave the game.
Now we have two proverb tellers. They are ……………….and……………..
They will continue our game. The third level is called riddles guessers. Let`s begin our last level.
Now listen to attentively.
……will tell us riddles. Let`s applaud the riddles guessers. Now, riddle and hold up before answer.
1. I can tell you all day
2. Time to sleep and time to play. /the clock/
3. Five cupboards, but only one door. /a glove/
4. It`s red and sweet, and It`s good to eat. / an apple/
5. I`m black and red and blue.
But I can draw a picture for you. /a pencil/
6. Has no leg, but just for full,
It is always on the run.
The third level is ended.
Now let`s see the result of our game.
……the winner of our game is ….and let`s applaud her, and give her a remembering card.You were a very good participants.That`s the end of our game for today. Thank you very mush for your attention and good by!