Конспект урока английского языка по теме: Образование в Великобритании. Наказания в британских и русских школах. (7 класс)
Учитель ГБОУ СОШ № 323
Шапаренко Людмила Николаевна
Открытый урок английского языка в 7 классе
Тема: WE ARE NOT IDEAL STUDENTS, AREN’T WE?- Мы не идеальные ученики, не так ли? (PUNISHMENTS IN ENGLISH SCHOOLS- Наказания в английских школах)
Цели урока:
1. Практические:
1.Развитие коммуникативных умений в рамках предложенной темы 2.Совершенствовать навыки восприятия на слух иноязычного текста информационного характера 3.Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по теме 4.Развитие умений использовать изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры для решения конкретных коммуникативных задач
2. Образовательные: 1.Сообщение знаний учащимся о системе наказаний в школе страны изучаемого языка 2.Развитие познавательных способностей учащихся с помощью лингвострановедческой информации 3.Формирование творческого и критического мышления учащихся через дискуссию 4.Расширение кругозора учащихся за счет получения новых знаний по теме.
3. Развивающие
1. Развитие понятийных форм мышления через освоение особенностей «языкового сознания» при работе с лексическим материалом
2. Развитие навыков логичности в построении иноязычных высказываний в ходе решения речевых задач
4. Воспитательные
1.Совершенствовать умение внимательно слушать собеседника, вежливо реагировать на просьбы и вопросы собеседника, вступать в общение.
Задачи: 1.Активизировать лексику по теме. 2.Выявить особенности системы наказаний в школах Великобритании. 3.Сравнить систему наказаний в русских и британских школах . 4.Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по теме.
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, children! What is the date today? Who is absent? Look at your desks now. You have short texts from the Internet on your desks. Look through the texts and answer my question, please.
2. Ознакомление с темой урока, Целеполагание.
I’ve given you some short texts from the Internet. What unites these texts? What is the topic of our lesson? (приложение 1) “We are not ideal Students, are we? Punishments in British and Russian schools. (тема –на доске)
What can we do at the lesson? -We will speak English, read the texts, answer the questions, learn new words, watch and discuss the film about schools in Great Britain.
3. Речевая зарядка. Answer my questions! (Подготовка к аудированию и просмотру фильма)
Do you like to study? Is your school big or small?
· Is education in Great Britain compulsory? What kind of schools are there in Great Britain?
4. Аудирование. Просмотр фильма “Schools in Great Btitain” и его обсуждение.
Now you’ll see the film “Schools in Great Britain” and then answer my questions, please.
1. What languages do British students learn at school? (French, Spanish, Italian)
2. What subjects d
·5. Проверка домашнего задания. Защита проектов по теме “School Uniform”.
Do you wear a uniform?
At the previous lesson we spoke about school uniform. You’ve designed your own school uniforms. Discuss in the groups and chose the best one. Then present your school uniform to the students. These expressions will help you to give your reasons in favour of your school uniform.
Начните так: 1. I would like to present my school uniform. It consists of..(a white blouse, a shirt, a skirt, a dress, a suit, a t-shirt
·Введение лексики и тренировка. Now look at the blackboard. Repeat after me! to punish, a punishment, a report, detention, suspention, an exclusion, lines
7. Работа с текстом. Использование презентации к уроку.
Ex. 85 p/82 Read the text, translate the words and do exercise. Доска. Match these expressions and the different kinds of punishment.
Stay after school lines
Have a special card suspension
Write sentences exclusion
See the Head Teacher report
Go to another school detention
8. Выполнение упражнения Ex.90. P. 83 Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Long-longer- the longest
Easy- the easiest, hard- the hardest, the most unpleasant, the most effective , the less effective
9. Подготовка к составлению монологического высказывания.
What kinds of punishments are there in our school and in Russian schools?.
Punishment in Russian school:
Warning - предупреждение
Note in the diary - замечание в дневнике
A visit to the Head Teacher – вызов к директору
A visit to the Teacher’s Council
Staying after school – оставаться после уроков
Invention to your parents to come to school – просьба придти родителям в школу
Карточка 3 (опора для высказывания)
1. There are some kinds of punishments in Russian schools
2. We don’t have.
3. The easiest punishment is
4. The hardest punishment is
10. Составление и драматизация диалогов по ситуациям с опорой на выражения.
Приложение 5.
Teacher: - It's time to work in pairs. Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. Then read the dialogue and answer my question.
Discuss with your partner and tell us what punishment they will get.
Act out the dialogues.
11. Повторение лексики. Работа в тетради.
Составить словосочетания и перевести. Карточка4
education free public to attend
compulsory state private
secondary quality of school
12. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание. Листок с текстами из интернета (о наказаниях в школах разных стран.) Прочитать тексты и упр.91 стр.83 письменно
Приложение 1
Theodora 7 October, 2013 - 18:32
I've never been punished at school! Some punishments in Greek schools are: ~Exclusions ~Suspension ~Lines (Sometimes) ~Absence (When a pupil get 157 absence he/she leave in the same class)
Tomas English 3 July, 2013 - 00:49
I don't remember If I have been punished before : but there is a list of how punishment are in Egypt - Suspension for 15 days - getting lower marks in final exams - Exclusions when a pupil is very bad - Parents calling to make them deal with the pupil those all I can remember right now –
Ines 24 July, 2013 - 17:53
I've never been punished , my school deal with discipline problems only with those student who does not have someone to help them to solve a problem but the principle always say "it's ok" when the student who made a huge problem is one of the teachers' son or daughter . any way , that's not fair at all . -
Natalia 31 March, 2013 - 20:03
I have never been punished at school, I like discipline. At my school there are some spoiled kids who think they're awesome if do bad things, like smoking, drinking alcohol, dating and going out late, but I think they have a serious problem, a deep one, which starts at home. I'd like my school to have bigger punishments for students like this, because only punishments can bring them to the right way. Principal in my school doesn't always see what's happening, so those students are often unpunished, but I think school should increase punishments.
Alex 15 May, 2013 - 07:01
Hi everyone. I have never been punished at school. At my school there are some of the ways for punished respectively: - Warning -Written notice and obtain commitment -Parent's share issue -Suspension -Exclusion If pupils not punish in each stage, additional stage are carried out. –
Jennifer Kim 25 December, 2012 - 08:24
In my country South Korea, the teachers are not allowed to hit pupils. I think it's a really great idea for me. I punished to stand behind the classroom for the whole class because I forgot to bring my books. It was the most horrible day I remember in school. It's was so embarrassing!!! I don't want to think about it. -