Урок английского языка Would you like to feel the spirit of adventure? по учебнику Биболетова
Учитель Михненко Ю.Ю.
Урок в 6 классе
Тема урока: Would you like to feel the spirit of adventure?
Цель урока:
Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков, ввод нового лексического материала
Задачи урока:
Образовательная – способствовать формированию лексических навыков говорения, совершенствование навыков построения диалогической речи.
Развивающая – способствовать развитию волевых качеств учащихся, развивать умение творческого подхода к решению практических задач, обеспечить условия для развития памяти, мышления, воображения, развивать навыки неподготовленной речи.
Воспитательная – способствовать овладению необходимыми навыками самостоятельной учебной деятельности, развитие умений работать в коллективе, создание мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, воспитывать чувство толерантности и взаимопомощи в процессе работы.
Тип урока: комбинированный речевой урок
Формы работы с учащимися: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная
Оборудование: презентация к уроку, технические средства обучения (компьютер), карточки
Ход урока:
1.Организационный этап, приветствие (1 мин.)
Постановка темы, целей, мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
-Hello, children! I’m very glad to see you. Today we are going to start studying a new topic. We will speak about adventures. Today we must learn new words on this topic, we are going to make sentences with these words, and we will learn to describe characters of adventure books.
2. Фонетическая разминка (3 мин.)
But at first let’s remember this sound. How is it pronounced? What letters give this sound?
But there is also suffix –ture, which give sound ch, like in words adventure, picture, future
Ch can be also pronounced as -k- like in word character. How is it translated?
3.Речевая разминка (3 мин)
Now we will talk about adventures.
Here are some words on our topic, lets read it
What does adventure mean for you (5 мин)
Lets read the definitions, translate them and choose the right one.
Read and choose the right definition. Что приключение значит для тебя? Подбери подходящее определение.
1. An adventure is an exciting and extraordinary experience.
2. An adventure is an ordinary and boring experience.
3. An adventure is а peaceful and usual event.
4.Закрепление новой лексики (6 мин)
Стр. 128 упр.2
2) Now open your books on page 128, ex.2. let’s have a little contest. Divide into two teams. Translate the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. The team that will make more sentences in 2 minutes will win. Теперь давайте проведем небольшое соревнование. Разделитесь на две команды. Переведите предложенные словосочетания. Составьте предложения с этими фразами. Команда, которая составит больше всего предложений за 2 минуты – выигрывает.
1. dangerou
· Изучение нового материала. (5 мин)
1) A lot of books were written about adventures. What adventure books do you know? Who are your favorite character?
Now look at the characters from these books. Match the picture and the character.
Было написано много книг о приключениях. Посмотрите на героев этих книг.
Подберите картинку и имя героя.
а) Robinson Crusoe
b) Sherlock Holmes
с) Tom Sawyer
d) Pinocchio
е) Huckleberry Finn
f) Robin Hood
g) Winnie-the-Pooh
I think that Robinson Crusoe is picture number 3.
2) Now next task for you Раздаю карточки (8 мин)
Look at the pictures of the characters in your cards. Which of these words would you use to describe them?
Посмотрите на картинки еще раз. Какие из этих слов вы бы использовали для их описания?
Let’s read the words.
Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straight hair, short/long hair, blue, grey, dark, green eyes, nice freckles, funny, long, turned-up nose
b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding
Выполняют индивидуально, затем зачитывают получившиеся описания.
5. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
6. Домашняя работа. Упр5 с 129 составить описание своего одноклассника, не друга
Look at the pictures of the character. Which of these words would you use to describe them?
Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straigh
· Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straight hair, short/long hair, blue, grey, dark, green eyes, nice freckles, funny, long, turned-up nose
b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding
Huckelberry Finn
Look at the pictures of the character. Which of these words would you use to describe them?
Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straight hair, short/long hair, blue, grey, dark, green eyes, nice freckles, funny, long, turned-up nose
b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding
Robin Hood
Look at the pictures of the character. Which of these words would you use to describe them?
Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straight hair, short/long hair, blue, grey, dark, green eyes, nice freckles, funny, long, turned-up nose
b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding
Tom Sawyer
Look at the pictures of the character. Which of these words would you use to describe them?
Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straight hair, short/long hair, blue, grey, dark, green eyes, nice freckles, funny, long, turned-up nose
b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding
Sherlock Holmes
Look at the pictures of the character. Which of these words would you use to describe them?
Example: Robin Hood is strong and athletic. Не has dark hair and grey eyes. Не is brave and independent.
а) athletic, strong, tall, slim, handsome, short, dark, fair, red, grey, wavy, straight hair, short/long hair, blue, grey, dark, green eyes, nice freckles, funny, long, turned-up nose
b) intelligent, sociable, responsible, loving, shy, independent, clever, friendly, kind, polite, obedient, nice, naughty, brave, tactful, serious, talkative, hard-working, lazy, understanding
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