Расмус Раск and Jacob Grimm. Called Grimm’s Law, or the 1st consonant shift.
/ p /
/ f /
Lat pater – Eng father
/ t /
/ ю /
Gr tres – Eng three
/ k /
/ h /
Lat octo – Goth ahtau
/ b /
/ p /
RU болото – Eng pool
/ d /
/ t /
Lat duo – Goth twan
/ g /
/ k /
RU иго – Eng yoke
/ bh /
/ b /
sanser bhratar – Eng brother
/ dh /
/ d /
sanser madhu – OE medu
/ gh /
/ g /
Lat hostiss - RU гость – DE gast
Instead of an expected voiceless stop in some word would appear a voiced stop. These
Lat ventus – OE wind (ветер)
But Lat edere – OE etan (есть)
IE /u/ = G /u/
if followed by
1) /u/ 2) nasal+consonant
else IE /u/ = G /o/
Lat sunus – OE sunu (сын)
Vowel gradation (or Ablaut)
Vowel gradations was inherited by GLs from ancient IE family of languages. There are distinguished 2 kinds of gradation: qualitative & quantative
Qualitative gradation
Different vowels appear alternatively in various forms of one and the same word.
In IE /e/ and /o/
In GL /i/ and /a/
// везу – воз, беру – сбор
// Goth hilpan – halp (preterit sg)
// OE bindan – bеnd (preterit sg)
Quantitative gradation
is represented by the alternation of a short vowel with the corresponding long one and also alternation of a short vowel with the zero of the vowel
// беру – брать
// OE findan P2 fnden ( fundan
Basic grammatical features of GLs
Substantive (noun)
Originally in GLs as in other IELs there were 3 essential structural parts of the substantive: root, stem suffix, case inflection.
In GLs adj declension
· у студентов нет / усн
(Norman conquest – end of the was of Roses in the end of the 14th century. 15th century introduction of a printed book) - усн
2.a EMidE 12-13 сent.
2.b.LMidE 14-15 cent.
ModE 15 – nowardays
EModE 1500-1700
LModE since 1700
As to the dialect of the OE poems “Beowolf”, “Genesis”, “Exodus”, “Judith” and poems by the monk Synowolf it is difficult to define their locality (anglian and saxon forms). Ильиш thinks these were written in the anglian dialect in the period of saxon supremacy.
West-Saxon dialect in the 9th c. became the dominating literary language.) - усн
The OE vowels
OE vowels made a symmetrical system where short monophthongs were opposed to long ones, and short diphthong were opposed to long diphthongs
·/, /s/, /
·/. Their development is summarized in Verner’s Law.
unstressed vowel+voiceless stop ( voiceless fricative ( voiced fricative voiced stop
/t/ ( /ю/ ( /р/ ( /d/
//in the Gr word pat
·r the voiceless stop /t/ was preceded by an unstressed root vowel. Under these conditions the voiceless fricative /ю/ which had developed from it in accordance with the 1st consonant shift became a voiced fricative /р/ and finally it developed into the voiced stop /d/, i.e. Lat pat
·r( OE fжder
/k/ ( /h/ ( /
·/ ( /g/
Besides under Verner’s Low – the rotacism. In West- and North-Germanic Languages /s/ ( /z/ ( /r/
Goth hausjan – OE hџran – Germ hцren
In the word-changing paradigm of notional PofS certain forms might bear the results of Verner’s Law, while others had none.
// wesan (быть) ( wжs (был) ( wжron (были)
// weorюan (становиться) ( wearю (стал) ( wurdon (стали) ( worden (превращенный)
The consonant pairs involved in grammatical alternation were f/b, ю/d, h/g, hw/w, s/r.
У студентов закон Вернера дан в сжатом виде
4. The Middle English period.
MidE dialects
During the MidE period the whole system of OE vowel suffered considerable changes, either quantitative or qualitative. Quite often these changes had dialectal peculiarities and to reflect them it is necessa
·/ OE cild ( MidE child, tжc(e)an ( techen
/g’g’/ ( /
·/ OE ec
·e ( MidE edge, bryc
·e ( brid
/sk’/ ( /
·/ OE sceal ( MidE shal, sc
·ap ( sheep
All the 3 consonants were new phonemes in the languange. The sound /
·/ enriched the group of fricatives,/
·/, /
·/ made a new consonant type – affricates.
Linguists are not unanimous in dating this change. Iljish – MidE, Ivanova&Rastorgueva – back in the very end of the OE period.
Vocalization of fricatives
Here such pairs as /x/ - /x’/, /
·/ - /
·’/ were affected. After their vocalization during the MidE period the system of consonant was reduced by four sounds.
New phoneme /
Appeared at the end of the 15th century. Developed form the OE combination of n + velar stop /g/.
// OE /bringan/ - LMidE /bri
·/, /singan/ - /si
Dropping of /l/ before /
//OE /жlc/ ( EMidE elch ( LMidE ech each’
// smylc ( swulch ( such such’
Dropping of /v/ before /d/
// OE hжfde ( EMidE havde ( LMidE had(e) > had
Voicing of /s/>/z/, /f/>/v/ in the southern dialects
Midland s
·n – South z
·n (seen’)
In general consonant changes of the MidE period were of a phonemic character since they resulted either in the development of new phonemes or their disappearance.
Thus, OE v-f, р-
· all got in MIdE the status of separate phonemes.
Besides such new phones as /
·/, /
·/, /
·/ and the phoneme /
·/ enriched the system of MidE consonants.
Vocalization of fricatives was a reverse. After two pairs x-x’ and
·’ had disappeared.
Simplifying changes of consonants moved MidE words nearer to their modern shape.
5. The Modern English period. Consonant changes in the ModE period
Fusing of clusters having /j/
In the EModE period there took place a change after which the phoneme /
·/ got its voiced counter part /
·/. This change is associated primarily with the phonetic assimilation of loaned words, mainly French. The process of their assimilation was accomplished by the shift of the stress from the fianal (or the last but one syllable) onto the root syllable, usually the initial one. The final syllable which thus became unstressed and weakened suffered phonetical changes. The vowels in it were reduced or dropped. And the consonant clusters tended to fuse into a single sound.
Such combinations as
/sj/ ( /
·/ ancient
/tj/ ( /
·/ nature, question, fortune
/zj/ ( /
·/ measure, leisure, pleasure
/dj/ ( /
·/ soldier
These changes occurred if they followed a stress vowel. If they preceded in NO fusion took slace.
// sude /sjud/, dute /djut/, mature /matjure/.
Only sure & sugar made the exception from the rule.
In a few words 2 pronunciations may be heard. issue /issju/ = /i
·ju/. According to Ильиш the 2dnd variant was influenced by the spelling of these words.
Voicing of consonants
Systematic change. The sounds /s/, /f/, /
·/, /
·/ and the cluster /ks/ were affected by it in the following way
s ( z MidE /was/ - EModE /woz/ was
f ( v /
·f/ /
·v/ of
· ( р /
·is/ /рis/ this
· ( d
· /know’le
·/ /’noli
·/ knowledge
ks ( gz /eksi’bi
·n/ / ig’zibit/ exhibit
Simplification of consonant clusters
kn, gn lost their velar sounds k/g which however were retained in spelling in: know, knee, knight, gnat, gnaw
hw after the grafic metatheses could lose either of its two sounds
// when, why, what, where, which
// who, whos, whom
wr lost the initial sound //wreck, write, wrong
mn the second nasal sound was dropped .//column, autumn
mb the second sound dropped by retained in spelling //lamb, climb. After this simplification the final mute b began to be added to the words in which it had never been spelled or pronounced before
OE cruma – EModE crumb (крошка)
OE liomu – EModE limb (член, конечность)
stl, ftn the sound /t/ was dropped //castle, often, listen
lf, lk, lm, lv several bi-phonemic chlusters with l as there first sound were also simplified after the loss of l. In spelling l is preserved //calf, folk, halves
As a rule simplification of consonant cluster were not reflected in spelling which contributed difficulty to ENG spelling and pronunciation.
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