Внеклассное мероприятие Your own game

English Language section
Grades: 8
Theme: Intellectual game “Your own game”
Aims: to check-up student’s knowledge; to stimulate the student’s interest, their imagination and thinking in the foreign language, to develop pupils' abilities in oral speaking and comprehension.
Learning objectives
speaking about sightseeing in GB and in our country & in other countries
developing pupils' abilities in speaking & their thinking
bringing up to be wealthy and love the beauty also to protect them.
Methods: group work, question-answer
Type of the lesson: competition
The procedure of the competition lesson:
Teacher: Good afternoon, girls and boys! Today we’ll play a game. There are 3 teams which will take part in our game.
Let’s form 3 teams. Each team has 4 members and a captain. Now I want you to introduce the captains:
___________, the captain of Team 1
____________, the captain of Team 2
____________, the captain of Team 3
Teacher: To begin with, each team must introduce your team, that is, say name and motto.
Teacher: Thank you, they were quite original.
Now let’s begin the contest. We wish you and your captains good luck.
We have 5 categories. Each category has 5 questions. The prices of the questions are from 5 to 25 points. It depends on the difficulty of the question. You must turn choose the category and points in English. You will have one minute to answer and get scores. Let’s start our game.
Great Britain
5 points. What is the official name of Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
10 points. What is a “double- decker”? (A bus)
15 points. What is national symbol of England? (Red rose)
20 points. What are the towns of Oxford and Cambridge famous for? (Their
25 points. How do the British call their flag? (The Union Jack)
5 points. Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
10 points. What's the old capital of Kazakhstan?
15 points. What are the symbols of the state? (National flag, emblem and anthem)
20 points. What is the capital of our country?
25 points. What countries does Kazakhstan border with? (China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia)
Famous People
5 points. Who is the father of Kazakh literature?
10 points. Who is the queen of the UK now? (Elizabeth II)
15 points. Who wrote the poem “Romeo and Juliette”? (William Shakespeare)
20 points. When did the 1st Kazakhstan cosmonaut fly into the space?
25 points. Who is the author of books about Harry Potter? (Joanne K. Rowling)
Interesting place
5 points. One of the biggest stone circles in Europe. (Stonehenge)
10 points. The famous entertainment center in Astana … (The entertaining centre “Duman”)
15 points. Its official name is the Palace of Westminster. There is the famous clock tower, Big Ben. (The houses of Parliament)
20 points. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and now it’s a museum. (The Tower of London)
25 points. It is one of the most popular of London's historical sites. It has 20 towers. It was a prison. Today it's a museum and houses the Crown Jewels. (Tower Bridge)
5 points. When does Kazakhstan celebrate Independence day?
10 points. What holiday is celebrated on March 22 in Kazakhstan?
15 points. Children dress like witches and ghosts and go from house to house and
say: “Trick or Treat!” (Halloween)
20 points. People buy presents and cards and send them to relatives and friends. The traditional food is roast turkey and pudding. People decorate streets, rooms and a tree. (Christmas)
25 points. When do British people celebrate Christmas? (On the 25th of December)
Teacher: Thanks for your answers.
Teacher: Next Level calls “Polyglot” You must choose these points. There are questions for you. You have to find out missing words and translate them into three languages to get that point. Let’s begin… 
1. What is the national emblem of England? (Rose, роза, раушангүл)
2. The little old man who has 12 children. (a year, год, жыл)
3. It is running night and day but it never runs away. (A clock, часы, сағат)
4. I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water; what am I? (a map, карта)
5. What has four legs, but can’t walk? (a chair, орындық, стул)
6. It lives in winter, dies in spring. (snow – снег – қар)
7. The teacher writes on me with chalk, my face is black. (a blackboard – доска - тақта)
8. In what month is Kazakh New Year celebrated? (Nauryz, наурыз, март)
9. Clean, but not water, white, but not snow, sweet, but not ice-cream, what is it? (sugar, сахар, қант)
10. What lets you look right through a wall? (a window, окно, терезе)
It is called «The Quickest».
You need to find the equivalent proverbs in Kazakh, Russian and English.
1. Better late than never. – Ештен кеш жақсы. – Лучше поздно чем никогда.2. Live and learn. – Оқусыз білім жоқ, Білімсіз күнің жоқ. – Век живи, век учись.
3. Knowledge is Power. – Күш - білімде. – Знание - сила.
4. East or West, home is best. – Туған жердей жер болмас, Туған елдей ел болмас. – В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Teacher: I’m pleased with your answer. Now it is time to say results our competition; while our juries count your scores you may say you poems.
Oh, friend unseen, unborn, unknown,
Student of sweet English tongue,
Read out my words at night alone:
I was a poet, I was young
Since I can never see your face,
And never shake you by the hand,
I send my soul through time and space
To greet you. You will understand.
Teacher: They say who knows many languages that have many keys to the lock. We wish you be competent and skilled specialists in the different fields. Remember: live and learn! We want to thank our terms that they took part in this game. We hope that you like it very much and it was interesting for you. We thank you for your attention! GOOD BAY!