Game My own new game(10th form)
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Лиственская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Нижнегорского района Республики Крым
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 10 классе
«My own new game»
учитель английского языка
Гравченко Наталья Викторовна
с. Лиственное, 2017г.
MY OWN NEW GAME (10th form)
Цели мероприятия:
Обучающие- 1. закрепить в нетрадиционной форме лексический, грамматический и страноведческий материал; 2. научить учащихся применять полученные ими знания по различным предметам(географии, литературе…).
Воспитательные- 1. воспитать у учащихся чувство уважения к культуре, обычаям,
традициям людей, проживающих в англоговорящих странах; 2. воспитать у учащихся чувство гордости за культурное наследие своей страны.
Эстетические- 1. прививать у учащихся вкус к прекрасному через изучение культуры,
традиций англоговорящих стран, через оформление кабинета.
Развивающие- 1. развивать у учащихся умение общаться на иностранном языке;
2. развивать у них память, быстроту реакции.
- столы и стулья для участников игры;
- места для жюри;
- доска;
- магниты;
- карточки с названиями рубрик;
- экран;
- слайды с видами англоязычных стран;
- презентация;
- музыка;
- ноутбук;
- проектор;
- костюмы и реквизиты для сказки «Теремок».
(Перед началом игры идёт показ слайдов с видами англоговорящих стран под музыку.)
Good day, dear friends! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Show smiles.
Look at the screen. What can you say about this picture? Try to name our game. By the end of this game you’ll be able to improve your knowledge in lexical, grammar and cultural aspects. What should we do to achieve our aim? How can you apply this knowledge in your life?
Today our 10th formers will take part at the game named «My own new game». Please, be very attentive.
I think, it is time to introduce our teams. Who are the captains of your teams?
Now a few words about our rules: the game consists of three parts. The first round is green. The second is red and the third is blue. Every round will last 8 minutes. Every question of the first round will cost from 5 to 25 points, of the second one- from 10 to 50 points and of the third game -from 50 to 90 points. If you give a correct answer you will get your points. If your answer is wrong, you will lose your points. Not all questions are traditional. We have some magic questions such as “A cat in a bag” (you can choose the team who’ll answer the question); “Question-Auction” (you can choose the price for this question) and “Happy Chance” (there is no question in this rubric). Our experts will help us. (Представление членов жюри.) If you are ready to answer my question let’s start. Good luck!
The 1st round (green)
The topics of the 1st round are: Strong ties, Living and Spending, Schooldays and Work, Earth Alert.
Let’s know who’ll be the first. Look at the blackboard and guess the word:
23 9 14 14 5 18
Please,choose one of the topics and the number of the question.
Strong Ties.
A person who only thinks of herself/himself. Give adjective. (selfish) - 5
A person who is kind and helpful during difficult or unhappy times. Give adjective. (supportive)- 10
“A cat in a bag”. (Is Britain a multi-cultural place?) (Yes, it is.) - 15
Informal letters should be written in an informal style. Is it True or False? (True) - 20.
What kinds of discrimination can people suffer from? (skin colour, nationality, sex, race, age…) – 25.
Living and Spending
Give antonym to the word RETAILER (consumer) –5.
Give antonym to the word SPEND (save) – 10.
Happy Chance- 15.
Choose do/play/go: gardening, football, fishing, tennis (do gardening, play football, go fishing, play tennis) – 20.
Form nouns: amaze-amazement, achieve-achievement, collect-collection, educate-education- 25.
Schooldays and Work
Complete the sentence: Some students wear a ______(school uniform)-5.
The school for only boys or girls is called_______(single-sex school)-10.
A school for boys and girls is called____(co-educational school)-15.
Name 5 jobs connected with a medicine (a vet, a nurse, a dentist, a surgeon, a doctor)-20.
“Question-Auction”: Can we use colloquial expressions, idioms, short forms, abbreviations in formal letters? (No, we can’t) - ?Earth Alert
What should we do to protect the environment? Name 3 main words (reduce, reuse, recycle) – 5.
What things can we recycle? (glass, aluminium, paper, plastic) –10.
“A cat in a bag”: Continue the sentence: For-and-against essay consists of_____ (an introduction, a main body (1. The arguments for the issue + justification or example, 2the arguments against the issue + justification or example), a conclusion) – 15.
Why are tropical rainforests important? (They clean and renew the air, provide a home to thousands of animals and plant species) – 20.
Happy Chance - 25.
So the 1st round is over. Let’s look and listen to a fairytale “The Little Wooden house” (5th formers) (Приложение 1).
It’s time to sum up our results.
The 2ndround (red)
The topics of the second round are: Holidays, Food and Health, Grammar, Shakespeare.
Find four types of holidays in this unit: sdbjskiingkhjbackpackingtrhdjyfcruisejnkjvoyage (skiing, backpacking, cruise, voyage) – 10.
What holiday is celebrated on the 25th of December? – (Christmas)- 20.
Question-Auction: Find Russian equivalent to the phrase “bird’s eye view”. ( с высоты птичьего полёта) – ?
How do you understand this saying: It’s raining cats and dogs? (heavy rain) -40.
Use the words/phrases below to set a scene.
Sam, Jane/ boiling hot, blue sky/ last Sunday/ go swimming/ sunstroke - 50.
Food and Health
Why should we eat red food? (It gives us energy) – 10.
Which of the following items are fruits? vegetables? Listen and match.
pear, pumpkin, tomato, carrot, plum, peach, apple, cabbage. (fruits: pear, plum, peach, apple; vegetables: pumpkin, tomato, carrot, cabbage) – 20.
Correct the mistake: We usually eat chicken toasted or raw. (We usually eat chicken fried or grilled) – 30.
Happy Chance – 40.
“A cat in a bag”: Mark the sentence TRUE or FALSE. A tooth has two main parts: root and dentin (No, it isn’t. A tooth has two main parts: root and crown)-50.
Use the correct tense in the sentence. I ______(not/see) my cousin since 2015.( I haven’t seen my cousin since 2015)-10.
Use –ing form/to –infinitive or infinitive without to in this sentence: I must______ (finish) this project today. (I must finish this project today) – 20.
Choose comparative or superlative degree.
Dan is______(clever) boy in their school. (Dan is the cleverest boy in their school) –30.
Choose the correct articles to complete the sentence.
____sun rises in ____ east (The sun rises in the east)
_____Loch Ness is _____most famous lake in ______Scotland.( Loch Ness is the most famous lake in Scotland) – 40.
Question- Auction. Complete the sentence: If I were you, I ______(eat) only healthy food. (If I were you, I would eat only healthy food.)-?
In what year was Shakespeare born? (1564)- 10.
What town or city was Shakespeare born in? (Stratford- on ‘Avon)- 20.
In what year was the Globe theatre built? (1599) –30.
How many plays did Shakespear write? (38) – 40.
“A cat in a bag”. Unscramble the Quotes: can once A man but die (A man can die but once (King Henry the Sixth, part 1)) -50.
It’s time to relax. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature.
And now let’s listen to the results of the 2nd round.
The 3rd round (blue)
The topics of the 3rd round are: London, Capitals, Geography and Symbols.
Big Ben is a part of a large building. What is it? – (the Houses of Parliament) -50
How many parts does London consist of and what are they? – (4: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster) - 60
What is a financial and business center of London? – (the City)- 70
Question-Auction. Where can you see traditional changing of the guard in London? – (in the Tower of London)-?
In what street are all government offices situated? – (Wall Street)- 90
What is the capital of the UK? – (London) – 50
What is the capital of the USA? – (Washington, DC)-60
What is the capital of Northern Ireland? – (Belfast)- 70
What is the capital of Scotland? – (Edinburgh)- 80
“A cat in a bag”. What is the capital of Wales? – (Cardiff)-90
What river is London situated on? (the Thames)-50.
Happy chance- 60
What is the longest river in Great Britain? – (the Severn)- 70
What is the longest river in the USA? – (the Mississippi)-80
What famous English center of education got its name from the river? - (Cambridge)-90.
What colour is a bus in England? – (red)-50
What is the floral symbol of England? (a rose)-60
What is the floral symbol of Scotland? – (thistle-)-70
“A cat in a bag”. What colours can you see in the Russian flag? – (It’s red, white and blue.)- 70
The King Arthur organized the Round Table. What does it symbolize? – (It shows that all were equal)- 90
Look through the video.
And now we are ready to listen to our jury.
Did your like our game? What rubric did you like the most/least? Express your mood using smiles.