Тема: “HEALTHY LIVING GUIDE” Форма проведения: КВН.

МОУ «Разуменская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2 Белгородского района Белгородской области»
Учитель иностранного языка Марьенко Надежда Анатольевна
При изучении темы “Healthy Living Guide” в 8 классе ( УМК В.П. Кузовлева и др.) у учащихся средствами английского языка формируется понимание важности здорового образа жизни. Мероприятие строится таким образом, чтобы учащиеся смогли сделать вывод, что образ жизни наряду с другими факторами влияет на здоровье человека, на качество его жизни. Особую ценность представляет то, что подготовка осуществляется не только учителем, но и учащимися. Широко используются информационные технологии, что, безусловно, является неотъемлемым требованием времени и служит достижению конкретных дидактических целей. Форма проведения (КВН) показывает в увлекательной форме важность здорового образа жизни. В роли ведущего выступает учитель или хорошо подготовленный ученик. Жюри оценивает выполнение заданий (вместо очков можно присуждать, например, вырезанные из цветной бумаги яблоки, как символ здоровья).
Мероприятие можно провести как итоговое по теме.
Форма проведения: КВН.
- воспитание бережного отношения к своему здоровью;
-пропаганда здорового образа жизни;
-развитие языковых, познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций школьника, готовности к коммуникации.
-совершенствовать навыки говорения;
-совершенствовать навыки аудирования.
На доске пословицы о здоровье, плакаты о здоровом образе жизни, презентация.
Х о д м е р о п р и я т и я
I.Организационный момент.Ведущий. I think keeping health is very important for everyone. Moreover health is one of the most urgent problems in the world now. Why is that so? There is nothing more important than health. “Health is above wealth” wise people say, because you cannot be good at your studies or work well if you don’t take care of your health. How do my mates and other people care about their health? Do they have bad habits and do they know how dangerous they are? Do they anxious about food they eat?
Our teams will help us to solve this problem. Today we gathered here to find the most cheerful and quick-witted team. Look, we have two teams: “Good Habits” and “Vitamins”. Now let me introduce our jury.
II. Проведение конкурсов.
Конкурс1 .Приветствие.
Our first competition is greeting. Наш первый конкурс- приветствие. Команды представляют свой девиз.
“Good Habits”-“Be healthy and wealthy and wise”.
“Vitamins” -“Don’t worry, be happy”.
Команды рассказывают о себе по следующему плану:
2)Age, appearance.
3)Favourite subjects.
5)Favourite sport.
6)Favourite animals.
7)Favourite meal.
Конкурс 2. Разминка.
Команды отвечают на один и тот же вопрос:” What should you do to be healthy?”
Ответ должен быть развернутым. Жюри оценивает ответы в баллах.
Конкурс 3.Good and bad habits.
Ведущий. You’re given some phrases and words connected with good and bad habits. You should divide them into two columns. Be attentive!
Task 1. Divide into two columns.
Eating wholemeal bread, eating sweets ,eating low fibre food ,exercising, not keeping diet, physical inactivity, drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs, a healthy diet, sleeping three hours, getting up early, regular meals, having breakfast, computer games for a long time.
Good habits Bad habits
Конкурс 4.Bad Habits-bad health.
Ведущий. So you see that to be healthy you should have only good habits. But do you know the causes of bad health? Now you have to do the next task.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps.
You’ll have bad teeth if you...
You’ll have obesity if you...
You’ll have a cough if you...
You’ll have heart disease if you...
You’ll have weakness if you...
Конкурс 5.Healthy products.
Ведущий. The most spreading illness today is obesity. Why are so many people overweighing?
One of the reasons is wrong food. Our lifestyle is becoming faster and faster. And it influences on our eating habits as well. We save time on cooking and eating meals. Fast food is becoming more popular.
Besides you know that some products are healthy and some ones are unhealthy. Besides it happens very often that healthy products are not tasty. Do you know what products we should eat? Do the next task please.
Task 3. Divide these products into groups.
P r o d u c t s: eggs,sweets,bread,fish,tomatoes,grapes,pears,meat,jam,honey,cucumbers,carrots,milk,sour cream.
1. Energy rich products:
2. Proteins:
3. Vitamins and minerals:
I see that you’ve done your tasks very well and I have apiece of advice for those who are anxious about meals.
1. Eating meat, milk and eggs doesn’t mean eating them in enormous quantities, giving up fruit and vegetables at the same time.
2. Even the best vegetarian products cannot replace meat and give you all the necessary vitamins.
3. Eat whatever you like, not too much, not too little.
4. Choose chicken meat better.
5. Try to shorten fat products and fast food.
6. Keep a diet to lose weight and prevent to gain it.
Конкурс 6.How to look great?
Ведущий. The captains of your teams should give a piece of advice to the opponent.
Капитаны команд стараются дать как можно больше советов друг другу. Например:         Sleep 8 hours a day!
        Exercise more!
        Eat more fruits and vegetables!
        Follow a diet!
        Don’t eat at night!
        Don’t smoke!
        Don’t drink alcohol!
        Don’t eat fast food!
        Don’t worry!
        Cheer up!
        Have breakfast!
Конкурс 7.Who is the best reader?
Ведущий. I see that you understand that a good health is very important. Now you should read aloud all the rules of a good health.
A B C of a Healthy Man:
Alcohol is forbidden! Be calm! Can you balance your emotions?
Do morning exercises! Eat right food! Follow adult’s advice!
Give up smoking! Hold forth a hope! Idleness is not for you!
Join sportive clubs! Keep fit! Laugh extends life!
Make the best of life! No drugs! Open windows to air your lodging!
Relax in tense situation! Put right clothes on! Quality of products is important!
Sleep not less than 8 hours a day! Take vitamins! Why not follow a die?

III. Подведение итогов.
Команды награждаются грамотами. Все участники получают в подарок памятки о здоровом образе жизни (см. Приложение).
Simple rules for being healthy
        Remember: we are what we eat. Try to choose healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are ideal.
        Never eat at night and avoid fat and sweet food as it causes obesity, which is a reason of heart diseases.
        Never skip breakfast and never snack between meals. It will help you to avoid gaining weight.
        Remember: bad habits are extremеly dangerous for your health.
        Smoking causes lung cancer and it is easier to start to smoke than to give it up.
        Taking drugs and alcohol destroys your mind and body. You will not notice how you will become an addict.
        Do and play sports. It makes you strong and energetic. Keeping fit is very trendy today.
        Have a regular lifestyle. Remember a proverb: ”Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
        Never use transport if it is possible to walk.
        If you live in the city, have a rest out of it more often, as it is a brilliant opportunity to breathe fresh air.
        Air your room before sleeping and don’t forget to do morning exercises.
        Remember that loosing health is easier than to restore it. Think about it now, till it is not too late!
And I wish you strong health for many years!
В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова: УМК English 8, 2013г., Издательство “Просвещение”, 2011г.
Любченко А.С. « Новые олимпиады по английскому языку». Ростов. Издательство «Феникс»,2009г.
Ю.А. Боярская: Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку. Издательство «Экзамен», Москва, 2010г.