The condition of directed every which way tunnels in transversally-isotropic environment with not continuous coupling of inclined layers elastic-creeping

tical meaning.
Directed every which way underground cavities superficial location in heavy trans trope a file depending on degree discontinuity flaw coupling of small inclined layers at an angle
· when longitudinal axes of cavities make any corner
· with a line of plane spread of the isotropy coinciding with a plane of cracks. We will designate through Н depth location developments with distance between their centers L.
Equation of the generalized Guk’s law anisotropic massif with cavities at generalized f
а)Spatial kind; b) the generalized flat kind; c)a plane with periodic system of cracks

In these formulas - effective elastic constants trans trope massif equivalent on rigidity to an anisotropic massif with cracks, which depend from elastic c
· .
By virtue of complexity of the task strict decision about the intense condition diagonal cavities in a heavy massif in conditions mountain breeds creeping, in this work is involved numerical methods of the analysis of a Method of Final Elements with
· and degree of coupling of layers, which is defined through the periods of cracks.
The attention on law of distribution a vertical voltage on the crosspiece - pillar between cavities and on components moving and five components a voltage in points of contours pulled together drift is especially removed (
The table 1 contains voltage meanings and vertical moving in points of contours of cavities (see fig.2). The numbering of cavities contours points numbers is shown in this figure.
The table 1. Mea
·vities centres.


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Рисунок 1Рисунок 2Рисунок 6Рисунок 10Рисунок 12Рисунок 14Рисунок 15Рисунок 16Рисунок 17Root EntryEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeEquation NativeРисунок 34Рисунок 36