Урок английского в 5 классе Animals in our life

Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere.(қасқыр), (түлкі), (аю) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылаң) lives in the field. And (жарқанат lives in the dark places.
Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere.(қасқыр), (түлкі), (аю) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылаң) lives in the field. And (жарқанат lives in the dark places.
Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere.(қасқыр), (түлкі), (аю) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылаң) lives in the field. And (жарқанат lives in the dark places.
Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere.(қасқыр), (түлкі), (аю) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылаң) lives in the field. And (жарқанат lives in the dark places.
Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere.(қасқыр), (түлкі), (аю) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылаң) lives in the field. And (жарқанат lives in the dark places.
A cat
A zebra
A cow
A bear
A monkey
Likes milk
Gives milk
Sleeps in winter
Can jump
Has black and white stripesКласс:5
Тема: Animals in our life.Цель урока: формирование самостоятельной познавательной деятельности учащихся
Задачи урока:
Учебные: Формировать лексические навыки, совершенствовать устной монологической речи.
Развивающие: развивать интерактивные и исследовательские навыки, развивать умение работать индивидкально в парах
Воспитательные: формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе.
The stages of the lesson:
get main ideas and details of necessary information
to exchange ideas and compare animals.
Brainstorming The Play “Snowball” ( say words about animals)
III. Формирование знаний и умений учащихся.
Text with pictures (текст с картинками)./Match the words(работа с карточками и нитью)
A cat A dogA hen A bearA cow A monkey A giraffe A bear A fox A hare A snake A frog A zebra An owl A horse A grasshopperA snail A butterfly A hedgehog               likes milk.likes bones.is a domestic bird.sleeps in winter.gives milk.can jump.has a long neck.is brown or white.is red.has long ears.hasn’t got legs.is green.has black and white stripes.doesn’t sleep at night.can run very fast.jumps in the grass.carries its house.sits on flowers.can transform into a ball.
Work with cards match the words and characteristics about animal.(on the picture)

Работа с текстом . Вписать на английском по смыслу нобходимые слова.
Where do animals live?
Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere.(қасқыр), (түлкі), (аю) and (қоян) live in the forest. And (піл), (маймыл) and (жолбарыс) live in the jungle. (бақа) lives in the lake. (жылаң) lives in the field. And (жарқанат lives in the dark places.
Закрепление темы.
С помощью пройденного материала, необходимо составить рассказ о понравившем животном , затем в кругу с помощью нити мы вместе соединяем и расссказывыаекм о животном.
I want to tell about my favourite animal is