План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по учебнику Spotlight модуль 7а по теме Having fun by using different popular gadgets and modern technologies
План-конспект урока
по английскому языку в 8-м классе
по учебнику "Спотлайт" по теме модуля 7a
«Having fun by using different popular gadgets and modern technologies».
Цель: Развитие у обучающихся навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме.
Задачи обучающие. Развивать навыки говорения и аудирования по теме, извлечения основной информации из текста. Пополнить и активизировать лексический запас.
Задачи развивающие. Развивать способность мыслить критически, развивать память и воображение, развивать учебно-познавательные способности.
Задачи воспитательные. Воспитывать культуру общения и уважения к собеседнику.
Тип урока. Урок актуализации новых знаний.
Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска.
Технологии: информационно-коммуникативные.
Методы обучения: интерактивные, смысловой догадки, рефлексии.
I. Орг. момент. Формулирование темы и целей урока, создание благоприятной атмосферы, введение в языковую среду.
Good morning! How are you? How are things going with you? I hope you are OK! Let’s start our lesson. Do you like the weather today? What a lovely weather we are having today!
II. Целеполагание и актуализация лексического материала.
1. Определение темы и цели урока учащимися.
T- Could you remind me what topic did we discuss at the previous lesson?
P1 - We discussed the different ways of having fun by young people using different popular gadgets and modern technologies.
T - Right you are, the topic of our lesson today is «Having fun by using different popular gadgets and modern technologies».
-What do you associate with the word TECHNOLOGY?
P-s answers...
Can you translate and explain /enterpret...
Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization. The human's use of technology began with the conversion (преобразования)of natural resources into simple tools.
2. Работа в группах.
Учитель предлагает разделиться на группы по 4-6 человек для выполнения задания. Группы получают вопросы и через 5 минут мы получим ответы на эти вопросы.
Group work.
Task 1 - Answer the questions:
1.What are gadgets?
2.What are they for?
3.Why do we need them?
Task 2 - Match the words with their translation
fixed on
telling off
deal with
simultaneously talking
sending written messages
speaking to sb angrily
cope with
effect [ɪˈfekt] = produce
at once
Представители групп дают ответы. Побеждает группа, которая наиболее точно ответила и выполнила задание.
3. Проверка домашнего задания:
Т - Your home assignment were to read and to listen to the text of ex.3 p. 106.
The text was about how young people communicate and entertain today and also think about the role of modern technologies and electronic media in their lives.
Let's check your home assignment. Open your textbooks on p. 106.
Are you ready to discuss the text? In the pictures you see young people are working or having fun by using computers and mobile phones.
-What gadgets have you got? (a computer /notebook /a mobile phone).
- How often do you use them?
- Can you imagine how to do without them?
- Can they help you to study different subjects and prepare your home assignment?
(S-s: I can`t live without my computer. I teach lessons, play games, watch films, read new information and communicate with friends in social networks).
T: The author of the article says that talking to people online isn’t as good as real face-to-face communication and that we should make sure we find time to go out and meet people.
Do you agree with this opinion?
P1: No, I don’t. I think that it is more fun to meet people online. I feel more comfortable communicating with people that way. What do you think?
P2: I understand what the author says. I have to agree that communicating with people is the best when you can actually see them.
P3: I think social networking technology is making young people more antisocial, more focused on their own problems.
P4, P5...
III. 1.Рефлексия.
T.: Thank you for your answers. We can summarize the information - young people can use the modern technologies for their benefit or to their detriment of (в ущерб). It all depends on the people themselves. We`ll try to use new technologies to get new knowledge. Do you agree?
What new information have you learned at the lesson?
What did you like the most?
What were the difficulties?
Did you like the lesson?
Can you tell me who was the best student today?
2.Feedback - обратная связь
На доске - Which emotions do you feel? – I feel:
satisfaction, irritation, happiness, boredom, joy, sadness, success, fear ,surprise, proud
Positive emotionsNegative emotions3. Write down your homework, please: You should write а short composition about one of your favourite gadgets.
IV. Итоги урока. Выставление и комментирование оценок.
Conclusion T-S,S.. Estimating the activity/ 3 min
Teacher: I want you to say that you are brilliant.
You all get excellent marks today.
You have worked very hard.
The lesson is over. Good bye, class.