Игра-соревнование для учеников 7 класса по теме School in my life. УМК М.З.Биболетовой Enjoy English
Составитель: Сергеева Надежда Борисовна, учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ ґ№2 с углубленным изучением математики» г.Каргополя
Тема: Игра-соревнование для учеников 7 класса «School in my life»
(УМК «Английский с удовольствием»/ «Enjoy English» М.З.Биболетовой)
Цель: Обобщение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Образование».
1. Активизация изученной лексики.
2. Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения.
3. Формирование умения взаимодействовать, работать в команде.
4. Формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls! Today we are having a game-competition «School in my life» and each of you can take part in it. We are going to summarize what we`ve learnt about school education and refresh our knowledge.
At first, let`s divide into two teams. Nastya, Lena, come to me, choose the members for your team. There will be 6 persons in each team. (Капитаны по очереди называют участников команды).
Основная часть.
Now, let`s start!
Read the transcription. Translate the words (команды читают по очереди).
·n ] [ґsek‰nd‰r
·t] [ste
[‰ґtend] [
·] [ґp
·] [ґkl
Answer the questions.
What is the number of our school?
Where can the pupils take book for reading?
When does the school year start in our country?
How many school holidays do you have during your school year?
How many English lesson
Education in Russia is compulsory. (T)
There no private schools in our country. (F)
In Great Britain there different types of secondary schools. (T)
In state schools, education is free. (Т)
In our country, children start school at the age of 5. (F)
·ents have to pay if their children go to private school. (T)
You wear school uniform in our school.(T)
In your school you have the same subjects as in British school.(F)
You are proud of your school.
Read the description and say which educational system it is.
Private (or public) schools are attended by about 5 percent of the school population.(Great Britain)
In public schools students wear whatever they want. (the USA)
The relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly. (the USA)
Some private schools are very famous, such as Eton, Harrow and Winchester.(Great Britain)
Subjects are divided into one or two week units. (Australia)
By listening to the radio, watching TV and video the students learn about the word around them though they stay in their own homes. Most of private schools have religious education, too.(Australia)
Most children (about 70 percent) study in state schools where education is free.(Australia)
The education in public schools is of high quality, the discipline is very strict.(Great Britain)
In some state schools uniform are worn by all the pupils, in others the children can wear what they want to. (Great Britain)
Give the names of punishment:
You stay after school to do extra work – perhaps “lines” or clean the classroom.(Detention)
You cannot come to school for a few days or weeks. Your parents have to see the Head Teacher.(Suspension)
You write out some sentence again and again, perhaps fifty or one hundred times.(Lines)
You are sent away from your school. This is very serious. (Exclusion)
You have a card which you give to the teacher at the end of every lesson. (Report)
Заключительная часть.
Letґs score your points. Thank you for your work. You were so clever, active and attentive.