BIOS: Life below. Process Management. Device management and configuration. Interrupt Control. Hardware Specifications. Configuration. The distribution of resources. Virtual Memory. Sharing files and printers. File Systems. File Allocation Table (File Allo
IWST 4. BIOS: Life below. Process Management. Device management and configuration. Interrupt Control. Hardware Specifications. Configuration. The distribution of resources. Virtual Memory. Sharing files and printers. File Systems. File Allocation Table (File Allocation Table)
Purpose: Principles of construction, organization, basic functions, hours office and tool of the operating systems (OS), providing functioning of modern and perspective computers, informative and calculable systems (SS) of different purpose.
The basic system of input-conclusion (Basic Input Output System - BIOS) is, from one side, by built-up part of vehicle tools, from other - one of the programmatic modules of the operating system. The origin of this name is related to that BIOS plugs in itself the set of the programs of input-conclusion. By means of these programs the operating systems and application programs can co-operate both with the different devices of computer and with peripheral units.
As built-up part of vehicle tools the system BIOS in the personal computer is realized as one microcircuit set on the system board of computer. Most modern video adapters and comptrollers-stores have the own system BIOS, that complements system BIOS. One of developers of BIOS is a firm IBM, creating NetBIOS. This software product is not subject to the printing-down, therefore other producers of computers forced to use the microcircuits of BIOS of independent firms.
The example of the new operating systems is the system Microsoft Windows NT, being the fast-acting 32-bit network system with a graphic interface and network intrinsicss. This operating system is oriented to work in a network.
In order that to carry out connections between remote objects by means of service of remote access, modems are required on both ends of connection, COM printers, stores on magnetic ribbons and other devices.
The operating system Wndows NT possesses the properties enumerated further.
1. Bearableness, т. of е. ability to work on CISC - and RISC- processors.
2. Multitasking, т. of е. possibility of the use of one processor for work of a few applications or threads of filaments.
3. Multiprocessor treatment, plugging in itself a few processors able simultaneously to execute the great number of filaments, on one on every being in a computer processor.
4. Scalability, т. of е. possibility of the automatic use of positive qualities of the added processors. For example, for the acceleration of work of application of OS can automatically connect additional identical processors.
5. Architecture is a client-server, carrying out joining of the однопользовательской work station and многопользовательских servers of general-purpose (for distribution between them of loading on processing of data).
6. Objective architecture. Objects are objects of directory, process and management filaments, objects of division and segment of memory, objects of port.
7. Expansibility, that is conditioned by open module architecture allowing to add the new modules on all levels of OS. Module architecture assists connection with other network products, and computers functioning under the management of Windows NT are able to co-operate with servers and clients of other WASP.
8. Reliability and faulttolerance, determined by that architecture protects OS and applications from destruction.
9. Compatibility, т. of е. possibility of Windows NT versions 4 to support applications of MS DOS, Windows 3.x, OS/2 and to have here wide
In the virtual system of memory, every program works in own address space. Therefore, when the program is loaded in memory, there is not a requirement in any readdressing. Virtual address space can be more than or меньше actual storage of processor. Although in order that this chart worked, hardware support is required virtual storage. Firstly, memory is divided into parts under the name pages (pages). A page is the littlest part of memory that can be up-diffused under the program. On the platforms of Pentium, a page makes 4 Kb. Secondly, a processor must be able to convert virtual addresses into real one.
The COM printers are together used by applications, users and computers. When it is needed to print a file, he is passed to part of the operating system, named server of print (print server), that supports the turn of requests for a print. A server processes queries on one. As soon as queries come, they are saved on a disk by a process, well-known, as спулинг (spooling) ("Спулинг" provides a triggerable operation with peripheral unit (by the COM printer) and pumping of data simultaneously). Спулинг allows to the process, giving the query of print, to pass to other tasks; he will not have to wait for completion of print of document. If a print-server assumes connection on a network, then the queries of print can be taken over other machines. A typical example is a computer laboratory, where all computers use an only print-server together. It more effective, than setting of the separate COM printer for every machine.Software is something greater, than information, users, maybe, does not realize that it is property with legal defence. When you acquire software, you acquire a physical tool it is contained on that, CDилиDVD is ordinary. However, self software directly, belongs to the author or has copyrights, and legal actions that you can do with him, determined by a license that accompanies a purchase. In this division some types of existent licenses to are examined software and license agreements for пользователейFAT (FAT 16 is in a head implied mostly) is the simple file system worked out for small disks and simple structures of directories. Her name originates from the name of the method applied for organization of files ≈ table of placing of files (File Allocation Table, FAT). This table takes place at the beginning of volume. For securing of volume for him two copies of FAT are kept.
What virtual storage?
How does general access come true to the files and printers?
What application software?
What advantages are given by application of method of virtual storage?
What two methods are used for organization of virtual storage?
Carry out a search in the Internet and make an abstract a theme "Virtual storage in Windows"
Тhe volume of virtual storage on your computer. Whether it is possible to regulate him
A review of methods of realization of virtual storage is in the operating systems.
Paginal organization оn call.
Еgment organization on call .
Comparative analysis of algorithms of substituting for pages.
A review of conception of file and types of files is in the file systems.
Review of expansions of the names of files.
Review of access methods to the files.
A review of operations above directories and methods of realization of directories is in the file systems .A review of conception of editing and methods of editing of the file systems is in the operating systems .A review of methods of defence of files is in the operating systems.
Review of the virtual file systems.
File system FAT.
File systems with the indexable placing of files.
Review of the system NFS.
Recommendable literature
1.Гордеев of А.В, Молчанов of А.Ю. System software.2.Олифер of В.Г.,Олифер of Н.А. Network to OS
3.Таненбаум Э, Вудхал And the Operating systems: development and realization.
4.Conceptual design of the informative systems. Under ред.Фильчакова
IWST 10. Creation of Google of accounts with use of Google Docs. Use of mobile technologies for receiving an information access, GPS navigators, GSM a signalling
Purpose: The goal is to know the basics of the use of mobile technology for fast access to information, GPS, GSM and alarm.
Navigators, mobile telephones, communicators, plane-tables, netbooks, are this enormous amount of modern gadgets. The active process of "hybridization" идет now - named convergence, instead of whole mineral deposit of devices producers produce gadgets combining in itself the great number of public functions. But into such device different technologies and functions are not incorporated in one program, with a single interface, and work it is isolated. Therefore frequently there is a mess - great number of consonant reductions, one device, much beautiful advertisement. More detailed we will consider every technology. Итак:
- GSM - exactly it allows to accomplish rings you and send reports.
-GPS - through this technology Your navigator "sees" companions and shows Your current location.
-GPRS is addition of GSM, allowing, except all other, yet and to go out in a network the Internet straight from a mobile device.
What is GPS?
GPS are initial letters of the name of the global system of determination of coordinates – Global
History of GSM began in 80th of the last century, when the countries of Europe had own, incompatible inter se, cellular communication networks. By own networks countries Scandinavia, Great Britain, France and Germany, were equipped. Incompatibility of standards interfered with distribution of cellular telephony, complicated life to both the operators and subscribers. It was impossible, for example, to carry out the automatic roaming at transferring from the zone of action of one network in the zone of action other. And subscriber devices cellular telephones were far not universal. For every type of cellular it was needed to develop an unique apparatus.
History of GSM began in 80th of the last century, when the countries of Europe had own, incompatible inter se, cellular communication networks. By own networks countries Scandinavia, Great Britain, France and Germany, were equipped. Incompatibility of standards interfered with distribution of cellular telephony, complicated life to both the operators and subscribers. It was impossible, for example, to carry out the automatic roaming at transferring from the zone of action of one network in the zone of action other. And subscriber devices cellular telephones were far not universal. For every type of cellular it was needed to develop an unique apparatus.
What is GPS?
What is GSM alarm system?
How to use mobile phones for information?
Why the need for GPS and GSM?
Информационные источники1. Архитектура корпоративных мобильных решений/ Дино Эспозито. – Изд. Москва: BHV, 2014г. – 552с. 2. Выжми все из мобильного телефона / Виктор Пестриков/ Изд. Москва:BHV, 2008г., 572с.3. Разработка веб-сайтов для мобильных устройств / Гарднер Л., ГригсбиД. - Издательство: Питер, 2013г. – 448с. - Что такое 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G и все что между ними - Не путайте GPS/GSM/GPRS - 10 самых популярных категорий мобильных приложений для смартфонов - Лучшие Android-приложения продуктивности 2015 года по версии Лайфхакера - Мобильный рынок России: обзор, прогнозы и рекомендации