Конспект урока английского языка на тему Культурный шок (10 класс)
ТИП УРОКА : комбинированный
ЦЕЛЬ УРОКА : знакомство с культурными реалиями некоторых стран
Познавательная: - ознакомить с культурными особенностями таких стран , как Англия, Германия, Бельгия, Турция, Япония, а также мусульманских стран;
- совершенствовать навыки употребления лексики по теме «Культурный шок».
Учебная: научить работать над компьютерной презентацией.
Практическая: научить применять полученные знания на уроке и во внеурочное время.
Воспитывающая: воспитать чувство уважения к культуре других стран.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентации обучающихся.
ОРГМОМЕНТ. Good morning. Happy to see you. On your desks you’ve got magazines and booklets. Look through them. Can you guess what we are going to talk about today? ( Students answer). Yes, we are going to speak about cultures of some peoples. (There is an epigraph on the blackboard “When in Rome do as the Romans do”)
АКТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ ЗНАНИЙ As you know, many tourists visit foreign countries and need to interact with foreign cultures, speak with people living there. They are sure to have culture shock in one form or another. It’s inevitable. Imagine, today we are all representatives of different countries and cultures. Let’s help tourists and tell them what is allowed and what is prohibited in your countries.
СОЗДАНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМНОЙ СИТУАЦИИ. Now Tanya is going to tell tourists about English traditions. You can see the English ritual is tea-drinking. They like hot and strong tea, on all occasions and from morning till night. Tea in the morning to wake you up, tea for breakfast to brace you up for the day’s work, tea for lunch to keep out the cold, tea – several cups – in the afternoon to cheer you up, tea at night to send you to sleep. TEA,TEA,TEA! To steady your nerves, to comfort you, to help in business in even in romance.T.: Now I want you to read the text about tea traditions in Morocco.
The most important drink in Morocco is mint tea. It is really a part of Moroccan culture. People can drink tea at any time of the day, but in most homes they usually have it after meals. They make tea using green tea leaves, which they put into a special teapot. Then they take some fresh mint leaves and add them to the teapot. They add boiling water and lots of sugar. After a few minutes, they pour the tea into small glasses and they place them on a tray. Finally, they serve the tea. It is delicious on a hot day.
T.: Now let’s listen to Valya. She is going to tell us about traditions in Japan. You’ll learn if Japanese people drink tea too. (Computer presentation №1).
T.: I want you to fill in the table with the information you know.
England Morocco Japan
At what time do people have tea? What do they have tea with? T.:( A minute of relaxation) Close your eyes and imagine you are in any country. It may be England or Morocco. Use your fingers and mime. You are taking a cup of tea and sipping. Do you like it?
T.: Now Valya Grishakova is going to tell you about some traditions in Muslim countries. (Computer presentation №2).T.: Look through the text and learn about social behavior in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, the UK.
While dining, keep your hands on the table. It is rude to put your hands on your lap during dining.
To wish someone good luck, make two fists (with your thumbs tucked inside the fists), and gesture as if you are slightly pounding on a table.
To specify number “one”, use your upright thumb.
To point with your index finger is considered impolite.
When you are talking to someone, do not keep your hand or hands in your pockets. This is considered rude.
To slap someone on the back or to be noisy are both very rude gestures in Belgium.
To yawn, blow your nose, sneeze or scratch yourself in the presence of others is considered poor manners.
It is impolite to shake someone's hand with your other hand in your pocket. Parents often scold children for putting their hands in their pockets because it is a sign of disrespect.
If you are talking with someone, do not chew gum. This is considered very rude. To do so would remind a German person of “a cow chewing its cud”.
In various parts of Germany, if you arrive at a dinner table, and you are unable to shake everyone's hand due to the arrangement of the seating, a guest will rap his knuckles lightly on the table to signal his greeting to everyone. The same may happen when a person leaves the table. Also, university students utilize this gesture to greet their professors in a classroom.
England (United Kingdom)
Loud talking and other forms of noisy behavior should always be avoided.
Try not to stare at anyone in public. Privacy is highly valued in the United Kingdom.
You wait in line in the United States, and you “queue up” in the United Kingdom. You should never “jump the queue” (проходить без очереди).
When drinking in a pub, pick up your change after you pay for your drink. If you leave it there, you are implying that you are leaving a tip. Tipping is not widespread in British pubs.
Don't stand too close to people you are talking to. “Keep your distance”.
An offensive gesture in England would be the “V for victory” sign made with your palm facing yourself.
It is extremely offensive to show the sole of your shoe to someone, or use your shoe to point at someone or something. This is due to the fact that shoe soles are the lowest part of the body and are usually dirty.
You should neither smoke nor eat while on a street.
The unique Turkish gesture to signal that something good is done is to hold your hand up, palm outward, and slowly bring the fingers into the thumb, in a grasping motion.
T.: You have learnt a lot about what is polite and what is offensive in many countries. I would like you to complete my ideas.
It’s not a good idea to ………… in………… ( HYPERLINK "IT%20IS%20NOT%20A%20GOOD%20IDEA%20TO.pptx" presentations №3 )
T.: Sometimes laws regulate social behavior but very often they can be stupid. Olesya will tell you about stupid and unusual laws in some countries. (presentations №4)
T.: Do you remember the epigraph of our lesson? Can you explain now what it means? Can you give the definition of culture shock? What are general tips for travelling and interacting with foreign cultures?
Our lesson is over. Thank you for being active. I wish you good luck. Your marks are…
T.: Write a letter to your pen friend and tell him about dos and don’ts in Russia.
М.З. Биболетова «Enjoy English 10» ТИТУЛ 2009
В.А. Радовель «Страноведение: Великобритания» Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс» 2005
Mission: FCE 1 Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley (Express Publishing)