Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «The Geography and Political Outlook of the UK. Table Manners» (Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English» 5 класс)
Тема: «The Geography and Political Outlook of the UK. Table Manners» (по учебнику Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English».)
Цели:1)формирование фонетических навыков, видов речевой деятельности, чтения, актуализация лексики по теме «Table Manners»;
2)формирование у учащихся мировоззрения, оперативной памяти и концентрации внимания ;
3)воспитание устойчивого интереса к дальнейшему изучению английского языка и уважительного отношения к культуре другого народа;
4)развитие чувства языка, памяти, внимания, активности.
Класс: 5
Учитель: Бикмурзина В.Н.
Ι) Greetings:
- Good afternoon. My name is Valentina Nikolaevna. Today I will be your teacher of English. I’m very pleased to meet you. Today we shall revise new words, read the poem, work with the text and speak on the table manners.
II) Speaking drill.
- First of all answer my questions:
a) What date is it today? ( It is the eights of February).
b) Is February a spring month? (No, February is a winter month). Is it a spring now? ( No, it is a winter now.
c) Is the February the last winter month? (Yes, February is the last winter month). Is February the first of last winter month? (February is the last winter month).
- We are studying the Political system of Great Britain.
Who is the head of state in Britain? (The Queen is the head of state).
Does the Queen rule the country? (No, the Queen doesn’t rule the country/ No, she doesn’t).
What does she do? (The Queen is the symbol of the country/ She travels a lot, visits the schools, hospitals).
Do you like travelling? (Yes, I like)
- Today we shall speak about table manners.
III) Phonetic drill.
- Open the books at page 185, exercise 16. Here you can see a poem “Take your Elbows off the table”.
- Translate the title.
- It is written by a famous English poet Caroline Graham.
- Listen to me (listen to the tape)
Take your elbows off the table.
Keep those big feet on the floor.
Take your hat off when you come in.
You`re not outside
Keep your mouth shut when you`re eating.
If you`re hungry,
Ask for more.
But take your elbows off the table,
And keep those big feet on the floor.
- Translate line by line.
- Repeat after me:
your elbows
those big feet
you are no outside
your mouth
keep your mount shut
you’re eating
you’re hungry
take your elbows
keep those big feet.
- Repeat line by line after me. (One, two).
- Read the first couplet all together. (In chorus).
- Olya, read please.
- Read the second couplet all together.
- Kolya, you please.
- Translate into English.
Убери локти со стола
Снимайте шляпу, когда вы входите в помещение
Держите рот закрытым
Когда ты ешь
Если ты голодный, попроси добавки
Держите ноги на полу
- Please, read the whole poem (one pupil).
IV) Working with the words.
Open your books on page 183, exercise 12 or your vocabularies with the words, read the words in chorus (all together).
table manners
show off
a fork
a knife
a spoon
Match the words to make the word combination and translate it into Russia.
the right performance
a sense knowledge
a dull one’s knowledge
a respectable way
to have a good teachers
to respect of human
to show off man
a sense the law
to respect of duty
c) Task 2. Translate into English.
Как правильно обратиться к королеве? (What is the right way to address the Queen?)
Мы ходим в театр очень редко. (We do to the theatre very seldom.)
Фильм был таким скучным, что Кейт ушла до того, как он кончился. (The film was so dull that Kate left before it was over.)
У меня не очень хорошие знания о истории России. (My knowledge of Russian history is not very good.)
Он хвастун и всегда красуется. (He is a boaster and always shows off.)
У него нет чувства времени. (He has no sense of time.)
Ты уверен, что он обиделся на мои слова?( Are you sure he was offended by my words?)
Простите меня, если я вас обидела.(I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.)
Люди должны уважать закон. (People should respect the law.)
Who wants to answer the words (1 pupil).
V) Working with the text.
- Now let’s work with the text ”The British way of the life”. It was your home task to read and translate the text.
a) Translate my sentences into English from the text.
1) In England many things are the other way round. - Многое в Англии совершенно наоборот.
2) On the continent Sunday papers appear on Monday. - На континенте воскресные газеты в Англии рассылаются в понедельник.
3) But the English take everything with the sense of humor. - Но англичане воспринимают все с чувством юмора.
4) In England they hardly ever lie, but they don't tell you the truth either. - В Англии они с трудом вам солгут, но и не скажут правды.
5) In England even the richest man dresses in some old clothes and doesn't shave. - В Англии даже самые богатые одеваются в старую одежду и не бреются.
6) Many continentals think life is a game – Многие с континента считают жизнь игрой.
b) – the boys find the sentences about the British ways of life and read them. The girls find the sentences about the continental ways of life and read them.
In England:
People repeat the phrase “It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” two hundred times a day.
Sunday papers appear on Sunday.
Cats are very special animals.
People don’t know Greek and Latin writers or haven’t read them do it.
People accept everything with sense of humour.
People hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell you the truth either.
The richest man dresses in some old clothes and doesn’t shave.
The English think cricket is a game.
People have good table manners.
On the continent:
People seldom speak about weather.
Sunday papers appear on Monday.
Some people like cats, others don’t.
People are proud of the things they know. They try to show off their knowledge and often quote Greek and Latin writers.
You can offend people in many ways: if you lough at them or make jokes about their life and work.
People either tell you the truth or lie.
On Sunday even the poorest person put on his best suit and tries to look nice and respectable.
Many continentals think life is a game.
People have good food.
Task 3. True of false
1. On the continent people often speak about the weather. (F)
2. In England, if you don’t repeat the phrase “It is a nice day today, isn’t it?” two hundred times a day people are surprised and think that you are very dull. (T)
3. On the continent books appear on Monday. (F)
4. Cats are very special animals on the continent.(F)
5. In England people are proud of the things they know. (F)
6. On the continent people often quote Greek and Latin writers. (T)
7. The English accept everything with a sense of humour.(T)
8. In England people either tell you the truth or lie. (F)
9. On the continent people have good food. (T)
10. English people think cricket is a game. (T)
What table manners do you have in your family? Should you put your elbows on the table?
VI) Summing up. Marks for the lesson.
Поставить оценки
Task 1. Match the words.
the right performance
a sense knowledge
a dull one’s knowledge
a respectable way
to have a good teachers
to respect of human
to show off man
a sense the law
to respect of duty
Task 2. Translate into English.
• Как правильно обратиться к королеве.
• Мы ходим в театр очень редко.
• Фильм был таким скучным, что Кейт ушла до того, как он кончился.
• У меня не очень хорошие знания о истории России.
• Он хвастун и всегда красуется.
• У него нет чувства времени.
• Ты уверен, что он не обиделся на мои слова?
• Простите меня, если я вас обидела.
• Люди должны уважать закон.
Task 3. True or False.
1. On the continent people often speak about the weather.
2. In England, if you don’t repeat the phrase “It is a nice day today, isn’t it?” two hundred times a day people are surprised and think that you are very dull.
3. On the continent books appear on Monday.
4. Cats are very special animals on the continent.
5. In England people are proud of the things they know.
6. On the continent people often quote Greek and Latin writers.
7. The English take everything with a sense of humour.
8. In England people either tell you the truth or lie.
9. On the continent people have good food.
10. English people think cricket is a game.