Theme “Fashion and style”
Fashion and style”.
Group: ___________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний
Методы: наглядный, практический, метод закрепления, проблемно-поисковый.
Цели урока:
Учебный аспект формирование умений и навыков составления иноязычных творческих монологических высказываний (на основе текста).
Развивающий аспект развитие лингвистических способностей к различению имитации, догадке, адекватному восприятию использованных грамматических явлений в речи.
Воспитательный аспект – воспитание толерантности и уважения к другой культуре, приобщение к общечеловеческим ценностям, воспитание личностных качеств (трудолюбие, активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими, уважение к себе и другим и т.д.)
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор (презентация Power Point).
Ход урока:
Этапы урока
Ход урока
Этапы формирования умения монологической речи
1. Организа-ционный момент
1. Приветствие, объявление темы, целей и задач урока.
Today we continue the study of the problem “Fashion and style”. At the lesson we will work with the text on the problem and make the creative monologues.
2. Фонетическая зарядка – предъявление новых для учеников слов из текста с транскрипцией для последующего улучшения качества чтения.
Let’s begin the phonetic exercise. On the screen you may see the unknown for you words with their transcription and translation. To improve your pronunciation in the reading of the text, we are reading the words now.
I’m sure; this exercise will help you in the reading.
3. Речевая зарядка – предъявление учащимся фраз по теме: «Мода»; постановка вопроса о мнении учеников по данным явлениям.
The next will be the speech exercise. Look at the screen. There are some phrases on the subject “Fashion” there. Tell me, please, what do you think about the things?
The phrases will help you to make your own monologues.
I. Подготовка к составлению творческих монологических высказываний (накопление лексического запаса по проблеме)
2. Актуализация полученных ранее знаний
1. Проверка выполнения домашнего задания.
I’d like to check the making your home task
At the end of the lesson you have to give me your exercise-book for the check.
- выслушать три мнения людей по теме: «Мода»
3. Предъяв-ление нового материала
Работа с текстом
1. Постановка мотивационного вопроса.
Before you start to learn the text, look at the screen. There is a question there I’d like you answer the question at the end of the lesson.
2. Чтение учащимися текста “The fashion icon” о Мадонне.
Will you read the text?
3. Перевод текста (ознакомительный, для понимания основных фактов текста)
Let’s translate the text for common understanding of it.
4. Предъявление учащимся опорной блок-схемы (приложение 3) (объяснение ученикам ее структуры, назначении).
Look at the scheme. It can help you to retell the main facts of the text. With the help of the blocks you can tell us about Madonna. You have some minutes for making your speech.
II. Формирова-ние умений монологической речи
III.Результативность и перспектива в развитии умений составления творческих монологических высказываний
4. Форми-рование навыков и умений
5. Самостоятельная работа учеников со схемой:
- составление монологических высказываний;
- высказывание одного (нескольких) учащихся по тексту с опорой на схему;
Who can tell us about Madonna? You may use the scheme.
- углубленное высказывание одного (нескольких) учащихся по тексту с представлением своего мнения (по схеме).
In the scheme there is another block. It is for impression your own opinion about the text and its message.
- высказывания одного (нескольких) учащихся по проблеме текста без опоры на схему.
Who can tell his own opinion about the problem of the text without help of the scheme?
5. Подведение итогов
1. Вторичное предъявление мотивационного вопроса учащимся и предоставление им возможности ответить на данный вопрос, используя полученные ими на уроке знания.
There is a question on the screen. I’d like you answer the question, using the knowledge, which you have got at the lesson.
At the lesson you have improved your knowledge of the theme “Fashion”, have got some more information about the problem and made yourself monologue with the help of the scheme and without it.
2. Выставление оценок.
Now I am marking you for work at the lesson.
3. Домашнее задание.
The knowledge from the lesson will help you to do the home task. Your home task will be the doing of the project “Fashion in my life”. You may make a collage or a presentation Power Point. Good bye!
Speaker 1.
I usually wear formal clothes to work. If I have a boyfriend who wants to take me out some-where really nice, then I put on a nice dress. I’ve always wanted to go back and relive my prom nights at school. You know, they are the most fascinating dances held at the end of the school year where you have to wear very beautiful dresses and stuff like that. I love that, but that does not happen very often.
Speaker 2.
Every weekend I go to clubs and parties and this is when I wear something stylish, something I would never wear to university. Then I just wear jeans and T-shirts, kind of casual clothes. But when I go to a party I wear some nice skirts or black pants with a nice top to match and I put on high-heeled shoes. I guess that makes me look more grown-up.
Speaker 3.
Oh, when do I dress up? Every day and for every event. I have developed my personal dress code. There are many different levels of dressing up. There is “going drinking and dancing” dressing up, when I usually wear a dress or pants with a cute shirt. And then there is “going to a wedding” dressing up, when it’s more formal. And finally, there is work dressing up, and that’s when I am more professional.
A – The speaker prefers to wear only designer clothes.
B - The speaker has her/his own philosophy of dressing up.
C – The speaker would like to have more chances to dress beautifully.
D – The speaker is a partygoer who likes to dress smartly.
The fashion icon.
Madonna Louise [luґi:z] Ciccone [
·] Ritchie (born August 16, 1958), known as Madonna, is an American dance-pop singer-songwriter, record and film producer, dancer, actress, author and fashion icon. She is noted for her ambitious music, videos and stage performances as well as using political and religious themes in her work.
As Madonna rose to fame, teenage girls became increasingly influenced by her fashions portrayed in photographs, live performances and music videos. Defined by lace tops, skirts over Capri pants, fishnet stockings, jewelry bearing the Christian cross, and bleached hair, this distinctive style became a popular female fashion trend in the 1980s.
Her album “Like a Virgin” was an international success, and became her first number one album on the U.S. albums chart. The album sold twelve million copies at its time of release and currently stands at seventeen million copies worldwide and produced four top-five singles in the U.S. and the UK. Madonna is one of the highest earning female singers of all time according to both the Guinness Book of Records, and Billboard Magazine. In addition, Madonna holds the record for one of the top-grossing concert tours by a female artist.
Lace – шнурок
Capri pants – капри
fishnet stockings – чулки в сеточку
bleached – обесцвеченные