Краткосрочный план урока по английскому языку для 1 класса на тему The World around us. Animals.

Formative assessment
Subject English
Grade 1 «а»
Date Unit The World around us
Topic Animals
Learning objective: 1.S5 use words in short exchanges
Level of thinking skills: Application
Assessment criteria: Interact using topic words
Task Work in a pair. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. Picture №1. Is it a cat?
2. Picture №2. Is the fox orange?
3. Picture №3. What colour is the dog?
4. Picture№4. What’s this?
5. Picture №5. Is it a parrot?

Names of the learners Descriptor Comments
names the animals answers questions using
support pictures says colours
of the animals 1 5410201460500 8870951524000 4235455715
2 5505451397000 8870951460500 4273551460500 3 5454651397000 877570-508000 436880444500 4 5549901333500 8870951333500 446405381000 5 554990317500 8775701270000 4464051270000 6 564515317500 8775701270000 436880317500 7 5505451460500 8743951460500 445770508000 8 5505451397000 883920444500 445770444500 9 5549901397000 878840444500 450215444500 10 554990381000 878840381000 459740381000
3686175285750046545509525002476500952500 Excellent Good Improving