Уроки английского языка по темам: Реклама на телевидении, Британские газеты
Урок английского языка по теме:
Разработала учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №5 г. Карачева Монахова Светлана Анатольевна
Ц е л ь: освоение новых знаний по теме «Реклама» на основе видеофрагмента и аудирования текста.
З а д а ч и:
- обобщить знания лексики по теме и научить использовать её в речи;
- научить аудированию текста на основе видеофрагмента и магнитофонной записи, извлекать нужную информацию из услышанного;
- подготовить учащихся к составлению монологического высказывания «Моё мнение о рекламе».
Оснащение урока: видеомагнитофон, видеокассета с рекламными роликами, видеофрагмент с мнением подростков о рекламе (видеопроект на основе готового видеофрагмента), аудиокассета к учебнику В. П. Кузовлева для 9 класса.
Ход урока
Good morning, students. Today we are going to speak about the most irritating thing on our TV. We’ll speak about advertising. Do you know, what other words can we use to say «реклама»?
Advertising – commercial – advert – ad.
Фонетическая зарядка.
I want to begin our lesson today with this proverb. Look at the blackboard.
All is not gold that glitters.
Now, try to translate the proverb. Do you any Russian proverb, which has the same meaning?
To my opinion this proverb suits our lessons quite well. And I want you to prove it at the end of the lesson.
Речевая подготовка.
Well, today we are going to get some knowledge, which helps you express your opinion about advertisement, but first answer my questions, please.
What do you usually do, when they show a commercial: do you switch off TV or change the channel or watch it?
Do commercials irritate you?
Do you like any ads? Do you have favourite ad?
Отработка лексики (повторение пройденного).
Now, let’s work with the words, which help you make your own opinion about advertising. I give you some pieces of paper with these phrases. You should divide them into two columns: pros and cons – good and bad points of ads. Work in pairs. I give you 2 minutes.
Л е к с и к а, п р е д ъ я в л е н н а я н а п р е д ы д у щ е м у р о к е (учащимся раздаётся комплект лексических единиц на отдельных карточках).
Give true information:
do not talk about the products’ defects;
make you buy one thing instead of another;
(are) misleading;
show life unrealistically;
put pressure on consumers;
famous people endorse products;
teach you how to get the best value for your money;
(are) truthful;
help you choose best products;
help to improve your taste;
(are) impossible to check;
people seem to be happy consumers;
(are) creative/informative/silly/annoying/clever/funny;
convince people to buy things they don’t need;
present an honest, realistic image of a product.
П р о в е р к а р е з у л ь т а т о в р а б о т ы:
Now, time is over. Let’s check.
What phrases can we use prove good points of advertising, what – bad points?
Pupils give their answers.
Аудирование – просмотр видеосюжета.
Now, let’s listen to what English teens think about adverts. We are going to watch TV, be attentive try to understand. Take pencils and tick phrases which teens use, it’ll help you to answer: What does the girl think about commercials (ads)? Why does the boy find ads bad?
Работа с учебником “Happy English 4” для 9 класса (Кузовлев В. П.)
а) П р а к т и к а в ч т е н и и:
Now, let’s read some opinions. Open your book ex. 5, page 84. Read the text and be ready to answer my questions, but first of all, look at the blackboard. There are some words:
complain – пожаловаться;
amount – количество;
purposely – намеренно;
put on = show;
to rush = to run very quickly;
bother –надоедать;
a snack – закуска;
to count on somebody – рассчитывать на кого-то;
to put on weight – прибавлять в весе.
A n s w e r m y q u e s t i o n s:
Whose opinion is it? (Rose Nunneley’s…)
Is she for or against advertising?
Do you agree with Rose?
What about the second text, whose opinion is it? (Phil Casey’s…)
Is he for or against adverts?
What does he say about watching TV?
What irritates him?
What does he do during commercial interruption?
b) П р а к т и к а в а у д и р о в а н и и .Now, let’s listen to another opinion. This is Ted’s opinion.
What is the best thing on TV for Ted?
What does he think about ads?
What is watching commercials for Ted (it is like watching a thrilling television serial).Просмотр рекламных блоков и практика в устной речи.
Now, I want you to watch some commercials, which you know very well, because you can watch them every time, when you switch on TV. Watch some ads and say, what do you think about them.
Предъявление рекламных роликов.
Camay Romantic.
Молоко «Домик в деревне».
Учащиеся смотрят рекламу; используя изученную лексику, высказывают своё мнение о ней.
Заключительный этап.
Well, students. You have worked hard and have come to different conclusions about ads. Thank you for the lesson. Good luck!
Урок английского языка по теме:
(комбинированный урок с видеоподдержкой)
Разработала учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №5 г. Карачева Монахова Светлана Анатольевна
Ц е л ь: освоение новых знаний по теме “British Newspapers” на основе видеофильма.
З а д а ч и:
- научить аудированию аутентичного текста на основе видеофильма, научить извлекать нужную информацию из просмотренного;
- подготовить учащихся к составлению монологического высказывания, используя материал видеофильма и изучаемую лексику.
О с н а щ е н и е у р о к а: видеомагнитофон, видеокассета,”Press and Sports”, учебник “Happy English 4” (Кузовлёв В. П).
Х о д у р о к а
Good morning, students! Glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right. Let’s begin our work. Today we are going to speak about British newspapers.
Речевая подготовка.
First of all answer some questions:
Do you like reading newspapers?
What newspapers do the members of your family prefer reading?
Is reading newspapers popular in Britain?
Do you know the titles of British newspapers?
Отработка лексики по теме.
Yes, you are right. Reading newspapers is popular Britain and our aim today is to find out what newspapers the British read, what types of newspapers are there and what they are different from each other.
Now, open your books at p. 80.
Read Ex. 3 (P1).
Answer my questions:
What are to mine types of newspapers in Britain?
What is the difference between broadsheets and popular papers?
Отработка лексики по теме.
Now, let’s find out some more facts, proved that quality papers and tabloids are different. Last lesson we learnt some phrases from Ex. 3 (1) on p. 80 (“Happy English 4” (Кузовлев В. П.). Read them one by one:
contain political, industrial and cultural news;
devote pages to finance matters and business;
have an undramatic design with long article;
compress news;
contain sensation stories;
use large headlines and photographs;
have more writing then pictures;
report in detail on serious news;
have less to say and more to show in pictures;
are (not) interested in foreign news;
have detailed articles about the arts and sports;
have short article about less important events;
have short articles about the private lives of famous people;
give information about films, concerts;
devote large sections to business and sports;
cover nation and sensational reporting style;
have a more sensational reporting style;
report the latest scandal or gossip in the private lines of famous people;
provide readers with articles about theatre and cinema performances.
Now, I’ll give you sheets of papers with these phrases. Think and divide them into two columns. Say what is typical of each of these types of newspapers; quality papers and tabloids.
I’ll give two minutes. Work, please.
Now, let’s check the results.
Pupils give their answers.
And now, let’s watch the video and see if you are right or not.
Watching the video
Answer my questions:
Is reading newspapers popular in Britain?
What types of newspapers are there in Britain?
Do you know the titles of tabloids and of quality newspapers?
Watching the video
Now we are going to watch a video about the history of British newspapers and the categories of newspapers nowadays. But first look at the blackboard, there are some words, which help you to understand the information:
С н я т и е т р у д н о с т е й:
copy – экземпляр;
feature – черта;
national institutions – национальные институты;
to identify with – отождествлять.
Watching the first part of the video.
Now, watch the video and try to understand it. Be ready to do some exercises.
Now, look at this sheet paper. Let’s agree or disagree with these statements.
T r u e o r F a l s e.
10 million copies of newspapers are sold every day in Britain.
30 million people read newspapers every day.
In the second part of the 15th century newspapers became a feature of British life.
Soon newspapers became more than providers of information, they became national institutions.
A n s w e r t h e q u e s t I o n s.
What did British newspapers identify with?
How many copies of newspapers are sold in Britain nowadays?
What is the reason why the British continue to buy newspapers?
Watching the second part of the video.
Now we are going to watch the second part of the video. But first, look at the blackboard. These words will help you to understand the video. Repeat after me.С н я т и е т р у д н о с т е й:
vulgar – вульгарные;
middle-market – средний спрос;
gentle – спокойные;
polite – вежливый.
While watching the video be attentive, try to get information for answering the questions. Look though the questions on the sheets of paper.
What are the main categories of British newspapers?
What newspapers are tabloids?
What kind of newspapers are mass-market?
What is the second category of British newspapers?
What are their titles?
What kind of newspapers are middle-market?
A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s, p u p i l s.
Pupils give their answers.
П р о с м о т р в т о р о й ч а с т и в и д е о ф и л ь м а и з а п о л н е н и е
т а б л и ц ы.
Now, we are going watch the 2nd part once more and fill in the table. Write down the titles of the newspapers in it any try to catch the number of the copies sold every day.
Mass-market Middle-market Quality papers
The Sun – 4 million
Daily Star – 1,5 million
Daily Mirror – 2,5 million Daily Mail – 1,7 million
Today – 600 000
Daily Express – 1,4 million The Times
Daily Telegraph – 1 million
The Guardian
The Independent- 200 000
Using your tables, answer my questions:
What is the most sold tabloid?
How many copies of Daily Mirror are sold every day?
What is the most sold middle-market newspaper?
How many copies of Today are sold daily?
What is the most sold broadsheet?
What do you think why quality papers are not so good sold as tabloids?
Практика в устной речи.
Составление монологического высказывания.
Now, pupils, I’ll give you some British newspapers. Look though them. Using the information, you’ve got from the videofilm and words and phrases, we’ve learned at the beginning of the lesson, try to prove that this newspaper is a quality one or a tabloid. I’ll give you some time. Work hard and good luck.
Контроль устной речи.
Pupils give their answers.
Заключительный этап.
Well, students. Thank you for you work. It’s well done. Now you know much about different British newspapers. You know the difference between quality papers and tabloids and you can prove what Russian newspapers are broadsheets and what once are popular papers/
Домашнее задание: your home assignments will be the following: make up a story about Russians newspapers, bring some of them to the next lesson, and be ready to explain the tape of them.