Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса( УМК Spotlight 8)
8 класс
Read the following text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).
Do's and Don'ts of Classroom Behaviour
Since school is the place where you spend a good part of your day, it's a good idea to have a few rules regarding classroom etiquette in mind.
To begin with, it's always nice to greet your teacher and the other students when you walk into the classroom. If you go to class after the lesson has already started, it's polite to apologise to your teacher. During the lesson, you need to respect your classmates, as well as your teacher. That means you should pay attention to others when they're speaking to the whole class, and you shouldn't talk to those next to you while the teacher is trying to explain something.
Of course, all this doesn't mean that the classroom environment needs to be strict and boring. Your teacher will certainly appreciate it if you have something funny to share with the rest of the class. Also, if you have any fresh and creative ideas about a class project or trip, your teacher will be more than willing to hear about them. After all, teachers run out of ideas too! Remember, teachers were once students themselves, and they know very well that every now and then, the class needs to do something different from their usual routine and, above all, they know that learning should be fun!
1 You should never talk when entering the class. .......
2 If you are late, you need to bring a note from your parents. .......
3 You should never talk in the classroom. .......
4 It's OK to tell a joke in the classroom. .......
5 You should feel free to make any suggestions related to school matters to your teacher. .......
Fill in the missing word.
Bright, spicy, freelancer, collapse, stubborn, mashed, overtime, breezeNadia is so_______________! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.
Cindy is a very cheerful person who always looks on the___________________side of life.
Would you like to stay for dinner? We're having roast chicken with ___________ potatoes.
Jane made a delicious ____________ sauce for the spaghetti.
Jane has worked_______________ every day this week, as it is the busiest time of year in the advertising company.
One of the things Tony loves about working as a___________ is that he doesn't have to spend eight hours in an office every day.
What started out as a light _______________ soon became a very strong wind.
The big earthquake caused many buildings to ____________and people were left homeless.
3. Circle the odd word out.
1 trendy / fashionable / modern / linen 4 velvet / silk / wool / casual
2 plain / baggy / striped / floral 5 slim / overweight / straight / thin
3 stockings / basket / coat / trousers
Underline the correct item.
Dan avoids buying/to buy anything that cannot be recycled later.
If you want to help the earthquake victims, you can to donate/donate clothes andmoney at the local shelter.
Some fashion designers believe that all clothes will make\ will be made with organic fabrics in the future.
In/At the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.
Do you want to go shopping? I haven’t spent\ spent my birthday money yet and I want to buy a new outfit for the party.
Phillip doesn’t buy\has never bought anything from a flea market before.
I promise I am helping/will help you with your homework as soon as I can.
There's someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.
Adam is twice funnier/funniest than Sean!
My hair is/are too long. I need to have it/them cut.
5. Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.
a. That's too bad.d. Really? What happened?
b. Wow! That's fantastic.e. What does his new job involve?
c. How does he like his new job?
Pat: Guess what! I've got some great news. Sue: 4)...............................................................
Sue: 1)............................................................. Pat: He loves it, but the pay isn't really that good.
Pat: My brother got a new job last week. Sue: 5)...............................................................
Is he disappointed?
Sue: 2)............................................................. Pat: No, he's very optimistic that he'll get a pay
rise in the near future.
Pat: Yes, he works for a company as a computer programmer. Sue: That's great.
Sue: 3)............................................................... Pat: Well, he creates software for the company.