План внеклассного мероприятия Традиции чаепития в Великобритании и России

План внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке
по теме «Чайные традиции» в 8, 9 классах
Учителей: Жданович Ирины Анатольевны, Залялютдиновой Альбины Нинеловны, Ибрагимовой Эльвиры Равильевны высшей квалификационной категории
Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 9 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Елабужского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
Модель внеклассного мероприятия – презентация проектов
Тема внеклассного мероприятия - Чайные традиции в разных странах (Великобритании, России, Татарстане, Китае, Японии).
Цели внеклассного мероприятия:
- учебная – совершенствование лексических навыков в разных видах речевой деятельности
- познавательная – расширить кругозор, знакомство с традициями разных стран
- воспитательная – воспитание уважительного отношения к традициям разных стран
- развивающая – развитие умения работать в группах
Задачи внеклассного мероприятия:
-ознакомить с фразами по теме
-практиковать в употреблении лексических единиц по теме
-учить чтению и аудированию с извлечением необходимой информации
Речевой материал:
-лексические единицы, обозначающие чайные традиции
-фразы, описывающие традиции чайной церемонии
-проекты учащихся
Оборудование - мультимедия, бумага, фломастеры, картинки по теме, ножницы
Ход внеклассного мероприятия
Орг. момент. Good morning, dear friends, students and guests!
Представление темы. Today we are talking on an interesting topic. Look at the screen and come to the conclusion, what will be the topic (показ фильмов 1).Yes, we will talk about tea traditions in different countries.
Определение цели и задачей. So what will be the aim of our event? Yes, aims of the event to practice speaking spontaneously and fluently about tea traditions in different countries , to gather interesting material for your projects to the theme and present them.
Фонетическая и речевая зарядка. Look at the screen and repeat tongue-twisters (показ слайда)

Let us revise some idioms. Match them to the Russian equivalents. (показ слайдов 1, 2)

Развитие умений аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. (показ слайда 3)

Let us check.(показ слайда 4) Let us sing the song!
Физ. минутка для глаз.(показ слайдов 5)
Совершенствование лексического материала. Group the words.
Russia and TatarstanGreat Britain China and Japan
Работа над проектами в группах.You have been divided into 3 groups, choose the country and discuss outlines of the plan of your projects.Brainstorm and write down your ideas. Before you start, I want to add you should present your projects and evaluate them. You will have the table «Presentation Ealuation».
(5-Excellent, 4-Great, 3-Good effort, 2-Needs improvement, 1-Lack of efforts
5 4 3 2 1
Projection level
Speed of speech
Length of speech
Use of visual aids Защита проектов по теме. Now present your group projects (показ презентаций 1, 2, 3 и их защита и оценивание проектов. (заполняют таблицы)
Tea traditional in UK
In England, people drink tee three times a day and at a fixed time: in the morning, at lunch and at 5 o'clock. English Tea Party cannot tolerate fuss. Even if the table is served by only a few people make out it is very elegant, with many small details of decor and tableware - spoons, knives, forks for the cake and fruit, napkins, tablecloths and always flowers in vases. In addition, to drink tea from a beautiful tableware, used for serving dishes . Certainly on the table must be the milkman - after tea with milk - an English tradition
1 In accordance with English tea etiquette, in any case be limited to one kind of tea. Typically, a choice of teas 8-10
Traditional sorts of tea are:
Assam, Ceylon, Lapsang, Kenyan, Darjeeling, English Breakfast, English Afternoon, Earl Grey . In addition, the tea ceremonies are always a choice of green, white unfermented Chinese teas.
3 Décor-
Tea table located in the living room, by the fireplace. Tablecloth preferred monotonous, white or blue. For the ceremony, need tea pairs, kettle with tea, a jug of boiling water, milk jug with milk or cream, dessert plates for appetizers, a knife and fork for each guest, tea spoons, tea strainer and stand strainer, sugar bowl with sugar lumps, sugar tongs cheholchik and wool to kettle with tea All dishes must be from one of the service.
4 cooking method or featches The most tricky question in an English tea party - tea milk or milk in tea. According to ancient tradition, first pour the milk (a quarter cup), and then the brewed tea. It is believed that in the following two components are mixed better. According to another version, the English feared for expensive china and because it is not just poured hot tea.
When all the participants of the ceremony undecided teas, you can start brewing it. First, a tea pot, rinse it with water .Then tea poured tea leaves - 1 teaspoon per drinker. All filled with boiling water for 3-5 minutes: during this time the tea will be able to reveal all its advantages - first released essential oils and tannins, and then there is the caffeine and the tart taste.
This tea is immediately poured into cups and added to the kettle boiling water from a jug. English only drink hot tea.
5 FoodSnacks are served on the table immediately before the filing of tea, but always in the presence of guests. According to tradition, Afternoon tea is served bread, salted butter, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, eggs, cinnamon toast, macaroons, jams, biscuits, scones, muffins, cakes and pies. And, of course, the most famous in the world of snacks - sandwiches. Lord Sandwich, John's idea to sandwiches of two plates of bread stuffed with ham, chocolate or jam in the middle. In such a heated and serve sandwich is much more convenient.
Lemon, sliced ​​and served on a single platter and sprinkled with sugar is not. English tea with lemon called "Russian tea". Lemon added to tea containing bergamot and Chinese green teas.
UK residents gather at the table to communicate with each other, discuss the latest news , talk about the weather - this also is different from the Japanese of English tea (Chinese). But there are similarities between the two countries - is unhurried tea feast and is a time of enjoyment and relaxation
2. The tea ceremony in China and Japanese.
Let’s travel a little more close to China, in Japan where tea was first served in the Buddhist temples to monks, priests, and the ruling class who attended special religious rituals. These temple tea practices were gradually adapted to incorporate aspects of Japanese culture as they were passed down from generation to generation during several hundred years, these temple tea practices were gradually adapted to incorporate aspects of Japanese culture, becoming one of the most known tea traditions around the world. 
The Japanese tea ceremony is better known, and was influenced by the Chinese tea culture during ancient and medieval times, starting in the 9th century when tea was first introduced to Japan from China. 
The tea ceremony is understood and practised to foster harmony in humanity, promote harmony with nature, discipline the mind, quiet the heart, and attain the purity of enlightenment
Understanding emptiness was considered the most effective means to spiritual awakening, while embracing imperfection was honoured as a healthy reminder to cherish our unpolished selves, here and now, just as we are – the first step to "satori" or enlightenment.[6] Tea drinking is used as an aid to meditation, for assistance in fortune telling, for ceremonial purposes and in the expression of the arts.
China as the birthplace of tea has made a majo Tea ceremony in China
Speaking of the tea ceremony, many consider it part of Japanese culture, but actually as the tea ceremony and the tea itself was created by the Chinese. As the highest category of Chinese philosophy, the concept of “Tao” implies a universal law of nature universal law of the universe, the fundamental principle of the Universe, ultimate truth and principle of motion of things, and the source of all things.
Рефлексия Завершение урока. Fill in your tables. (заполняют таблицы.)
At the event I can/can’t….
During the event I was satisfied/dissatisfied
The event seemed to me Boring/interesting
After the event I can/can\t speak about tea ceremonies
Thank you, it was a good job, students.
Thank you guests for your attention! Good-bye!