План урока английского языка на тему My summer holidays

Класс: 6 «А»
Тема: My summer holidays
Цель: знакомство учащихся с грамматической конструкцией Past Simple Tense , с правилами образования и употребления в речи;
- развитие навыков диалогической речи
- развитие навыков письма
- способствовать воспитанию культуры отношений при работе в группах и в парах
Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала
Формы работы: работа в группе
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, маркеры, ватман, раздаточный материал
Ход урока:
I Org. moment
- Good morning, dear children! I’m pleased to see you! How are you? Glad to see you’re fine! Let’s start our lesson! (2 min.)
II Warm-up
- Before we start, let’s have some activity, it is called “I wish you…” I want everybody of you to come to the board and make a circle. Your task is to wish something to your neighbour who is leftwards. Let’s start from me!
Answers of the pupils:
1. I wish you to get only good marks.
2. Thank you! I wish you to be happy!
3. Thank you! I wish you good luck
Making the task
- Excellently! Let’s talk about your summer holidays! What can you do in summer? Answers of the pupils: swim, go hiking, walk with friends, travel, eat fruits etc. Let’s say three of these activities by chain! P1: swim, P2:travel, P3:go hiking. Pupils divide into 3 groups according to summer activities. (3 min.)
Children are divided into groups.
III Evocation
- Look at the blackboard. What can you see at the pictures? What do people do?
Pupils answer the questions, translate the sentences, and remind previous grammar material Present Simple Tense.
- OK, you’re right! And what can you say about the next pictures? Pay your attention to the verbs’ endings.
Answers of the pupils: The action is over. The theme of our lesson is new Tense.
-Well, what will we be talking about? You may say it in Russian. (2 min.)
Постановка целей и задач
- Yes, children, you’re right, today we will talk about Past Simple Tense. (1 min.)
Realization of meaning
IV Studying the material
- Very well! Please, open your copy-books, write down the date and the theme of our lesson. Have you written the date? Now look at the board picture again. Your task is to translate the sentences, say in what cases we use Past Simple Tense, search out its formula and express all your ideas at the poster. (5 min.)
Presentations (2 min. for each group)
Criterions of evoluation:
design – 1 point
formula – 1 point
rule – 1 point
3 points – 5
2 points – 4
1 point – 3
V Reinforcing the material
Now, let’s open your books at page 20, here you can see two texts, your task is to look through the texts and answer the following question: What Tense is used in each text. After that you should write out all the verbs into your poster and define their tenses. (5 min.)
Presentations (1 min. for each group)
- Thank you for your answers! Now exchange your posters and put marks to each other!
Present Simple Past Simple
Is Was born
Lives Lived
Loves Died
Are Moved
Looks after Visited
Thinks Were
Visit Looked after
Help Started
Love Decided
From 0 till 3 – 2
From 4 till 9 – 3
From 10 till 15 – 4
From 16 till 18 – 5 (1 min.)
Физминутка «Summer song» (2 мин.) Источник:
- Have you relaxed? Let’s continue our lesson!
Now your task is to make up a dialogue according to the theme “My summer holidays” Use Past Simple Tense in your speech! (5 min.)
Presentations (2 min. for each group)
V Summing up the lesson. Children’s assessment of their work
Продолжите фразу
На уроке я познакомился с ...Было непросто ...Я добился ...У меня получилось ...Хотелось бы ...Мне запомнилось ...Я попробую ...
VI Home task (Ex. 8 p. 21)