План конспект урока английского языка 9 класс Кузовлев В. П. Название урока: The Systems of Education in Great Britain and Russia.
Учитель английского языка Гайдаржи Алена Юрьевна
МОУ «Бендерская средняя общеобразовательная школа №15»
План конспект урока английского языка 9 класс Кузовлев В. П.
Название урока: The Systems of Education in Great Britain and Russia.Цели урока:
Развитие коммуникативных умений в рамках предложенной темы
Совершенствовать навыки восприятия на слух иноязычного текста
Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по теме
Развитие умений использовать изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры для решения конкретных коммуникативных задач
Обобщение знаний учащихся о системе образования Великобритании и России
Формирование творческого и критического мышления учащихся через дискуссию
Развитие понятийных форм мышления через освоение особенностей «языкового сознания» при работе с лексическим материалом
Развитие навыков логичности в построении иноязычных высказываний в ходе решения речевых задач
Совершенствовать умение работать в коллективе: внимательно слушать собеседника, вежливо реагировать на просьбы и вопросы собеседника, вступать в общение.
Задачи урока:
Активизировать лексику и лексико-грамматические конструкции
Сравнить системы образования Великобритании и России
Совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи через беседу по теме.
Тип урока:
раздаточный материал, компьютер, проектор.
Форма проведения урока:
Командная, индивидуальная.
The beginning of the lesson. The aim of the lesson..Teacher: -Good morning, dear pupils! I’m very glad to see you! Take your seats. Is everybody present? That’s great! (that’s a pity) Let’s begin our lesson! The title of today’s lesson is “The Systems of Education in Great Britain and in Russia”. Our lesson is a result of your work. Some of you will present the education system in Great Britain, the other - the education system in Russia”.
Phonetic Training
Let’s begin our lesson with phonetic exercise:
[t, d] study, student, kindergarten, education, education system, type of school, start school;[r] graduate, graduate from, primary school, elementary school, secondary school, prepare;[w] why, what, when, where, which[z] exam, examination, national exam
Speech Training
What kind of school is it?
Pupils must take a selection tests. (grammar school)
Children read, write, do sums, play games. They spend a lot of time outdoors. (Primary school)
The parents pay much money for education of their children. (Private school)
Boys and girls are interested in working with their hands. They learn some trade at these schools. They don’t learn foreign languages. (Modern school)
These schools are for all boys and girls. They don’t have selection tests. (Comprehensive school)
4. Speaking
Teacher: There are two groups of pupils here. The first group is for the education system in Great Britain and the second group is for the education system in Russia. Please tell us about education in Great Britain. (в это время 2 ученика идут к доске и выполняют задания и два ученика рассказывают информацию о образовании в Великобритании)
Примерный рассказ текста.
1 Children in Britain start school when they are five. They stay at school until they are 16 or older. Children attend nursery school from the age of about 3, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. Then pupils go to secondary school.
2 They study subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Physical Education and a foreign language. Most secondary schools teach Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Pupils pass exams at the age of 7, 11 and 14. After 5 years of secondary education they pass the GCSE examination. Secondary education ends at 16. Some pupils stay at school and other pupils go to colleges. Higher education begins at 18 and lasts 3 or 4 years.
Some parents send their children to private schools. State education is free.
Thank you. Now let’s continue our discussion of school education.
Please tell us about education in Russia . ( 2 ученика рассказывают о системе образования в России)
Примерный рассказ «Образование в России»
1 Children in our country go to school when they are 7 years old. Many children in Russia attend nursery school. Compulsory education in Russia starts at the age of 7, when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for 4 years. Then pupils go to secondary school.
E.g. in the 8th Form pupils study many subjects: Russian, Literature, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, English, Computer Science, Physical Education, Art and others.
After 5 years of secondary education pupils pass the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination. Most pupils pass examinations in 4 subjects.
2 Compulsory education ends at 16. Some pupils may stay at secondary school for two years. Other pupils leave secondary school and go to colleges or technical secondary schools.
Children can get high education if they graduate from Institutes, Universities and Academies. Higher education begins at 18 and usually lasts for 5 or 6 years.
There are private schools in Russia. State education is free in our country.
Teacher : I think Olga and Max have done the task. Let’s check them up.
Olga: Complete each sentence with one of the words below. Use each word once only.
Compulsory strict knowledge
education attend study uniform private secondary
1. In Russia education is … between ages of 6-7 and 15 .
2. There are different types of … schools in our country.
3. Most of them are state schools where … is free.
4. But some parents want their children to attend … schools which are not free.
5. Children have to … school from Monday till Saturday.
6. In some schools they must wear … but in others they are allowed what they want.
7. The pupils must … 15-17 subjects.
8. The curriculum is … in Russian schools.
9. The pupils have got good … and many of them may continue to study in colleges or universities.
Max: Place the following statements under correct heading: GB or Russia
Children ages of 7 / 17-18 attend school.
Pupils have to wear school uniform to school.
There are grammar, modern schools there.
Summer holidays are from June to August.
Pupils eat lunch at school.
The pupils don’t choose the subjects, they study 15-17 subjects.
School discipline is very strict.
Pupils have exams at the ages of 11, 16.
After finishing 9th form the three choices are opened to the pupils.
There are three school terms in the country.
5 Relaxation.
Teacher: Thank you. You do these exercises very well.
I think you are tired a little. Let’s have a short break and do exercises.
Will you stand up, please?
Hands up! Clap, clap!
Hands on the hips! Step, step!
Bend your left,
Bend your right,
Turn yourself around!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands like this and sit down!
6. Discussion.
Now let’s compare the education systems in Russia and in Great Britain.What are similarities and differences between the Russian and British systems of education? ( учащиеся с каждой команды по одному выходят к доске и пишут сходства и различия образовательных систем России и Великобритании)
Similarities: The education system in Russia has some common features with the system of education in Great Britain.-Just as in England in Russia there are 2 types of schools: state and private schools. State schools provide free education. Parents have to pay for their children’s education if they want to send their children to private school.-Both in England and in Russia pre-school education is optional. It is provided by kindergartens and preparatory classes or nursery classes in schools.Differences:-In contrast to England, in Russia children study 4years in primary school and 5years in secondary school. While in Great Britain pupils attend primary school for 6 years and then go to comprehensive school.Exams in Russia differs from those in Great Britain. In Russia pupils take compulsory exams at the end of 9-year course and when they graduate from school at the end of 11- year course. In Great Britain pupils have national exams at the end of each 4 stages of education.
7. The game “Happy chance”.
There are representatives of 2 teams “Russia” and “Great Britain” in the classroom. Who knows the system of education better? Complete the missing information. Each correct item gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner.-Children start school at the age of 5. Gr. Br. -Children attend primary school between the ages of 6 and 10. R.-There are no entrance examinations in comprehensive schools. Gr. Br.-Pupils take national exams at the end of each stage of education. Gr. Br.-If a pupil wants to study at a grammar school, he or she has to pass exams.Gr.Br.-Education is divided into 4 stages. Gr. Br.-Basic education takes 9 years. R.-At the end of the 9 year course pupils take a compulsory exam. R.-Education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 15. R.-Pre-school education is provided by kinder gardens and preparatory classes in schools. R.Place these statements under the correct heading: Great Britain or Russia.
8. Conclusion and The result of the lesson. The result of the lesson. Teacher: Today you have revised the material about education in Great Britain and Russia. Thank you very much for your work. You were active and attentive.
Home work. Your home task will be to write about Education System of our region. Good-bye.