Контрольная работа по проверке пройденного лексического и грамматического материала к учебнику Кузовлева В.П. “Английский язык 6 класс” по теме: “Weather
ГБОУ СОШ №8 г.о.Отрадный самарская область
Контрольная работа по чтению по английскому языку для 6 – го класса
Учитель английского языка: Астрелина Е.Н.
Read the text, try to understand it.
Two men were travelling in a very wild part of America. They saw no houses, shops or modern buildings for many days. What they saw were only a few small houses made of wood or tents where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who was very clever and knew everything about the woods and the animals living in them, and many other things. He could also speak English quite well. “Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days? ‘’ one of two travelers asked him. “ Oh, yes,” he answered. “Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow for a day or two but after that the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine”.
“These old Indians seem to know more about Nature than we with all our science”, said the man to his friend.
1.Read the text and circle the correct answer a, b, or c.
1. What did two men see in a very wild part of America?
A – houses; B – small houses made of wood; C- elephants
2. Whom did they meet one day?
A – an American B – An old Indian C – Russian people
3. What did one of the travelers ask an Indian?
A – about the weather B – about friendship C – about love
4. What did the travelers think about the old Indian?
A – he was clever B – old Indians seem to know more about Nature than they knew C – he was stupid
2. Match adjectives and nouns:
Adjectives Nouns
1. wild
2. modern
3. old a) Indian
c )part
4.small d) building
5. clever e) Indian
3. Here are the answers, write questions:
a) travellers didn’t see shops, houses , modern buildings;
b) the old Indian knew much about woods and animals living in them.