Занимательные упражнения на уроках английского языка.
Стихи и рифмовки на уроках английского языка.
Иностранный язык как учебный предмет, прежде всего, обеспечивает формирование у учащихся коммуникативных умений в разных видах речевой деятельности; является средством образования, воспитания и развития учащихся.
Начиная заниматься иностранным языком, учащиеся испытывают огромное желание с первых минут «заговорить» на этом языке. В целях сохранения этой сильной мотивации к изучению языка необходимо приблизить перспективу «говорения» и поддержать первоначальное стремление детей. Использование рифмовок облегчает процесс заучивания необходимых для обучения фраз и грамматических структур.
Разучивание рифмовки отвечает возрастным и психологическим особенностям детей. Чтение рифмовок- шуток доставляет удовольствие детям. А то, что пережито эмоционально положительно, надолго остаётся в памяти.
Рифмовки играют огромную роль как средство развития устной речи и способствуют регуляции дыхания, совершенствования и развития дикции, слуха, темпа, выразительности; обеспечивают быстрое и прочное запоминание, что в свою очередь способствует развитию памяти.
Разнообразие рифмовок по темам, лексико-грамматическому содержанию, по жанрам –песни , стихи диалоги- позволяет использовать их систематически на всех стадиях обучения иностранному языку.
1.Фонетические рифмовки.
Отработка определённого звука, звукосочетаний, мелодии, интонации, коррекция звуков, снимает напряжение, помогает избегать монотонности:
[ æ ] [ ŋ ] [ o ][ k ] [ o ]
A black cat
Sat on a mat
And ate
A fat rat Ding-dong
Let`s sing a song Tick-tock, tick-tock
Says a clock
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Be quick
[ t-d ][ r ] – [ ei ]
Doggy, Doggy, come to me
Let us play under the tree. Rain, Rain
Go away
Come again
Another day
Little children
Want to play
2. Лексические рифмовки
Расширяют словарный запас.
Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning! Good morning!
I am glad to see you! I am a girl
A little one
I like to play
I like to run
3. Рифмовки с глаголами ( be, have, like, can, must etc.)
(to be)
Who are you?
I am Jack.
You are Jill.
She is Kate.
He is Bill. Where are They?
Where are Nick and Pete?
They are in the street.
Where are Mike and Bill?
They are on the hill.
(to have)
My Toys
I have a hare.
I have a bear.
My toys are here.
My toys are there. My Dog.
I have a little dog.
Its name is Jack.
His head is white
His ears are black.
(to like)
A Girl
I am a girl
A little one.
I like to play.
I like to run. I like Coffee
I like coffee.
I like tea.
I like apples
On the tree.
I can say
What is grey?
Can you say?
Yes, I can.
The mouse is grey. I can read.
I can write.
I can speak English too.
And what about you?
What Must I Do
One, two
What must I do?
Three, four
Shut the door! A good child
I can clean my teeth.
I can brush my hair.
I can put my shoes on
If I must go there.
4. Считалки –рифмовки, игровые- жеребьёвки.
Способствуют самоорганизации,
самодисциплине детей.
“One, two, three!
You are free!”
”One, two, three!
Let me see!
Who likes coffee andWho likes tea…”
5. Рифмовки-загадки .Формируют умения сопоставлять, сравнивать,
обеспечивают активное мышление детей.
What season is it?
“This is the season
When days are cool.
When we eat apples
And go to school…” “Colour Game”
I see something yellow,
Yellow, yellow!
I see something yellow!
Guess what it can be!
6. Пальчиковые упражнения.
Снятие утомления с мелких мышц кисти руки.
Finger Games1.
7. Рифмовки-зарядки.
Используются для снижения утомления, снижают напряжение, переключают внимание детей, вызывают положительное эмоциональное настроение. При систематическом повторении рифмовки позволяют через 2-3 урока запомнить разговорную модель без затраты на это учебного времени. Рифмовки-зарядки можно менять через каждые 2-3 учебные недели.
Exercises with Movement(Для снятии утомления с плечевого пояса и рук; для улучшения мозгового кровообращения)
1) “Hands up! Hands down!
To the sides!
Sit down!”
2) “Clap! Clap! Clap your hands!
Clap your hands together!
Nod! Nod! Nod your heads!
Nod your heads together!
Stamp! Stamp! Stamp your feet!
Stamp your feet together!”
3) Stand up!
Hands up!
Hands down!
Hands on hips!
Sit down!
Hands on hips!
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
Stand still!
Stand up!
Hands to the sides!
Bend left!
Bend right!
( варианты: поворот, наклон, ходьба, прыжки, танцы)
4) Упражнения, снимающие усталость глаз; гимнастика глаз, способствуют концентрации внимания, развитию образной памяти:
А) “Look at the mouse!
It is in the house!”
B) “ Look at the fox!
It is in the box!”
Stand up and LookC) “Stand up and look around;
Shake your head and turn around;
Stamp your feet upon the ground;
Clap your hands and then sit down!”
D) Look and Say:
Look at the sky!
I see clouds in the sky!
Hello! Good-bye!
I see a bird in the sky! Hello! Good-bye!”
Рифмовки, стихотворения, гимнастические упражнения. песни могут быть использованы на разных этапах урока, ступенях обучения: в начале урока- для введения в языковую среду, в процессе работы на уроке- в зависимости от цели, содержания урока- тренировочные упражнения, развлекательные, развивающие и т.д.
“Memory Games”- способствуют развитию памяти, концентрации внимания.
A) Take a sheet of paper;
“Pencil, pencil!Draw a hat! And a chicken,
And a cat,
And a bear, and a dress”
B) Рисунок-упражнение- игра, в которой учащиеся должны, опираясь на текст стихотворения, передать его содержание при помощи рисунков:
Draw six flowers, please listen to the poem and colour your flowers:
Flowers, flowers,
I love you.
You are yellow.
You are blue,
White and red
And green and brownIn the village,
In the town.
C) развитие слуховой памяти, концентрации внимания:
“Draw a House”
Take a sheet of paper.
Draw a house in the middle!
The house has two windows and a door!
Draw a tree to the right of the house!
Draw a bird flying over the house!
Colour the roof red!
Colour the door brown!
Colour the house green.
(Sign your name. Give the picture to me).
Ranking- ранжирование, подобрать предметы или картинки к стихотворению и разложить их по мере появления в тексте.
(Who is the Most Attentive?)
(реквизит для игры: a frog, a dog, a fish, a cock, a mouse etc.)
Mr. Frog is my friend.
And we hop, hop, hop!
Mr. Dog is my friend.
And we run, run, run!
Mr. Fish is my friendAnd we swim, swim, swim!
Mr. Cock is my friendAnd we sing, sing, sing!
Making Faces and Miming (гримасы).
( Передавать содержание стихотворения с помощью движений и жестов).
А) Lets make faces!
Please, smile! (улыбаясь, показывать значения глагола)
(Laugh, cry, blow your cheeks, shut your eyes etc)
B) (снятие усталости детей)
Wind is blowing (дети поднимают руки вверх и покачиваются)
Wind is blowing
To the left
To the right
(дети делают наклоны влево и вправо)
Wind is blowing!
Wind is blowing!
Day and night! ( на слове ‘day’-дети улыбаются,Day and night! на слове ‘night’ –закрывают глаза).Драматизация. Сценарии игр и мини- спектаклей.
Драматизация эффективно используется для обучения, развития устно-речевых умений, установки лексико- граматических структур в диалогах, сценках-скетчах, маленьких сценках и спектаклях.
We can dramatize some poems about animals.
A poem-game.
“A cat and a mouse.”
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house?
Tell me, my sweet!
Mouse: Little cat, little cat
Stay in your flat.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house?
Where do you live?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat
I am poor mouse
I have no house.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse
Come out and talk to me!
Mouse: Little cat, little cat
No, no, I won’t do that!
You want to eat me!
“A wolf and a Little kid” («Волк и козлик»).
Ведущий: A wolf lives in the forest. One day he is very hungry. But he sees a Little kid.
He runs up to the kid and says:
Wolf:Hi, little kid. I’m very hungry! I want to eat you up!
(The kid is very little. He wants to run away but he can’t because he runs very slowly. But he is very clever and says: )Kid:You can’t eat me up. I’m not tasty. (or I’m very bitter)
Wolf:Why are you not tasty? ( Why are you bitter?).
Kid:Because I like garlic(s) and onion(s) very much. I eat them every day and I’m not tasty (bitter).
Wolf:Oh! What a poor wolf I am. I’m so unlucky. Good bye, Little kid!
Kid:Good bye, Wolf!
(and a little kid runs away)
“A house in the wood” (в нескольких вариантах).
Characters: The Mouse, The Frog, The Cock, The Fox.
(A house in the wood. The mouse comes up to the house)
Who lives in the house? (No answer)
Then I shall live here (enters the house).
(Coming to the house) Knock-knock! Who lives in this house?
(Appearing in the window): I do. I am mouse and I live in this house.
And I am a frog. May I live in your house?
Yes, you may. Come in, please! (The frog enters the house. The Cock appears)
Who lives in the house?
Mouse & Frog: (together):
We do.
I am a frog.
And I am a mouse. (Together): And who are you?
I am a cock. May I live with you?
Mouse & Frog: (together):
Yes, you may. Come in, please!
I am a frog, frog, frog,!
I am a cock, cock, cock!
I am a mouse, mouse, mouse! (Together): We live in this house, house, house.
(The Fox appears)
Knock-knock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse, Cock and Frog: We do. A mouse, a cock and a frog. (Together): And who are you?
I am a fox. May I live with you?
Mouse, Cock and Frog (together):
Oh, you are a bad fox, go away! (The Fox runs away. The Mouse, The Frog and the Cock pursue him).
“A “A house in the wood”-2
The Mouse, The Hare, The Frog, The Cock, The Hedgehog, The Fox.
( The Mouse comes up to a house)
Mouse:I am a mouse. What a nice house. I like it. I want to live in the house.
(the Frog jumps to the house)
Frog:Croak, croak! Hello! Who are you?
Mouse:I am a mouse. And who are you?
Frog:I am a frog. May I live in your house?
Mouse:Yes, you may. Please come in.
Frog:Thank you!
( the Cock comes up to them)
Cock:Cock-a-doodle-doo! How do you do! Who are you!
Mouse:I am the Mouse.
Frog:I am the Frog.
Cock:I am the Cock. May I live with you? I like to sing. May I come in?
Mouse & Frog: Yes, you may, but don’t wake us up early, please.
Cock:No, no, don’t worry about that.
Mouse & Frog:Come here, please.
Cock:Thank you! ( The hare comes up to the house).
Hare:How do you do!? Who are you?
Mouse:I am a mouse.
Frog:I am a frog.
Cock:I am a cock. Who are you?
Hare: I am a hare. May I live with you? May I come in?
Mouse, Frog & Cock (together):Yes, you may.
Hare:Thank you! ( The Hedgehog comes to them)
Hedgehog:How do you do? Who are you?
Mouse:I am a mouse.
Frog:I am a frog.
Cock:I am a cock.
Hare:I am a hare.
Mouse, Frog,
Cock & Hare: Who are you?
Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog. May I live with you?
Mouse, Frog,
Cock & Hare( together): Yes, you may. We glad to meet you!
Cock:But please, don’t prick up!
Hedgehog:Oh, no, don’t worry about that!
ALL:Come here, please. ( The Fox comes up to them)
Fox:How do you do, my dear friends! Who are you?
ALL (in turn)
(по очереди):I am a mouse. I am a frog. I am a cock. I am a hare. I am a hedgehog. And
who are you?
Fox:I am your friend, I am a good fox! May I live with you?
ALL:No, no, you are bad, you want to eat us up! Go away! ( The Fox runsaway).All the animals are happy and they sing their song:
“The more we get together,
Together, together!
The more we get together,
The happy we will be!”
“The wolf and seven little kids”
Characters: Mother Goat, Seven little kids, The Wolf.
Mother Goat:Now, my dear children, I must go to the market and get some milk for you. You must sit still. You must not let anybody in. Lock the door. Good-bye!
(She kisses them and goes away)
Seven kids:Good-bye! Good-bye! Come back soon!
(A big bad Wolf comes up to the Goat’s house, he wants to eat up the kids).
Wolf: Open the door! Its me, your mother! I have some milk for you!
(in a loud, rough voice):
Seven kids:No, no you are not our mother.
1st kid: Our mother’s voice is soft.
2nd kid: Our mother’s voice is sweet.
3rd kid:We must not open the door to anybody.
Wolf:You silly kids! (goes away)
The wolf goes and drinks some hot milk with a lot of butter in it. Now his voice is soft and he goes up to the Goat’s house again)
Wolf: Open the door, my dear children! It’s me your mother! I have some sweets for you.
(in a soft voice)
Seven kids: No, no you are not our mother!
4th kid:Your voice is soft, but it is not Mother’s!
Wolf:But don’t you want these nice sweets?
5th kid:We don’t want any sweets from you!
Wolf:And I have some ice-cream for you!
6th kid:We don’t want any ice-cream from you!
Wolf:I have a lot of toys for you!
7th kid:We don’t want any toys from you!
Wolf:Open the door or I shall break it!
Seven kids:We are not afraid of you, you are a big bad wolf.
(The Wolf goes away)
1st kid:We are not afraid of the big bad Wolf. But we must fight him if he comes back.
( to the 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th kids)
You, and you, and you two go and get big sticks.
(To the 6th , 7th kids)-
And you two, take the pans and big spoons and (whispers something to them, they nod)…and stand behind the armchair. (The Wolf comes back)
Wolf:Do you give up? (Сдаётесь)
Seven kids:No, no.
Wolf:Oh, I will break the door!
Seven kids:We are not afraid of you, big bad Wolf!
Wolf:Do you give up? One! Two! Three!
Seven kids:No, no, no!
(Bang! The wolf breaks the door! He rushes into the room. The fight begins. The 4th and the 5th kids fall down. The 1st kid takes a trumpet and blows it. The 6th kid and 7th kid jump up from behind the armchair and make an awful noise with their pans and spoons. The Wolf is frightened)Wolf:Oh, what is that! What is that? I must run. I must run, quick, quick.
(He runs away) (Mother Goat comes in)
Mother Goat:Oh, what’s the matter? What does all this mean?
1st kid:Everything is all right, mother.
2nd kid:The Wolf wanted to eat us up!
3rd kid:But it is not so easy to eat us up.
Mother Goat:Oh my dear brave children. It’s very good that you are not afraid of the Wolf. Remember: if we fight all together, we shall win.
Использование перечислительных видов упражнений, игр способствует созданию благоприятной атмосферы, помогает совершенствовать навыки чтения, произношения, устной речи, поддерживает интерес к изучению иностранного языка.