Конспект урока — викторины на тему Англоговорящие страны (9 класс)
Учитель: Барабаш С.А.
Дата: 13.10.2015 г.
Класс: 9 «А» и 9 «Б».
Тема: викторина по страноведению «The Weakest Link» the theme “English–speaking countries”. («Слабое звено» тема «Англоговорящие страны»).
Цель мероприятия: формирование языковой компетенции.
Задачи: образовательные, воспитательные и развивающие.
формирование коммуникативных умений и речевых навыков.
углубление представления учащихся об англоговорящих странах.
формирование уважения к языку и культуре носителей языка.
воспитание коммуникативного речевого такта, коммуникабельности в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми.
развитие устойчивого интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
развитие интеллектуальных способностей.
развитие потребностей в самообразовании,
расширение кругозора, развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.
Форма организации: групповая.
Межпредметные связи: история, география, литература.
Оборудование: мультимедийные технологии, презентация по теме урока.
Ход мероприятия.
Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you. Welcome to our game “The Weakest Link”. I am sure you like to watch this game on TV and know its rules. After each round the weakest link – a pupil who doesn’t answer the questions – will leave our game. The theme of our today’s game is “English–speaking countries”. So let us begin. Introduce yourselves, please, tell us your name, age and hobby.
1. Where is Great Britain situated? – On the British Isles, to the northwest of Europe.
2. How many parts are there in the UK? – 4.
3. How many countries are situated on the island of Great Britain? – 3.
4. What is the capital of the UK? – London.
5. What is the capital of Scotland? – Edinburgh.
6. What is the nickname of the flag of the UK? – The Union Jack.
7. What river is London situated on? – The Thames.
8. Who is officially the head of the UK? – Queen Elizabeth II.
9. What is a double-decker? – A bus.
10. What is the national emblem of England? – A rose.
11. What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK? – No 10, Downing Street.
12. What kind of state is the UK? – A parliamentary monarchy.
13. What is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?- Buckingham Palace.
14. Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? – Sir Christopher Wren.
15. What is the seat of the British Government? – The Houses of Parliament.
16. Where can you see wax figures of many famous people? – In Madame Tussaud’s.
17. What is the largest museum in London? – The British Museum.
18. Who was the first woman Prime Minister in the UK? – Margaret Thatcher.
19. What is the name of the first Queen of the UK? – Victoria.
20. How many bronze lions can you see at the foot of the monument to Admiral Nelson? – 4.
21. What is the oldest university in Great Britain? – Oxford.
22. When do British people celebrate Halloween? – On the 31st of October.
23. What is the biggest tower clock in the world? – Big Ben.
24. When do British people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? – On the 5th of November.
25. What separates Great Britain from the European continent? – The English Channel.
26. When did the Great Fire of London break out? – In 1666.
1. Who discovered America? – Christopher Columbus.
2. When did Christopher Columbus discover America? – In 1492.
3. What is the official name of the country that is usually called America? – The United States of America.
4. What is the capital of the USA? – Washington, D. C.
5. Who was the first president of the USA? – George Washington.
6. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? – New York.
7. Where is Hollywood situated? – In Los Angeles, California.
8. What is the largest city in the USA? - New York.
9. How many states are there in the USA? – 50.
10. The national flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. How many stars and stripes does it have? – 50 and 13.
11. What is the national sport in America? – Baseball.
12. What is the oldest and most famous university in the USA? – The Harvard University.
13. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? – July 4.
14. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated (in October or November)? – November.
15. On which ship did the Pilgrim Fathers sail to America? – The Mayflower.
16. What is the biggest state of the USA? – Alaska.
17. What is the longest river in the USA? – The Mississippi.
18. What unites the American presidents G. Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Grant and Franklin? – The US dollar.
19. What is the official national symbol of the USA? – The eagle.
1. Who discovered Australia? – Captain James Cook.
2 What is the capital of Australia? – Canberra.
3. What was the first capital of Australia? – Melbourne.
4. What is the largest city in Australia? – Sydney.
5. What is the official language of Australia? – English.
6. What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms? – The kangaroo and the emu.
7. What is the best-loved animal in Australia? – The koala.
8. Is Australia an island or a continent? – It is the largest island and the smallest continent.
9. How many countries are situated in Australia? – 1.
10. What are Australia’s national colours? – Green and gold.
11. When do Australians celebrate the New Year? – In the middle of summer.
12. What is the longest river in Australia? – The Darling.
V. ФИЗМИНУТКА.- Now it is time to have a rest. (гимнастика для глаз «Звездочет».)
Look at the photographs and say what places of interest are depicted in them.
1. St. Paul’s Cathedral.
2. Tower Bridge.3. Westminster Abbey.
4. The British Museum.
5. Tower of London.
6. Westminster Palace.7. Buckingham Palace.8. Kensington Palace. VII. THE FIFTH ROUND. FAMOUS PEOPLE
Let us see how well you know English and American literature.
1. The literary father of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? – Mark Twain.
2. The author of “Robinson Crusoe”? – Daniel Defoe.
3. The author of stories about Sherlock Holmes? - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
4. The creator of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snowhite and 7 dwarfs? – Walt Disney.
5. A famous English playwright and poet, the author of “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”? – W. Shakespeare.
6. How many lines are there in Shakespeare’s sonnets? – 14.
7. How many plays did Shakespeare write? – 37.
8. What happens at the end of “Romeo and Juliet”? –They die.
1. On this holiday people send presents, flowers and greeting cards to their sweethearts, lovers, husbands and wives. – St. Valentine’s Day.
2. This religious holiday marks the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It is celebrated in March or in April. – Easter.
3. On this national American holiday (in November) people thank God for good harvest and eat roast turkey, pumpkin and plum pudding. – Thanksgiving Day.
4. On this holiday children put on strange masks, dress up as ghosts and witches and cry “Trick or Treat”. – Halloween.
5. On this day in April people play tricks and jokes on their friends and relatives. – April Fool’s Day.
6. What is the most popular holiday in Great Britain and the USA? – Christmas.
Your task is to name as many American states as you know.
X. ИТОГ МЕРОПРИЯТИЯ.Today, we played in a game “The Weakest Link”. I hope it was interesting for you.
Каждый оценивает свой вклад в достижение поставленных в начале урока целей, свою активность, эффективность работы класса, увлекательность и полезность выбранных форм работы.
сегодня я узнал…
было интересно…
было трудно…
я выполнял задания…
я понял, что…
теперь я могу…
я почувствовал, что…
я приобрел…
я научился…
у меня получилось …
я смог…
я попробую…
меня удивило…
урок дал мне для жизни…
мне захотелось…
1.На уроке я работал активно / пассивно
2.Своей работой на уроке я доволен / не доволен
3.Урок для меня показался коротким / длинным
4.За урок я не устал / устал 5.Мое настроение стало лучше / стало хуже
6.Материал урока мне был понятен / не понятен, полезен / бесполезен, интересен / скучен
7. Домашнее задание мне кажетсялегким / трудным, интересно / не интересно
If you will get a mark «3» - to do a report about one English-speaking countries.
If you will get a mark «4» - to create a test or crossword about English-speaking countries and about Russia.
If you will get a mark «5» - to do a project about your country – Russia.
Викторина проводится в 9-х и 10-х классах.
Проведение викторины сопровождается музыкальными номерами, стихами, сценками и т. п. (по усмотрению учителя).
За 2 недели до праздника дети получают следующие задания:
1) повторить изученный материал по истории, литературе, образованию, науке и культуре; Состав участников:
-игроки двух команд;
-члены жюри;
- 28 карточек с вопросами;
- «банкноты долларов» различной стоимостью, изготовленные специально для этой викторины учащимися:
4x10.00$; 4x15.000$;
4x25.00$; 4x30.000$;
3x50.000$ .
-ответы для ведущего.
Ведущим викторины может быть ученик 10-11 класса.
Ход игры:
I. Начало игры. Организационный момент.
В начале игры звучит песня (может быть использована любая подходящая песня на английском языке)
II. Проведение игры.
В игре принимают участие 10 участников. Им раздают карточки с вопросами, где они отмечают правильный ответ. Игра состоит из 4 раундов:
1) история;
образование, культура, наука;
знаменитые люди.
Игра начинается, с раздела «История». Ведущий задает вопросы в порядке повышения сложности вопроса и его стоимости. У участников есть одна подсказка - помощь друга.
После каждого раунда следует музыкальная пауза. Правильные ответы проверяет историк. В конце игры объявляются победители.
Вопросы викторины:
I раунд. History of America (История Америки)
1. What was the first holiday, celebrated by American colonies?
a) Thanksgiving; b) The New Year; c) Easter; d) Christmas (5.000 $),
2. Who was the first President of the USA?
a) Theodore Roosevelt; b) Benjamin Franklin) Thomas Jefferson; d)George Washington.(10.000$)
3. What tea party is a historical event?
a) Franklin and Washington tea patty; b) Roosevelt and Churchill tea party; c) Boston tea party d) Atlanta tea party. (15.000$)
What was the number of the first English colonies in America? a) 14; b) 27; c)45;d)13. (20.000$)
When was the Declaration of Independence issued?
a) On July 4, 1776 b) On July 14th, 1776; c) On July 4th, 1778; d) On July 4, 1789. (25.000 $)
6. Where was the Constitution of the USA worked out?
a) In Atlanta: b) In New York; c) In Washington; d) In Philadelphia. (30.000 $)
7. Why did the pilgrims come to America?
a) For religious freedom; b) For great money; c) For a new land; d) For great love. (40.000$)
Музыкальная пауза.
II. раунд. hitera.t\ire.(JJumepamypa.)
1.Who rote the story "The old man and the sea"?
a) Ernest Hemingway; b) Mark Twain; c) Edgar Рое; d) Walt Whitman (10.000 $)
2.Who rote "An American tragedy"?
a) Walt Whitman; b) Ernest Hemingway; c) Mark Twain; d) Theodore Dreiser;(5.000 $)
3.Who is the founder of (he modem detective story?
a) Arthur Conan Doyle; b) Ernest Hemingway; c)Edgar Рое; d)Walter Scott. (20.000$)
4.What is the real name of Mark Twain?
a) Samuel James Clemens; b) SamuelLangborn Clemens', c) Sidney James Clemens d) William Sidney Porter.(25.000$)
5.What is the pen-name of William Sidney Porter?
a) Mark Twain; b) Edgar Рое; с) О'Henri ; d) Walt Whitman. (30.000$)
6.Who is the author of the novel "The Martian chronicles"?
a) Edgar Рое; b) Ray Bradbury; c) Robert Heinlein; d) Arthur Clark. (40.000$)
Музыкальная пауза. And now a little musical pause!
III. раунд. Education, cultafe,science. (Образование, культура, наука.)1.What is the national anthem of (he USA?
a) The star-spanned banner, b) America, the beautiful; c) Silent night; d) Yesterday. (10.000 $)
How many patents are attributed to Thomas Edison? a) 456; b) 790; c) 23; d) aver 1000. (15.000 $)
What was the first American University? :
a) Harvard cortege; b) Yelle college; c) Massachusetts college; d) Wisconsin college. (20.000 $)
4.What is the famous library in Washington?
a) Library of the White House; b) Library of Capitol; c) Library of the Supreme Court; d)Library of Congress, (25.000$)
5.Whoisthe"King of rock-and-roll? a) Walt Disney; b) Louis Armstrong; e) Elvis Presley; d)Stephen Spielberg, (30.000$)
6.Who is the father of the telephone?
a) Alexander Bell; b) Henry Ford; c) Orville Wright; d) Norman Rockwell. (40.000$)
7.What is the center of the cinema production in the USA?
a) New York; b) Washington; c)Boston; d) Hollywood. (50.000$)
Музыкальная пауза.
IV раунд. Famous people. (Знаменитые люди.)
1. Who is considered to be the Father of his country?
a) Abraham Lincoln; b) Benjamin Franklin; c) Thomas Jefferson; d)George Was hington.(\0.000$)
2. Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? .a) Walt Disney; b) Charles Jones c) Norman Rockwell; d) John Portman. (15.000 $)
3. Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor?
a) Ronald Reagan; b) Benjamin Franklin; c) George Bush; d) Abraham Lincoln. (20.000$)
4. Who is the 43 d President of the USA?
a) Bill Clinton; b) Ronald Reagan; c) George Bush, junior; d) George Bush. (25.000$)
5. What President was killed in Dallas?
a) George Bush; b) Ronald Reagan; c) John Kennedy; d) Abraham Lincoln. (30,000$)
6. Who is the greatest American architect of all times?
a) John Portman; b) Stephen Spielberg; c) Louis Armstrong; d) Frank Lloyd Wright
(40.000 $)
7. Who wras known as the "King of jazz"?
a) Elvis Presley; b) Wilbur Wright; c) Ansel Adams; d) Louis Armstrong. (50.000 $)
В конце викторины жюри проверяет ответы и вызывает победителей для награждения.
Звучит стихотворение об Аврааме Линкольне:
Captain! My Captain! Our fearful 1 trip is done, The ship has weather'd every rack, The prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, The people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, The vessel grim and daring; But о heart! Heart! Heart! 0 the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.