Конспект урока по английскому языку по темам “Do you have an example to follow?” и “Do you like living in your country?”

Урок-обобщение в форме игры по темам “Do you have an example to follow?” и “Do you like living in your country?”
Заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка, как средства для знакомства с достопримечательностями англоязычных стран.
Закрепитьирасширитьзнанияучащихсяпотемам “Do you have an example to follow?” и “Do you like living in your country?”
Воспитать культуру поведения, уважительное и доброжелательное отношение к англоязычным странам
Развивать способности коллективной работы в группе
Оборудование: английский язык: Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, автор В.П. Кузовлев и др., М.: Просвещение, 2007; английский язык: Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, автор В.П. Кузовлев и др., М.: Просвещение, 2007: раздаточный материал; иллюстрации с видами достопримечательностей России и Великобритании, портреты известных людей; зарубежные музыкальные произведения; магнитофон; карточки с названиями сказок и названиями команд; листы бумаги и ручки; доска.
Ход урока.
Начало игры.
Орг. Момент.
Stand up! Stand straight! Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you today! Sit down, please!
Сообщение целей урока и плана работы на урок.
Today we are going to spend good time. We are going to have a contest. So we should divide in two teams and choose your captains. Let’s choose the names for your teams. I ask captains come to me and choose the name. Ok, this team is called “Asterix” and that one -“Obelix”. And let me introduce our jury. Here are the members of jury …
Основная часть.
Проведение игры.
Well let’s begin our contest. And the first task is testing “Sights and brands”. You should listen to my questions and choose the right answer. I will ask one team than another one. You’ll get one point for each right answer. Let’s begin:
1 team.1. What is the first underground railway system is the world which is situated in London?
a) tube, the London Underground
b) metroc) St. Petersburg underground
2. Which library has a copy of every book published in London?
a) the National Gallery
b) St. Paul’s Cathedral
c) the British Library
3. What is the only grate world tennis tournament played on grass?
a) Wimbledon
b) World chess champion chip
c) Olympic games4. What is the top chocolate in Britain?
a) Cadbury
b) Alpen Gold
c) Snickers
5. What is the name of the largest Moscow’s library?
a) Pushkin Museum
b) the Russian state Library
c) Belgorod library
6. What is the biggest underground station in the word which is situated in Russia?
a) Kharkov Metropolitan
b) the St. Petersburg Underground
c) the Moscow underground
7. What is the name of Russian cakes from Tula?
a) Napoleon
b) Pudding
c) Tula’s Pryanik8. What is the name of Russian ancient teapot?
a) Chajnikb) Samovar
c) teakettle9. Where is restaurant “Seventh Heaven” situated?
a) Red Square
b) Ostankino Television Tower
c) Summer Garden Grille
2 teamWhat is the name of stone stature with a lion’s body and a man’s or an animal’s head?
a) Stature of liberty
Nelson’s Column
What is the most favorite children’s cartoons with wolf and hare in leading parts
“Nu, pogody!”
What is the name of Russian ancient dolls?
MatroshkaFair VasilisaMaya
What does company make more than 50 000 tones of chocolate a year in Russia?
SlavyankaRot Front
Babayevskaya company
What is the one of the biggest centres of the world’s musical culture, Moscow’s number 1 theater of opera and ballet?
Bolshoi Theater
Pushkin Museum
KunstkammerWhat is the name of company which makes 700 chocolate eggs a minute?
a) Cadbury
b) Alpen Gold
c) Snickers
7. Which tournament is held in the last week of June and the first week of July in Southwest London?
a) Wimbledon
b) World chess champion chip
c) Olympic games8. This library has more than 10 mln books. Books occupy 320 km of shelf space.
a) the National Gallery
b) St. Paul’s Cathedral
c) the British Library
9. What do people use in order to travel from the suburbs into central London every day?
a) tube, the London Underground
b) metroc) St. Petersburg underground
2. Thank you very much. And now the second task called “Brands”. I give you the cards and you should match the things at the left column and the utterance at the right column. You have 1 minute to do this task. Here are your cards (нафонезвучитмелодичнаямузыка). The time is over, let’s check your answers.
1 Kellogg’s corn flakes A Pleasant to walk in!
2 Colgate B Beautiful to look at!
3 Levis Jeans C Easy to cook!
4 Honda Moped D Good to protect your teeth!
5 Dunlop Shoes E Save to ride!
Well I think our jury is ready to tell us the results of the first task. Let’s listen to them … thank you for your work
And we continue our contest. I’ll give you cards with “Crosswords”. Find the names of popular British items in the square below and write them out. I give you 5 minutes (на фоне звучит музыка).
A lake in Scotland in which a mysterious monster lives
A city famous for its illumination displays
A famous station in England where football matches take place
A popular name of London Underground
One of the four great world tennis tournaments played on grass
A product Cadbury’s is famous for
One of the pieces of street furniture which is red in colour and which history goes back to 1853
A bus with two floors
A popular British brand name cornflakes
Give me, please, your crosswords and jury will check them. And the next task is “Famous people”. There are people who are known all over the world. Match the two parts of the sentences. I give you 3 minutes. (на фоне звучит музыка)
Harold Abrahams was the first European sportsman
Richard Burbage was the first English actor
Helen Sharman is the first British astronaut
In the seventies Elizabeth Taylor was the second American actress
Joseph Niepce was the first engineer
Joseph Lister was the first doctor
Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean were the only ice dancers to treat people with penicillin
to play in Russian film
to make a photograph
to get more ‘six’ marks than any dancers in the world
to play the role of Hamlet
to win an Olympic sprint in 1924
to orbit the Earth on the Russian Mir station
- The time is over. Please, collect your cards. And we ask our jury to tell us the scores. … Thank you very much.
5. And now we need three persons from each team for the next contest “Grammar”. You should choose the right variant “who” or “whose”, “to”. Let’s begin.
1. Charles Dickens was a writer (who/whose) best books were about happy family life and good people.
2. George Gershwin was the first American composer (who/to) use the music of black people in symphonies.
3. John Field was a popular Irish composer and pianist (who/whose) lived in Russian.
4. German Titov was the second Russian cosmonaut (who/to) orbit the Earth.
5. Franciss Gardner was an Englishman (who/whose) started one of the best china factories.
6. Franciss Ford Coppoll is an American film-maker (who-whose) film The Godfather is very popular all over the world.
(Good job. Good of you. You are right. That’s correct)
And now let’s remember our childhood and of course our favorite fairytales. Here are the cards with the titles of fairytales: “Cinderella”, “Snowwhite and 7 dwarfs”, “Wolf and 7 kids”, “Winnie-the-Pooh”, “Red Riding Hood”. I will read the utterance and you should guess about which fairytale it is.
1. This tale is about a girl, who had white skin, lips as roses and her hair was as black as night.
2. She had a very bad and cruel stepmother who wanted to kill her.
3. This girl was very kind and once in the forest she met 7 small children, they were dwarfs.
4. But her stepmother came to her and gave a magic apple. A poor girl ate it and died.
5. But she had a very brave friend who loved her, he was a prince, and he could save her.
6. Prince found the girl, kissed her and she woke up.
II.1. This story is about a girl who lived with a stepmother and 2 sisters. They hated her and made a slave of her.
2. She washed the floors, dishes, made meals, fed animals.
3. She was very kind and had many friends but her friends were birds, cats, dogs and mice.
4. She also had a Christ-mother who was a fairy.
5. Once there was a ball in the kingdom and the girl met a prince there.
6. They wanted to marry but cruel stepmother locked her in her room.
III.This story is about a little yellow bear. He was very clumsy but he had many friends.
One of his friends was a boy whose name was Christopher Robin.
His friends also were a rabbit, a small pig, a donkey and an owl.
IV.This story is about a little girl who lived with her mother and who had a grandmother who lived in the forest.
Once the girl went to her granny to give her a basket of patties.
On her way she met a wolf who wanted to eat her.
1. This story is about a mother – goat who had 7 kids. Some of them were noisy, the other shy and quite.
2. Not far from them lived a wolf and he wanted to eat poor kids.
III. Этапрефлексии.
Well, while our jury counts the score, let’s relax: listen the music and express your impressions. I give you the cards and you should draw the smiles and write your opinion, you may do it in Russian.
Конец урока. Подведение итогов.
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Награждение участников – учащимся даются грамоты
Thank you for your taking part in our contest. You did your best. The lesson is over. Good bye. See you soon.