План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 «А» классе. Topic: I’d like to buy a bicycle. And you?

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 5 «А» классе.
Topic: I’d like to buy a bicycle. And you?Grammar: The letters “I” and “y”.
Цель: формирование речевой компетенции.
образовательная – правильное употребление в речи лексических единиц с буквами “у” и “i”в рамках создания рекламных вывесок и плакатов;
развивающая – развитие способностей к зрительной и слуховой дифференциации, способности к выявлению языковых закономерностей, развитие способности к непроизвольному запоминанию, развитие догадки о значении слов по картинкам, по аналогии с родным языком, развитие воображения;
воспитательный аспект – воспитание разумного отношения к рекламе, интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Оснащение урока:
Новые лексические единицы: a bicycle, a kite, to buy, cinema, exciting, fish/ fishing, to fly, gift, to go hiking, to go on a picnic, interesting, little, to live, to make a trip, motorbike, picture, pie, prize, to ride, river, sticker, to swim, ticket, trip, video, village, to win, with us.  
Ход урока.
I этап: организационный момент:
Teacher: Good morning boys and girls.
I’m glad to see you too. Take your places, please. Pupils: Good morning our teacher, we are glad to see you.
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
Who is absent today?
Thank you. P1: I am on duty today.
Today is the 7th of February.
… is/ are absent todayРечевая зарядка: How did you spend last Sunday? P1: I went to visit my grandmother.P2: My parents and I went for a walk to the park.P3: I helped my sister to do homework.
Фонетическая зарядка: Look at the blackboard and repeat after me: adverts, signs, a bicycle, a kite, exciting, pie, prize, motorbike, picture. Pupils: adverts, signs, a bicycle, a kite, exciting, pie, prize, motorbike, picture.
Advertising is in all spheres of our life. You come across it everywhere. Now let’s determine The Steps of Advertising Technique. Open your Students Books at page 114 exercise 2. Listen to me and repeat after me.
(учащиеся читают слова все вместе вслед за учителем)
Now the first column read only boys, the second – only girls.
When the letters “y” and “i” read the sound    [I ]   and   [ai] ? P:   [I]    в закрытом слоге         
[ai]    в открытом слоге
Знакомство с некоторыми особенностями рекламы
 Open your Students Books at page 112. Look at the picture, read the sentence and translate it.
What can you say about adverts?
Look at the sign of each sentence.
Look at the first word of each sentence.
How many words in each sentence?
What advertise there?
P: В конце каждого предложения стоит восклицательный знак, что побуждает к действиям. Первое слово каждого предложения глагол. Нет никаких лишних эмоциональных слов. Эти плакаты рекламируют продукты питания и времяпрепровождение.
Well, remember, the advert must not contain any emotional words.    
The Steps of Advertising Technique
1) An exclamation sign (восклицательный знак) at the end of each sentence.
2) The first word is a verb (глагол).
3) Free from any emotional words.
T: You are very clever! Lets play a game “Is it an advert or not?” Look at the pictures and show me card with word “advert” if it’s really an advert. And show me red sign if its not an advert.
(детям предоставляются картинки рекламные плакаты) Boys and girls, what else can we may advertise?
Open your Activity Book exercise 1 on page 56. Lets look at the picture! Find the names of these things here.
Good job!
P: musical instruments, cars, ets.
Физкульт разминка.
Stand up and repeat after me:
Nowadays there are many kinds of adverts. Many goods are advertised but you should be careful choosing something. A lot of children dream of wonderful and modern things. And you? Wright about it in your Activity Book exercise 2 on page 58. read them, please.