Итоговая проверочная работа по английскому языку по УМК Счастливый английский.ру авторов Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.
Итоговая проверочная работа по английскому языку по уровню оценивания коммуникативной компетенции обучающихсяКласс
Цель задания: проверка умения понимать речь на слух с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Barbara and Richard have just finished their exams and decided to have a holiday.
1.Listen to the conversation between Barbara and Richard . Answer the questions 1-4. Circle the соrrect letter. You'll hear the conversation twice.
1. How much will it cost each person for the riverboat trip?
A. $ 30
B. $ 20
C.$ 25
D. $ 5
2. Circle the two reasons why Barbara and Richard decide not to go horse riding.
A. it’s a bit expensive
B. they haven’t got the right equipment
C. it’s too far away
D. Richard can’t ride a horse
3. How much was written in the brochure for the hire of a mountain bike?
A. $ 20
B. $ 10
C. $ 30
D. $ 15
4. What is included in the hire charge?
A. helmet, panniers and lights
B. panniers and repair kit
C. helmet and repair kit
D. repair kit, helmet and lights
Цель задания: проверка уровня развития умения читать текст с извлечением конкретной информации.
Read the text.
Last Will
Mr. Brown was a very rich and mean man. When he died he had 10 million pounds in the bank. He had only two relatives, his sons Joseph and Oliver who pretended to get this money. They were twins. They were so alike that nobody could tell who was who. Joseph and Oliver left home when they were 20 years old.
When the two brothers heard about their father’s death, they went to his house right away. Their father’s lawyer Miss Smith met them. She said; “Come into the library, I must read you your father’s will. Your father made a very short will. It is in three parts. Part one says: I leave all my money to my son Oliver.” The lawyer turned to the twin brothers and asked, “So which one of you is Oliver?” Both of the sons said;“I am. I’m Oliver!”Miss Smith was angry; “One of you must be a liar”. Then she began reading the second part of the will. It said: “If there is any argument about which son is real Oliver, then I leave all my money to Joseph!” Once again the lawyer asked; “Which one is Joseph?” “I am!” cried the two sons with one voice. The lawyer was very angry. She cried; “But a minute ago you both were Oliver!”You are liars!”
Then she began reading the third part of the will. It said;“If both my sons turn out to be liars then I leave all my money to Miss Smith, my faithful lawyer.” So the twins left the house without a penny. The clever will had shown that both of them were liars. But it was Miss Smith, who tricked them, because Mr. Brown had never made a will!
1. Choose the correct answer to the question.
1) How much money did Mr. Brown have?
a) Ten million dollars. b) Ten million rubles. c) Ten million pounds. d) Ten thousand pounds.
2) Who was very rich and mean?
a) Oliver. b) Joseph. c) Mr. Brown. d) Miss Smith.
3) Where did Miss Smith read the will?
a) In the kitchen. b) In the living room. c) In the cafe. d) In the library.
4) Who got the money?
a) Miss Smith.
b) Oliver. c) Nobody. d) The twins.
2. According to the text, mark the statements (1-4) as T if they are true and F if they are false.
1.Many people pretended to get Mr. Brown's money._______
2.Both brothers were liars._________
3.Mr. Brown's will was very clever.___________
4.Miss Smith was very smart.___________
3.Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don't need to use.
1.A lawyer A). A man who has much money.
2.A rich men B).A room where the will was read.
3.A library C).A person who reads the will.
4.A liar D).A person who is not honest
5.A will
Цель задания: проверка умения распознавать и пользоваться лексическими единицами пройденных тем; проверка умения распознавать и анализировать пройденные грамматические явления.
1.Make new words with the help of suffixes and prefixes:
re-,un-, -ing, -th, -teen, -tion, -less, dis.
Write, read, five, job, celebrate, open, pack, kind, agree, invite, child, happy, use
2.Fill in the gaps. Use get, make, look, turn
1 .It took me a week ... the flu. (побороть, выздороветь) 2. What time ... you ...in the morning? (вставать) 3.He ... with two million dollars. (уехать) 4.I ... tomorrow. (вернуться) 5.Our neighbours ... yesterday. (шуметь) 6. Tom ... in his test yesterday. (сделать ошибку) 7.His father can ... .(делать хорошие доклады) 8.He must ... (зарабатывать деньги) because his mother needs expensive medicine. 9. Who is going ... little Lily? (присматривать) 10. I usually ... all the new words ... . (смотреть в словаре). 11. It grew dark and I ... the light.(включить)12. My tea was ready and I ... the gas. (выключить) 13.This witch ... this bad boy ... a pig. (превратить)
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Passive voice
1.My question (to answer) yesterday. 2.Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 3.His new book ( to finish) next year.5. The letter (to receive) last week. 6.Nick (to send) to Moscow next month.7. One of the theatres in our city (to reconstruct) now. 8. This street (to close)already because of snow.
4. Put the sentences from active voice into passive one .1.She has already made a cake. 2.They will read the story tomorrow. 3.They saw this film on TV. 4.He reads this newspaper every day.
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
1.Neither I nor my brothers go /goes to England.
2.Both Kate and her parents likes/like to travel.
3.Either Diana or her little sister was crying/ were crying two days ago.
4.Both teachers and their pupils have/has visited this museum.
5.Neither Dan nor Kevin read/ reads detective stories.
Цель задания: проверка умения говорить логично, убедительно, аргументировано, в рамках предложенной темы в режиме диалога.
1.What kind of books do you like?
A: Give your opinion about different genres.
B: Agree or disagree with the opinion.
Цель задания: проверка умения излагать в письменной форме на основе предложенной информации.
1.What are you reading now? Write about the book. Use a plan.
The author
The title
The genre
The story is set in…
The main characters
What happens to them?
Do you like the book?
Would you recommend the book? Why?
Цель задания: проверка навыка овладения сведениями о стране изучаемого языка.
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. How many parts does the UK consist of?
a. 4; b. 3; c. 5
2. What is the capital of the UK?
a. Edinburgh; b. Boston; c. London
3. What is the English flag called?
a. Union Patric; b. Union Jack; c. Lines and Crosses
4.Who is the head of state in Britain?
a. the Mayor; b. the Queen; c. the Prime Minister
5.The current British monarch is:
a.Prince Charles; b.Queen Victoria; c. Queen Elizabeth II
6. Who is the head of the government in the UK?
a. Lord Chancellor; b. monarch; c. Prime Minister
7.The residence of Prime Minister is ...
a.Buckingham Palace; b.10, Downing Street; c. Baker Street, 221В
8. The Britain's two main political parties are:
a. the Conservative and the Democratic; b.the Republican and the Labour;
c. the Labour and Conservative
9. What is the building where the British Parliament sits called?
a. the White House; b. St. Paul’s Cathedral; c. Palace of Westminster
10. The chairperson of the House of Lords sits on a:
a.sofa; b.woolsack; c. throne
Текст для аудированияRichard: Here we are. Brochures for one day excursions. Let's have a look.
Barbara: A riverboat trip! That looks interesting.
Richard: Yeah. It does. Where does it go? And how do we get to the river?
Barbara: It says to go by bus to the river. The bus trip takes about an hour. That costs $ 5 per person each way. Then the boat goes along the river for 4 hours. And we can get a meal on the boat. That sounds good.
Richard: How much does it cost?
Barbara: Well, the boat trip costs $ 20 and the meal is extra if we want it. It all sounds great, but it's a bit expensive - $ 30 each, and that's not counting the food and drinks.
Richard: Yes. It would be relaxing but it is a bit expensive and we wouldn't get much exercise sitting on a bus and a boat, would we?
Barbara: No, you are right. What about horse riding or cycling? Can you ride a horse?
Richard: Not very well. I've only ridden a horse twice in my life and that was long time ago. How much does it cost?
Barbara: Let me see. Horse riding's a bit expensive too - $ 30 for 2 hours.
Richard: What about cycling? That shouldn't be too expensive. Here we are, mountain bikes for hire. $ 10 a day! That's great!
Barbara: And there's a helmet and a repair kit with each one. You have to wear a helmet by law.
Richard: We'll hire two bikes then. Here is $ 20. That's very good.
Задание 1
Руководство к итоговой проверочной работе.
Данная итоговая проверочная работа состоит из 6 разделов и предназначена для обучающихся 8-х классов, занимающихся по учебнику Кауфман К.И. и Кауфман М.Ю. «Happy English.ru» в качестве переводной по окончании учебного года. Предлагаемые задания проверяют речевые навыки и умения по темам в следующих аспектах: аудирование, чтение, лексико – грамматическое оформление речи, говорение, письмо, культурная компетенция.
Работа состоит из заданий как открытого, так и закрытого типа. На выполнение работы обучающимся отводится 2 урока (80 минут).
Инструкция для учителя:
Данная работа проводится для учеников 8 класса. На выполнение работы отводится 80 минут. Необходимые материалы: тексты заданий, ручки с синей пастой. Рассадить обучающихся в аудитории по одному за партой. Раздать тексты заданий. После окончания работы над заданиями собрать выполненные работы и тексты заданий. Проверяет правильность выполнения заданий и анализирует результаты учитель английского языка, работающий в данном классе, в день выполнения работы. Результаты итоговой работы заносятся в классный журнал в день выполнения работы. Результаты работы доводят до сведения обучающихся на следующий день после написания работы.
Коммуникативные умения по каждому виду речевой деятельности оцениваются отдельно. Отметка за задание раздела IV выставляется по результатам устного опроса обучающихся. При этом не учитываются орфографические ошибки. Если обучающийся получает отметку «3» и более, он переведен в следующий класс. Если обучающийся получает отметку «2», он пишет работу повторно после проведения учителем ряда дополнительных консультаций.