урок английского языка на темуLiving In The Sun
Тема: Living In The Sun
Время: 1 урок – 40 минут.
Цель урока:
формирование речевых умений – вести обсуждение в рамках темы;
развитие познавательной деятельности и расширение кругозора;
продолжить формирование интереса учащихся к внеклассному чтению;
знакомство учащихся с окружающим миром.
Развивающий компонент цели урока:
развивать навыки изучающего чтения, целенаправленный анализ содержания читаемого с опорой на языковые и логические связи текста.
развивать информационно-коммуникативную компетенцию.
Образовательный компонент цели урока:
обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием англоязычного текста;
расширять знания об окружающем мире посредством английского языка;
развивать субъектный опыт учащихся.
Воспитательный компонент цели урока:
создание условий для воспитания потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности;
стимулировать интерес учащихся к жизни насекомых;
формировать у учащихся умения межличностного коммуникативного общения на основе знаний по теме.
Практический компонент цели урока:
практическое применение речевых умений на уровне понимания звучащей речи, участия в беседе согласно ситуации, осуществление общения только на английском языке;
способствовать всестороннему развитию личности, творческих способностей детей;
знания о роли английского языка в жизни современного человека.
Тип урока:
комбинированный (многоцелевой), урок развития умений изучающего чтения и развития навыков монологической речи.
Используемые методы:
стимулирование обучения, закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков, самостоятельная работа учащихся, наглядно-визуальный метод, репродуктивно-продуктивный метод.
Речевой материал урока:
1. The first people were in Africa. Way Ahead 3 стр. 68.
2. Текст из серии “Reading for pleasure. What is it? Can you guess?” Way Ahead 3 стр. 62.
Грамматический материал урока: The Past Simple Tense, структура there was there were.
Оснащенность урока:
P. Ellis, M. Bowen. Way Ahead 3 Pupil’s Book. Macmillan Education 2003.
Мультимедийный учебник «Way Ahead 3» компании «Macmillan».
Авторская мультимедийная программа.
Видео “The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse”. Oxford University Press.
Teacher’s Resource Book. Way Ahead 3
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.
Правило трех «Да»
Good morning, children. Nice to see you. Ps.: Good morning, teacher.
Are you happy to see each other? Yes, we are.
Are you in a good mood? Yes, we are.
Are you ready to start working? Yes, we are.
Let’s get down to work.
II. Актуализация знаний, полученных на предыдущем уроке.
Last lesson we were talking about the first people. Where did they live? And where do we live? Look at the globe. The first people lived on the Earth. And we live on this planet too. If you look at the Earth from the space, you’ll be able to see oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, land, forests, mountains and continents. Ps.: What continents do you know?
(приложение 1) Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, North and South America.
Who were the first people? First there were people in Africa.
What was there in Africa (Asia, Europe, Australia, North and South America)? There were …
Выполняется проверка домашнего задания. Активизируется лексика по пройденной теме и наречия first, next, then, later on.
I would like you to answer my questions. Ps.: Were there tools in Africa? Yes, there were.
Was there fire in Africa (Asia, Europe, Australia, North and South America)? No, there wasn’t.
… I’d like you to ask each other questions. Were there hunters in Asia?
Were there any houses in Europe?
Выполняется работа в парах, по цепочке.
III. Контроль лексических и грамматических знаний, полученных на предыдущем уроке.
T.: Let’s do some grammar exercises. Work on the computer with Unit 13. Ps.: Выполняются упражнения из мультимедийной программы к УМК 3 Way Ahead 3
IV. Физкультминутка
T.: It’s time to have a short rest and sing the song. Ps.: Way Ahead 3. Lesson 1
V. Усвоение новых знаний.T.:
Well done, dear. Close your eyes and relax. The Sun shines, the birds sing, the bees buzz, the flowers smell. It’s very hot outside. What season is it? Ps.: It’s summer.
Do you like summer? Where were you last summer? On the farm, at the apiary, in the country.
Do you like to be in the country in summer? Ps.: Yes, we do.
But I know one little mouse. His name is the Town Mouse. He doesn’t like to be in the country. Why? You’ll answer the question if you watch video about it.
(приложение 2) He doesn’t like mosquitoes, frogs and ants.
Mosquitoes, frogs and ants are wonderful creatures. They also live on the Earth as we do. Do you know any other insects?
(приложение 3) Yes, we do. Caterpillars, ladybirds, fireflies, grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, bees, spiders.
I have a secret. You are my friends. And my secret is your secret. I have a magic box. What is there in the box? Can you guess? It’s a flying insect. It has a thin long body, two antennae and four wonderful brightly coloured wings. What creature is it? It’s a butterfly.
You are right. We are going to read the text about the butterfly’s way of life. Before you start reading answer my questions. 1. Pre-reading activity.
Where do butterflies live?
Do they live long?
Do you like butterflies? 2. Reading
Чтение текста направлено на получение новой информации.
I would like you to read the text very attentively and to understand as much as possible. After reading you’ll answer my questions. Авторская мультимедийная программа к Way Ahead 3 стр. 62
3. Main idea
Find the correct answer. This story is about:
Ants and mosquitoes
Butterfly’s way of life
Butterfly’s family Butterfly’s way of life
4. Looking for details
Answer my questions on the text
Was this creature a little round brown egg?
Where was the egg?
What was inside the egg?
What colour was it?
Was the caterpillar big or little?
Where was the caterpillar then?
When did the parcel open?
What was inside?
Was it beautiful? Учащиеся дают ответы по тексту
5. Picture comprehension
Match the sentences with the pictures Учащиеся выполняют программу на компьютере
Read the sentences about what you can see in the first picture (in the second picture, in the third picture) Учащиеся читают вслух предложения, соответствующие картинкам.
6. Summary
Choose the correct word and read the sentences (приложение 4) Who would like to tell us about the butterfly’s way of life? Учащиеся рассказывают то, что они запомнили о бабочке
IV. Заключительный этап урока.
1. Рефлексия
T.: Now you know a lot about butterflies. We are going to make an origami butterfly. If you don’t like our lesson you should make a white butterfly. If you like our lesson, make a coloured butterfly. Ps.: Учащиеся читают задание и вместе с учителем делают бабочку оригами.
I would like you to come to the blackboard with your butterflies stick them and draw antennae (приложение 5) 2. Объяснение домашнего задания
T.: At home you should make a butterfly picture and write a composition about this wonderful creature Ps.: 3. Выставление оценок
T.: You worked hard today. I’m going to give you flying origami butterflies Ps.: Приложение 1
AfricaAsiaEuropeAustraliaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaFirst
Later on
What doesn’t the Town Mouse like about the country?
Приложение 3
An ant is a small insect. It has six legs. These legs are very strong. The ant can run very quickly. It has two eyes. Ants are clean and tidy insects. There are a lot of different ants: Black Ants, Red Ants, Army Ants. They live in groups. Each group makes their own nest.
Many people think ants are a pest but I like them because they are hard-working and nice.
A firefly is a flying insect. It has a tail that shines in the dark. It is a fantastic animal. At night fireflies give light. They sleep during the day and fly at night. They eat other small insects.
A dragonfly is an insect. It has a body, two large eyes, 3 pairs of legs and wonderful wings. Dragonflies usually live near the lakes and ponds. They eat mosquitoes and other small insects catching them while flying. The first dragonflies appeared over 300 million years ago.
A grasshopper is an insect. There are 18 000 kinds of grasshoppers in the world. They can be green, black, yellow, orange and white. The longest grasshopper is eleven centimeters long. They have five eyes and two pairs of wings. They can jump very high. They live in forests and fields. They eat grass. I like to catch grasshoppers in the grass.
A spider is a small animal with eight legs. They have different colours. Some spiders are small, some of them are big. They like to live in forests and they like dry weather. They catch insects in their webs.
A ladybird is a small flying insect. It is usually red with black spots. It has a small head and six short legs. Ladybirds eat plants and small insects. We can find them in spring and in summer in fields and forests, in our gardens on the leaves and on the flowers. They are nice.
A beetle is an insect. It is often large and black. There are about 8 million kinds of beetles. Beetles can live everywhere. But they don’t live in the sea or in the polar regions. Different animals eat beetles. Some beetles are nice but some of them are ugly. I don’t like them.
There are a lot of kinds of mosquitoes. They like rainy and dry summer weather. In winter they live in сellars and other cool places. They don’t live long but they sting people and animals. In summer we put screens on the windows. I don’t like mosquitoes.
A caterpillar has a head, six pairs of small eyes. It has three pairs of legs. They have different colours. They move very slowly but they eat a lot of leaves. They like only tasty leaves. Some caterpillar are very big. They live from about two weeks to a month. I don’t like them.
A bee is a flying insect. It is black and yellow. Bees live in large groups. They like flowers. They can sting people and animals. But they are not bad because they make honey. I like them.
Приложение 4
Way Ahead 3
Unit 11
Choose the correct word.
1. First there was a little brown (egg/ball)
2. The egg was on a (tree/flower)
3. Next inside the egg was a (caterpillar/bee)
4. The caterpillar was (big/small)
5. Then the caterpillar was inside the (box/parcel)
6. Inside the parcel was a (butterfly/ladybird)
7. Later on the parcel (opened/closed)
8. The butterfly was (beautiful/ugly)
9. I (like/don’t like) butterflies.