Краткосрочный план по русскому языку The Aral Sea 11 класс
LESSON PLAN Утверждаю Зам.дир по ШМО:
TEACHER: Аймагамбетова Замира Тыныштыковна SUBJECT: ENGLISH/АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Grade 11 Date: 30.11.2016 The topic of the lesson Water Pollution Classroom: 311 Aim To speak about the Water Pollution
Objectives (SWBAT) pupil’s will be able to:
- read about the Water Pollution
- to talk about the causes, effects and the solutions of Water Pollution
- to answer the questions;
-develop speaking, logical thinking, reading skills and rise knowledge of studying foreign language
Results Pupils will be able to speak about the causes, effects and the solutions of Water Pollution
Read and understand the text and able to answer to the questions.
to discuss the causes, effects and solutions of water pollution
Methods and Techniques Discussing, Presentation, Problem solving, work in pairs, groups, assessment themselves
Assessment 3 claps, self assessmentParts of the lesson Area /Skills/ Teacher’s action Pupil’s activities
Organization moment Speaking
Writing *Greeting
Dividing into three groups Students greet the teacher.
Students will be divided into three groups.
Speaking T: - What do you think?
Have you ever been to the Aral Sea?
Have you ever heard about the Aral Sea ?Where is it located?
What sea is it now?
What’s the problem of the Aral region ?Is the problem of the Aral sea only the problem of Kazakhstan?
Students answer the questions
Students will be able to talk about Aral’s environment answering the questions
T: - give the definitions of the words:
Desert- шөлдада, шөлReduction- азаю, қысқаруIrrigation- суландыруShrinkage- құрғау, тартылу- апат, бақытсыздықPollutant- ластаушыCause- себепPour- құю, құйылуDamage- шығын, зақым келтіруContain- бір нәрсенің ішінде болу
Soil- топырақStudents will be able to give the definitions of these words:
Disaster - something that has a very bad effect or result
Desert- a wild uninhabited and uncultivated tract
Reduction- the act of making something smaller in size, amount, number, etc. : the act of reducing something
Irrigation- the watering of land by artificial means to foster plant growth
Shrinkage- the amount by which something becomes smaller or less
Pollutant- a substance that makes land, water, air, etc., dirty and not safe or suitable to use : something that causes pollution
Cause- something or someone that produces an effect, result, or condition something or someone that makes something happen or exist
Pour- to cause (something) to flow in a steady stream from or into a container or place
Damage- physical harm that is done to something or to someone's body
Contain- to have or include (something)
Soil- the superficial unconsolidated and usually weathered part of the mantle of a planet and especially of the earth
Practice work
Production Pre – reading task
Video - presentation
After reading tasks
T: - Watch the video and answer the questions:
“Aral Sea – Man – made environmental disaster”
What have you known about Aral Sea? Students will be able to discuss answering the questions speak about the Aral Sea according the video.
T: Read the text on page 61 ex 2
T: Find: Are these sentences true or false. If the sentences are false, please correct them. Students read the text and give the meaning of the unknown words:
Exercise 3p. 62
Students will be able to find the answers according to the text.
Speaking / Writing
T: - Look at the diagram. Speak about the Aral Sea using the diagram:
Students will be able to discuss about the Aral Sea using the diagram
What do you think? – Will Aral Sea come back? If yes, how?
What will you do to return the water of Aral Sea?
What is the role of Aral Sea in our lives? Students will share their ideas .Homework. Дом. Зад. Exercise 9 p. 64 Write an essay about” the Lesser Aral” using the questions in exercise 8
Assessment of the pupils Assessment: Pupils complete the chart.