Конспект урока +Презентация по английскому языку на тему Праздники и традиции Великобритании.

Открытый урок в 6 классе по теме «Праздники Великобритании»
обобщить и закрепить лексический материал по теме;
закрепить грамматические формы настоящего продолженного времени.
Задачи урока:
формировать лексические умения и навыки в устной речи (умение рассказывать о праздниках, используя настоящее простое время);
формировать  грамматические  навыки  на материале настоящего продолженного времени;
отработать   навыки произношения;
развивать  владение всеми видами речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение);
развивать  воображения и умения моделировать ситуацию общения;
воспитывать уважение к традициям и обычаям, как части культуры разных стран мира;
прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку.
Оборудование: проектор, картинки по теме « Праздники»,  презентация, раздаточный материал, учебник.
Ход урока:
I.Приветствие класса. Беседа с дежурным.
II. I am glad to see you today. Now let’s begin our lesson. Look at the screen and try to guess what is our lesson about.
You are right! Today we shall speak about holidays and traditions of Great Britain. Let try to give a definition of the word «Holiday». Слайд
Every country has its own traditions and customs. It is very important to know traditions of different people, especially if we want to know their language. We can’t say «I know English» if we don’t know the traditions of Great Britain. British people are proud of them and keep very carefully.
III. Let’s remember when British celebrate them: Look and match the holidays with the dates. Слайд
IV. Well done! But you shouldn’t forget that before celebration we always make preparations : We can use 2 verbs : to make and to do. «to make» means to produce smith(изготавливать, производить); «to do» means to perform an action(выполнять действие). Look at the screen and fill in «make» or «do». Слайд
V. Now look at the picture and repeat all together. (дети хором повторяют фразы за учителем).
These children have already done preparations and now they are having a party. Use the prompts to say what the people in the picture are doing. Слайд
VI. We use Present Continuous Tense when we speak about actions, happening now, at the moment of speech. Слайд
How we form affirmative sentence?
VII. OK. Look at the pictures and say what they are doing. Слайды
VIII. But we shouldn’t forget about spelling rules when we add --ing . Put the verbs in the right basket.
IX. Open your books Ex.3 p.46 . Listen and repeat some expressions all together : fried baby eels, delicious, grapes, excited, means, to celebrate, council workers. Your task was to read, translate and put the paragraphs in the right order. (Дети читают текст).
OK! Well done! What kind of text is it? Who is sending it to whom? What is the e-mail about? Find the New Year greetings.
Look at the pictures above the text and say who are the people in the pictures and say what they are doing. (e.g. The woman in picture 1 is Aunt Betsie. She is making tea.)
X. Well done! What holiday will British people celebrate in a couple of weeks? You are right – they will celebrate Christmas! Let’s have a rest and sing a humorous song. Stand up, please! Слайд
XI. Sit down. Now I hope you are ready for our quiz. We have 3 groups. Your task is to give right answers as quickly as you can. The pupils of the 8th Form will help me to judge. Who will be the first will get 1 point.
Task 1 – What holiday is it? Слайд
Task 2 – Find the mistakes. Слайд
Task 3 – Guess what is and collect the words from the letters. (Детям раздают конверты с буквами, они отгадывают загадки и собирают слова). В конце викторины учитель и учащиеся 8 класса считают очки и определяют победителя.
XII. Today we have spoken a lot about traditional British holidays and now the pupils of the 8th Form have prepared the presentation about unusual holiday – Red Nose Day. Listen to them very attentively. Слайд
XIII. Заключительная часть . Holidays are different and each nation celebrate them in its own way. But there are some immortal things : Слайд
And no matter you call them, good and kind feelings are still the same everywhere.
XIV. Thank you for your work today. Your marks are :XV. Write down your homework for the next lesson :Ex.1 p.46 (learn for dictation), WB p.