План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Экология Земли и экология человека (8 класс)

8 класс. Урок английского языка Тема урока: «Почему выбрасывать? Почему не перерабатывать? Экология Земли и экология человека»
УМК Английский с удовольствием “Enjoy English” М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева. Обнинск: Титул – 2013 г.
Цели: активизация лексики на тему экологии в речи;
развитие грамматических навыков: смешанный тип условных предложений.
Ход урокаI. Организационный моментToday we continue discussing the problem of rubbish and having talk about conditional sentences.
II. Фонетическая разминкаLet's revise the new words. Begin with their pronunciation. Look at the blackboard. Read the words in transcription and translate.

Translate the words into Russian. Make up your word combinations with them.
Речевая разминка
- Use the words in your speech. Open ex. 17 on p. 57. Complete the text with the words from the box. First discuss it in pairs. Well, are you ready?
Keys: environment; throws away; wastes; kilos of plastic; cans of drink; drop; domestic rubbish; glass; paper; recycled.
III. Развитие навыков разговорной речи
Last time we discussed the protection of the environment. What is the problem? (The problem is that people throw away too much litter.)
What can we do in this situation? (We can recycle the litter.)
Do you throw the rubbish away or put it into the bins? (Asforme, I put the rubbish into the bins.)
Are there different bins in our streets? (No, there is usually one bin for any kind of the rubbish.)
Let's continue working on the text. Your homework was to work out the meanings of words unknown to you. I hope, you were lucky to do it. Read the sentences with such words and translate them.
See ex. 42, p. 51. Do the task in writing discussing it in pairs.
Litter — rubbish; to get rid of — to throw away; to make — to produce; the packaging — the wrapping; to save — to protect; to damage — to hurt; terrible — horrible.
To look worse — to look better; impossible — possible; cheap - expensive; to destroy — to make; dirty — clean; to remember — to forget; fortunately - unfortunately.
Answer the questions in ex. 43, p. 51 working in groups. Then report to the class what you have found out.
Примерный ответ:
People can burn rubbish or recycle it instead of just throwing it away.
Recycling is important nowadays because many things that we throw away can still be useful. Recycling saves trees and energy and protects the environment from pollution.
Only 4% of recyclable material is actually recycled because it is expensive.
Yes, there are. People usually take waste paper, glass, metal and plastic there.
Packaging is necessary because it keeps food Clean and fresh.
Some packaging becomes litter because, people just tear the wrapping off the sweets and throw it away, or they drop their cigarette packets and cans of drink without a thought.
Litter is so dangerous in the countryside because it remains in the fields and on the roadsides.
Yes, it is. Unfortunately people in our town/village throw away litter such as cans of drink or cigarette packets. Sometimes our teachers organize a "clean-up day" to clear all the litter outside the school.'
I see that you are tired. Stand up. Have a rest.
IV. Физкультминутка
V. Обучение грамматике
You already know two types of the Conditionals: second and" third. Say what period of time the second Conditional refers to. (It refers to the present or to the future.)
What about the third Conditional? (It refers to the past.)
Are they real or unreal Conditionals? (They are unreal Conditionals.)
Sometimes you can find combined sentences. They are called mixed Conditionals. Read the necessary information in ex. 44, p. 52.
Now it's your turn to work with mixed Conditionals. Have a drill. Look through the task of ex. 45, p. 52. Do it one by one.
Примерный ответ:
Если бы люди были осторожнее, загрязнение не уничтожило бы столько рыбы и растений в море.
Если бы они не выбрасывали тонны мусора, у них не было бы столько проблем с окружающей средой сейчас.
Если бы мы перестали использовать ядовитые газы, наш воздух был бы чище и свежее.
Если бы мы думали о будущем, мы бы не вырубали леса.
Если бы люди вывозили как можно больше мусора в центры переработки, они бы защитили окружающую среду от загрязнения.
Если бы они знали о последствиях, они бы не выбросили эту пачку сигарет.
Open your exercise books. Write complete sentences from ex. 46, p. 52. Mind the rule.
Примерный ответ:
1. If people thought about the Earth before they throw something away, there would be much cleaner on our planet now.
If people took as much rubbish as they could to local recycling centers, ....
If people avoided buying packaged goods, there would be less litter in the streets.
If people didn't waste paper, ...
If people didn't drop litter, ...
If people cleared up litter outside their home, offices and schools, the air would be fresher and cleaner.
At home continue working on the Conditionals. Learn the rule and do some tasks in writing.
VI. Подведение итогов урока
So, what problems has the Earth got? How can we protect it? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.
Домашнее задание
Учебник: упр. 44, стр. 52 (устно); упр. 18, стр. 57; РТ: упр. 3,4, стр. 32.