Разноуровневые задания по английскому языку (по чтению и грамматике) для учащихся 11 класса по УМК В.П. Кузовлева
“Young People – Old Problems”
по УМК В.П.Кузовлева, 10 класс
1. Nowadays, more and more social problems are associated with being young. What teens’ problems are discussed in the magazine article?
Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years ago alcohol, fights, killings and other kinds of 1)violence were more problems for adults than for young people.
But now, as official reports admit, violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngsters. For many children from poor families violence, drinking problems and all that is associated with 2)poverty becomes more real than reality.
The Government surveys show that every fifth teenager who was arrested for criminal actions, was younger than 14 and could not be sent to 3)prison. Almost half of teenagers have an experience with drugs, alcohol and sex under age of 16. A lot of teenagers who have drug or alcohol 4)addiction almost never believe that they are dependent. These things are often combined with family and school problems.
What has gone wrong? Some specialists explain that the changes of our society, the system of our life force young people to choose their own lifestyle. On the one hand, our society agrees that 15-17-year-oldpeopleare old enough to be responsible for what they do and give them quite a lot of freedom and rights. On the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously. This misunderstanding produces many problems. Actually, a lot of teenagers say that their parents let them do anything they and quite indifferent to their problems. Many teenagers get upset or depressed when they can’t solve their problems. As a result, it makes them believe that there is only one way out – to stop living and 5)commit suicide.
No doubt, the teens’ problems will increase. And young people should feel that that they are cared for.
Уровень1While reading find the words in the article that can help you to understand the meaning of the highlighted words. Then find the correct meaning of these words from the given below.
1. a) detective stories b) disagreement c) cruel actions
2. a) problem b) lack of good life c) disease
3. a) place for criminals b) private school c) children’s home
4. a) protection b) dependence c) disability
5. a) enjoy oneself b) wait for somebody c) kill oneself
Уровень 2
So, the problems of drug and alcohol addiction, violence, school and family problems are discussed in the article. What makes young people do these things? How do different people explain the reasons for teenagers’ behavior? Use the beginning of the sentences below and find the reasons in the text.
The Government say(s)
The specialists think(s)
Adults explain(s) that…
Teenagers admit(s)
Уровень 3
Which problems discussed in the article (school and family problems, problems of drug and alcohol addiction, violence) can be applied to our country (region). Use the text to say what young people do against the law?
II. (можно дать как домашнее задание)
Уровень 1
Read the text, divide it into logical parts and find the sentence in every part, which gives the main idea of the part.
Уровень 2
Read the text, divide it into logical parts and give the headings to these parts which can be used as the plan for a summary.
Уровень 3
Read the text, make up the word-web with the main items of the text and write down 5 questions which can be used for making a summary.
«Melanie Stewart»
Different experts investigate social problems and try to help young people to cope with their problems. Melanie Stewart is one of them. (first listening) You will hear the interview with Melanie Stewart. Listen and and answer the questions:
1. What does Melanie Stewart do?
2. Which teenage problems is she speaking about in her interview?
3. What reasons for teens’ problems does she mention?
4. What ways to improve the situation does she suggest?
- Hello, everyone. I have a guest in the studio. Melanie Stewart is a social worker and deals with young people who have drinking problems. Mass media reports show that a lot of teenagers suffer drinking problems. Is this really true?
- I am afraid so. The recent surveys really show that alcohol cases are increasing.
- How awful. But there must be some reasons for that.
- Well, teenagers experiment with alcohol for a variety of reasons. First, a lot of them associate drinking with adulthood. Curiosity can be one of the motives for teens’ first try of alcohol. And most teens told me that nobody had ever warned them of the dangers of regular drinking. Actually, parents don’t pay much attention to what their children do. And the most powerful influence on young people are their mates. A lot of teens said that they had had their first glass of alcohol at friend’s party.
- Do you see any way to help them?
- A lot of young alcoholics are sent to special hospitals for the treatment. But sometimes – without any success. The teenager’s attitude is very important too. First, I think there should be much more information about the danger of alcohol provided by mass media, schools. Teachers and parents can help a lot. Young people must have the feeling that somebody cares for them.
- Thank you for coming. And I would like to say to all teens. Remember, we care for you.
Уровень 1
Listen to the interview with Melanie Stewart and choose the most suitable items to complete the statements below.
1. The interview is about …
a) Melanie Stewart
b) drinking problems with teenagers
c) the recent survey
2.Teens drink alcohol because ….
a) they don’t know about the dangers of regular drinking
b) they associated it with poverty
c) they are influenced by adults
3. Young people say that they had their first glass of alcohol…
a) at the family party
b) at friend’s party
c) with their parents
4. Young alcoholics are sent … for the treatment.
a) to special prison
b) to special camps
c) to special hospitals
5. For a successful treatment ….is very important.
a) teenager’s attitude
b) mate’s attitude
c) parents’ attitude
6. Young people should feel that they …
a) are taken seriously
b) are taken care of
c) are independent
7.Teens’ addiction to alcohol can be cured …
a) only by the doctors
b) only by parents
c) with the help of parents, doctors and other specialists.
Уровень 2
Listen to the interview with Melanie Stewart and say which of these statements are TRUE, FALSE, NOT STATED.
1. Melanie Stewart works with teenagers who are addicted to alcohol. T
2. The recent surveys show that fewer teens drink alcohol nowadays. F
3. Teens drink alcohol because they have a lot of problems at school. NS
4. Teens consider themselves to be adult which can be one of the reasons of drinking alcohol. T
5. Drinking problems are also associated with poverty. NS
6. Teenagers don’t know about the dangers of regular drinking. T
7. Teens’ mates can insist on drinking alcohol. T
8. Young alcoholics are never cured. F.
9. Mass media and schools shouldn’t give teens information about the danger of alcohol. F
10. Young people should feel that they are cared for. T
Уровень 3
Listen to the interview and complete the sentences.
1. Melanie Stewart is a social worker and deals with …. .
2. Mass media reports show that … .3. Curiosity can be one of the motives … .4. Actually, parents don’t pay … .5. Young people’s mates … .
6. A lot of teens had their first … .7. A lot of young alcoholics are sent to… .8. Mass media should provide teens with much more … .9. Teens can be helped by… .10. Parents must care … .ЗАДАНИЯ ПО ГРАММАТИКЕ
на основе прослушанного текста «Melanie Stewart»
So, you’ve listened to the text and learned that Melanie Stewart is a social worker who deals with young alcoholics. Here are some comments on her interview about teenage problems. What did she say in her interview?
Уровень 1
Complete the comments with the verbs given below. Pay attention to the reported speech.
Direct speech Reported speech
Present Simple
Teenagers experiment with alcohol for a variety of reasons.
Past Simple
She said that teenagers experimented with alcohol for a variety of reasons
a)explained, b)complained, c)agreed, d)said, f)started, g)were, h)associated, i)warned, j)told, k)experimented, l)might be, m)mentioned, n)were, o)had to be, p)added.
Melanie Stewart said that young teens ____1_______ with alcohol for a variety of reasons. She ___2____ that some teens _____3_____ because they ______4______ drinking with adulthood. Some teenagers ______5____ her that the more teachers and parents ____6______ them not to drink, the more eager they ______7______ to try it. She _____8_______ that probably the most powerful influence on young teens _____9______ their mates.
She _____10___ that curiosity _____11_____ the most frequent motive for drinking alcohol.
She also ____12_______ that teens _______13_____ about stress in school. She _____14_______
that schools ____15______ the most important source of information on the dangers of school.
Уровень 2
Complete the comments with the correct form of the verbs given below. Pay attention to the reported speech.
Direct speech Reported speech
Present Simple
Teenagers experiment with alcohol for a variety of reasons.
Past Simple
She said that teenagers experimented with alcohol for a variety of reasons
a)explain, b)complain, c)agree, d)say, f)start, g)be, h)associate, i)warn, j)tell, k)experiment, l)may be, m)mention, n)be, o)must be, p)add.
Melanie Stewart said that young teens ____1_______ with alcohol for a variety of reasons. She ___2____ that some teens _____3_____ because they ______4______ drinking with adulthood. Some teenagers ______5____ her that the more teachers and parents ____6______ them not to drink, the more eager they ______7______ to try it. She _____8_______ that probably the most powerful influence on young teens _____9______ their mates.
She _____10___ that curiosity _____11_____ the most frequent motive for drinking alcohol.
She also ____12_______ that teens _______13_____ about stress in school. She _____14_______
that schools ____15______ the most important source of information on the dangers of school.
Уровень 3
Try to remember the interview you’ve listened to and complete the comments with the correct verbs of your own. One or two verbs may be possible, don’t forget about the reported speech.
Melanie Stewart said that young teens ____1_______ with alcohol for a variety of reasons. She ___2____ that some teens _____3_____ because they ______4______ drinking with adulthood. Some teenagers ______5____ her that the more teachers and parents ____6______ them not to drink, the more eager they ______7______ to try it. She _____8_______ that probably the most powerful influence on young teens _____9______ their mates.
She _____10___ that curiosity _____11_____ the most frequent motive for drinking alcohol.
She also ____12_______ that teens _______13_____ about stress in school. She _____14_______
that schools ____15______ the most important source of information on the dangers of school.
Уровень 1
Complete these young people’s complaints with the phrases given in the box.
Don’t permit me to listen to, forbids me to go, to make us work, don’t allow us to stay out, forced me to do, want me to stay, want my parents to leave, makes me feel, don’t let me wear, don’t allow us to buy, let me have, don’t permit me to see
Listening to music is the thing I enjoy most. But my parents 1(не разрешают слушать) __________ what I want. They also 2(не разрешают носить) ___________ bright clothes and chains.
My parents are much stricter than a lot of my friends’ parents. My father 3(запрещаeт ходить) ___________ to go to discos.
I hate school. Teachers are always trying to 4(заставляют работать) _________ in the lessons.
The main thing my brother and I argue about with my mum is money. She 5(не разрешаeт покупать) ________ things we want.
In our family there are a lot of rules and regulations. My parents 6(не разрешают сидеть) _________ after ten at night. They also 7(заставляют делать) ___________ my school homework every day.
I’d like to leave home and be more independent. But my parents 8(хотят, чтобы я остался) ___________ at school. But at least they 9(разрешают работать) _____________ a part-time job.
I just 10(хочу, чтобы мои родители оставили) ____________ me alone. They 11(не разрешают видеться) ___________ my friends, because they say that they are hooligans. It 12(заставляет меня чувствовать) ___________ really crazy!
Уровень 2
Complete these young people’s complaints with the phrases given in the box.
Don’t permit me to listen to, forbids me to go, to make us work, don’t allow us to stay out, forced me to do, want me to stay, want my parents to leave, makes me feel, don’t let me wear, don’t allow us to buy, let me have, don’t permit me to see
Listening to music is the thing I enjoy most. But my 1 __________ what I want. They also 2___________ bright clothes and chains.
My parents are much stricter than a lot of my friends’ parents. My father 3___________ to go to discos.
I hate school. Teachers are always trying to 4_________ in the lessons.
The main thing my brother and I argue about with my mum is money. She 5________ things we want.
In our family there are a lot of rules and regulations. My parents 6_________ after ten at night. They also 7___________ my school homework every day.
I’d like to leave home and be more independent. But my parents 8___________ at school. But at least they 9_____________ a part-time job.
I just 10____________ me alone. They 11___________ my friends, because they say that they are hooligans. It 12___________ really crazy!
Уровень 3
Complete these young people’s complaints with the correct form of the words: permit, let, forbid, make, allow, force, want.
Listening to music is the thing I enjoy most. But my parents 1(не разрешают слушать)_________ what I want. They also 2(не разрешают носить) ___________ bright clothes and chains.
My parents are much stricter than a lot of my friends’ parents. My father 3(запрещаeт ходить) ___________ to discos.
I hate school. Teachers are always trying to 4 (заставляют работать) _________ in the lessons.
The main thing my brother and I argue about with my mum is money. She 5 (не разрешаeт покупать) ________ things we want.
In our family there are a lot of rules and regulations. My parents 6(не разрешают сидеть) ________ after ten at night. They also 7(заставляют делать) ___________ my school homework every day.
I’d like to leave home and be more independent. But my parents 8(хотят, чтобы я остался) ___________ at school. But at least they 9 (разрешают работать) _____________ a part-time job.
I just 10(хочу, чтобы мои родители оставили) ____________ me alone. They 11(не разрешают видеться) ___________ my friends, because they say that they are hooligans. It 12(заставляет меня чувствовать) ___________ really crazy!
Уровень 1
A few years ago it was fashionable to speak about a generation gap. How are the things going on today? Fill the gaps in the passage from a magazine article with like or as.
1__________ their parents forty years ago, young people today say “Our parents don’t understand us. They treat us 2 __________ babies. ‘Don’t speak to me 3_______ that!’- is the only expression they know”. 4_______ their parents did many years ago, a lot of parents today complain that their children never listen to them. “Talking to them is 5______ talking to the wall.” 6________ the results of the survey show, all the British teenagers today want to earn good money and be independent of their parents. Professor Barton, who organized the survey, admits at the same time that British teenagers, 7_________ many young people in other countries, have a great deal of independence nowadays. Many of them have part-time jobs and even can leave home to share a flat with friends.
Уровень 2
The British Youth Council coordinates about 60 youth organizations in Britain. The National Union of Students is one of them. Fill in the gaps with words and word combinations in the article about this organisation with the appropriate English equivalents from the box below. There one extra word in the box which you do not need to use.
develop discrimination drug addiction express the views protect
provide right to rights support violence rebel reject
The National Union of Students was founded in 1922, when various university and college student organizations were united to defend the 1(права) ________ of the student youth and 2(развивать) ________ international contacts.
The aims of the Union are to 3(защищать) ____________ the interests of students, their 4(право на) __________ 5 (выражать их взгляды) _________ , 6(обеспечивать) ___________ better education.
The Union takes part in the struggle of the young people who 7 (протестовать) _____________ against 8(неравенство в правах) ____________ .It does its best to 9(поддерживать) __________ young people in South Africa, Palestine and other regions. It participates in the movement against youth 10 (насилие) ___________ and 11 (наркомания) ____________.
Уровень 3
The British Youth Council coordinates about 60 youth organizations in Britain. The National Union of Students is one of them. Fill in the gaps with words and word combinations in the article about this organisation with the appropriate English equivalents from the box below. There one extra word in the box which you do not need to use.
develop discrimination drug addiction express the views protect
provide right to rights support violence rebel reject
The National Union of Students was founded in 1922, when various university and college student organizations were united to defend the 1 ________ of the student youth and 2 ________ international contacts.
The aims of the Union are to 3 ____________ the interests of students, their 4 __________ 5 _________ , 6 ___________ better education.
The Union takes part in the struggle of the young people who 7 _____________ against 8 ____________ .It does its best to 9 __________ young people in South Africa, Palestine and other regions. It participates in the movement against youth 10 ___________ and 11 ____________.
Уровень 1
Your foreign friend is interested in what it is like to be a teenager in Russia. What would you tell your friend about the life of teenagers in your country? Use the plan and phrases below.
Explain what you can /can’t do because of age limits.
Complain about the problems that bother you and your friends.
Say if you want to have your life changed. Name reasons.
Tell about the places in your home town where young people can spend their free time.
1. To protect children’s rights the United Nations has worked out … .2. It gives us … .3. But we have not only rights, we also … .
4. We aren’t allowed to … if we are under 16.
5. In my opinion, young people worry about… .6. I find teens’ problems … .7. Sometimes teens want to … .8. Personally, I think that adults should … .9. In my home town there are … .Уровень 2
Your foreign friend is interested in what it is like to be a teenager in Russia. What would you tell your friend about the life of teenagers in your country?
Explain what you can /can’t do because of age limits.
Complain about the problems that bother you and your friends.
Say if you want to have your life changed. Name reasons.
Describe any groups of teenagers you can meet in Russia nowadays.
Give arguments to approve /disapprove of the group.
Say what you (don’t) like about the groups.
Explain why (don’t) belong to any groups.
Tell about the places in your home town where young people can spend their free time
Уровень 3
Your foreign friend is interested in what it is like to be a teenager in Russia. What would you tell your friend about the life of teenagers in your country? Speak about your rights and age limits, your problems. Don’t forget to mention some facts about teenage groups, your attitude to subcultures and your leisure time.
Уровень 1
Some teens think that being young brings a lot of serious problems but others are convinced that it allows you to do exiting and wonderful things. What is your opinion?
Write 200 words. Use these questions and phrases given below.
How do you feel about the life of today’s teenagers? Do teenage years bring luck to them? What problems do you usually discuss with your friends? Which problem do you find serious? Do you think mates influence teens’ lives much? What do you think about adults’ attitude towards teens’ problems? Who can help teenagers and how can they help?
Teenagers today have a lot more to worry … . I’m sure that almost every teenager… . I focus my attention on… .I think that adults are generally quite … . My friends don’t put any pressure… . …. are a very popular conversation topic. Being a teenager is … . My friend and I try to help … . I personally … .
Уровень 2
Some people say that teens at the age of twelve should be fully responsible for their criminal actions, while others are convinced that it is unacceptable in a human society.
What is your opinion? Write 200 words.
Use these questions in your writing:
At what age are teens responsible for their criminal actions nowadays?
What do young people do against the law?
What problem does it cause? What are the reasons?
Who can be sent to a special prison for young people?
How do you feel about teens’ problems?
What are teens’ life ambitions?
What children’s rights do you consider to be ignored in our society?
Who can help teenagers and how can they help?
Уровень 3
Some people say that teens at the age of twelve should be fully responsible for their criminal actions, while others are convinced that it is unacceptable in a human society.
What is your opinion?
Write 200 words.
Use the following plan:
make an introduction (state the problem)
express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
make a conclusion restating your position