Сценарий новогоднего праздника для младших школьников
Сценарий новогоднего праздника 2015-2016 уч.год.
Цель: Вызвать у детей интерес к культуре и традициям англоязычных стран
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Выступление 2 и 4 класса. Сказка “The Turnip”
Новогоднее поздравление учеников 2 класса. Стихи.
A chubby little snowman
A chubby little snowmanHad a carrot nose;Along came a rabbitAnd what do you suppose?That hungry little bunny,Looking for his lunch, Ate the snowman's carrot nose...Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!
Snow on the ground.Snow on the tree.Snow on the house.Snow on me!
Winter hatUpon my head –My head stays warm,But my nose is red!
Winter, winter.Let’s go skate.Winter, winter.Don’t be late.Winter, winter.Let’s go roll.Winter, winter.In the snow.Winter, winter!Winter, winter!
Snow is fallingSnow is falling From the sky above Snow is falling Put on scarf and glove Snow is falling Go look outside Snow is falling The old landscape it hide Snow is falling What a beautiful sight Snow is falling It sparkles in the light Snow is falling Soft cotton wool flakes Snow is falling A white blanket it makes Snow is falling Short flowers disappear Snow is falling The cold is here Snow is falling It’s time to play Snow is falling Let’s make snowmen today
Snowman. Im a little snowman, short and fat.Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.When the jolly sunshine comes to stayThen I slowly melt away!
Песня в исполнении 2 класс Santa Santa High in the Sky!
Ссылка https://youtu.be/pkrTt8HQ4JMСтихи учеников 3 и 4 класса
New Year's Resolutions
I promiseto be very, very good.
I promiseto do the things I should.
I promiseto make my bed each day.
I promiseto put my things away.
I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
I promiseto put my socks in the drawer.
I promiseto do my homework right.
I promise not to stay up late at night.
I promiseto listen to my mom and dad.
I promise not to do anything bad.
December - Christmas
Christmas is coming
Christmas is coming.Christmas is coming.
Christmas is coming,The geese are getting fat,Please put a pennyIn the old man's hat.If you haven't got a penny,A ha'penny will do.If you haven't got a ha'penny,Then God bless you.Christmas is coming.Christmas is coming.
It's Christmas!
It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!Yes, it's merry, merry Christmas,it's time for hanging stockings,It's time for riding sleighs,It's time for jolly greeting,Snow and holly, overeating,Oh, I love you merry Christmas,You're the best of holidays
Little Jack Horner
Little Jack Horner,Sat in a corner,Eating a Christmas pie,He put in his thumb,And pulled out a plum,And said What a good boy am I.
The windows are blue at night.But in the morning they are white.And snowflakes are fallingCome out they are calling.
Get out of bed and take your sledThis cold and frosty day.The sun is bright, the snow is rightFor outdoor winter day.
New Year
Come, children, gather round my knee,Something is about to be.Tonight’s December thirty-first,Something is about to burst.Hark, it’s midnight, children dear,Huck, here comes another year!
New Year
A happy New Year!The day is so clear,The snow is so white,The sky is so bright, We shout with all our might:“A happy New Year!”
My Wish
A happy New Year for me,A happy New Year for you,A happy New Year for everyone!That’s what I wish – I do!It’s Snowing
It’s snowing, It’s snowing.
What a lot of snow!Let us make some snowballsWe all like to throw.It’s snowing, it’s snowing.Let us sledge and ski!When I’m dashing downhillClear the way for me!
In winter-timeWhen the days are chill,A robin sits on my window-sill.I putout breadFor him to eat,And cake-crumbs tooAs a little treat.He picks them upSo prettily,Then sings a “Thank you”Song for me.
Snowball - Снежокby Shel Silverstein
I made myself a snow ball
Аs perfect as could be.I thought I'd keep it as a pet
Аnd let it sleep with me.I made it some pajamas
Аnd a pillow for it's head.Then, last night it ran away.But first -- it wet the bed.
Песня в исполнении учеников 2 класс «I am a little snowman»
Ссылка: https://youtu.be/zai7x5FU8xEПесня в исполнении учеников 3 и 4 классов с учителями “Rocking around the Christmas Tree”
Ссылка: https://youtu.be/dETgVcucAxoМини-спектакль «Новогодние Джунгли» учеников 3 класса.
Песня в исполнении Филатовой Кати «We Wish You a Merry Christmas »
Интерактивная игра «SANTA»
Ссылка: https://youtu.be/mGAYzlqj-aEУченики 3 и 1 класса исполняют под гитару песню «Jingle Bells». Все остальные дети водят хоровод.