Методическая разработка для выполнения самостоятельных работ по дисциплине Иностранный язык (СПО).
МЕТОДИЧЕСКая разработка для ВЫПОЛНЕНИя самостоятельных РАБОТ
по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03: «иностранный язык»
Для специальностей:
08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений;
08.02.10 Строительство железных дорог, путь и путевое хозяйство.
23.02.01 Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте (по видам).
23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования (по отраслям).
38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям).
Организация-разработчик: Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Республики Крым «Симферопольский техникум железнодорожного транспорта и промышленности».
Рассмотрено на заседании предметной (методической) комиссии общего гуманитарного и социально-экономического цикла
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комиссии_______ __________________
Утверждено на заседании методического совета протокол №__ от ________
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Введение 4
Методические рекомендации по выполнению самостоятельных работ (внеаудиторного домашнего чтения), словарь, вопросы для самопроверки. 6
Перечень тем и текстов самостоятельных работ, словарь, вопросы для самопроверки. 8
Литература 73
Иностранный язык рассматривается как средство общения и приобретения опыта, в том числе профессионального. Иностранному языку отводится значительная роль в выполнении общеобразовательных задач, повышении образовательного и культурного уровня личности обучающегося и его дальнейшего развития.
Курс иностранного языка в среднем специальном учебном заведении должен завершить формирование основ владения иностранным языком, начатое в средней общеобразовательной школе, и заложить основы практического владения иностранным языком в своей профессии и в целом делового аспекта английского языка.
Целью обучения иностранному языку в среднем специальном учебном заведении является практическое овладение обучающимися английским языком, что предполагает у них по завершении курса обучения наличие ряда умений в различных видах речевой деятельности.
В области устной речи:
умение участвовать в несложной беседе на темы повседневной жизни, учебы, отдыха обучающихся и знание речевого этикета;
умение выражать свои мысли в устной форме по пройденной тематике с использованием активно усвоенных грамматических правил, а также по темам, относящимся к учебно-производственной деятельности обучающегося и его будущей специальности, в рамках определенной лексики;
понимать на слух речь, содержащую усвоенный языковый материал.
В зависимости от подготовки обучающихся в процессе обучения учебные речевые действия изменяются от элементарной беседы до беседы с элементами монологической речи и др.
В области чтения:
умение читать со словарем тексты страноведческого, общенаучного характера и тематики, связанные с профессией обучающегося;
умение читать без словаря тексты, содержащие диалоги по пройденной тематике.
В области письма:
уметь правильно писать слова и словосочетания, входящие в лексический минимум, определенный программой;
уметь с помощью словаря изложить в письменной форме содержание текста.
Виды учебного общения включают следующие задачи:
достичь уровня владения иностранным языком, предусмотренного программой средней общеобразовательной школы;
унифицировать полученные в школе умения и навыки чтения и устной речи в наиболее расширенном языковом материале.
Минимум речевого материала: содержание текста для чтения должно отражать учебные ситуации и тематику, относящиеся к описанию учебно-производственной деятельности обучающегося, страноведческой и бытовой тематике.
Минимум грамматического материала: артикль как признак существительного, формальные признаки существительного, множественное число существительных, притяжательный падеж существительных, местоимения, неопределенные местоимения some, any, nо и их производные, употребление степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, числительные, глаголы в Present, Past, Future Indefinite; Present, Past, Future Continuous; Present, Past, Future Perfect.
Содержание и организация самостоятельной работы обучающегося включает в себя:
Развитие умения самостоятельно совершенствовать знания иностранного языка.
Расширение на практике речевого общения.
Развитие творческих способностей обучающихся.
Виды самостоятельной работы:
Учебные задания на занятиях.
Внеаудиторное (домашнее) чтение.
Текущий контроль за знаниями проводится после каждого цикла, семестра. В задачи контроля входят объективная характеристика речевого общения и самоконтроль (вопросы для самоконтроля). Семестровая оценка ставится по итогам текущей успеваемости, итоговой контрольной работы, выполнения самостоятельных работ (внеаудиторного домашнего чтения).
Основные практические цели обучения иностранному языку состоят в том, чтобы совершенствовать и развивать умения и навыки устрой речи обучающихся, научить их читать адаптированную литературу, понимать иностранную речь, уметь пользоваться словарем.
Для улучшения усвоения знаний и овладения определенными умениями и навыками при изучении иностранного языка необходимо активизировать познавательную и мыслительную деятельность обучающихся. Важным средством активизации обучающихся в процессе обучения иностранному языку является правильно организованная самостоятельная работа дома, которая развивает мышление обучающихся, вырабатывают трудолюбие.
Самостоятельная работа обучающихся должна быть составной частью работы обучающихся над изучением языка дома.
Для лучшего усвоения всех аспектов иностранного языка необходимо соблюдать определенную последовательность в проведении самостоятельной работы над изучением учебного материала:
- работа над произношением и чтением;
- работа над грамматическим материалом;
- работа над лексикой;
- работа над развитием навыков устной речи;
- работа над чтением и переводом текста.
Необходимо помнить и знать, что правильное произношение и чтение имеют первостепенное значение для овладения языком. Знания и навыки, приобретенные на занятие, должны закрепиться в процессе самостоятельной работы.
Самостоятельная работа над грамматикой способствует закреплению знаний и более глубокому усвоению грамматического материала, пройденного ранее и систематически пройденных тем.
Для овладения иностранным языком обучающийся должен приобрести определенный запас слов и научиться им пользоваться. Работа над лексикой развивает сообразительность и способность точно выражать свою мысль. Она также включает в себя умение пользоваться словарем. Для этого обучающемуся необходимо самостоятельно разобраться в образовании слов, находить корень, приставку, суффикс и т.д.
При работе над чтением и переводом текста обучающийся в первую очередь должен обратить внимание на заголовок текста (он дает представление о содержании текста). Затем необходимо бегло прочитать весь текст, чтобы получить общее представление о его содержании. После этого текст читается в более медленном темпе, чтобы отделить понятное от непонятного и остановиться на трудных предложениях.
Особое место в работе по самостоятельному переводу незнакомого текста занимает умение пользоваться словарем. Если в тексте много незнакомых слов, необходимо взять словарь. Но если вы увидели много знакомых слов и словосочетаний, которые позволяют понять общий смысл, не нужно обращаться к словарю – лучше попытаться вспомнить значением незнакомых слов и уже потом посмотреть в словарь для проверки. Пользуясь словарем, обучающийся должен знать алфавит и значение всех сокращений в словаре, уметь отыскать слово в словаре. Обучающийся должен, отыскивая нужное слово в словаре, знать, что слова даются в их основных формах, то есть существительное – в единственном числе, глагол – в неопределенной форме. Выбирать необходимо наиболее подходящие по смыслу значение слова.
Систематическая самостоятельная работа развивает умение применять иностранный язык на практике, вырабатывает навыки говорения, чтения, развивает мышление, вырабатывает трудолюбие и дисциплину.
ТЕМА: «Театр. Мое отношение к театру».
Д.8 с.229-230 (Лычко Л.Я, Новоградская - Морская Н.А., Халецкая А.А. Для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения. 2001).
-to be busy with – быть занятым
-to be on- быть в репертуаре
- in advance- заранее
- spare ticket – лишний билет
- to be boring – быть скучным
- the first night – премьера
- audience- зрители
- cast- состав исполнителей
- seat- место
- stage – сцена
-row- ряд
-to anticipate – ожидать
- forthcoming –предстоящий
- the wings –занавес
- plot –сюжет
- jesture-жест- storm of applause- буря аплодисментов
- to recollect- вспоминать
- to be worth doing smth –стоит что-либо делать.
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Do you often go to the theatre?
Do you prefer to watch a good play on TV or to go to the theatre?
When did you go to the theatre last?
Did you buy tickets in advance?
Where were your seats?
Did you like the ballet?
ТЕМА: «Посещение музеев».
Д.8 с. 221-222 (Лычко Л.Я, Новоградская - Морская Н.А., Халецкая А.А. Для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения. 2001).
-to arrange-устраивать
-B.C. (Before Christ)-до нашей эры
- A.D. (Anno Domini) –наша эра
- valuable articles –ценные предметы
- alloy-сплав- unique –уникальный
- specimen-образец- to engrave-гравировать
- head-dress-головной убор
- garment-предмет одежды
- solar signs-изображения солнца
- ancient tribes-древние племена
- burial-захоронение
- gospel –евангелие
- enamel-эмаль
- filigree-филигранная работа
- precious-драгоценный
- pearl-жемчуг
- craftsman-мастер, художник
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Do you often go to museums?
When did you go to a museum last?
When was the “Museum of Historical Valuables” founded?
What articles are exhibited in this museum?
Where is the museum situated?
Who built it?
What exposition opens the museum? What can you tell about it?
Where were the articles for this museum taken from?
ТЕМА: «Третьяковская галерея».
The Tretyakov Gallery
Moscow is replete with art galleries and museums. Yet their is one gallery that remains a symbol of Russian art. It is the world-famous Tretyakov Gallery.
The founder of the gallery was the entrepreneur Pavel Tretyakov (1832—1898), who was from the merchant class. Beginning in 1856, Tretyakov had a hobby of collecting works by the Russian artists of his time. He was a famous patron of the arts who helped to support the “peredvizhniki” (a movement consisting of realistic painters in the second half of the 19th century). Toward this goal, he intended to purchase a collection from a St. Petersburg collector, Fyodor Pryanishnikov, and, having added his own collection, created a museum. The government bought Pryanishnikov’s gallery in 1867, but Tretyakov gradually acquired an excellent collection, exceeding all other collections in Russia in its volume and quality.
In 1892, Pavel Tretyakov donated his entire collection to Moscow. His brother Sergey Tretyakov (1834—1892) was also a collector, but only of Western European paintings.
The brothers’ collections were at the core of the Moscow Municipal Art Gallery, which opened on August 15, 1893. At first, it contained 1,287 paintings and 518 pieces of graphic art by Russian artists, as well as 75 paintings by Western European artists.
Later, the Western European paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery were transferred to the Hermitage and the A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Aits, and the Tretyakov Gallery began to specialize exclusively in Russian art.
After 1918, the Tretyakov collection grew many times with the inclusion of the collection of Ilya Ostroukhov (1858—1929), an artist, paintings of the Russian school from the Moscow Rumyantsev Museum, and many private collections.
Presently, the gallery is being improved by carefully planned purchases. Already more than 55 thousand works are kept there . There is the rich collection of ancient Russian icon painting of the 12th— 17th centuries including Andrei Rublyov’s famous “Trinity”, as well as significant works of painting and sculpture of the 18th — 19th centuries — paintings by Dmitriy Levitskiy, Fyodor Rokotov, Karl Bryullov, Orest Kiprenskiy, Alexander Ivanov (including his well-known canvas “The Appearance of Christ Before the People”), Ivan Kramskoy, and sculptures by Fedot Shubin.
The gallery has an excellent selection of the best works by the “peredvizhniki”: Ilya Repin (including “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan”), Victor Vasnetsov, Ivan Shishkin, Vasiliy Surikov (“The Morning of the Strelets Execution”), Vasiliy Vereshchagin and others.
The blossoming of many areas of Russian art at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries is also well represented.
Suffice it to name such artists of the period as Mikhail Vrubel, Isaak Levitan, Nicholas Rerikh, Alexander Benua, Mikhail Nesterov, Konstantin Korovin, Mstislav Dobuzhinskiy, Konstantin Somov, Valentin Serov, Boris Kustodiev and Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. After the relatively short period of the 1910s— 1920s, new movements in art — futurism, cubism, etc. — were quickly developed.
Such an artistic movement as socialist realism also produced a number of talented and original artists. This trend is represented by works of Alexander Deineka, Arkadiy Plastov, Yuri Pimenov, Dmitriy Nalbandyan, and others.
The main building of the gallery includes the renovated Tretyakov home and several buildings that were attached to it at various times. The main facade of the building was erected in 1902 according to plans by the artist Victor Vasnetsov.
In 1994, the Tretyakov Gallery opened after 10 years of 1 restoration. This was not just a facelift to the building; the interior and technical equipment were brought up to the highest standards of quality, which is as it should be, since it contains so many treasures of Russian art.
replete — наполненный
entrepreneur — предприниматель
patron— покровитель
to intend [in'tend] — намереваться
to purchase — покупать
to acquire— приобретать
to exceed [ik'si:d] — превышать, превосходить
volume— объем, количество
to donate [dou'neit] — передавать в дар
entire [in'taia] — полный, целый, весь
exclusively [iks'klu:sivli] — исключительно, только
inclusion— включение, присоединение
futurism— футуризм
cubism ['kjubizm] — кубизм
facade [fa'sa:d] — фасад
facelift ['feislift] — внешнее обновление, косметический ремонт (здания)
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What gallery in Moscow is a symbol of Russian art?
Who was the founder of the gallery?
What did he make his hobby?
Whom did he support?
What did P. Tretyakov intend to do?
Who bought Pryanishnikov’s gallery in 1867?
What did P. Tretyakov do with his collection in 1892?
His brother Sergey Tretyakov was a collector of Western European paintings, wasn’t he?
When was the Moscow Municipal Art Gallery opened?
What did it contain at first?
Where were the Western European paintings transferred?
The Tretyakov collection grew many times after 1918, didn’t it?
How is the gallery being improved now?
How many works are kept there now?
What collections are extremely rich and beautiful in the gallery?
Are new art movements of the 1910s—1920s represented in the gallery?
When was the main facade of the gallery erected? According to whose plans was it erected?
When was the Tretyakov Gallery opened after 10 years of restoration? What does its interior look like after the restoration?
ТЕМА: «Эрмитаж».
The Hermitage
One of the world-wide known museums is the Hermitage. The word «Hermitage» means «a place of solitude». This name was given in the XVIII century by Catherine II to her private museum housed in a small building adjacent to the Winter Palace and accessible only to the chosen few.
In the course of time, the Hermitage grew into one of the greatest museums of the world. At the present, the collections take up five interconnected buildings. The museum retains its old name.
The accumulation of artifacts let to the formation of new departments devoted to the culture and art of the Peoples of the East, of the Prehistoric culture, and of the Russian culture. Three other departments are those of Western European art, classical antiquities and numismatics.
One of the rooms that impressed visitor the most is St. George Hall. The interior of the room is considered by experts to be a perfect example of the Classical Style. The room covers about 800 square metres, but does not seem enormous due to perfect proportions. It is decorated in the whitest marble and gilded bronze.
The Throne Hall was used for column assemblies. Members of the Tzar’s family, when coming of age, took their oaths here.
The Leonardo da Vinci Hall is one of the most gorgeous interiors. The hall is decorated in the style of 17 century French Baroque. The Hermitage possesses two, out of 12 or 14 works surviving from Leonardo.
The Rembrandt collection is one of the most treasured possessions of the museum. It members 24 canvases.
The Malachite Room reflects the style of 1889. The columns, pilasters, and floorlamps are veneered with thin plaques of rich green malachite. About two tons of malachite were used in decoration of the room.
solitude ['salitjuid] — уединение
adjacent [a'djeisant] — соседний, смежный
accessible [ask'sessbl] — доступный
artifact(s)— экспонат
to impress— впечатлять
perfect] — совершенный
marble— мрамор
oaths] — клятва, присяга
to possess— владеть
gorgeous — великолепный
jewelry - драгоценности, украшения
pilaster— пилястра
plaque [plak] — пластина, доска
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What does the word «Hermitage» mean?
How many departments are there in the Hermitage? What are they?
The interior of which room is the best example of the Classical Style?
What kinds of material are used for the decoration of St George’s Hall?-
Why was the Throne Hall so important?
How many works of Leonardo da Vinci does the Hermitage possess?
What is the most treasured possession of the Hermitage?
What material was used for the decoration of Malachite Room?
ТЕМА: «Посещение кинотеатра».
Д.8 с. 235-236 (Лычко Л.Я, Новоградская - Морская Н.А., Халецкая А.А. Для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения. 2001).
-at the same time-одновременно
- in general- в целом
- unfortunately- к сожалению
- rarely-редко- majority-большинство- film director-режиссер
- to shoot a film –снимать фильм
- plot- сюжет
- to look like-быть похожим
- twins-близнецы- lock-замок- coincidence-совпадение- cast- состав исполнителей
- to star-играть главную роль
- self-confident- самоуверенный
- jealous-ревнивый-to perform-исполнять
- talkative-разговорчивый, болтливый
- unforgettable-незабываемый-to pay attention to- уделять внимание
- script-сценарий- sincerity- искренность
- soul-душа- spectator-зритель- slightly-слегка- naive-наивный- eternal-вечный - fidelity-верность
-to enjoy-наслаждаться
- horror-ужас- thriller-триллер- overcrowded-переполненный- to flood-наводнять
- to mention- упоминать
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Why do people prefer to watch films at home?
Do we always have a good Russian film on TV?
Which film director do you know?
Which Russian films do you like best of all?
When was the film “Irony of Fate” shot?
What idea is the plot based on?
What is the film about?
Who starred in that film?
What are some kinds of entertainment?
How did people entertain themselves when there was no TV, radio or cinema?
What are some kinds of films?
Did people use to go to the cinema often?
ТЕМА: «Посещение магазина. Покупки».
Some people are fond of shopping. Others consider it to be a waste of time.Different people have different attitude to shopping. It is usually considered that all women love shopping, while all men hate it. In reality there are women who are indifferent to the process of purchasing things and there are men who find shopping to be the best entertainment.Personally, I like shopping. To my mind, it is a wonderful leisure activity. I often go shopping just to pass the time, to get pleasure or to plan a later purchase. Besides, sometimes I make purchases online. It is very fast and convenient. You have access to the information about the particular product and you can look at it. What is more, you don't even have to leave your house. It helps you save much time and effort and encourages you to purchase more products.However, some people hate shopping and consider it to be a terrible waste of time and money. It drives them crazy to look for the things they need and to wait in long lines to buy them. They prefer to purchase everything they need in the nearest supermarket. Sometimes they buy clothes in the sales without paying attention to their quality and price. Such people take the first thing that falls into their hands and don't try to look for something cheaper and better as they can't stand the process of exploring shop-windows and counters. But I think that department stores and supermarkets save plenty of time and make our lives easier.To conclude, shopping is a part of people's daily lives. But it's up to you to decide how much time and money to spend on shopping.
Some people like supermarkets and shopping centers. However, others say that they have too many disadvantages.Nowadays there are a lot of shops, supermarkets and shopping centers in every city. Some of us are fond of spending our free time there. But the increasing number of supermarkets and shopping centers worry a lot of people.Personally, I am fond of supermarkets and shopping centers. A supermarket usually offers you a wide choice of goods and you can buy food, clothes, toys, books, disks and electrical goods under a single roof. Nowadays everything is done in order to make shopping more convenient. Many shops work 24 hours. So food and drinks are available at night. Some supermarkets offer extra services such as cafes, pharmacies, banks or children centers.However, many people prefer small shops to big ones. There are usually crowds and long lines in supermarkets. So there is always noise and hustle there. Perhaps, there are too many supermarkets and shopping centers nowadays. They make us buy more and more goods. Quite a lot of people can't resist the temptation to buy things that they don't need when they see bright wraps and reduced prices. Shops attract the buyer with advertising, discounts and lottery. A lot of supermarkets use the so-called psychological prices: a little less than a round number, for example $ 9.99. Some people are addicted to shopping. They get great pleasure from buying things and they often make useless and unplanned purchases.To sum up, I think that supermarkets and shopping centers are very useful. But when you go there, you should try to be economical and buy only the things you need. Otherwise, you risk spending too much money.
Some people enjoy buying different things, while others say that our lives would be better if we bought fewer goods.To buy or not to buy? That is the question. Modern society is often called consumer society, because buying goods and services is considered to be very important. What people need depends on their age, character, way of life and other factors. But do we really need as much as we buy?Personally, I am fond of shopping. I often buy things which I don't really need, but which make my life a little happier such as an MP3 player, designer jeans, beautiful postcards or a bar of chocolate. There is always a wide choice of different goods in every shop and supermarket and when I see beautifully shaped bottles and bright wraps, I can't resist the temptation to buy things.However, some people say that if we bought only what we needed, there would be enough for everybody. If we buy fewer goods, we will become "conservers" because it will help save natural resources. Some products have too much packaging, creating more rubbish and causing pollution. Besides, if we don't buy so many things, we won't have to work so much. We will reduce our working day and we will have more spare time. It will give us an opportunity to go in for sports, to travel and what not.To conclude, when we go shopping, we should think about what we really need to buy. It is also useful not to take much money with you and to make a list of goods you need, so that you will not be influenced by advertisements, discounts or promotions. Our lives may become happier and healthier if we buy less.
Some people think that excessive shopping is a hobby and the way to spend your free time. Others say that shopaholism is a disease with its specific symptoms.Many people, especially women, consider shopping to be a leisure activity. They go shopping to pass the time and to get pleasure. However, love for shopping is all right until it turns into addiction.To my mind, shopaholism is becoming a global problem, with the growth of advertizing and online trading. It can be compared with smoking, alcoholism or drug abuse. People who are addicted to shopping say that the act of buying gives them a high like a drug. Shopaholics often feel satisfaction when they are in the process of purchasing. Shopping gives them a sort of euphoria and excitement. It helps them forget about their sorrow. But there is usually a feeling of disappointment afterwards, followed by guilt. Shopaholics feel either regretful or depressed when they get home. Some people become so ashamed of their problem that they may commit suicide. Furthermore, shopaholism leads to emotional, social and financial problems. The consequences also include ruined relationships, health problems, extreme levels of debt or even theft.Nevertheless, some people do not realize how destructive the nature of shopaholism is. They don't take any measures when their friends or relatives spend much time and money on buying useless things. But they must understand that shopaholism is not just love for shopping. I think that people who are addicted to shopping must receive treatment for shopaholism.To conclude, shopaholism is a serious disorder which can lead to numerous problems. That's why it is essential to notice early signs of this addiction. If you catch the trouble early, the problem may be easy to fix.
- supermarket- супермаркет
- store-магазин
- various-разнообразный
- under one roof-под одной крышей
- to be composed of-состоять из…
- ready-weighed and packed-в расфасованном и упакованном виде
- fabrics-ткани
- escalator-эскалатор
- customer-покупатель
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What do we do when we want to buy something?
What kinds of shops are there in every town?
Where do you like to do shopping?
What departments is a department store composed of?
Where are the things for sale?
What can we buy in the knitwear department?
What can we buy in a food supermarket?
What methods of shopping are there?
ТЕМА: «В библиотеке».
At Library.
Му School Library
Libraries make an important part of the world culture . There are infinite number of books in the world. We can not buy all the books we like and would like to read. When we have to write a report on some subject or to learn in details about some phenomenon there is no other way out for us but to use a library,
, There are a lot of reading-halls: special halls for scientific •reference work, for current periodicals, for music and art, for foreign languages, and others I visited it several times but most often I take books from there.
To enter the library one should have a reading card.
A lot of people go to libraries on weekends.
I like reading. What books do I like’?
I can not read one and the same sort of literature fora long time. 1 prefer to alternate short stories with the novels, love stories with books on history, poems with plays.
There is a not big library in my shook 1 must admit it is not bad at all. It is a big light room, very clean and cozy, on the first floor, There are a lot of bookcases and bookshelves there. You can find there books of adventure stories, historical novels, collection of short stories. Two very nice librarians can help you to find the book you need.
Pupils go to the library to read andtakebooks,tolook
through some new magazines and newspapers. Manyteachers go
to the school library too.
infinite ['infinit] — бесчисленный
huge [hju:d3] — огромный
vast— обширный
enter— зайти
to alternate— чередовать
novel— роман
to admit [admit] — признать
adventure [ad'ventja] — приключение
magazine] — журнал
librarian— библиотекарь
foreign— иностранный
Вопросы для самопроверки:
1. Is there a library in your school?
2. Do you like to read books?
3. How often do you go to the library?
4. What kind of books do you like to read?
5. Why do a lot of people visit library on weekends?
ТЕМА: «Газеты. Журналы».
Newspapers in Britain and the USA
Many British families buy a national or local newspaper every day. Some have it delivered to their home by a paper boy or paper girl; others buy it from a newsagent or a bookstall. Some people read a newspaper online. National dailies are published each morning except Sunday. Competition between them is fierce. Local daily papers, which are written for people in a particular city or region, are sometimes published in the morning but more often in the early evening.
The US has only one national newspaper, USA Today. The rest are local. A few newspapers from large cities, such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, are read all over the country. Many Americans subscribe to a newspaper which is delivered to their house. This costs less than buying it in a shop. Papers can also be bought in bookshops and supermarkets and most newspapers have online versions.
In Britain the newspaper industry is often called Fleet Street, the name of the street in central London where many newspapers used to have their offices. Britain has two kinds of national newspaper: the quality papers and the tabloids. The qualities were also called the broadsheets because they were printed on large pages, but are now often in tabloid size which is half the size of a broadsheet. They report national and international news and are serious in tone. They have editorials which comment on important issues and reflect the political views of the paper’s editor. They also contain financial and sports news, features, obituaries, listings of television and radio programmes, theatre and cinema shows, a crossword, comic strips, advertisements and the weather forecast.
The main quality dailies are The Times and the Daily Telegraph, which support the political right, The Guardian, which is on the political left, The Independent and The Financial Times. People choose a paper that reflects their own political opinion. Sunday papers include The Sunday Times, The Observer and The Independent on Sunday. The Sunday and Saturday editions of papers have more pages than the dailies, supplements on, for example, motoring and the arts, and a colour magazine.
The tabloids report news in less depth. They concentrate on human-interest stories, and often discuss the personal lives of famous people. People who disapprove of the tabloids call them the gutter press. The most popular are The Sun, The Mirror, The Express and The Daily Mail. The News of the World, a Sunday tabloid, sells more copies than any other newspaper in Britain.
- publication-издание
- public opinion-общественное мнение
- current events-текущие события
- handwritten-написанный от руки
- newssheet-листовка
- to post-вывешивать
- printed-печатный
- carved wooden block-резная деревянная доска
- to publish-издавать
- advantage-преимущество- to cover-осветить
- newscast- обзор новостей
- preceeding week-прошлая неделя
- to provide-предоставлять
- daily-ежедневное издание
- circulation-тираж
- issue-выпуск
- weekday- будний день
- section-раздел- guide to TV program-программа передач
- community-община- wedding- свадьба
- magazine-журнал- mass media- средства массовой информации
- article-статья
- pamphlet-брошюра
- publication-издание
- topic-тема
- to entertain- развлекать
- fiction-художественное произведение
- poetry-поэзия
- cover-обложка
- to focus- сосредотачиваться
- rapidly-быстро- to be intended-предназначаться
- consumer magazines-массовые журналы
- collector-коллекционер- coin-монета- stamp-почтовая марка
- photography enthusiast-фотолюбитель
- current-текущий- adventure-приключение- fashion-мода- child-raising-воспитание детей
- fashion trends-тенденции в моде
- circulation-тираж
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What are the names of the first newspapers?
What are the advantages of newspapers over the other mass media?
How many newspapers are there in the US?
What is printed in daily newspapers in the US?
What do weekly newspapers focus on?
What did magazines develop from?
What is the name of the first US magazine?
What kinds of information do magazine provide?
What is the difference in contents between a magazine and a newspaper?
What kind of magazines are there?
What do they deal with?
ТЕМА: «Телевидение».
Television nowadays has become one of the most important mass media. It informs, educates and entertains people. It influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views. In other words, mass media, and especially television, mould public opinion.
Millions of people like to watch TV in their spare time. The TV set now is not just a piece of furniture. It is someone who is one of the families. There are two viewpoints on television. Some people think that television is doing a lot of harm. People begin to forget how to occupy their free time. It prevents them from communicating with each other, from visiting friends, or relatives. And indeed, people used to have hobbies, they used to go outside for amusements to the theatres, cinemas, sporting events. They used to read books and listen to music. Now all free time is given to television.
But there are a lot of people who consider TV to be helpful because it gives us a lot of information. We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day. We can see famous people, great events that will pass into history. Television gives wonderful possibilities for education: you can take a TV course in history, economy, in learning foreign languages and in many other subjects.
Television brings the world in your living-rooms. We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn their customs, occupations, and problems. TV gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. To crown it all, TV simply helps us to relax after a hard day's work, giving a great variety of entertaining and musical programs.
Still, it's not a good thing for children to be glued to the TV screen all day long. It's very harmful for their health and for developing personalities, because children prefer low-standard hits, horror films or banal serials. All this by no means contributes to what we call making a personality.
- moving pictures- движущееся изображение
- Greek-греческий
- Latin-латинский
- commercial station-коммерческая станция
- advertising time-рекламное эфирное время
- operating costs-издержки
- profit-прибыль
- public station-общественная станция
- to broadcast-передавать
- entertainment-развлечение- to attract-привлекать
- viewer-зритель- situational comedy-комедия ситуаций
- lawyer-адвокат- comedian-актер-комик
- quiz-show-викторина
- cartoon-мультипликационный фильм
- talk show-ток-шоу
- issue- проблема, вопрос
- drug abuse-наркомания
- racial prejudice-расовые предрассудки
- host-ведущий
- to interview-брать интервью
- athlet-спортсмен
- summary-обзор- advertising-реклама- to urge-убеждать
- play-пьеса
- art- искусство
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What does the word television mean?
What kind of stations are there in the US?
Why do commercial stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs?
What programs are broadcasted on commercial TV?
What programs does public TV broadcast?
Which kind of TV – commercial or public – attracts more viewers?
ТЕМА: «Средства массовой информации Великобритании».
The British MediaThe British Media consists of the press and radio and TV broadcasting.
Now a couple of words about papers. First of all there is no subscription. You may buy any on sale. There are two main types of newspapers: the “popular” papers and the “quality” papers.
The popular papers are less in size, with many pictures, big headlines and short articles. They are easy to read. They are such papers as “Daily Express”, “Daily mail”, “Daily Mirror”, “Daily Star”, “The Sun” and others.
The “quality” papers are for more serious reader ship. These papers are bigger in size, with larger articles and more detailed information. The “quality” papers are — “The Times”, “Daily Telegraph”, “The Guardian”, “Financial Times”, “The Independent”.
In addition to daily papers we have just mentioned above there are Sunday papers. They have a higher circulation than the dailies. Sunday papers in Great Britain are such “quality” papers as “Observer”, “Sunday Times”, “Sunday Telegraph” and such“popular” papers as: “News of the World”, “Sunday Express”, “Sunday Mirror”, “Mail on Sunday”.As far as broadcasting and telecasting are concerned there are two radio and TV stations. The first one — well-known BBC — British Broadcasting Corporation, and the second — 1BA — Independent Broadcasting Authorities. The newspapers in Britain are proud of the fact that they are different from each other — each tries to have a definite profile.
subscription — подписка
on sale — в продаже
readership — читатели
circulation — тираж
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What does the British Media consist of?
2. What are two main types of newspapers in Britain?
3. Who are the “quality” papers for?
4. Which newspapers have a higher circulation than the dailies?
ТЕМА: «Кино».
Д.8 с. 239-241 (Лычко Л.Я, Новоградская - Морская Н.А., Халецкая А.А. Для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения. 2001
- to spend one’s leisure time-проводить свое свободное время
- movie audience-киноаудитория, кинозрители
- predominantly-по преимуществу, главным образом
- video facilities-видео-салон
- to emerge-появляться, возникать
- cinema-going habit-привычка ходить в кино
- a settlement-поселок
- adventures-приключения- grown-ups-взрослые- not without pleasure-не без удовольствия
- to include-включать
- feature film-художественный фильм
- genre-жанр
- western-вестерн- thriller-триллер- performance-сеанс- entertainment-развлечение- cinema screens-киноэкран
- to dominate-превалировать, занимать ведущее место
- to be fond of-любить что-либо, нравиться кому-либо
- it’s a pity-жаль, к сожалению
- it’s an open secret- ни для кого не секрет, что…
- to give preference to smth.-отдавать предпочтение чему-либо
- amusing adventures-забавные приключения
- woman-reporter-женщина-репортер
- hunter-охотник
- to look down on smb.-смотреть свысока, презирать кого-либо
- to rescue smb. out of smth.- спасти кого-либо
-an essential feature-важная черта
- to fall in love with each other-влюбиться
Вопросы для самопроверки:
How do lots of people find going to the cinema?
Who makes up the movie audience?
Why have cinema attendances decline sharply?
Is the cinema-going habit still a strong one?
What genres of feature films are there?
How many performances have many cinemas a day?
What films have cinema screens in this country been dominated by?
Are you fond of going to the cinema?
In what time do we live now?
What do you give your preference to?
What is the essential feature of American films?
When was the cinema born?
What was the price of the ticket?
Who perfected the movie camera?
Why did a new film studio appear in Hollywood?
When was the sound added?
Could an actor choose a role in a film?
ТЕМА: «На почте».
At the Post-Office
The Post-office does the tremendous job in getting our mail and morning papers to us. Nowadays we can send a letter to the most out-of-the way places and it will get there.
If we visit our local post-office, we will see a number of windows there, with a notice in big letters showing the operations handled. The first one is called Parcel Post; the next one is Money Orders. Then there is one, marked General Delivery . Going down the line, you will see Stamps, Post Cards, Envelopes, Registered Letters, and Air Mail. In some conspicuous place, you will find the board with the postal rates. This will give you all information about how many stamps are needed for inland or foreign letters that is how much postage should be paid on those letters. Then somewhere near the entrance, you will see a notice, giving the hours of delivery. If you want to send printed matter (newspapers, magazines or books), you will have to go to the window, marked "Book Post". The "General Delivery’’ window keeps mail, until called for.
Nowadays it is difficult to imagine our life without postal services which are constantly developing and extending. Nobody is surprised receiving a letter sent some days ago. We know that millions of letters travel by trains, by sea and air all over the world, however, this huge machine works perfectly.
But there were times, when the things were different. Two hundred years ago kings and governors had a service of messengers, which connected the kingdom capital with provinces. In China, for example, in a high antiquity the mail service was surprisingly well organized. Post offices were located on all main roads with an interval of 50 kilometers, but they were accessible only for aristocracy.
In 1840 the postage stamp was invented. It improved considerably the quality of mail services. It should be noted that the first stamps appeared in Great Britain. It is the unique country, which does not specify its name on post stamps.Now there are some post offices in every town, which offer various services to citizens. You can send a simple or a registered letter, a telegram, a printed matter or a post parcel. One can purchase mail paper, stamps, envelopes, postcards there.
If you want to send a letter, you should purchase an envelope. The number of post stamps will depend on what kind of letter you send: a simple one, par avian or registered, inside the country or an international one .If you send any important documents, it is better to send them by certified mail.
If you want a telegram be sent, firstly you should fill in a form, then the employee will calculate the amount of words and tell you, how much the service is. There are various kinds of telegrams, but all of them will be handed to the recipient this day. Nowadays to send a telegram you don't need to go to a post-office because it can be made by telephone.
On the telegraph office it is possible to book a trunk-call practically to any town of our country and of the world. A post-office proposes also other services, for example, one can pay municipal services there, get subscriptions to newspapers and magazines, make a photocopy, send or receive a fax.
When Internet appeared a new kind of services is presented at the post-office and it is called Electronic Mail. E-mail at present is the most reliable communication facility and it is in great demand.
- counter-стойка
- envelope-конверт
- stamp-марка
- post card-открытка
- to post-отправлять
- parcel-посылка
- clerk-служащий
- subscription-подписка
- to deliver-доставлять
- P.O. box-абонентский ящик
- to collect-собирать
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Where can envelopes and stamps be bought?
Do you need to go to the post-office again if you want to send a letter which you wrote at home?
What do you need to do to send a telegram?
How can you send a parcel?
Is it possible that your favourite newspapers and magazines were delivered directly to your home?
What is a P.O. box?
ТЕМА: «Транспорт в Британии».
Transport in BritainThe easy movement of goods and people is an essential feature of a modern industrialized country, such as the United Kingdom Agricultural and industrial products must be moved to markets and ports, just as raw materials and labour must be transported to the factories. Within Britain, these functions are carried out by a complex transport system that has developed slowly over several centuries.
Before the 17th century there was little need for rapid communication, because most local areas were relatively self-sufficient in raw materials for industry. But regional specialization and increased industrial output that resulted from the Industrial Revolution demanded more suitable means of transport than had existed previously Economic interchange between different parts of the country became essential to the development of the country, and new models of transport evolved to meet these needs: the railway and the canal.
Today, as in the recent past emphasis is placed not only upon ease of communications, but also on speed of communications. This has been achieved not only by the use of freight aircraft, but the development of high speed motorways.
In the Middle Ages, river transport played a major role in the British internal transport system, because all the large towns of the time were situated on navigable rivers. Moreover, the quality of roads was so bad that attention was turned to river navigation. This emphasis on water transport was increased during the great period of canal construction during the latter part of the 18th century. By 1830 there were about 10,000 kilometers of canals and «improved" rivers in Britain. However river navigation suffered from a number of problems including silting1summer drought and the fact that a number of industrial areas, including Birmingham, were not on navigable rivers. The construction of the railways after 1830 meant the gradual decline of waterways, many canals were no longer used for commercial traffic, but for pleasure boating
Coastal shipping has also changed within the last century. Once it was the most important form of transport to move coal from North-East England to London, but now most coastal shipping is passenger-carrying. Links are maintained with many of the offshore islands, particularly in Scotland, by regular passenger ferries which may also carry freight.
The impetus for the development of railway communications came from the expanding coal trade of the early 19th century. Railways were speedier, in many respects more flexible and also were a more convenient means of transporting goods to and from the ports in foreign trade, or exporting ports. Most of the early railways were all built to link coalfields with expanding industrial areas. The first public railway, between Stockton and Darlington, was opened in 1825, in northern England.
As industrialization continued the canals were found inadequate to cope with the volume of traffic and railways were built to cope with the problem. Gradually railways took the place of the canals, and towns grew up and developed at railway junctions and along the main lines. Railways were becoming efficient carriers of passengers, either those travelling on business or on holiday. By the middle of the 19th century through rail links had been established between the major cities and towns of Britain - London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, York, Leeds, Newcastle, Brighton, Southampton, Exeter, Bristol.
During the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century the railways were the principal carriers of both freight and passengers. But the invention of the internal combustion engine introduced a rival means of transport - an automobile.
As roads were improved, and motor vehicles became faster, more reliable and more numerous, with the advantage of door-to-door delivery, many railway lines lost traffic and became uneconomic to run. On the longer internal routes, the railways lost passengers to civil airlines. All through the present century they have faced increasing competition from road transport. This has resulted in a decline in the importance of the railways and the closure of many lines and stations..The pattern of roads in Britain still bears traces of the Roman road network, although the modern network is really a product of the last two centuries. This road system was quite unplanned. Built, in the first place, to link settlements, such roads formed long distance links, which were not the most direct or the most efficient. The real importance of the road system did not emerge until the early 20th century, when the invention of the motor-car created a revolution in industrial transport.
Modern methods of evaluating road requirements for the future have been developed by government planners and a system of motorways linking many parts of Britain was begun in the late 1950s. The development of the fast roads together with the increasing use of large container lorries has meant a rapid rise in road freight transport.
However, many of Britain's roads are not suited to cope with the current volume of traffic. Most of them were designed to handle horse-drawn traffic and are inadequate for modern motor vehicles, especially modern lorries. The increased motor traffic has tended to produce congestion, particularly in towns and cities where several roads may converge, and where congestion has become a daily nightmare for drivers, pedestrians and inhabitants alike.
The majority of Britain's ports are situated in the mouths, wide estuaries of rivers. Of great importance for the port activity are tides, when the rising water reaches its maximum mark (high tide). For example, in the port of London during the high tide the water rises to the level of 6 m, in Liverpool - 8.5m, in Bristol - 30m. Due to the high tides many towns which are situated dozens of kilometres from the coast have become sea ports (London - 64km from the coast, Glasgow - 35, Hull -32, etc.). The introduction of container traffic has led to an enormous reduction in the amount of time spent loading and unloading ships.
Although the largest British ports serve a variety of purposes, many ports concentrate on one particular activity.
The largest ports handling ocean freight trade are London, Liverpool, Hull, Southampton, 1Glasgow, Bristol.
The principal ocean-passenger ports are Southampton, London (Tilbury) and Liverpool.
The principal ferry-passenger ports for communications with Europe are Harwich, Dover, Folkestone, Newhaven and Southampton.
The most important fishing ports are Hull, Grimsby, Lowestoft, Fleetwood and Aberdeen. Specialized naval ports include Portsmouth and Plymouth.
The development of the North Sea oil has given rise to new ports, or oil ports, through which the main traffic of this product passes. Tees, Forth ports, Flotta in Orkney and Sullom Voe in Shetland.
The most striking development in the field of transport in recent years has been the growth of air traffic. It handles both freight and passengers to whom speed is more important than cost^ The number of people who travel by air has increased at a very fast rate. Practically all major cities and towns of Britain are served by regular daily flights.
London is served by two chief airports - Heathrow and Gatwick. Heathrow airport handles about seventy-five per cent of all passenger traffic and sixty-five per cent of all freight passing through British airports. It is one of the largest and busiest airports in the world for international travel. It covers an area of more than twenty square kilometres.
Of all airlines operating in the United Kingdom, British Airways is one of the world's leading airlines, and in terms of the passengers carried it is the largest in the world.
- to reach-достигать
- underground-метро- charter flight-чартерный рейс
- steamer-пароход- ferry-boat-паром- to overtake-обгонять
- shilling-шиллинг
- shape- форма
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What is the fastest way of travelling?
How many airports are there in London?
What kind of service helps to cross the Channel?
What are “rules” of driving in Britain?
What does typical bus in London look like?
Where was the first underground opened?
Why is London underground called the Tube?
ТЕМА: «Движение в Лондоне».
Transport in London
London is a huge metropolitan area that is why public transport is vitally important for the city dwellers as well as tourists, for whom it might be quite confusing to get about London. Unlike Russian public transport, British transport system is reliable and quite cheap. However, due to the increase of car ownership, London traffic has become 3 times as heavy as it used to be and the length of the traffic jams increased dramatically. As a result, the problem of fatal car accidents appeared.
Apart from taxies, there are 2 main methods of transport in London: the Underground and the buses. Buses are best for sightseeing, especially double-decker buses. However, they are rather slow, especially during the rush hour. On the traditional double-decker there were no doors and passengers leaped up and off the bus and conductor was moving about and collecting fares from the passengers. However, nowadays fares are given directly to the driver or to the machine. Moreover, London transport has recently introduced single-decker buses which are called "Red Arrows".
London Underground, which is also called Tube, offers people more convenient, speedy and direct form of travel. The Underground was opened at the end of the 19th century, in 1884. Now there are more than 270 stations. You can recognize the Tube stations by the red and blue signs at the street level. There is no fixed fare, because it depends on the distance you travel. You can buy a ticket or a ticket-stub from a booking office clerk or from a machine. There are 8 different underground lines in the London Underground system. The travelers, who are not familiar with the Tube, should always consult the map.
So, London transport system is rapid and fast, but sometimes it can be really confusing.
- expensive-дорогой- route-маршрут- to mark-обозначать
- passenger-пассажир- change-сдача- exact-точный- fare-плата
- traffic-движение
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What must visitors of London learn? Why?
What can you get at any ticket office?
What does the word “Underground” show?
How is the London underground called?
Which stops are marked “Request Stops”?
What will you see inside some buses?
What seats have London buses?
Why must you observe traffic rules?
Why did people have to travel so long to get to the place they needed in the old days?
Why do many people like to travel by air (by train, by car)?
ТЕМА: «В отеле».
Service is supposed to begin at the door. So an employee who is important during the reception procedure is the doorman. He is stationed at the entrance to the hotel and assists the guests in and out of taxis and cars, calls for cabs. etc. Very often guests will ask him for directions to restaurants, nightclubs, cafes, shops, or other hotels. In the lobby of a hotel there is a registration desk, where guests check in and out, pick up and deposit keys, and so on. The check-in procedure takes a few minutes. The guest is given a registration card to fill in: the name and address, the passport number for foreign nationals. The desk clerk, or receptionist, enters the guest's room number, the room rate, and the arrival and departure dates into the computer. When all formalities are over, the bellman shows the guests to their rooms and assists them with their baggage, he shows them where the light switches are and explains the use of the room appliances, such as the TV set, cooking facilities, if any, and the air conditioning. He can also run errands for you. For each service rendered the bellman will expect a tip.If any information is required, it can be received at the hotel's information desk which is supervised by a concierge. Concierges are always ready to help the guests. They can make reservations for theatres or flights, arrange sightseeing tours, mail letters and, in general, provide all kinds of useful information. The hotel bill can be paid in several ways. Besides cash, credit cards are universally accepted. In fact, many hotels require their guests to produce a credit card when registering. Otherwise, a cash deposit is required. The guests may also pay with traveler’s checks when checking out. Hospitality is of greatest importance for hotel. Hospitality is not an abstraction - it is a clean room, a comfortable bed, a hot shower, a good meal, a courteous doorman and - last but not least - a good profit!
- centre-центр
- way-путь, дорога
- to impress-впечатлять
- bright-яркий- bus-автобус- traffic-движение
- left-hand traffic-левосторонне движение
- to reserve-заказывать
- to check-проверять
- single-единственный, одиночный
- private-частный, личный
- number-номер- to fill in-заполнять
- form – бланк
- key-ключ- to call-звать, позвать
- porter- порте
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Do you always stay at a hotel when you go on business?
When and where did you last stay at hotel?
What was the name of the hotel?
What kind of accommodation did you have?
What did you write in a form when you arrived at the hotel?
Did you enjoy your stay at this hotel? Why?
ТЕМА: «В ресторане».
We have a very old family tradition: once a month we pay a visit to the restaurant for a family dinner. It is a great chance to spend the evening out of our usual setting. What is more, it is a good chance to have fun and get away from the routine we get tired of and enjoy some time with the family. A week before that day we choose the restaurant. It is extremely necessary to reserve a table in advance as the place may be overcrowded at the weekend. We mostly book a table for four: my parents, me and my sister. The tastes differ in our family. So every time we tend to try a new place or a new type of cuisine. We’ve already visited Indian, Italian, French, Thai, Chinese, Japanese and many other restaurants. The tendency now is that Japanese cuisine is the most popular for the sushi. But my family and I prefer Indian or Indonesian food. My sister is a vegetarian so we usually look for a place where she can find something for herself. It is good that more and more restaurants suggest food for any customer’s needs nowadays. When the evening comes we usually take the places, the waiter takes the order and in the beginning we usually have something delicious to drink and spend some time discussing our current issues. We also have a very strong rule: no phones during the dinner. Luckily, we don’t usually have any problems with our orders. The food usually is tasty and delicious. But it may happen that it is too salty or spicy. In that case we never argue but ask it to be changed. And we never receive a denial. Maybe because we are very polite and smiley. Several hours later we ask for a bill, pay in cash or with a credit card and have a long walk back home. I really enjoy such evenings for the sense of unity and love. It helps to support good relationship with my parents and allows them to know all about my and my sister’s lives. So just try spending some time together with your family at the restaurant, and you will notice that your relationship has become much better.Словарь-минимум:
- waiter-официант- to serve-обслуживать
- service-обслуживание- café-кафе
- meal-еда (принятие пищи)
- cafeteria-кафетерий
- cosy-уютный
- beer-пиво
- cocktail-коктейль
- bacon-бекон
- sausage-колбаса, сосиска
- to consist of-состоять из…
- course-блюдо (часть обеда, ужина и т.д.)
- fish-рыба
- dessert-десерт, сладкое
- cake-пирожное, кекс, торт
- supper-ужин
- menu-меню
- dish-блюдо, кушанье
- mushroom-гриб
- soup-суп
- roast-beef-ростбиф
- fried-жареный
- potatoes-картофель
- delicious-восхитительный (о вкусе, запахе)
- hungry-быть голодным, хотеть есть
- chicken-цыпленок
- steak-бифштекс- salad-
- bottle-салат- wine-вино- fruit-фрукты- ice-cream-мороженое- cheese-сыр- bill-счет
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What is the 1st (2nd, 3rd) meal in our country (in Great Britain)?
Where do you usually have meals during the day?
Do you prefer having meals at home or out? Why?
Where do you usually have meals when you are on holiday (on a business trip)?
Can you always have meals on a plane (on a train)?
Do you have meals at a regular hours or not?
ТЕМА: «В аэропорту. На таможне».
At the Airport
When preparing to fly, passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time. They must register their tickets, get a seat assignment, and weigh and check their luggage.
Most airlines have at least 2 classes of travel, first class and economy class. Economy class tickets are much less expensive. Each passenger more than 2 years old gets a free luggage allowance. Generally this weight limit is 20 kg of checked baggage for economy class passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers. If you check excess luggage you’ll have to pay a fee calculated by the number of extra pieces and the extra weight. Every passenger is also allowed one small carry-on bag, for instance a laptop computer or small suitcase.
The rules for passengers who are traveling abroad are similar in most countries but there are, sometimes, slight differences. Here are some things to remember: if, for instance, you need to go through Customs, try to fill in the customs declaration before you talk to the customs officer. He will ask every passenger the same, routine questions about whether he is carrying anything he wants to declare: like tobacco, alcohol, presents, and sums of money.
At the check-in counter, your ticket is looked at, your things are weighed and labeled with their destination. The next formality is filling in the immigration form and going through passport control. Remember to have a black or blue pen with you because the immigration form has to be filled in block letters. You write your name, nationality, permanent address and the purpose of your trip. In most countries there is also a security check when your carry-on-luggage is inspected.
After fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can have a snack, read a paper or buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for the announcement to board the plane.
When you arrive at your destination, some of these same formalities will undoubtedly be repeated. Often while on board the plane you will be given a customs declaration and immigration form to fill in. At the airport you may be met by a specially trained dog whose job it is to make sure that no passengers are carrying any illegal drugs. In addition, the immigration officer might want to inspect your visa, your invitation and even your return ticket.
At the CustomsTeresa: Excuse me, how do I decide whether to go through the red or the green channel?
1 st Customs: If you have goods to declare Official: you go through the red channel. If you haven't any goods to declare, you go through the green one.
Teresa: How do I decide whether I have goods to declare?
1 st Official: Well, madam, this notice here tells you.
Teresa: Oh, I can't understand it very well.
1 st Official: If you're a visitor coming here for less than six months, and you haven't any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance, you go through the green channel.
Teresa: Oh, I have got some spirits.
1 st Official: How much have you got?
Teresa: A bottle of brandy. And I've got two hundred cigarettes.
1 st Official: That's all right. You're allowed one bottle and two hundred cigarettes. Have you got any expensive presents, things for other people? You have to declare anything which cost over ten pounds.
Teresa: Well, yes, I have got a watch which cost more than ten pounds in English money.
1 st Official: Then go through the red channel. And my colleague may wish to look inside your luggage.
Teresa: I see. Thank you.
(Teresa goes into the red channel and reaches the Customs official).
2 nd Customs:
Official: Are these two bags all you have, madam?
Teresa: Yes, and this holdall.
2 nd Officialn: Have you any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance?
Teresa: No, I just have this bottle of brandy and these cigarettes.
2 nd Official: You're allowed a bottle of spirits and that number of cigarettes. That's all right. Have you any articles which you intend to leave in the United Kingdom?Teresa: This watch. It cost fifteen pounds.
2 nd Official: Have you got any evidence of the cost – an invoice or a bill which shows what you paid for it.
Teresa: Yes, I have the bill. Here it is.
2 nd Official: Thank you. I'll have a look in your luggage. Would you please open the two bags? Thank you. And I'll let you know in a moment the duty you must pay on the watch.
Teresa: Thank you very much.
- passport control-паспортный контроль
- purpose-цель- to visit-посещать
- trip-поездка- order-порядок
- customs house-таможня
- to declare-задекларировать
- to be liable to duty- подлежать обложению пошлиной
- to be duty-free-не подлежать обложению пошлиной
- to open-открывать
- suit-case-чемодан- necessary-необходимый
- to mark-отмечать
- stay- пребывание
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Is it necessary to go through the Customs when you go to a foreign country?
What does a customs officer usually ask passengers to do when they come up to his desk?
What things are liable to duty?
ТЕМА: «Праздники России».
Д.8 с. 148-151 (Лычко Л.Я, Новоградская - Морская Н.А., Халецкая А.А. Для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения. 2001)
- to have much in common- иметь много общего
- peculiarity-особенность
- heathen religion- языческая религия
- rite-обряд- to tell the fortunes-гадать
- family welfare- семейное благосостояние
- wheel-колесо- to set on fire- поджигать
- ploughing-пахота- sowing-сев- feast-праздник- Pentecost-пятидесятница
- to whitewash-белить
- herb-трава- to plate-плести
- wreath-венок- priest-священник- the Easter matins-пасхальная служба
- mass-месса- to bless-благословлять
- embroidery-вышивка- to kindle bonfire-зажигать костер
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What period do many Russian holidays go back to?
What were the winter holidays called?
What did people do on the New Year’s night?
How was the spring holiday “masljenitsa” celebrated?
How did young people entertain themselves on Green Holidays?
What holiday has got many rich folk traditions?
Why was Easter called a feast of joy and gladness?
How did Easter begin?
When was Ivana Kupala festival celebrated?
ТЕМА: «Первый локомотив «The Tom Thumb».
The early locomotives were small and slow and they were not powerful. Besides, the rails on which they ran broke very often. So many people did not take them seriously.
But in 1830, Peter Cooper, an American, constructed a steam loco which could develop a higher speed than the other engines. The locomotive was so small and light that his inventor called it the Tom Thumb.
The first run of the Tom Thumb was quite successful. The locomotive travelled a 15-mile distance in one hour and 12 minutes to the delight of its inventor and 36 passengers. But the end of the travel was not so happy as the beginning.
On the way back the inventor wanted to show that his loco could run much quicker than a carriage drawn by a horse. The Tom Thumb ran so fast that soon it was really ahead (впереди) of the carriage. Suddenly, something broke in the engine and the locomotive slowed down. The horse ran fast with the passengers looking triumphant and happy.
loco-локомотив, поезд
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Were the early locos powerful?
Did people take them seriously?
Who constructed a steam loco? When?
What was the history of the first run of the Tom Thumb?
ТЕМА: «Первый дизельный локомотив в России».
November 6, 1924 is to be considered the birthday of the first main line diesel electric locomotive in the world. It was on that day that a powerful diesel locomotive built on the initiative of Comrade Lenin to the design of Prof. Gakkel1 was put into operation on the railways of the Soviet Union. -309245-574675т
The designer of this locomotive, J. M. Gakkel (1871 —1945), was born in Irkutsk, in the family of a military engineer. After graduating from the Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute he worked as an engineer in a number of Russian cities such as Perm, Kiev, Petersburg and others. A man of profound engineering knowledge and creative power he made a considerable contribution to the development of Russian science and technique. He designed some quite original types of airplanes, which won him recognition and popularity with aircraft designers;2 he made numerous inventions in the field of locomotive and tram-car construction. In 1920 he began the most important work of his life, that of designing a diesel electric locomotive.
Notesto the design of Prof. Gakkel — по проекту профессора Геккеляwhich won him recognition and popularity with aircraft designers — что сделало его известным среди авиаконструкторов Словарь-минимум:
- to graduate-окончить (высшее учебное заведение)
- profound knowledge- глубокие познания- considerable contribution-значительный вклад
- science-наука- popularity-популярность- aircraft designer-авиаконструктор
- numerous-многочисленный
- field-область
- tram-car – трамвайный вагон
- construction- строительство
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What date is to be considered the birthday of the first diesel electric loco in the world?
Who was its designer?
What do you know about him?
What else did he design?
ТЕМА: «Железнодорожный транспорт в России».
The Soviet Union stretches across two continents, from the Pacific to the Baltic Sea.
The USSR comprises 22.4 million square kilometres of territory, one sixth of the globe’s inhabited dry land, with over 240 million population.
From west to east the territory of the Soviet Union extends over 10,000 km, and from north to south almost 5,000 km.
The tremendous area and population in the country, the highly developed industry and agriculture, the unique growth of the people’s culture, determine the necessity for a widely developed transport system including all modes of transportation.
The railways of the USSR occupy an outstanding position as a freight and passenger carrier, taking care of1 approximately 80 per cent of the entire traffic of the country.
The total length of the USSR railway network is now
km. Direct passenger service is now available to many capitals of foreign countries.
For some time already the USSR railway system is being completely modernized, and this is based on the electrification of railways and wide introduction of diesel traction.
The length of the electrified railway lines is about
km. Some of the electrified trunk lines are the largest in the world: the Moscow—Lake Baikal line, 5,500 route-kilo- metres long and Leningrad—Leninakan, 3,500 km long.
Towards the end of 1971 about 65,000 km of lines were already converted to diesel traction.
The railway system is equipped and being continuously supplied with new powerful electric and diesel locomotives,
high load-capacity freight cars and with special cars for transporting diverse goods; cars are fitted with automatic brakes; automatic couplers and roller bearings are widely used. The freight rolling stock consists, in the main, of 4-axle and recently a number of 6- and 8-axle cars have been introduced.
To increase passenger transport facilities new comfortable cars are being installed, including air-conditioned cars.
Much attention is being paid to track facilities. On trunk railway lines mainly 50 and 65 kg rails are laid on broken stone ballast;2 reinforced-concrete ties3 are being used on many lines while long-welded rails4 are becoming increasingly popular.
For repair of railway track modern efficient machines and mechanisms are widely used.
Automatic and remote control devices as well as computers have found intensive use.5 Many thousands of kilometres of railways are equipped with automatic block signalling and centralized traffic control. Many stations have been equipped with route-relay interlocking of switches and signals, many hump yards have been modernized with automated working.
Freight handling operations are carried out by sets of highly-effective machines and mechanisms. Container movement of all kinds has become very popular.
The wide use of new equipment and efficient techniques has facilitated a continuous improvement in maintenance and overall efficiency of railways, with a reduction in transport costs.
Notestaking care of (take care of) — cm. care (Приложение)
broken stone ballast — щебеночный балласт
reinforced-concrete ties — железобетонные шпалы
long-welded rails — цельносварные рельсы
Automatic and remote control devices have found intensive use. — Широкое применение нашли автоматические приборы и приборы управления на расстоянии.
Broken stone ballast-щебеночный балласт
Reinforced-concrete ties- железобетонные рельсы
Long-welded rails-цельносварные рельсы
tremendous- огромный
determine- определять
carrier ['kærɪə]- возчик; перевозчикnetwork – сеть
traction – тяговая сила
trunk line ['trʌŋkˌlaɪn] - магистральная железнодорожная линия, магистраль
convert – переоборудовать
a load capacity – грузоподъёмность
diverse [daɪ'vɜːs]/ 1) иной, отличный от чего-л., различный; несходный Syn: different , divergent 2) многообразный, разнообразный, разный
coupler ['kʌplə]/ 1) сцепщик 2) сцепка; соединительный прибор; сцепляющая муфта 3) устройство связи, прибор связи, механизм связи
roller bearing - роликовый подшипник
axle ['æksl]/ - вал, ось, шпиндель
interlocking - 1) блокировка 2) взаимозамыканиеhump yard - подгорочный парк; горочная сортировочная станция, сортировочная горка
overall efficiency - общая эффективность, общий коэффициент полезного действия, общий КПД
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Is Railway system being completely modernized?
What the railway system is equipped with?
What was made to increase passenger transport facilities?
Is much attention being paid to track facilities?
What is widely used for repair of railway track?
ТЕМА: «Путь и балластная призма».
Of all the various materials which are used for ballast broken ballast or broken granite is the most suitable. These materials are however costly. Recently a very effective and much cheaper substitute has been found in blast furnace slag.
In the early days the ballast to be laid on the track was first taken to the site in ordinary wagons and unloaded into heaps spaced at suitable intervals beside the track. Gangs of platelayers armed with shovels then spread the ballast over the track, tucking it under the sleepers until a firm foundation was made. In these days ballast trains are employed. They consist of wagons that can discharge the loose stone directly on to the track through the floors of the wagons. As the engine draws the ballast train slowly forward, a plough like a snow plough, which is fixed in front of the brake van, spreads the ballast thus discharged from the wagons. The platelayers then finish the operation.
Broken ballast- щебень
substitute ['sʌbstɪtjuːt]/ - 1) заместитель 2) заменяющий игрок Syn: representative 3) замена, замещение 4) заменитель; суррогат
blast furnace - домна; ватержакетная печь; печь с форсированной тягой
heap [hiːp]/ - груда, куча, масса
tuck I [tʌk]/ 1. 1) = tuck in подгибать, подворачивать; подбирать под себя, подсовывать Tuck in your shirt. — Заправь рубаху. 2) = tuck away а) засовывать, прятать
discharge [dɪs'ʧɑːʤ] – разгружать
brake van ['breɪkˌvæn] - тормозной вагон
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What materials are used for ballast?
How the ballast was laid in the early days? And now?
What is the ballast train?
ТЕМА: «Реставрация зданий».
Restoration of the Annunciation Cathedral should be mentioned among the recent restoration projects, made by the Kremlin Museums. During the centuries, the Annunciation Cathedral had been the Moscow Great Princes' and Tzars' home church.
The most interesting discoveries were made in the underground part of the cathedral ("podklet" in Russian). Here the lower parts of the walls and foundations of the cathedral of 1416 were found.
More than hundred white stone blocks with carved ornamentation or fragments of the mural painting on the surface were found under the northern back steps. Carved white stones previously decorated facades and interiors of the temple. Fragments of the monumental painting of the interior of the cathedral date back to the beginning of 15th century and are attributed by experts as the painting of Rublev's circle.
The Patriarch's Palace with the Cathedral Church of the Twelve Apostles is the most interesting example of the civil architecture of the mid-17th century in the Kremlin. Built by order of Patriarch Nikon, the palace was rebuilt many times.
Restoration of the One-Pillar Chamber in the ground floor of the palace began in 2003. In the course of complex research two wall-stairs leading to the second floor of the palace were revealed. The lost metallic bonds in the interior of the chamber were restored, they strengthened the walls and vaults. After completion of the restoration, the Chamber was opened as an exhibition hall of the museum.
Ivan the Great Bell-Tower was opened to the public in 2005. Unique white stone spiral staircases, initial cornices and white stone rosettes remained in the interior of the Bell-Tower.
Today there is the exposition, dedicated to the centuries-old history of the development of the Moscow Kremlin architectural complex, in the Bell-Tower. Here our guests can see the original architectural fragments of ancient buildings that were destroyed, the ancient Kremlin schemes and images.
The Archangel's Cathedral, Russia’s first state necropolis is one of the most original monuments of the Cathedral Square.
The white stone Renaissance portals are certainly the most interesting architectural details of the Archangel's Cathedral. Unfortunately, they were heavily destroyed due to the high salinization and bad ecology in general.
Works on the restoration of the unique portals of the cathedral began in 2005 and they are still going on. White stone details were desalted and the lost carvings were reconstructed. Genuine parts of the central portal were replaced by copies. Later restored columns and pilasters of the portals were transferred to the fund of the architectural details of the museum.
The restoration works in the South Annex of the Archangel's Cathedral began in 2008. Interfloor overlappings, metal stairs and walls, built in the soviet period were dismantled. Now we can see again the vaulted roof structure, copper roofs and facades with window openings reconstructed in their previous form. At the north and east walls of the South annex brickwork of the 15th century is demonstrated with fragments of rebuilding of the 17th-18th centuries. Exhibition, dedicated to the history of the famous Ascension Convent, is created as a result of the long-term restoration and research work of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.
Assumption Cathedral, erected by Aristotele Fioravanti, is a unique monument of the ancient Russian architecture. During the last years, the facades and the roof of the cathedral were restored. At the same time, restoration was conducted on the north and south portals, with the replacement of the destroyed white stone blocks in the socle. During the restoration of the portals, new door frames executed in compliance with the existing samples, were built and installed. Old metal doors were also restored.
The facades of the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Holy Virgin were also restored in 2014.
The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square form a unique artistic ensemble, a masterpiece of the creative genius of many generations of outstanding artists. Now the world-famous museum, which is visited annually by more than two million guests from all over the world, is situated here.
- cobblestone ['kɔblstəun] булыжный камень, булыжник; крупная галька
- embankment [ɪm'bæŋkmənt ], 1) сооружение насыпи, дамбы, вала 2) насыпь, дамба, плотина, перемычка earth embankment — земляная насыпь road embankment — дорожная насыпь railroad / railway embankment — железнодорожная насыпь Syn: bank , dam , levee 3) набережная Syn: quay , wharf
- carpenter ['kɑːp(ə)ntə]/ 1. плотник, столяр - carpenter's bench
- plasterer ['plɑːst(ə)rə] 1) штукатур 2) скульптор, использующий гипс; лепщик из гипса- fitter ['fɪtə]/ 1) сборщик, монтёр, слесарь-монтажник engine fitter — сборщик - gas fitter - pipe fitter Syn: assembler 2) закройщик 3) портной, занимающийся подгонкой, переделкой готового платья по запросам клиентов- smith [smɪθ]/ 1. 1) кузнец smith's hammer — кузнечный молот smith's tongs — кузнечные клещи Syn: farrier , forger , hammerer 2) рабочий по металлу 3) (-smith) как компонент сложных слов goldsmith — ювелир- gilder ['gɪldə] позолотчик- overhaul 1. [ˌəuvə'hɔːl]/ 1) тщательно исследовать, изучать; проверять to overhaul tax accounts — произвести проверку налоговых счетов 2) капитально ремонтировать; перестраивать, реконструировать to overhaul completely / thoroughly — полностью реконструировать 3) совершенствовать the government's plans to overhaul the health service — планы правительства по усовершенствованию системы здравоохранения Syn: repair I 2., restore 4) догонять; навёрстывать, нагонять Syn: overtake , catch up
- crumble ['krʌmbl] 1) = crumble up раскрошить, растолочь, растереть (в порошок) Crumble up these pieces of bread and give them to the ducks. — Раскроши эти кусочки хлеба и скорми их уткам. Syn: disintegrate 2) = crumble away сыпаться, осыпаться; обваливаться- worn [wɔːn] 1. от wear 2. потёртый, изношенный, старый, обветшалый, подержанный, сносившийся Syn: shabby , down-at-heel , napless , second-hand , used , threadbare
- spruce [spruːs]/ I 1) а) ель (Picea) б) древесина ели или хвойного дерева 2) хвойное дерево
- even I ['iːv(ə)n]/ 1. 1) а) плоский, ровный (о местности) even ground — плоская земля Syn: flat , plain б) гладкий, ровный (о поверхности) Syn: smooth в) расположенный на одном уровне, вровень 2) а) ровный, однородный, равномерный (о действиях, процессах, состояниях)
- cover stone - облицовочный камень
- utmost ['ʌtməust]/ 1. ; = uttermost 1) самый отдалённый utmost North — крайний север 2) крайний, предельный; величайший a night of utmost length — самая длинная ночь in a state of the utmost confusion — в состоянии величайшего смятения utmost secrecy — глубокая тайна with the utmost pleasure — с превеликим удовольствием Syn: farthest 3) последний, заключительный
- quarry I ['kwɔrɪ]/ 1. 1) каменоломня, открытая разработка, карьер abandoned quarry — заброшенный карьер marble quarry — мраморный карьер stone quarry — каменоломня to work a quarry — разработать карьер 2) источник сведений
- slab [slæb]/ 1. 1) а) плита; лист, пластина concrete slab — бетонная плита marble slab — мраморная плита mortuary slab — стол в морге stone slab — каменная плита Syn: plate 1., plank 1.
Вопросы для самопроверки:
When Red Square was closed for repairs?
Who was hard at work during restoration of Moscow Kremlin?
What were the phases of restoration of Moscow Kremlin?
What was done to the Lenin Mausoleum?
How many covering stones were restored and replaced?
Where were the new stones brought from?
ТЕМА: «Архитектурное планирование».
“Architectural Planning”.
The architect usually begins to work when the site type and cost of a building
have been determined.
Planning the environment. The natural environment is at once a hindrance and a
help, and the architect seeks both to invite its aid and to repel its attack. To make
buildings habitable and comfortable, he must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air,moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquake, flood.
The placement and form of buildings in relation to their sites, the distribution of
spaces within buildings, and other planning devices discussed below are fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture.
Orientation. The arrangement of the axes of buildings and their parts is a device
for controlling the effects of sun, wind, and rainfall.
Within buildings, the axis and placement of each space determine the amount of
sun it receives. Orientation may control air for circulation and reduce the disadvantages of wind, rain, and snow.
The characteristics of the immediate environment also influence orientation:
trees, land formation, and other buildings create shade and reduce or intensify wind, while bodies of water produce moisture and reflect the sun.
Architectural forms. Planning may control the environment by the design of
architectural forms that may modify the effects of natural forces.
Color. Color has a practical planning function as well as an expressive quality
because of the range of its reflection and its absorption of solar rays. Since light colors reflect heat and dark colors absorb it, the choice of materials and pigments is an effective tool of environmental control.
Materials and techniques. The choice of materials is conditioned by their own
ability to withstand the environment as well as by properties that make them useful to human beings. One of the architect’s jobs is to find a successful solution to both
conditions; to balance the physical and economic advantages of wood against the
possibility of fire, termites, and mold, the weather resistance of glass and light metals against their high thermal conductivity, and many similar conflicts.
Interior control. The control of the environment through the design of the plan
and the outer shell of a building can’t be complete, since extremes of heat and cold,
light, and sounds penetrate into the interior, where they can be further modified by the planning of spaces and by special conditioning devices.
Temperature, light and sound are all subject to control by the size and shape of
interior spaces, the way in which the spaces are connected, and the materials employed for floors, walls, ceilings, and furnishings.
Today, heating, insulation, air conditioning, lighting, and acoustical methods
have become basic parts of the architectural program.
Differentiation. The number of functions requiring distinct kinds of space within
a building depends not only upon the type of building but also upon the requirements of the culture and the habits and activities of the individual patrons. A primitive house has a single room with a hearth area, and modern one has a separate areas for cooking, eating, sleeping, washing, storage, recreation.
Economic planning. Major expenses in building are land, materials, and labor. In
each case they are high when the commodity is scarce and low when it is abundant, and they influence planning more directly when they become restrictive.
When land coverage is limited, it is usually necessary to design in height the
space that otherwise would be planned in breadth and depth, as in the ancient Roman insula (apartment houses) or the modern skyscraper. When the choice of materials is influenced by cost, all phases of architectural design are affected, since the planning procedure, the technique, and the form of buildings are dependent on materials. High labor cost influence the choice of techniques and, consequently, of materials.
1. hindrance, n –помеха, препятствие;
2. to repel, v – [rI'pel] отражать;
3. moisture, n –влажность;
4. to foresee, v –предвидеть;
5. earthquake, n –землетрясение;
6. flood, n –наводнение;
7. arrangement, n –распределение;
8. axis, n –] ось;
9. device, n –средство;
10. disadvantage, n –недостаток;
11. to influence, v –влиять;
12. to modify, v –видоизменять;
13. to withstand, v –противостоять;
14. mold, n – (зд.).плесень;
15. resistance, n –сопротивление;
16. extreme, n –крайняя степень;
17. to penetrate, v –проникать;
18. patron, n –клиент, заказчик;
19. sacristy, n –ризница;
20. ambulatory, n –крытая внутренняя галерея;
21. commodity, n –предметы потребления;
22. scarce, a –скудный;
23. abundant, a –обильный;
24. otherwise, adv –в противном случае.
Вопросы для самопроверки:
1. When does the architect begin to work on the project?
2. What are the main aspects of architectural planning?
3. What are the fundamental elements in the aesthetics of architecture?
4. What must the architect control to make buildings habitable and comfortable?
5. What is the planning for use concerned with?
6. What are the major expenses in building?
ТЕМА: «Понятие менеджмента. Необходимость менеджмента».
Д.11 с. 196-198 (Мясоедова С.В. 200 английских тем.- Харьков: 1999).
- provide services- предоставлять услуги
- patronize-быть постоянным клиентом
- to make a profit-приносить прибыль
- to maintain the balance- поддерживать равновесие
- stake-доля, вклад
- consider-учитывать- supplier-поставщик- efficiency-производительность, продуктивность, прибыльность
- efficient manager-умелый руководитель
- output-производительность
- inputs-затраты
- goals- цели, задачи
- proper steps-надлежащие действия
- effectiveness- эффективность
Вопросы для самопроверки:
When is management needed?
Why is management needed?
What is the objective of most companies?
What can happen, if the firm stops giving service?
What can happen, if there’s no profits?
What should managers do to achieve objectives?
Who are stakeholders?
How do you understand the word “efficiency”?
What manager is efficient?
How do you understand the word “effectiveness”?
What manager is effective?
ТЕМА: «Маркетинг».
1. Marketing is the process of planning, designing, pricing, promoting and
distributing ideas, goods and services, in order to satisfy customer needs, so as to make a profit.
Companies point out how the special characteristics or features of their products and services possess particular benefits that satisfy the needs of people who buy them. Nonprofit organizations have other, social goals, such as persuading people not to smoke, or to give money to people in poor countries, but these organizations also use the techniques of marketing. In some places, even organizations such as government departments are starting to talk about, or at least think about their activities in their terms of the marketing concept.
2. Marketing includes ‘four Ps’. ‘The four Ps’ form the basis of the marketing
mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right.
Product: deciding what to sell;
Price: deciding what prices to charge;
Place: deciding how the product will be distributed and where people will buy it;
Promotion: deciding how the product will be supported with advertising, special
activities, etc.
A fifth P which is sometimes added is packaging: all the materials are used to
protect and present a product before it is sold. The four Ps are useful summary of the marketing mix, the activities that you have to combine successfully in order to sell.
3. To market a product is to make a plan based on this combination and put it into
action. A marketer or marketeer is someone who works in this area.
Marketers often talk about market orientation: the fact that everything they do is
designed to meet the needs of the market. They may describe themselves as market –driven, market-led or market-oriented.
4. Most people and many managers do not understand the role of marketing in
modern business. Marketing is two things. First, it is a strategy and set of techniques to sell an organization’s products or services. This involves choosing target customers and designing a persuasive marketing mix to get them to buy. The mix may include a range of brands, tempting prices, convenient sales outlets and a battery of advertising and promotions. This concept of marketing as selling and persuasion is by far the most popular idea among both managers and the public.
5.The second, and by far more important concept of marketing, focuses on
improving the reality of what is on offer. It is based on understanding customers’ needs and developing new solutions which are better than those currently available. Doing this is not a marketing department problem, but one which involves the whole organization.
1. customer needs - нужды покупателя
2. profit n. - прибыль
3. benefit n. - преимущество
4. promotion n. - содействие в продаже товара
5. advertising - реклама
6. packaging n. - упаковка
7. market v. - продавать
8. outlet n. - торговая точка
Вопросы для самопроверки:
1. Which of the four Ps is mentioned here?
2. Does the author think the four Ps are complete definitions of marketing?
3. Does the author think that marketing is only for marketers?
4. Can poor products be made successfully by clever marketing techniques?
ТЕМА: «Условия работы для работников железной дороги».
Labour laws adopted by the Supreme Council of the USSR in 1970 provide for a 41-hour week, while for juveniles (16-18 years of age) and a number of trade classifications with deleterious labour conditions the week is reduced to 36 hours. In locomotive depots and workshops, a shortened working day is decreed for: gas welders and cutters, electric welders, workers engaged in melting, pouring, mechanical treatment and cleaning of lead and lead alloys, workers preparing epoxide polymeric masses using as solvents acetone, butanol and methanol, also workers using shot jet cleaning machines. A short working day is also established for night shifts and for days preceding holidays. As a rule, overtime work is not allowed, but may be used in certain exceptional cases. People engaged in operation and maintenance of locomotives are entitled to 24 calendar days of paid leave annually.
The working day for locomotive crews is normally based on a 7-hour shift, but sometimes operating conditions call for an 8-hour or more uninterrupted shift. The working time must not, however, exceed 174. 6 hours per calender month. For the purpose of reducing fatigue, the scheduling of locomotive crews is so organized that a rest period equivalent to half the expired portion of the shift is arranged at points of turnaround visited during the shift. The scheduling of locomotive crews for two successive runs in the night period is prohibited. Regulations for locomotive crew labour provide also, as obligatory, that the rest after each run should be at home, and for a weekly rest as well. The rest period at home is to be 2.51 times the period of run in both directions, the weekly rest period must last not less than 42 hours. Labour laws in the USSR provide for retirement at 60 years for workers, while drivers retire normally at 55 years.
On some railways in the USSR, tests are being conducted with only a driver in the locomotive cab and with an automatic train stop system. Drivers are required to undertake repairs of locomotives in service on the basis of electrical repairs not exceeding 20 minutes, mechanical repairs not exceeding 10 minutes.
- cleaning machines—дробеочистительные машины
- points of turnaround — оборотные пункты или депо
- juvenile ['ʤuːv(ə)naɪl ], ['ʤuːvɪnaɪl]/ 1. 1) а) молодой, юный; юношеский juvenile delinquency — преступность среди несовершеннолетних juvenile court — суд по делам несовершеннолетних juvenile offender, juvenile delinquent — малолетний преступник Syn: young , youthful б) детский, ребяческий, наивный Syn: childish 2) предназначенный для детей и юношества juvenile cinema — детский кинематограф 2. 1) подросток, юноша Syn: youth , teenager
- deleterious [ˌdelɪ'tɪərɪəs] ; вредный, вредоносный, опасный Syn: harmful
- decree [dɪ'kriː]/ 1. 1) декрет, директива, постановление, решение to enact / issue a decree — издать указ to rescind / revoke a decree — отменять указ Syn: edict 2) постановление, решение (суда по гражданским делам) divorce decree — решение о расторжении брака executive decree — административное решение government decree — правительственное решение royal decree — королевский указ consent decree — выражение согласия
- welder ['weldə] 1) сварщик 2) сварочный агрегат
- melting плавка, плавление; оплавление; расплавление
- pouring бетонирование, укладка бетонной смеси pouring in lifts — послойное бетонирование
- mechanical treatment механическая обработка- lead I [led]/ 1. 1) свинец- lead alloy свинцовый сплав- epoxide эпоксид- solvent ['sɔlvənt]/ 1. 1) растворитель solvent abuse — токсикомания The solvent of the iodine is perfectly transparent. — Растворитель йода совершенно прозрачен. Syn: vehicle 2) слабительное (средство) Syn: laxative 1., loosener 3) решение; средство, метод решения (проблемы) Syn: solution 2. 2. 1) растворяющий solvent action — растворяющее действие
- shift - смена, перемена
- fatigue [fə'tiːg]/ 1. 1) а) усталость, утомление mental fatigue — умственная усталость the mortal fatigue — смертельная усталость to feel fatigue — чувствовать усталость She was in a state of complete fatigue. — Она была в состоянии полного изнеможения
- successive [sək'sesɪv]/ 1) последующий, следующий successive stage — очередной этап Syn: following , subsequent 2) следующий один за другим, последовательный successive checkouts — последовательные проверки method of successive approximations / iterations — метод последовательных приближений It has rained for three successive days. — Дождь идёт три дня подряд
- obligatory [ə'blɪgət(ə)rɪ]/ 1) непременный, обязательный Syn: compulsory 2) обязывающий.
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What a shortened working day in locomotive depots and workshops is decreed for?
Is a short working day established for night shifts and for days preceding holidays?
Is overtime work is allowed?
What is the working day for locomotive crews?
What is made for the purpose of reducing fatigue in the scheduling of locomotive crews?
The scheduling of locomotive crews for two successive runs in the night period is not prohibited, is it?
ТЕМА: «Движение грузового и пассажирского транспорта».
A modern train stands in the terminal ready to receive its passengers. It departs at the moment called for by its schedule. The program of departure seems so simple that few passengers realize that it has required the services of a small army of railroad employees to make the movement possible.
Every car in the train has received careful inspection inside and out to make certain of its mechanical condition. Each car has been washed: not only have inside woodwork and floors been scrubbed, but carpets and seats have been gone over with vacuum cleaners.
Preparations for dining service constitute a considerable operation.
Food supplies have been requisitioned from the store rooms, and stored in the car refrigerators, cupboards and small but complete pantry. Clean linen has been stocked.
Movement of freight starts at the initial terminal where the train is made up in the classification yard. Here cars are classified or sorted, those for the same destinations being collected in groups or blocks. These are assembled on a departure track.
The number of cars assigned to a train is related as nearly as possible to the tonnage capacity of the locomotive. After assembling the various blocks of cars on the track from which the train is to leave, they are coupled up with air brake connections, then tested and inspected. Defective cars are quickly repaired; if this requires more time than is available such cars are cut out and dispatched in a later train. The engine crew board the train at the locomotive terminal. They pick up the caboose with the train and attach it to the rear end of the train, or a yard engine may handle the caboose.
112458527178000Prior to leaving the yard terminal office the freight conductor receiyd5=rr~series of-'Sheets^ callecl-hilling,'5 which show the number;
train, and checks the train tor correct make-up or “consist” When the train is ready to move, a signal from the conductor to the engineer starts it on its way. Except for stops for water or fuel a through freight train will run normally to the next intermediate terminal without stop or change in its consist. The conductor makes out what is called a wheel report, listing the initials and numbers of each car, weight of the car, weight of lading and the points between which the train moves it. These wheel reports are the records from which the car accountant keeps track of car movement and the statistical department of the railroad compiles freight train and traffic statistics. At intermediate terminals cars consigned to destinations within the particular territory are cut of the train. New cars at intermediate terminals may be added. The train progresses by successive stops through other intermediate terminals to final destination, where it moves to the terminal yard.
At that point cars are classified for delivery to the various industries, the operation being carried out by local yard " crew.
- to make certain — (чтобы) удостовериться
- not only have inside woodwork and floors been scrubbed, but carpets and seats have been gone over with vacuum cleaners—не только внутренняя .деревянная отделка и полы были вычищены, но также ковры и сидения были обработаны пылесосом
- Here cars are classified or sorted, those for the same destinations being collected in groups or blocks. — Здесь вагоны классифицируются или сортируются, и те, что идут в одном направлении, формируются вместе.
- The engine crew board the train -— локомотивная бригада садится в поезд
Prior to leaving the yard terminal office the freight conductor receives a series of sheets called billing — до ухода из конторы сортировочного парка, проводник грузового поезда получает документацию (так называемые ведомости) and checks the train for correct make-up or “consist” и проверяет, насколько правильно сформирован состав
- wheel report — дорожная ведомость
- keeps track of car movement — следит за продвижением вагонов
- scrub [skrʌb]/ I 1. 1) а) = scrub away / out мыть; скрести, оттирать (обычно моющим средством и щёткой)
- requisition 1. заявка (в отдел снабжения о канцтоварах, расходуемых материалах и т.п.)
- pantry ['pæntrɪ]/ 1) кладовая для продуктов 2) буфетная комната
- stock [stɔk]/ 1. 1) запас to lay in stock — делать запасы word stock — запас слов, словарный состав basic word stock — основной словарный фонд 2) ассортимент (товаров) in stock — в наличии (о товарах и т. п.) ; под рукой out of stock — распродано - take stock of smth. . 1) а) снабжать, поставлять, завозить б) (stock with) обеспечивать (чем-л.) The shop is well stocked with camping supplies. — В магазине большой выбор туристических принадлежностей. Syn: supply 2) а) иметь в наличии, в продаже б) хранить на складе; иметь запасы на складе 3) фиксировать, приделывать, прикреплять
- caboose [kə'buːs] 1) камбуз 2) служебный вагон в товарном поезде; тормозной вагон
- rear end задний конец, задняя [хвостовая] часть
- ading ['leɪdɪŋ]/ 1) загрузка, погрузка aircraft lading — загрузка воздушного судна Syn: loading , shipment 2) груз, фрахт assorted lading — сборный груз bulky lading — громоздкий груз coiled lading — груз в рулонах contamination-prone lading — груз, подверженный порче damage-sensitive lading — легко повреждаемый груз packaged lading — груз в упаковке to take in a lading of meal — взять груз муки Syn: freight , cargo , shipment
- compile [kəm'paɪl]/ 1) выбирать информацию, собирать материал (из разных источников) 2) составлять (книгу, сборник) The French Academy took forty years to compile their Dictionary. — Для составления своего словаря Французской Академии понадобилось сорок лет. 3) собирать, накапливать Syn: quilt 2., pile up 4) компилировать (программу)
- intermediate [ˌɪntə'miːdɪət]/ 1. 1) а) промежуточный, переходный - Intermediate examination Syn: interim , intervening , interposed.
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What is done with every car before departure?
When does the passenger train depart?
When the passenger train is ready to receive its passengers?
Where are freight cars classified or sorted?
What is happening after assembling the various blocks of cars on the track from which the train is to leave?
Do the engine crew board the train at the locomotive terminal?
What is called a wheel report?
Who makes a wheel report?
Where does the movement of freight start?
How is the number of cars assigned to a train related to the tonnage of the loco?
What cars are cut out and dispatched in a later tram?
What does the freight conductor receive at the yard terminal office?
How does the freight train progress to its final destination?
ТЕМА: «Сигналы и система сигнализации».
Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signalling. To inform the locomotive and train crew of the position of other trains in relation to their own, signals installed at frequent intervals give indications which are visible both by day and by night. Wayside signals installed along railroad tracks are called fixed signals.
We know that the semaphore used to be the most common type of the signal. The relative position of the semaphore arm constituted the signal. To indicate “stop” a horizontal arm was used. “Proceed” was indicated by a vertical arm. |To give restrictive (i.e. cautionary) indications the arm was inclined up or down, -ч Coloured lights give the indications at night. The semaphore mechanism is equipped with lenses illuminated by a lamp, so that a red light shows when the semaphore is in the stop position, a green light—when the semaphore is in the proceed position, and a yellow light when the semaphore is in the restrictive position.
The colour-light signal sometimes used is known to have no semaphore arm and give both day and night indications by means of red, green and yellow lights. We know some signals to be operated by hand, others to be automatic.
Locomotives on some railroads are known to be equipped with apparatus located in the cab which gives a continuous indication to the engineman identical with that shown by wayside signals.
By cab signals the engine crew is supposed to be always informed of conditions ahead regardless of the weather, that affects the man’s ability to see wayside signals. Locomotive cab signals are equipped to give audible warnings whenever the aspect changes to one more restrictive.
A protective device is installed on some railroads to apply the brakes automatically and bring a train to a stop if, for any reason, a stop signal should be passed. It is called automatic train control. The first signals installed are known to have been hand operated usually by station employees.
- Wayside signal — путевой сигнал, сигнал на перегоне
- fixed signal — стационарный сигнал
-if, for any reason, a stop signal should be passed — если по какой-либо причине стоп-сигнал будет пройден
- automatic train control — скоростная авторегулировка
- semaphore ['seməfɔː] 1. 1) семафор 2) сигнализация флажками 2. сигнализировать, подавать сигнал
- semaphore arm крыло семафора
- estrictive [rɪ'strɪktɪv] 1) а) ограничивающий, ограничительный restrictive measures — ограничительные меры Syn: limiting б) ограниченный Syn: limited 2) сдерживающий (рост и т. п.) ; препятствующий (чему-л.) 3) запрещающий (о сигнале) ; запретительный
- inclined [ɪn'klaɪnd] 1) расположенный, предрасположенный, склонный I am inclined to agree. — Я склонен согласиться. He was inclined to stay. — Он был склонен остаться. I am inclined to believe that she is innocent. — Я склонен думать, что она невиновна. Syn: given 1., disposed 2) наклонный, наклонённый, склонённый; отклоняющийся (от горизонтальной или вертикальной оси) inclined line — наклонная линия inclined bed / seam / stratum — наклонный пласт inclined conveyor — наклонный конвейер inclined orbit — наклонённая орбита inclined trajectory — наклонная траектория inclined adit — наклонная штольня inclined well — наклонная скважина
- audible слышимый, внятный audible whisper — громкий шёпот scarcely audible — еле слышныйВопросы для самопроверки:
What are called fixed signals?
What is used to be the most common type of the signal?
When a horizontal arm is used?
When a vertical arm is used?
What the semaphore mechanism is equipped with?
What locomotives on some railroads are known to be equipped with?
By what is the engine crew supposed to be always informed of conditions ahead regardless of the weather?
What a protective device is installed on some railroads for?
What is called automatic train control?
ТЕМА: «Цифровой компьютер для работы в режиме реального времени».
Real-time processing is ambiguous in terms of1 the computer speed required to achieve it. The computing intervals may range from seconds or less in a control system to hours or days in a book-keeping application. Thus a broad spectrum of computing speeds is required if the computer is exactly to match the job in hand.2 Fundamental needs for a real-time computer are the ability to compute on demand and according to a dynamic or static priority list. Parallel programming (i.e. the case where one computer would service many input/ output devices in a time-shared mode) is commonly used in real-time computers, while parallel processing, where many computers work together on several aspects of the same problem, is being considered very seriously. A conceptually simple type of parallel processing is found in autonomous peripheral transfer devices, but particularly where matrix operations are concerned, the concepts of parallel processing should be useful in real-time computing.
to match the job in hand — соответствовать данной работе
To match the job in hand – соответствовать данной работе
ambiguous [æm'bɪgjuəs]/ 1) двусмысленный Syn: equivocal 2) сомнительный; неопределённый, неясный; допускающий двоякое толкование; неоднозначный Syn: doubtful 3) полный сомнений, сомневающийся; колеблющийся Syn: doubtful , wavering
compute [kəm'pjuːt]/ 1. 1) считать, подсчитывать; вычислять, делать выкладки Syn: reckon 2) работать на компьютере, использовать компьютер
input device устройство ввода аппаратное устройство для ввода данных и/или команд в компьютер, чаще всего это клавиатура и мышь; для ввода графических данных используются графические планшеты, а для игр - манипуляторы-джойстики. Фотографии и картинки вводятся при помощи сканеров, а отсканированные тексты преобразуются в файлы средствами OCR . Приобретает популярность речевой ввод - через микрофон надиктовывается текст или даются команды компьютеру. В карманных обычно реализуется перьевой ввод со средствами распознавания рукописного текста. В тяжёлых условиях эксплуатации часто применяются сенсорные экраны. Входными устройствами могут быть различного рода дискретные и аналоговые датчики. Разрабатываются устройства распознавания жестов и отслеживания положения головы и направления взгляда пользователя
output device устройство вывода электронное или электромеханическое устройство, соединённое с компьютером и используемое для отображения данных, выводимых из компьютера
processing ['prəusesɪŋ] 1) обработка, переработка America sent cotton to England for processing. — Америка посылала хлопок в Англию для обработки. processing industry — обрабатывающая промышленность food processing industry — пищевая промышленность 2) обработка (данных, информации) automatic data processing — автоматическая обработка данных
transfer device 1) транспортное устройство; транспортно-загрузочное устройство 2) передаточное устройство (напр. для распределения УП между станками)
matrix operation матричная операция, операция над матрицей или матрицами
Вопросы для самопроверки:
When is real-time processing ambiguous?
Why is a broad spectrum of computing speeds required?
What are fundamental needs for real-time computer?
What is parallel programming?
What programming is commonly used in real-time computers?
Where can a conceptually simple type of parallel processing be found?
Should the concepts of parallel processing be useful in real-time computing?
ТЕМА: «Машины для строительства дорог».
“Machines for Road Making”.
1. A machine is a combination of various mechanisms designed to perform
certain rational movements for energy conversion or performance of useful work.
There are machines which transform energy into mechanical work and machines
which receive mechanical energy to actuate the operating members employed to
change the properties, condition, shape or position of the material being handled.
Operating members engaged directly in the performance of work are crusher
jaws and rolls, power shovels buckets, drums and blades of a mixer, road roller
rolls, etc.
Machines are invaluable in our national economy for realizing the process of
production and increasing the labour productivity.
2. Machines and mechanisms are composed of different units and parts.
A machine consists essentially of an engine, a transmission system,
operating members, a running gear and a complex control system.
Parts, which performed similar functions in different machines, are called
general-purpose parts. They are screws, bolts, gear wheels, bearings, etc.
3. Machines employed for road making can be classified according to their
purpose as follows:
a) Transporting facilities – crawler and wheel-mounted tractors, trucks,
general and special purpose trailers and semi-trailers.
b) Materials handling equipment – winches, cranes, hoists, loading and
unloading machines, etc.
c) Machines for land clearing and earthwork – rippers, bulldozers, scrapers,
elevating graders, revolving shovels, etc.
d) Machines for highway maintenance – sweepers, snow and ice sweepers,
repair trucks, etc.
All these machines can be classified by the working process:
continuous action and intermittent action;
the prime mover: driven by electric motors and driven by internal combustion engines;
the mobility : stationary and mobile (trailers, semi-trailers, pendant (навесные) and selfpowered).
4. Machines used in road construction should satisfy definite design,
manufacturing and operational requirements, of which reliability and efficiency are
the principal ones. All these requirements are interrelated in one way or another.
For example, the reliability and life of a machine depends on the design and shape,
as well as on the quality of the material and the manufacturing techniques adopted
to process the machine parts. A high operating capacity of a machine is ensured by
improved designs.
5. In designing a machine much attention should be given to providing
favourable and safe conditions for the driver.
Requirements include:
a) Comfortable seat, good visibility and illumination of the operating
member and the work.
b) Elimination of vibration and noise.
c) Convenient control of levers and pedals.
d) A dust-proof and well-ventilated driver’s cab for operation in dusty
environments, etc.
1. performance, n - работа, выполнение
2. actuate,v -приводить в действие
3. shape, n -форма
4. handle, v -перемещать,
5. operating member -рабочий орган
6. crusher, n -дробилка
7. jaw, n -щека, зажим, захват
8. roll, n -валец, валик
9. power shovel -одноковшовый экскаватор
10. bucket, n -ковш
11. drum, n -барабан
12. blade, n -отвал, лопасть
13. roller, n -каток
14. invaluable, a -неоценимый
15. essentially, adv -главным образом, по
16. screw, n -винт, шнек, гайка
17. bearing, n -подшипник
18. running gear -ходовой механизм
19. purpose, n -цель
20. facilities, n -оборудование
21. crawler, a -гусеничный
22. wheel-mounted -колесный
23. trailer, n- прицеп
24. semi-trailer, n -полуприцеп
25. winch, n -лебедка
26. hoist, n -таль, подъемник
26. ripper, n -рыхлитель
27. elevating grader -грейдер элеватор
28. revolving shovel -вращающийся одноковшовый
29. sweeper, n -подметальная машина
30. continuous action -непрерывное действие
31. intermittent action -периодическое действие
32. prime mover -первичный двигатель
33. mobility -подвижность
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What is a machine?
What are machines invaluable in our national economy for?
What are the main parts of machines?
What are called general-purpose parts?
How can machines employed for road making be classified according to their purpose?
What attention should be given to in designing a machine?
ТЕМА: «Разновидности мостов».
Remember singing “London Bridge is falling down ...” in school and at home during those growing up years? One of the most loved nursery rhymes; it is also related to one of the most symbolic English monuments of all times, the London Tower Bridge. Bridges have always been enchanting structures. Creating bridges across vast expanses of water have always been a challenge and an achievement. So, be it the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco or the Sydney Harbor Bridge in Sydney, bridges were, are and will be the landmarks of the cities. Each great bridge is distinct in its features and thus a marvel in itself. The basic structure fro the bridge is always based on a few principle factors such as the type of support provided, length of the bridge, proximity to natural disaster zones and of course, the cost. Herein we have described the most common types of bridges.
Different Kinds Of Bridges
Beam Bridges
The simplest types of all bridges, beam bridges are recognized by horizontal beams, supported by two piers at the end. They are the earliest type of bridges. Example of an oldest beam bridge would be a sight, wherein you come across logs of wood kept across a narrow stream, serving as a pathway. Beam bridges normally do not exceed 250 ft in length. The longest beam bridge is Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the United States, with a total length of 38.35 km. It is made of parts with individual span of 17 m each.
Cantilever BridgesThese bridges are supported as cantilever beams. Cantilever beams are supported on one side only, with the other end being usually free. Most bridges of this kind have two cantilever arms coming from opposite ends and meeting at the center. The largest cantilever bridge is the 549-metre long Quebec Bridge in Canada.
Arch Bridges
Bridges which are arch-shaped fall in this category. They possess abutments on each end, which support the weight of the bridge on them. They are known to exist from a long time. Ancient Greeks have been known to use them. The Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Crossing in Dubai, scheduled for completion in 2012, will be the longest arch-bridge in the world, once completed
Suspension Bridges
These bridges are suspended from cables, which support the weight of bridge in a webbed form. The earliest suspension bridges were made of ropes or vines covered with pieces of bamboo. In modern days, suspension bridges are suspended using cables hanging from towers supported on caissons or cofferdams. The nearly 4km long, Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is the longest suspension bridge in the world.
Cable-Stayed Bridges
Though similar to suspension bridges, in a cable-stayed bridge, less cable is required and the towers holding the cables are proportionately shorter. They are never as big as the suspension bridges. The longest cable-stayed bridge is the Sutong Bridge over the Yangtze River in China.
Truss Bridges
These bridges are made of connected elements, which may be stressed by tension, compression or both. The condition of stress depends on the dynamic load on the bridge. A Truss bridge is more economical in construction than any other type due to its efficient use of materials. They have a solid deck and a lattice of pin-jointed or gusset-joined girders for the sides. The world’s largest truss bridge is also the world’s largest cantilever bridge, i.e. The Quebec Bridge.
swamp [swɔmp]/ 1. 1) болото, топь Syn: marsh , bog , morass 2) трясина financial swamp — финансовая трясина
avine [rə'viːn]/ ущелье; лощина, овраг, ложбина; дефиле Syn: gorge , canyonshedding 1) отключение, сброс 2) снижение (нагрузки)
terrain [tə'reɪn] 1. 1) местность, территория, район harsh / rough terrain — суровая местность hilly terrain — холмистая местность mountainous terrain — гористая местность smooth terrain — равнинная местность terrain of attack — район наступления Syn: region , district 2) физические особенности местности; топография
mit [ɪ'mɪt ], [iː-]/ 1) испускать, выделять (свет, тепло, запах) ; выбрасывать, извергать (пепел, дым, лаву) to emit smoke — дымить, куриться rays of heat emitted by the warm earth — тёплые волны, идущие от нагретой земли The factory has been emitting black smoke from its chimneys, which is against the law. — Трубы завода до сих пор выбрасывают чёрный дым, что противозаконно. Syn: give off , eject I, throw out 2) издавать (звук) Giant pandas emit a gentle bleat instead of a mighty roar. — Гигантские панды издают нежное блеяние, а не могучий рёв. 3) выпускать (деньги) 4) издавать (указы, официальные документы) 5) излучать
overpass 1. ['əuvəpɑːs] ; ; flyover 1) эстакада; переезд; переход railroad overpass — железнодорожная эстакада pedestrian overpass — пешеходная эстакада 2) путепровод
durable ['djuərəbl]/ 1) надёжный, прочный, стойкий, крепкий a durable pair of boots — прочные ботинки 2) длительный, долговременный, долговечный Syn: permanent , long , protracted 3) длительного пользования
pedestrian [pɪ'destrɪən]/ 1. 1) пешеходный, пеший pedestrian crossing — пешеходный переход Syn: unmounted , foot 2) неинтересный, прозаичный Syn: boring , tedious , prosaic , commonplace , dull , uninspired 2. 1) пешеход Syn: foot passenger 2) участник соревнований по спортивной ходьбе
drawbridge ['drɔːbrɪʤ] подъёмный мост, разводной мост
gorge [gɔːʤ]/ 1. 1) а) горло, глотка, пасть; зоб (у сокола) - raise the gorge б) узкое ущелье, теснина в) затор, нагромождение, завал г) (деталь фортификации) д) желоб (на блоке) Syn: grooveskipping игнорирование; обход; пропуск
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What is a bridge?
What types of bridges do you know?
What is called overpass?
What is called viaduct?
What materials are used in bridge construction?
What is the advantage of drawbridges?
When are pipe bridges used?
What is aqueduct?
ТЕМА: «:«Баухауз. Высшая школа строительства и художественного конструирования».
Walter Gropius is one of the outstanding architects and teachers of the 20th
century. His idea was to combine the school of art crafts under the name of the Bauhaus or “House Of Building”.
At the Bauhaus (Weimar), Gropius hoped to find a way to bridge the gap between
the arts and also to unite art and industrial products. Although Gropius was a born
teacher and organizer, it was not easy to launch a school with young men who differed widely in age and abilities.
All students were accepted for a training period. All took a six-month preliminary
course. In this course Gropious introduced students to proportion, scale and colour, and to machines and materials used in mass production.
After completion of a preliminary course the student could join a workshop of his
own choice – ceramics, carpentry, furniture design, metals, weaving or painting. The aim was not only to teach students to use hands but to guide them to an understanding of the tools of the machine age. Gropius, who designed everything from teaspoons to automobile bodies, encouraged students in the direction of fresh honest ideas. He didn’t want students to imitate or become small editions of himself.
After a training period in handwork and design, students had to submit to an
examination by masters of the Bauhaus and by Chamber of Handicrafts. If they passed this they received a diploma and became trade apprentices. They earn a Master’s diploma they had to undergo a period of training in actual building.
Gropius had assembled one of the most distinguished faculties ever housed under
one roof, but the work of his staff excited abuse because it was modern. Rumours and false accusations made it difficult to get the funds needed for the state-supported school.
To tide the Bauhaus over one financial crisis, Gropius sold a valuable family heirloom – linen and table service that had belonged to Napoleon. But all was in vain, the school was to be closed.
Students begged Gropius to reopen the school elsewhere. After newspapers
headlined the rift between him and the government offers came from four cities to make funds available for a bigger, better Bauhaus.
Gropius chose Dessau, a factory town some sixty miles from Berlin. He was
attracted by the beautiful natural surroundings and by the attitude of the courageous, energetic mayor who guaranteed a site and building funds.
Most of the former students moved to Dessau in the spring of 1925 to begin
building activity.
The building program for the new school at Dessau had to meet many different
requirements :1) the Bauhaus, the school of Design itself;
2) the school of the city of Dessau for continuation courses in the trades;
3) studio and dwelling quarters for students;
4) a private studio for Gropius himself.
The architect’s chief aim was to produce a clear separation of each of these
functions isolating them but bringing them together into efficient interrelation.
The chief accents fell on the Bauhaus the nucleus of the whole school. The
Bauhaus combined laboratories of design with exhibition spaces, classrooms and lecture halls. The laboratories of design were devoted to such various activities as
cabinetmaking, theatrical crafts, dyeing, weaving, printing and metalworking. The
Bauhaus was enclosed by the famous glass curtains. The section containing the pupils’ studio-dormitory rooms rose six stories.
The twenty-eight rooms it contained were intended not only for the students’
residence but for their private work as well. Each room had a small balcony, a concrete slab which jutted out into open space. The students’ building was connected directly with the School of Design through a one-storey wing. A separate wing was reserved for the Dessau trade school. A short two-storey bridge supported by four pillars connected it with the School of Design. This connecting bridge was reserved for administration rooms, meeting places for the masters and students’ councils, the architectural department and the private studio of Gropius.
The Bauhaus had a skeleton of reinforced concrete. The continuous glass curtain
was brought into abrupt juxtaposition with the horizontal ribbons of white curtain wall at the top and bottom of the building. In a bird’s eye view the whole cube seemed like two immense horizontal planes floating over the ground.
The glass curtain was not the limited and marked off transparent area, which
Eiffel had already exploited in the 1878 exhibition, it flowed smoothly around the
building, the corners showing no vertical supporting or binding members. The pillars from which it hung were set behind the glass making the curtain a specimen of pure cantilever construction.
On the day the new Bauhaus – Dessau was opened, Gropius glowed with pride.
The tall dormitory, the reinforced concrete and brick administration building with glass curtain walls, the flat-roofed shop and classroom wings gave striking contrasts, but the building had been unified through passages, bridges and courts. Facilities included auditoriums, library, exhibition hall and student canteen. The house which Gropius had designed for himself stood in a pine wood a few hundred yards away from the main building.
The Bauhaus prospered in its new location. Gropius added a department of
topography and brought in specialists in construction. Because students now lived at the school, rules had to be established. Gropius stood for complete freedom for the individual, but by freedom he did not mean Bohemianism.
Gropius began to be busy with projects again. He studied the possibilities of
prefabrication and became enthusiastic about the use of standardized parts because they could provide higher quality for lower costs. But when he was commissioned to build a large housing unit, he rejected the idea of complete prefabrication with each house exactly like its neighbour.
Around 1927, Gropious found it almost impossible to keep the school functioning
smoothly. Hitler, who was rapidly gaining prestige, disliked modern architecture and called upon Germans to boycott it. Early in 1928 he decided to turn the school over to Hannes Meyer, head of the Department of Architecture and go back to private practice.
He designed Municipal Employment bureau for Dessau, he built the first slablike,
multistorey apartment house in Germany.
1. craft, n –ремесло
2. gap, n –расхождение
3. launch, v –запускать
4. scale, n – масштаб
5. preliminary, a –] подготовительный
6. ceramics, n –керамика
7. carpentry, n –плотничное дело
8. weaving, n –плетение
9. tool,n –инструмент
10. apprentice, n –ученик
11. distinguish, a –выдающийся
12. heirloom, n –наследство
13. linen, n –бельё
14. rift, n –трещина
15. to isolate, v –изолировать
16. dyeing, n –окраска
17. jut, v –] выступать
18. skeleton, n –каркас
19. abrupt, a –обрывистый
20. juxtapose, v –размещать рядом
21. cantilever, n –консоль
22. humility, n –смиренность
23. slab, n –плита
24. concrete, n – бетон
Вопросы для самопроверки:
Who is Walter Gropius?
Whose was the idea to combine the school of art crafts under the name of the Bauhaus?
What was included to a six-month preliminary course?
What could the student join after completion of a preliminary course?
What had students to do after a training period in handwork and design?
What did the Bauhaus combine?
ТЕМА: «Прогресс в строительстве туннелей».
a) When did people begin tunneling? b) Where were the first tunnels built? c) What were tunnels built for?
Tunneling is difficult, expensive and dangerous engineering work. Tunnels are built to provide direct automobile or railway routes through mountain ranges or under rivers. Before the 19th century men had not acquired enough skill in engineering to carry out extensive tunneling. Tunnels, however, were known in ancient times. The first-known tunnel was dug in Babylon in about 2180–60 BC. It passed under the Euphrates River and connected the royal palace with a temple. An early Greek tunnel was completed in 687 BC on the island of Samos as part of an aqueduct system.
The Romans built many aqueduct tunnels throughout their vast empire. Their greatest feat was a 3.5-mile (5.6-kilometer) tunnel to drain Lake Fucino in Italy to create Fucino Basin. Few tunnels were built during the next thousand years. The Moors constructed some irrigation tunnels in Spain during the early 1400s, and in about 1450 a project was begun in the Maritime Alps to link Nice and Genoa. This work, however, was never completed.
By the 17th century tunnels were being constructed for use as canals. During the 19th and 20th centuries the development of railroad and, later, motor-vehicle transportation led to a tremendous expansion worldwide in the number of tunnels and in their length.
Early tunnel-building techniques varied. The Egyptians used copper saws that were capable of cutting soft rock, while the Babylonians constructed masonry tunnels. The Romans tunneled through solid rock by heating the rock face with fire and then rapidly cooling it with water, causing the rock to crack. Tunnel building has always been hazardous, and often hundreds or even thousands of workers died constructing ancient tunnels. The development of modern tunneling technology has also included vast improvements in worker safety.
a) When was the first Alpine tunnel built? b) How is it called? c) What new device was used during tunneling for the first time?
Ever since the early days of civilization in Europe the Alps have been a barrier to the movements of people. The first Alpine tunnel to be constructed was the Mont Cenus tunnel. This great project dates back to 1857. This tunnel is of great technical interest because at that time the only way to get through the rock was to use hand tools. At first the construction advanced very slowly. In fact, if it had continued at the initial pace, it would have taken 5 years to complete the tunnel! However, with compressed air drills and dynamite being introduced, progress was accelerated. Work on the Mont Cenus tunnel started in August 1857 and finished in December 1870.
a) What is the name of the second tunnel cut through the Alps? b) What is the length of the tunnel? c) Why was it dangerous to build tunnels at that time?
The next great and extremely difficult task was the construction of the St. Gotthard tunnel. Italian and Swiss engineers started working on this project in 1872. This tunnel 9.3 miles long was completed 9 years later as compared with 14 years required to make the Mont Cenus tunnel. It should be noted that during the period of construction no less then 800 men lost their lives because of poor ventilation. The only means of ventilating was the compressed air exhausted from the drills. It was so insufficient that the death rate among the workers was extremely great. Needless to say that the ventilation ought to have been much better.
a) What is the longest tunnel cut through the Alps? b) What was done to improve ventilation in the course of tunneling? c) Why was a smaller bore (диаметр тоннеля) adopted?
Both the Mont Cenus and the St. Gotthard tunnels are known to be single tunnels. But when it was decided to bore the Simplon tunnel through the Alps, a different scheme was adopted because geological conditions in this part of the mountains were not simple. The planned length of 12.3 miles was greater than had been done before. According to the project two tunnels were cut, side by side, with transverse galleries connecting them at certain intervals. In this way ventilation was greatly improved and the removal of soil was made much easier. Each tunnel could take only one railway track, so a smaller bore was adopted. Had the tunnel been made the same size as the earlier ones, it might never have been completed. These arrangements made the construction much safer.
The English Channel (Frenchmen call it “La Manche” – which means ‘the sleeve’) is one of the world's most extraordinary pieces of water. For centuries, the Channel has been Britain's defense against invaders. It has also been the way to the Continent. Sailors know it as perhaps the most dangerous sea channel in Europe. Over the years, people have crossed the tunnel by balloons, canoes, rowing boats, parachutes, water skis and by swimming! The British seem to enjoy using the strange methods of crossing the Channel, using everything from a car to a bed.
Connecting the Isles of Great Britain to mainland Europe by means of a tunnel is an idea that appeared more than 200 years ago. Nevertheless we can name very few projects against which there existed a deeper and more powerful prejudice than the construction of a railway tunnel between Dover and Calais. The objections have been cultural, political and, of course, military. The British government objected to the scheme mainly because they thought that the enemy could easily invade England through such a tunnel.
It can be said that the long history of the Channel Tunnel began in 1802 when a French engineer, Albert Mathieu, according to the order of Napoleon, worked out a project of a tunnel to link France with England. But his project was not carried out, because the war between these countries began in 1803 and the Britons were glad that they were separated from the French by the Channel.
Seventy years later, a British colonel, Ernst Beaumont, began tunneling his way out of his native country using equipment that he designed himself, until he was stopped on grounds of national security. In 1950s a research group was set up to study the possibility of the Channel Tunnel construction. In 1963 this group submitted its report to the British and French governments. But when they were to make a final decision about the Channel Tunnel, the British Government refused from its construction because of financial difficulties.
Only in 1987 the question of the Channel Tunnel was studied afresh by a group of French and British engineers and the work actually began. They agreed to start constructing the Eurotunnel, as it was called, on both English and French coasts. The Tunnel was bored under the sea through a layer of dense chalk which is known to be free of cracks and allows water to penetrate it slowly. Saturday, December 1, 1990 was not an ordinary day in the Channel’s long history. At 11.00 a.m. two miners, one Frenchman and one Englishman, cut through the last few centimeters of chalk separating the UK from Europe. The Tunnel was officially opened for traffic on May 7, 1994.
The Channel Tunnel actually consists of three tunnels: the two running tunnels* and the service tunnel**. Single-track railway lines are laid down in each of the running tunnels. Normally, one of them carries passenger and freight trains from Britain to France and the other carries trains in the opposite direction. If one of the running tunnels is closed for maintenance, the other is used for train movement in both directions. A smaller third tunnel lies between the two train tunnels. It is called the service tunnel. There is a roadway inside it, so maintenance workers and emergency teams can reach any point of the Tunnel system in their road vehicles. The service tunnel is linked to the running tunnels at regular intervals by cross-passages***. In case of emergency or a train breakdown the passengers will leave the train through one of the cross-passages into the service tunnel where road vehicles will evacuate them to a safer place.
The total length of the Tunnel is about 50 km (3.7 km is laid underneath French territory; 9 km is laid underneath British territory and 37 km of the line is constructed under the waters of the English Channel). The electric trains run every 3 minutes during peak hours, providing the carrying capacity of 4,000 vehicles per hour in both directions. A typical passenger shuttle consists of 26 wagons. 13 double-deck carriages are used for carrying cars of average size; another 13 single-deck wagons are used for transporting buses and vans. Freight shuttles consist of 25 single-deck wagons. Each of them is capable of carrying a vehicle weighing up to 44 tons. Two electric locomotives are coupled in front and at the rear of each shuttle.
The time of crossing the Tunnel is 35 minutes, about an hour less than by ferry. Passengers and drivers remain in their vehicles. The gauge of the tunnel railway is standard that’s way the tunnel can be used for international passenger and freight trains.
Original estimate of construction cost was 7.2 billion dollars, but cost to date is 13.1 billion dollars shared between Britain, France and other investors. So far the project has not been quite profitable and still needs more investments.
The Tunnel personnel do its best to make passengers feel comfortable and safe during the crossing. But as it was mentioned by the commercial director of the Tunnel, they still have many serious problems and one of them is security. Nevertheless, the authorities are sure to be able to solve all the problems successfully.
Notes:*running tunnel – эксплуатационный тоннель
**service tunnel – служебныйтоннель***cross-passage – поперечный переход
English Channel [ˌɪŋglɪʃ'ʧænl] ; ; Ла-МаншRunning tunnel- железнодорожный туннель
Service tunnel- служебный туннель
single-track railway одноколейная железная дорога
gauge [geɪʤ]/ 1. ; ; gage 1) а) мера, масштаб, размер, калибр - take the gauge of б) шаблон, лекало, эталон Syn: standard в) калибр (в изготовлении оружия) г) номер, толщина (проволоки) д) сортамент проводов е) ширина колеи wide / broad gauge — широкая колея standard gauge — нормальная ширина колеи; стандартная колея narrow gauge — узкая колея ж) колёсная база (у автомобиля)
Вопросы для самопроверки:
When was the first design of the Channel Tunnel proposed?
How many projects had been considered before actual tunneling began?
How many years did it take to construct the English Channel?
Are double-track railway lines laid down in the running tunnels?
What is the service tunnel?
Do electric trains operate in the Channel Tunnel?
What is the time of crossing the Channel Tunnel?
Why can the Tunnel be used for international passenger and freight trains?
ТЕМА: «Транспорт в Лондоне».
The London Buses and Underground
Hotel Victoria, Kensington Str„, 41 London W. E. 5 the 25th of July.
Dear sister,
I want to tell you about some of my London impressions. First, about the London buses.
The buses here have two decks — they are called double-deckers. All these double-deckers are painted red. The number and destination of the bus is shown on the front. At the bus stop people always queue up and then got on the bus in their turn.
Inside the bus you can pay the fare to the conductor. The conductor may tell you where to get off. For the sake of safety, the standing in the bus is never allowed on the platform or on the upper deck of the double-deck bus.
In London there are no trams but the underground here is very large. The people say it has 300 stations. The London underground is the oldest in Europe, too. It was opened in 1863. At that time it had only one route.
In the underground the trains run until 00.15. The passengers get their tickets either from a ticket-machine or from the ticket- office. Fares depend on the distance that you want to travel. Within one zone the fares are the same while the fare from the centre to the suburbs may be twice as high. The passengers must keep the tickets to the end of the journey and then give them up to the ticket collector. At all underground stations there are signs and maps which help the passengers to find their way through the underground.
I think I shall write you more about London soon.
Bye, love, Margaret.
double-decker bus - автобус с размещением пассажиров в двух уровнях; двухэтажный автобус
queue up - стоять в очереди
fare [feə]/ 1. 1) стоимость проезда или провоза багажа, тариф, плата за проезд full fare — полная плата half fare — половинная стоимость reduced fare — льготная плата at a reduced fare — за льготную плату to charge a fare — назначать плату to pay a fare — платить 2) пассажир (обязанный оплачивать проезд)
Underground I ['ʌndəgraund] Подземная железная дорога (официальное название лондонского метро)
ticket collector 1) контролёр; ревизор; инспектор Syn: inspector , controller , auditor 2) капельдинерша; билетёрша Syn: usherette
Вопросы для самопроверки:
What is Mag’s letter about?
How are the London buses called? Why?
What colour are the buses in London painted?
Where is the number and destination of the bus shown?
In what way do the Londoners get into the buses?
Whom do the passengers pay their fares to?
What may the conductor tell passengers?
Why is standing on the platform in the bus not allowed?
Are there any trams in London?
Is there any underground in London?
How many stations does the London underground have?
When was the London underground opened?
How many routs did it have then?
Till what o’clock do the trains run in the underground?
Where do the passengers buy their tickets?
What do the fares depend on?
Whom do the passengers give their tickets at the end of the journey?
18.What helps the passengers to find their way through the underground?
Основная литература:
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Дополнительные источники:
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