Проект урока английского языка в 11-м классе по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева Английский язык 10-11 классы UNIT VI What helps you to enjoy yourselves?
Проект урока английского языка в 11-м классе по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева"Английский язык 10-11 классы" UNIT VI
"What helps you to enjoy yourselves?"
для специальностей
«Страхование», «Коммерция» и «ДОУ» ( после 9 класса, обучение 2г 10 мес.)
"Впечатления после просмотра фильма".
разработан преподавателем « Нижегородского губернского колледжа»
I квалификационной категории
Кузнецовой Светланой Ивановной.
Lesson "What did you feel about?"
ПОЗНАВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ : знакомство с одним из самых популярных фильмов "Титаник".
Совершенствование умения говорения в диалогической форме.
Обучение чтению с детальным пониманием.
Обучение аудированию с пониманием общего содержания.
РАЗВИВАЮЩИЙ АСПЕКТ : развитие способности к анализу, синтезу, развитие воображения.
ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ: формирование способности понимать различные точки зрения по социальным проблемам и достигать согласия, сотрудничать в условиях различия взглядов и убеждений.
Речевой и языковой материал.
Лексический (продуктивный): asking how someone feels
after something happy
*What did you feel about...?
*What about that...?
* Did you find...exciting?
Expressing likes:
I`m very keen on...
I`m crazy about...
I have a particular fondness for...
Expressing dislikes:
I`ve never liked...
I can`t stand...
I must say I`m not fond of...
[ai]: Titaniс, frightful, exciting, life, true to life
[r]: great, horrible, terrible, romantic, really, really good, impressive, frightful
[t]: touching, terrible, excellent
questions, emphatic sentences, adjectives modifiers.
The objectives of the lesson.
Teacher : Hello, my dear friends! How are you? We are going to talk about the impressions after watching the film``TITANIC` . Films can be different:
Let me have your attention, look at the blackboard and say after me these adjectives.
Phonetic activities.
Pupils repeat the sounds and adjectives after the teacher and then translate them.
Лексические единицы можно показать с помощью интерактивной доски или в презентации.
wonderful magnificent
fantastic marvellousgreat impressive
frightful exciting
excellent really good
horrible touching
true to life terrible
outstanding romantic
Teacher: How do you express your likes?
Pupils:1. I like this film, because it is great.
2. It is (was) marvelous ! 3. This film is such a wonderful romantic story!
4. I do (did) enjoy this film (it). It`s really good! etc.
Teacher: How do you express your dislikes?
Pupils: 1. I don`t (didn`t) like the film, because it is (was) horrible.
2. I didn`t enjoy it, I`ve never liked melodramas.
3. It was a drag.
4. I hate rubbish films. I`m not fond of action films. I like love stories.
EX.1, P.2O6. T.: When we go out to the cinema with friends we usually discuss
the film we`ve seen. Mary and Ken are friends. They are talking.
Listen to their talk and say
What film are Mary and Ken discussing? (write the question on the blackboard)
Pupils listen to the dialogue and answer the question given before listening
Mary and Ken are discussing the film``TITANIC``.
T.: How can you prove it?
St.: One scene of the film was one of sinking of the Titanic. The friends liked the scene in the ocean.
The second listening of the dialogue.T.: What are Mary and Ken`s impressions? What adjectives did the friends use for thе film`s characteristic. Before the second listening to the talk take these papers.Writе the adjectives.
*Or: Write only figures designated adjectives.
wonderful , great, horrible, true to life, magnificent,
marvellous, exciting, tоиching, romantic.
Повторное слушание диалога и выполнение задания.
T.: Open your studentsbooks on page 2OO. Let us read the friends` talk and say
What are their impressions after watching the film?
How do they ask each other about their impressions?
St.: _What did you feel about the film?
_What did you like best?
_ And what did you find exciting?
_ Isn’t it a great film?
*Учащиеся дают перевод данных вопросов.
T.: How do Mary and Ken express their likes?
St.: It was wonderful!
_ I really enjoyed it!
_ I`ve always liked love stories.
_ I did like the scene in the ocean.
T. : They used neutral questions and answers, emphatic sentences, adjectives modifiers.
Can you find an emphatic sentence? Etc
V. SPEAKING (dialogue speech)
Учащиеся составляют диалоги с использованием речевых клише выражения оценки "НРАВИТСЯ" или "НЕ НРАВИТСЯ" с опорой на таблицу на стр.201 и прослушанный диалог(уровень 1фраза:вопрос-ответ)
Примерные диалоги .A.: What did you feel about the film «Titanic» ?B.: I`m mad about it.
C.: Did you enjoy the film «Titanic»?
D.: There`s nothing I liked more than «Titanic».
E.: Did you like the film «Titanic»?
F.: I adored this film.
G.: What about the film «Titanic»?
H.: It `s great.
VI. SPEAKING (dialogue speech)
T.: Let`s make up conversations that take place in different situations:
Situation 1.You invite your friend to go to the cinema to watch one of the best J. Cameron`s films
«Titanic». You like this film very much. Explain why.
Возможный диалог.
A.: I would like to invite you to the cinema.
B.: Thanks, but last performance was so bad, that people were lined up to get out of the cinema-house.
А: I say, let`s go and see «Titanic» by James Cameron . As soon as it appeared on the screens, it became extremely popular.
B.: Is it a love story? I adore melodramas and love stories.
A.: Yes, there are a lot of love-scenes in this catastrophical film.
B.: What is the film`s starring?
A.: Leo Di Caprio, your favourite actor, and Kate Winslet. She is so nice!
I do enjoy their acting.
B.: Well, if we come earlier,we shall book the best seats.
Situation 2.T.: Listen to the conversation that takes place in another situation:
Your friend is in a bad mood. Try to improve it and invite her/him to the cinema to see the film «Titanic» .Данная ситуация может быть представлена в полилоге (группа из 5-6 учеников).
T.: Your homework was to write the review of the film «Titanic».
Возможные варианты.
In the most expensive movie "Titanic" Leonardo Di Caprio stars as a young painter Jack , who fells in love with Rose, a beautiful lady. Rose`s family has a skeleton in the cupboard-- Rose and her mother can lose their standing and riches if Rose won`t marry a well-off gentelman.
But the horrible catastrophe of «The TITANIC» shows true human feelings. Only romantic love can`t sink with the giant ship.
Really smart, really talented Leonardo Di Caprio as Jack and a very beautiful young actress Kate Winslet as Rose in one of the best James Cameron`s films called «TITANIC».
This is a love story. The scenes of romantic love and of sinking of the largest ocean liner are so terrific that you`ll be overwhelmed.
This is PG-rated film (General practitioner), directed by Javes Cameron.
The film «TITANIC» became very popular all over the world. One night
in April 1912 a new ocean liner was crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It was
the largest ship in the world. The passengers were having a good time when
the ship suddenly hit an iceberg. The Atlantic Ocean swallowed the riches and the poors,the oldest and the youngest like a hungry monster. Huge wealth sank with that huge liner. Only Rose`s love to Jack couldn`t sink.
It was eternal.
Остальные учащиеся сдают преподавателю на проверку свои письменные домашние задания.
VIII. READING (for specific information).
Чтение текста "Too Well".
T.: Well, Leonardo Di Caprio is a capable actor and his leading parts are wonderful.
Now read the text «Too Well» about another young capable actor Mister Highsmith by name who dreamt of a leading part in the film, but had a failure.
Take these papers with new words.
Practice the pronunciation of proper names and verbs.
Miss CaringtonHighsmithCranberry
(to) perform the leading part
(to) explain
(to) persuade
(to) accept
(to) approach
(to) believe
(to) be touched
T.: Before you read this story look at these words. You`ve got the instructions.
1. Miss Carington was a famous film director.
2. She began her life in a small village.
3. A capable young actor Highsmith by name dreamt of being a manager
of the new film.
4. Mr Highsmith wanted to persuade Miss Carington to accept him.
5. It was the part of a young farmer.
6. He went to the hotel and gathered much information about the life of
Miss Carington.
7. Mr Highsmith told her much interesting news about the relatives and
friends from her native village.
8. She didn`t believe his words.
9. Miss Carington had left for her native village forever.
10. Highsmith realized that he had acted too bad.
Give as many facts from the story as you can to prove the following:
1. A young actor was ingenious.
2. The filmstar didn`t forget her relatives and friends.
На основе прочитанного текста «TOO WELL».
T.: Make up dialogues! Imagen the talk between Miss Carington and Highsmith. Use all ways of being polite:
Excuse me!
A cup of tea , please.
Why don`t you come and talk with me?
With pleasure!
Yes, of course.
Would you like to...
( tell me about my friends, my mother etc.)
1.Подведение итогов. Оценка деятельности учащихся:
а) Аудирование б) Диалоги
в) Чтение
г) Обзор фильма.
2.Индивидуальные задания для учащихся с низким уровнем подготовленности
(на карточках) типа:
а) восстановление разрезанного текста диалога в логической последовательности.
A.: Excuse me, Miss Carington. How do you do?B.: Hello! Who are you?
A.: My name is Highsmith. I am a farmer from Cranberry.
B.: Cranberry? It is my native village. Sit down , please!
Would you like a cup of tea?
A.: Thanks! I`m fond of your parts. Your old friend Nick Brown, John Black and his wife, your cousin Pam, adore your performances .
B.: How I love them all ! And how is my mummy?
A.: She is so-so. Missis Carington wants to see you before her death.
B.: Oh, my dear mummy! I love her very much!
A.: Miss Carington, take this rose, please. I picked it up from the bush near
your house.
B.: Thank you, Mr Highsmith! Let`s see tomorrow. I live in th hotel «Sunrise».
A.: OK, Miss Carington. Good bye!