Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе на тему Year after Year

Конспект урока в 5 «Б» классе
Тема: «Year after year (Год за годом)»
Цели: 1) Развитие навыков употребления в речи изученных лексических единиц по теме «Времена года»; 2) повторение времени Present Simple в сравнении с Present Continuous; 3) развитие умений монологической речи и умений выражать своё мнение; 4) развитие навыков употребления в речи пройденной лексики по теме «Одежда»; 5) развитие навыков аудирования; 6) развитие навыков проектной деятельности; 7)развитие фонетических умений.
Задачи: 1) Знать лексику по теме «Одежда и погода» и уметь активно использовать её в речи; 2) уметь выражать своё мнение, отвечать на вопросы; объяснять свою точку зрения; 4) знать различие между временами Present Simple and Present Continuous, уметь правильно использовать каждое из них; 5) уметь на слух определить основной смысл и распознавать основные слова по теме; 6) уметь работать в группе и создавать совместные проекты.
План урока:
Орг. момент
Good morning, children! I`m glad to see you!
Good morning! We are glad to see you too!
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?
Who is absent today?
What`s the weather like today?
The topic of our today`s lesson is “Year after year”. Today we are going to review some topical vocabulary “seasons, months and weather”, talk about your favourite seasons, remember different pieces of clothes and try to find appropriate for different types of weather. The next step is revising a grammar and remembering Present tenses (Continuous and Simple). We should find differences between them. And the last step of our lessons is presenting your projects.
Начало урока
Фонетическая зарядка.
Let`s begin our lesson with remembering some sounds. And try to read the words with this sounds. The first sound is diphthong [au].
ow, ou [au] – brown, blouse, down, now
sh [Ɩ] – short, shoes, fashion, shop, she
ir –[ᶟ] – skirt, shirt, T-shirt, first
Повторение вокабуляра:
So let`s review our topical vocabulary. Your know that there are for seasons in a year. Let`s guess each of them. Listen to me attentively and answer the questions.
It`s very cold, snow, frosty. All the children make a snowman and play in the snow (winter)
It`s warm and the sun shines. People pick the flowers and walk a lot (Spring)
It`s not very cold, sometimes it`s rains. People rake the leaves (Autumn)
It`s very hot. People go swimming and sunbathe (Summer)
And now let`s try to match all the months for four seasons.
3. Говорение
Now it`s time to practice your speaking skills So I would like you answer my questions. What is your favourite season? Why? (My favourite season is summer because I like going to the beach and going on holiday. My favourite month is September because my birthday is on the 5th)
Thank you for your participation
I think you are tired. You need to relax a bit
Основная часть урока
Повторение вокабуляра по теме «Одежда».
You know that you need different clothes for each seasons and weather. So let`s remember the names of pieces of clothes. It will help us to find suitable clothes for all the seasons and different types of the weather.
Let`s look at the screen and listen to the song. Try to write down and remember which clothes we should put on for different weather. After that you will mark right answers .
Now I ask for you to choose correct variant.
Now it`s time to revise our grammar rules. Let`s remember two types of Present tenses. They are continuous and simple. Continuous expresses the actions happening now and Present – our habits and routines. Let`s do some exercises to understand the differences between them. Look at the screen. We see some pictures. People in this pictures are doing different things. Under each picture we see different actions. You should ask about them and answer, using present Continuous tense.
How clever of you.
Now try to find correct form of verb for each sentences. Be attentive. Choose between Simple and continuous.
Примеры предложений с пропусками
It`s time for your project. You`ve prepared reports about different countries. Weather and different clothes we should wear there. The first group you are welcome. Please present you project
IV. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
OK! The lesson is coming to the end. You`ve known much about «Weather and clothes». Everybody take part in the lesson and answer the questions actively. Do you like our lesson? What do you like the most?