Лексико — грамматический тест к учебнику английского языка Enjoy English,9 класс, раздел 2 (2 варианта)

Class 9 /Unit 2 (1)
Task 1 Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and translate the text into Russian:
baggage, terminal, weighed, excess, check –in desk, departure, boarding cards, airport
We arrived at the 1___ in plenty of time. We put our 2__ onto trolleys and went into the 3__. At the information desk we asked where the 4 __area was. First we went to the 5 __ where the airport official looked at my ticket and 6 __ my baggage. It was 25 kilos. It was allowed only 23 kilos so I paid for my 7__ luggage. We got our 8 __and went to the Customs and passport control.
Task 2 Match the dialogues and the places in the airport: a) Customs b) check –in desk c) duty –free shop d) departure gate e) information desk
- Excuse me, I need a souvenir for my niece. She is five.
Oh, sure. We’ve got some nice koala bears.
How much are they?
- Excuse me. Is this the gate for Flight BA 354?
Yes, sir. Could I see your boarding pass, please.Here it is.
- Your ticket, please.
Here you are.
Thank you. This is your boarding card.
- Excuse me. I’m flying to Australia. Which check-in desk should I go to?
What is your flight number?
Let me see. It’s QF947.
Task 3 Translate the sentences into Russian:
You can’t enter a country without a visa. You mustn’t stay in the country longer than your visa allows you. Otherwise, you can have problems with the police.
We booked an en suite room, so the bathroom was joined to the bedroom.
This is a bed – and – breakfast hotel, so we won’t need to worry about our morning meals.
During a trip you should have an insurance policy. Your insurance company will pay for you, if you fall ill and need to visit a doctor or stay in a hospital.
Task 4 Fill in the articles where necessary:
1…Neva flows into…Gulf of …Finland. 2. …Pacific Ocean is very deep. 3. …Urals are not high. 4. …Elbrus is…highest peak of …Caucasus; but it’s…highest mountain in …Europe too. 5. …Lake Baikal is …deepest lake in …world. 6. …North Sea separates …British Isles from…Europe.
Class 9 /Unit 2 (2)
Task 1 Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and translate the text into Russian:
duty - free shop, customs, announced, flight, passport control, gate, boarding cards, passports
We flew to Australia via Singapore. At the 1__ an airport official looked at me attentively. At the 2__ an officer asked me if I had guns or drugs with me. I tried to speak Chinese but the officials were competent in English. Then we decided to go to the 3__ where I bought some souvenirs. At that moment our 4___ was 5__. We found our 6__, showed the 7__ and 8__ again and got on board the plane.
Task 2 Match the dialogues and the places in the airport: a) lost property office b) information desk c) restaurant d) check – in desk e) Customs
- Excuse me, what is the boarding time for Flight 354?
- Five thirty.
- Thank you.
- What is your final destination?
- Sydney, Australia.
- What is the purpose of your visit?
- I’m travelling as a tourist.
3. - Can I help you?
- Yes, please. Could I have a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger, please?
- Here you are. That’s seven pounds fifty pence.
4. - Can I help you?
- Yes. I am afraid I’ve lost my umbrella.
- Could you describe it?
Task 3 Translate the sentences into Russian:
Make sure that your luggage has a label, if you don’t want to get into trouble. Without it your bag can
be lost or confused with somebody else’s luggage.
We had to book a triple room as they didn’t have in the hotel any free double and single rooms.
We couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel so we stayed in a youth hostel which was cheap enough.
You won’t have to worry about anything, if you book a packaged tour.
Task 4 Fill in the articles where necessary:
1.…Russia occupies…eastern part of…Europe and…northern part of …Asia. 2. …Washington is …capital of …USA. 3. …Red Sea is between …Africa and …Asia. 4. …Nile flows across …northeastern part of…Africa to…Mediterranean Sea. 5. …Thames is a short river.