Реферат по английскому языку на тему: Суеверия в России и Британии
Реферат по курсу английского языка
на тему British and Russian Superstitions
Introduction 2
British and Russian omens and superstitions
The definitions of “omen” and “superstition” 3
Superstitions in England 5
Superstitions in Russia 7
Similarities and differences between British and Russian superstitions 9-11
Conclusion 12
The list of literature 13
The importance of the research is demonstrated clearly by predictable code of conduct. To begin with, despite all the modernization that has taken place, superstitions still exist in our society. Omens and superstitions play a very important role in society and it cannot be denied.
The aim of our work is to investigate the most common superstitions in Britain and in Russia and to prove that in the age of advanced technology and science people don`t believe in superstitions as they used to.
The relevance of research:
1. The theme is of great interest.
2. Education plays a very important role in modern society and extra knowledge about culture of some countries will be very useful.
3. Comparison of customs and superstitions helps to understand the cultures of these countries better.
The object of study: the most well-known and commonly used signs and superstitions in the UK and Russia
The tasks of the study:
1. To study the literature on the subject.
2. To find out the origins of superstitions and their causes.
3. Create a list of common signs and superstitions.
4. Consider, compare and analyze superstition in two cultures - English and Russian.
British and Russian omens and superstitions
The definitions of “omen” and “superstition”
The question whether we should trust omens and superstitions or not worries many people. The definitions of «omen» and «superstition» will help to approach to the truth.
Omen \ō-mən\:
Something that is believed to be a sign or warning of something that will happen in the future. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
An event or phenomenon regarded as a portent of good or evil; a prophetic sign, an augury. (Oxford English Dictionary)
Something that is considered to be a sign of how a future event will take place.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
Superstition \ˌsü-pər-ˈsti-shən\:
A belief that certain events or things will bring good or bad luck. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural. (Oxford English Dictionary)
Belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
History of omens and superstitions counts thousands of years and began in ancient times. People wanted to protect themselves and their families from different troubles and misfortunes at all times. They observed phenomena occurring around, looked for regularities and made conclusions. Thus, there are bad and good omens, there are various customs and rituals that help against unpleasant events. The most reliable omens are omens about the weather, animals, birds and harvests.
Superstition may have different origins, but all of them generated by fear of the unknown. Ancient people tried to explain the strange phenomenon for them with the help of signs and superstitions.
Superstitions of England
“If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck”. The passage under the stairs, leaning against the wall, in the UK is considered to be unfavorable. This can be explained by the fact that the staircase, which stands on the ground and leans against the wall forms a triangle - integral and indivisible character, and even the personification of the Holy Trinity, and go in this triangle is to break the balance, harmony.
“You should not step on shadow”. In ancient times it was believed that the shadow is the soul of man, and the attack on the soul is not good.
In England it is not accepted to wish good luck to the other person, because in ancient beliefs evil spirits may wish to overhear it and tweak something wrong. Therefore, instead of good wishes to the spirits to cheat, they say the phrase quite the opposite: “Break a leg!”
“If you marry in Lent, you will live to repent” - English say that marrying during Lent - not good that the couple will always quarrel regret the marriage, and there will be happiness for their families. This is due to the biblical tradition, because marrying during Lent - a great sin.
If the wedding day the bride sees a spider on her wedding dress - it's a big success in the joint life partners.
Wednesday is considered to be the best day in England for his marriage in all respects Monday will bring a wealth of the bride and groom, and Tuesday - health. Saturday is considered the most unfortunate "wedding" day of the week.
The bride on the wedding day should be something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Also the bride has to put a sixpence under the left heel. New - the symbol of the beginning of a new life and new hopes. To wear something new is easy. This is almost every element of the wedding dress. Borrowed - to borrow a thing can only be the woman who has been living in a happy marriage. So happiness and will go to the young family. Old - worn thing symbolizes a strong relationship with the family of the bride. The role of "old" things can fulfill the shoes that you blasphemed a couple of days before the wedding. Blue - if this colour in your image is not provided, then the role of the blue things can successfully fulfill the garter.
“Don’t open an umbrella indoors”. There are two possible origins of this superstition. Some people believe that it originated in Egyptian times when umbrellas were used to protect people from the heat of the sun. To open an umbrella indoors was an insult to the God of the Sun. Other people believe that this superstition started in 18th century London when waterproof umbrellas with large metal spokes began to be used. The umbrellas were very large and difficult to open so often caused an injury to someone or an object to be broken if opened in the house.
Superstitions of Russia
“Do not carry an empty bucket”. If you see someone with any empty container—bucket or a cart—it is considered a bad omen. Russians believe that if you meet a woman carrying an empty bucket, you won’t have a good day.
“Don’t put money into someone’s hands”. Russians have a lot of “money” omens. For example, a taxi driver or shop assistant might decline when you try to hand them your money, and ask you to put it on the vehicle’s dashboard or in a special tray next to the till. This does not mean at all that they cannot stomach touching your hands. It is believed that the money can transmit energy from its owner, including negative energy.
“Don’t take anything out of the house at night”. If you live under the same roof as Russians, you would be advised not to try to take out the trash at night. It is believed that this can bring ruin on the house.
“Never give knives, clocks or scarves as a present”. These things are not considered the best present for a Russian. Scarves, for example, are an omen of tears, knives an omen of enemies, and clocks an omen of parting. If you do nevertheless give somebody one of these things, do not be surprised if they give you a small coin in return. This is to create the illusion of buying the item.
“Look at yourself in a mirror if you have had to go back”. For Russians, going back to the house is an omen of bad luck. So if a Russian discovers after leaving the house that he has forgotten something, he will go back and will make a point of looking himself in the eye in a mirror. This is another trick of the trade to deceive an evil omen.
“Never give unmarried girls a corner seat”. In ancient Rus if a girl sits at the corner of the table she will not marry for seven years. It is true that if modern girls nevertheless like a corner seat and someone mentions this omen, they will cleverly reply, “My husband will have a corner,” in other words, they will have a home, but regardless, most Russians try not to put girls in corner seats and avoid them themselves.
“Sit before a journey”. When a member of the family is getting ready for a long journey, everyone in the house has to sit down before they set off. This is a Russian omen for a safe journey. Everyone in the house has to sit somewhere for a minute. This omen, incidentally, is very useful, because it helps people to calm down after the chaos and remember whether they have forgotten to pack anything.
Similarities between Russian and English superstitions
Despite the fact that Russian culture is very diverse to English culture and the countries have passed different historical paths, many omens and superstitions match.
“Knock on wood”. You must knock on wood 3 times after mentioning good fortune or the evil spirits will ruin things for you. The British version is "touch wood". The tradition traces back to an ancient belief that spirits lived in trees, especially Oaks, and that by knocking on or touching the wood, you were paying a small tribute to them and could call on them for protection against ill-fortune.
If a girl catches the bride’s bouquet after a wedding, she will be next to marry.
“Sprinkled salt is to quarrel”. In ancient times salt was very expensive and was used instead of money. That’s why if a person spills salt he will lose his money. Spilled salt leads to a quarrel.
“Number 13”. There is no 13th floor or 13th room number (the 14th follows after the 12th) in many hotels and houses. And many people will not invite 13 guests to their party. So, let us think why “13” is so often mentioned in Russian, English and even world superstitions as an unlucky number.
There are several reasons why number 13 is unfortunate:
Scholars consider the number 13 to become unpopular when humans began to count. They used 10 fingers and 2 feet as units of measurements, that’s why people could count only till 12 and number 13 scared them.
Devil’s dozen is equal to 13.
There were 13 people at the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th person sitting at the table.
Many Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th.
It is believed that the coven is a group of 13 witches.
Friday is the unluckiest day for Christian countries like the UK and Russia. This is because Christ was crucified on Friday, 13th. Superstitious people consider the 13th of Friday to be an absolutely unlucky day.
“Mirrors”. Mirror is one of the most mysterious objects in our houses. “If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of unhappy life”. This superstition is explained by several reasons:
For centuries glass of any form was handmade, expensive and precious. Coating the back of a glass with silver to create a reflection increased the cost. A poor family had to save for years to own one mirror.
The Romans believed that human’s health changes every 7 years. As mirrorsreflect person’s health, they thought that a broken mirror means health disorders for 7years.
It is also thought that if someone breaks a mirror, evil spirits from the Looking Glass will pursue and try to avenge him.
“The Horseshoe brings good luck”. Almost every country has its own legend or tradition relating to the Horseshoe. Irish said that the horse was in a stable where Christ was born, so the Horseshoe has a magic power. In Russia the blacksmiths were considered the magicians and it is said that they used a horseshoe to show their magic.
Differences between British and Russian omens and superstitions
But, as we know, there are many differences between British and Russian superstitions. Perhaps, one of the most important differences is the interpretation of omens.
“Black cat”. During the Middle Ages, black cats were seen as evil demons. People believed that witches had the power to turn themselves into black cats, so if one crossed your path, chances were good that a witch had her eye on you. Moreover, a black cat would block your connection to God and the entrance to the heavens. Many black cats were destroyed and anyone who kept them was also killed at that time. Black cats are still considered to be bad luck throughout most of Europe (including Russia), India and the US. But not all countries think of black cats as a bad luck. In Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, Australia and New Zealand black cats are good signs. In England, a black cat crossing your path is a great fortune. That is why so many famous people in Great Britain choose a black cat as a home pet.
“Left hand itches”. There is a superstition in England that if your left hand itches, you will lose money. In Russia, it is believed that when the left hand itches, it, on the contrary, promises great wealth. Most likely, money will come unexpectedly - debt will be returned or you may receive an award. Moreover, the more intensively your hand scratches, the more money will come. The palm must be scratched from the periphery to the center, as if collecting the money in one pile.
Now we can say that every country and every nation has its own superstitions, numerous good and bad luck signs. At the same time, some rituals are identical in different countries, although sometimes they have different meaning.
Some people refuse to believe in such things unless there is a scientific reasoning behind it. But still the majority of educated, intelligent people hold on to a variety of superstitions even nowadays, despite of all modern scientific achievements and discoveries. We believe that we can control our destiny and lives by performing little and sometimes silly or just funny tricks. We will do all sorts of strange things to protect ourselves from bad luck and to improve our future.
The list of used sources: