Урок по теме Политические системы.Политические лидеры
Урок по теме "Политические системы, политические лидеры"
(УМК «Английский язык» 10-11 класс под редакцией В.П.Кузовлева)
Шапочкина Надежда Юрьевна, учитель английского языка
Цели урока:
Совершенствование умений и навыков устной и письменной речи.
Систематизация лексического и грамматического материала по теме.
Развитие навыков произносительных навыков.
Развивать творческую фантазию и инициативу.
Воспитывать интерес к политической жизни своей страны и других стран.
Развивать гражданское самосознание учащихся.
Задачи урока:
Повторить политическое устройство трёх стран.
Учить рассказывать о странах по схеме.
Работать над созданием проекта.
Языковой и речевой материал: лексика раздела “Западные демократии”, модальный глагол should.
Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, презентация.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson. We are all citizens of Russia. Every country has its own political system. It may be a presidential or federative republic, a constitutional monarchy. Irrespective of what country we live we must know our political leaders, institutions of power and its functions, take an active part in a political life. You have already known about political systems of Russia, the USA and Great Britain. Today we are going to talk about the main parts of political systems of three states, compare them, find out which of them are better. Then we will discuss the most outstanding political leaders of these countries and prepare for creating projects. You are dividing into three groups: the first group represents Great Britain, the second – Russia, and the third – the USA. ( Учащиеся прикалывают бэджики с флагами стран).
II. Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Government policy is the theme of many aphorisms. Have a look at the blackboard, read these aphorisms, and try to translate.
- When government fear the people there is a liberty. When the people fear the government there is a tyranny. (Thomas Jefferson)- Every nation has the government that it observes. (J.D. Maistre)- The best government is that which governs most. (J.O’Sullavans)- When a country governed well, poverty and mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is governed poorly, riches and honor are things to be ashamed of. (Confucius)
Let’s check up if you were right. Look at the blackboard .
- Когда правительство боится людей – это свобода. Когда люди боятся правительство – это тирания. (Деспотизм)- Каждая нация имеет правительство, которое заслуживает.- Лучшее правительство, то которое управляет больше.- Когда страной управляют хорошо, бедность и плохие условия – вещи, за которые стыдно. Когда страной управляют плохо роскошь и слава – вещи , которых стоит стыдиться.
Teacher: Which of these aphorisms do you agree with?Student 1: I agree with the second aphorism …Student 2: I don’t agree with …Teacher: You may use these expressions when you will create your projects
III. Повторение и обобщение учебного материала.
Teacher: The political systems of Russia, Great Britain and the USA have some differences and similarities. Now, we’ll make them clear. Choose a representative from your group. I ask them to go to the blackboard. Your task is to complete the right information in the table.
(Activity book, page 25).
Great BritainThe USA RussiaPolitical system
The head of state
The legislative branch of power
The executive branch of power
The head of the executive
Guaranteed basic rights
(Учащиеся заполняют таблицу).
Пока трое учащихся работают у доски, со всеми остальными организуется работа по повторению учебного материала.
Teacher: Agree or disagree with these statements.
- Great Britain is an absolute monarchy.Student: Disagree. Great Britain is not an absolute monarchy. It is a parliamentary democracy.
- The head of state in Great Britain is Queen.Student: Agree.
- People elect the Prime Minister.Student: Disagree. Officially Parliament appoints the Prime Minister.
- The Parliament is responsible for the Government.Student: Disagree. The Parliament makes laws.
- There are two houses of Parliament in Great Britain.Student: Agree.
- People elect the House of Commons. Student: Agree.
- The Cabinet chooses the Prime Minister.Student: Disagree. Prime Minister becomes a leader of the largest party.
Teacher: Now look at the blackboard and check if it is right. (Учащиеся проверяют правильность заполнения таблицы, если есть ошибки исправляют их).
IV. Развитие умений монологической речи.
Teacher: I ask a representative of each group tell us in brief about political system. So, who would like to begin the first? You may use the scheme. (Учащиеся по очереди рассказывают о политических системах, используя схему на доске).
Teacher: Boys and girls, you may ask a certain number of questions you are interested in.
(Примерный список вопросов о политических системах трёх стран).
Great Britain.
Who is the official head of state in Great Britain?
What does the British Parliament consist of? (What are the Houses of the British Parliament?)
Which House is elected by people?
What is the Cabinet responsible for?
Which institution represents the legislative branch of power?
Which institution represents the executive branch of power?
What political system does G.B. represent?
Who do the British people elect?
Who rules the country in fact?
What functions does the Queen have?
Who appoints the Prime Minister?
What functions do the representatives perform?
Who has more power: the British Queen or the President of the USA?
What functions do the House of Lords have?
What the head of the USA?
What Houses is Congress made up of? (What are two parts of Congress?)
How are the members of the House of Representatives elected?
What functions does the Congress have?
Who appoints the Secretaries in the Administration?
What political system does the USA have according to the Constitution?
Who do the Americans elect?
How does the system of check and balances work?
How do you understand this expression “The President proposes, but Congress disposes?”
Is the President elected directly?
Which institution represents the judicial branch of power?
Is Russia a monarchy or a Republic?
Who is the head of state in Russia?
When does the President dissolve the Duma?
Who represents the executive branch of power in Russia?
What rights does the Constitutional Court have?
The President represents the judicial branch of power, doesn’t he?
Who represents the judicial branch or power?
Who can veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly?
Who can declare laws unconstitutional?
Who elects the President?
Who appoints the Chairman?
Who guarantees the basic rights of people?
Teacher: Today we have already talked much about political systems of three countries. Each of these political systems has some peculiarities. I propose you to choose the best characteristics and create a portrait of an ideal state. (Учащиеся выходят по очереди к доске и пишут черты идеального государства).
Teacher: Let’s sum up.
An ideal political system:
Student 1: An ideal political system must have 3 branches of power: executive, legislative, judicial. The judicial branch must be representative by 2 Courts: the Constitutional and the Supreme Court.Student 2: There is a positive trait in an American political system. It is a system of check and balances. It protects against extremes. The system keeps any branch from getting too much power of using.Student 3: Ideal political system must be democratic. It means that people elect the head of state directly.Student 4: People should vote on their representatives in legislative branch of power.Student 5: An ideal political system must have an Opposition.Student 6: Democratically elected leaders must not ignore constitutional limits on their power and the basic rights of people.Student 7: It is anti-democratic when a king or a queen rules country. A monarchy costs a lot of money to maintain.Student 8: An ideal political system supposes the election was free and fair.Student 9: Parliamentary and presidential elections must be held every 4 years.Student 10: A Cabinet must not be excessive, about 15-20 ministers.Student 11: An ideal political system is a multi -party system.
V. Работа над созданием проекта.
Teacher: This part of our lesson is devoted to make a project “An ideal political leader”. In my opinion a policy of the state depends on its leader. This person should have various special qualities. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the portraits of outstanding political leaders of Russia, Great Britain and the USA. Which of these leaders did you find best? Your task was to prepare some facts about these political leaders. Listen to what you have prepared. The representatives of the first group you begin.
Student 1: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965) an English politician who was the Prime Minister of Britain during most of the Second World War, and again from 1951-55.He made many famous speeches and is admired and remembered for his great leadership of the nation. He is often shown wearing a hat and smoking a large cigar. He made the V sign, meaning victory. Churchill became a popular symbol of Britain’s fighting optimism. He inspired the confidence of the British people in their struggle for victory and his radio speeches did much to boost the nation’s morale at a time of crisis and deprivation.
Student 2: Thatcher. Margaret Hilda – the first woman prime minister of Britain now officially called Lady Thatcher. As leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 she strongly influenced its political philosophy, which during this period came to be known as Thatcherism. During their government there was a more towards privatization; taxes were lowered and inflation fell, but unemployment rose. Mrs Thatcher enjoyed increased popularity during the Falklands War.
Student 3: When George Washington was born, America was not a country yet. It belonged to England, a country across the ocean. People in America didn’t want to belong to become a separate country. George Washington was an American general in the war. America won the war and picked a new name for itself the United States of America. George Washington was elected to be its first president.
Student 4: Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1861. He was an outstanding politician. He is the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the black in the South from slavery.Student 5: Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He is the author the Declaration of Independence. He was an outstanding politician. The Jefferson Memorial is in Washington.Student 6: Vladimir Putin was the President of Russia for two terms. Now it’s a Prime Minister and a leader of the largest party. He is a popular and strong-willed personality.Student 7: Vladimir Zhirinovsky needn’t to be introduced. He is one of the most extravagant political leader of modern Russia. He is a leader of Liberal – Democratic Party of Russia.
Teacher: Thank you for your information. Before making a portrait of an ideal political leader, answer my questions.
Should a politician be young or someone more mature?
Could a woman be a president or Prime Minister?
Does a politician need have a higher education?
Should a politician be a determined person or not?
Should a politician be a believer?
Should a politician be a person of the highest principles?
Does the nationality of a political leader mean a lot?
Should he or she follow a healthy way of life?
Should he or she be a leader of any party?
Must he or she be married?
Which traits of character must he or she possess?
Must he or she be a citizen of country?
(После ответов на вопросы учащиеся работают в группах).
Teacher: I propose you to pay attention to these items:
male or female;
experience in politics;
a member of any party;
traits of character;
Учащиеся каждой группы по очереди представляют портреты идеальных политиков.
(Весь урок сопровождается презентацией).
VI. Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: Boys and girls, our lesson put to the end. Today you have tried to work hard. We have spoken about political systems of three countries and have known some facts about outstanding personalities. In groups you worked on project. You get excellent and good marks. Your task is to make a project “An ideal political system”, “An ideal political leader”.
VII. Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия
Teacher: How did you feel after the lesson? Did you like it?
(Учащиеся по очереди высказывают своё мнение).