Тесты к учебнику Английский язык 9 класс (2 полугодие), О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Дрофа

к учебнику «Английский язык» 9 класс
О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, Дрофа
1 вариант
I. Insert enough or too to complete the sentences.
1) He is …much addicted to computer games.
2) I know him well…to trust him.
3) They discovered that the rumour was only…true.
4) Have you…forks and knives for everyone?
5) I'd be only…happy to help.
6) You are…kind, sir.
Choose the right item (a—d) to complete the sentences below.
7.The largest genetic study of African population reveals a greater diversity among the continent's cultural groups thanknown ………. .
a) earlyb) beforec) formally d) prior
8.What is considered great today will be…by something new tomorrow.
a)achievedc) undervalued
b)surpassedd) underestimated
9.TV Ears is a powerful new device that can help thousands ofpeople with hearing…hear the television clearly.
a)looseb)lossc)lostd) lose
Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words in brackets.
10) It is necessary to be aware of different possibilities that computers offer (we)in (we)every
day life. 11)The (much) the(many)…we read about computers …problems we see that computers may bring. 12)She knows how to use a computer and an answering
machine. You needn't teach (she) …13)They will never be able to do it (they) …14)Robots can help(you)…a lot in (you)...life, but what exactly they can do requires (far)in vestigation.
Fill in the gaps with invent or discover and their derivatives in proper forms.
15)We soon…we had been mistaken. 16) Who…computers? 17) It was difficult …the truth.
V. Complete the sentences with the function words.
down, in, into, out, through
18)The car broke…at the beginning of our trip.
19)The burglars broke …the house at midnight.
20)The whole situation was so absurd that the friends broke …laughter. 21)The fire broke…quite unexpectedly.
Complete the sentences with the suitable infinitives.
to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see
22)This is the book for you ……….. .
23)This is the film …………. .
24)Who was the first man … into space? —
Y. Gagarin was.
Fill in the prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences.
about, at, of, over, with, to
25) William Shakespeare was the author …"The Twelfth Night".
26) I know James is mad …computer games.
27) Have you booked …the tickets?
28) I'm getting bored …the conversation we arehaving.
29) The slow journey irritated …the passengers.
Newspapers are just what their name says — they are papersthat(1)…news. They first appeared in the 1400s.Printers produced pamphlets (2)…people what washappening in the country and what they thought about it.Modern newspapers first appeared in the 1700s. Today, there
are newspapers in (3)…every country in the world,in many different languages. Some (4) … every day,some every week.
One of the oldest newspapers is "The Times" of London. It(5)…in1785. (6)…famous newspapers are the "New York Times" and the "Washington Post" in the United States, and "LeMonde" in France. The first (7)…US (8)…newspaper, the "Pennsylvania Packet and
General Advertiser", was published in 1784.
1)a)producec) make
b)type d) print
2) a) tellc) told
b) tells d) telling
3) a) hardlyc) closely
b) almostd) partly
4) a) printc) are being printed
b) are printedd) have been printed
5) a)beganc) rose
b) setoffd) gave a start
6) a) Anotherc) Others
b) The otherd) Other
7) a) sucessfulc) succesfulb) successfuld) successfull8) a)dayc) day's
b) dailyd) days'
2 вариант
I. Inserte nough or too to complete the sentences
1)How are you feeling? — Oh, not…bad, really.
2) The rope isn't long… .3) There isn't time …to discuss everything in detail.
4) He told me I hadn't been working hard … ..
5) Barbara won't be …pleased if we get there late.
6) The road is wide …for two cars to pass each other.
Choose the right item (a—d) to complete the sentences below.
7)TV Ears is a powerful new device that can help thousands of
people with hearing …hear the television clearly.
a)loose b)lossc)lostd) lose
8)The use of technology has made it possible…even
the most unmusical person to create a successful song.
a) withb) toc) among d) for
9)Technology makes our lives so much happier: Mp3 players,
for example, help us get…airport waiting rooms
or long train journeys.
a) through b) overc) ind) into
Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words in brackets.
10) In homes would become …(he) story "There Will Come Soft Rains" RayBradbury forecast that (we) …enveloping automation systems that could outlast the human beings (they) …11)The (late) …Mr Richardson worked in the field of conservation energy. His (late) … work is extremely important. 12)Tom and John both are engineers. The (late)…works as a chief engineer in (I) …firm. 13)My (child) …areaddicted to computer games. 14).The (late) …is sue of this magazine has already appeared in book shops.
Fill in the gaps with invent or discover and their derivatives in proper forms.
15)That was the biggest archeological…inNorway for fifty years.
16)He failed to …patent hisand never got a penny for it.
17)Someone who has invented something is called a(n) ….
Complete the sentences with the function words.
down, in, into, out, through
18)I don't like it when you break …my conversations with other people.
19) When Mrs Brettell saw the photo of her missing son she broke …tears.
20)After five hours of rain the sun finally broke…the clouds.
21)The storm broke …at night and it ruined a lot ofplants in our garden.
Complete the sentences with the suitable infinitives to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see
22.Who was the first man… into space? —
Y. Gagarin was.
23.She will be the last person …the truth.
24.This is the money…the dictionary you need.
The old lady is difficult… .Fill in the prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences.
about, at, of, over, with, to
25) The slow journey irritated …the passengers.
26) The little boy was shaking … all he was really frightened.
27) There were two Piles … books on the desk.
28) He always speaks respectfully .. .his parents.
29) Could you write …him a note, please?
II. Текст
Complete the text with the derivatives formed from the words.
Young men who were looking for new worlds to conquer at the end of the 19th century were already reading by (1)light 1) _s.and speaking on the telephone over long(2)s. Along came radio, a phenomen on that was the result of many brilliant(3)_ .Many people were pondering the problem of sound waves.R. A. Fessenden was among them. ThomasEdison hired Fessenden as a (4)into giving him(5)of electric mainsandan(6)_man. Fessenden was (7)_ .
He very soon became obsessed with the idea of working with sound waves. He left Edison and
talked two (8)money for his experiments
1)electricity, 2)distant, 3)science, 4) test, 5)repair, 6) agression, 7)resource, 8)bank
Choose the right item (a—d) to complete the text.
Christiano Ronaldo
After (1)_an amazing(2)_42 goals for Manchester United and winning the Premier League, football superstar Christiano «Ronaldo began to beby millions of (3)_ .
He left his family when he was 12 and j (4)away from his home island Sporting Lisbon. It was very traumatic for the young boy. He had never been on the aeroplane before. In Lisbon (6)could understand himof Madeira to play (5)_because of his Madeiran accent and Christiano could not understand them (7) . He had some tough experiences.
At 17 he signed for Manchester United and was (8)their famous Number 7 shirt. Ronaldo says he is playing at Man United with his (9)and soul. He says he doesn't play football just because he likes it. He plays because he wants to win and be the best.
1) a) hittingc) strikingb) scoringd) making
2) a) admiredc) promoted
b)ignoredd) judged3)a)lookersc)fans
b)observersd) witnesses
4) a) travelledc) transportedb) movedd) came
5) a) withc) for
b) insided) to
6) a) anybodyc)everybody
b) somebodyd) nobody
7) a) tooc) also
b) as well asd) either
8) a)takenc) suggested
b) givend) rewarded
9) a)headc) heart
b)face d)chest
Choose the right item (a—d) to complete the text.
The East End
The East End of London is changing now from a(1)slum to trendy hangout. At the end of the 19thcentury immigrants moved in large numbers to the city of London and the East End was where they usually (2).
The area was overcrowded and for many Eastenders poverty and hunger were facts of everyday life. In 1888 the East End became(3)due to the brutal (4)by the infamous killer Jack the Ripper. Charles Dickens was one of the writers who brought the conditions in the East End to the attention of the society. Slums were (5)and in that poorarea of London soup kitchens were set up. Soup kitchens areplaces where (6)food is given to poor and homeless people. But poverty and overcrowding still continued and one of the East End Streets — Dorset Street — was described as "the Worst Street in London" due to the high level of crime and poverty there. In the early 1990s young artists were(7)to the East End with its (8)housing
and large industrial spaces, perfect for studios. Hoxton Square has become the focus of the growing East End art scene since 2001 when White Cube gallery opened there. Now Hoxton Square is the centre of trendy nightlife, as well as the art scene.
1) a) depressedc) derived
b)derogatory d) deprived
2) a) ended up c) were over
b) were finishedd) paused
3) a) celebratedc) notorious
b) famous d) well-known
4) a) murderersc) murderess
b) murders d) murderous
5) a) spotted c) cleared
b) cleaned d) renewed
6) a) free c) fee-paying
b) independentd) costly
7) a) achieved c) attractive
b) attracted d) attached
8) a) penniless c) expensive
b) costly d)cheap