План урока на тему: Tourism, Marko Polo (10класс)
Сыныбы: 10Сабақтың тақырыбы: Tourism, Marko Polo
Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта
отырып , туризм туралы сөйлеуге үйрету
Адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу
Ойлау, есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту.
Organization moment. Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
How are you?
We are fine!
Thank you sit down!
Who is on duty today?
We are on duty today
What date is it today?
Today is the 2nd of October
What day is it today?
Todat is Friday
Who is absent?
All are present.
Take your sits.
Checking home task.Now people I’ll check your home task. What was your home task?
Are you ready?
Who wants?
New theme.
Ok pupils today we have our new theme “Tourism, Marko Polo ”
Doing exercise.Exercise 2 Read your text and answer the questions about your person. Use your dictionary to help you with new words.
Text A
Venice fvenis] Венеция
Far East [fa:'i:st] Қиыр Шығыс
Palestine ['paslistain] Палестина
Persia [рэ:/э] Персия
Pamirs [рә'тіәг] Памир
Peking [pi:'kin] Пекин
In 1298 a Venetian adventurer Marco Polo wrote a book about his travels In the Far East. Even Columbus nearly 200 years later consulted this book.
Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. His father and uncles were merchants who travelled to distinct lands to trade. In 1271 they took Marco wiih lliem.
From Venice the Polos sailed to Palestine. They crossed the deserts of Pcrcia and Afghanistan, mounted the hights of Pamirs.Early in 1275 when Marco was 21 they arrived at Kublai Khan's count at Cambalue in Peking, China. J
The khan of Persia asked Kublai Khan for a young Mongol Princess for a bride. The Polos decided that the Princess's journey should be guarded by IXperienced travellers. Because of the danger from robbers and enemies of the Khan a great fleet of ships was built.
fin 1292 the fleet sailed with the Polos, the princess and 600 noblemen. Theships visited Ceylon and India and touched the East African coast.
Exercise 1 You're going to read about the lives of two famous people Thomas Cook andMarco Polo. Discuss these questions with the class and your teacher.
Why were they famous?
Do you know what nationality they were?
Which century were they born in?
Which of these two travellers do you know most / least about?
Do you know any other famous travellers of the past?
V I.Home work
Exercise 2
VII. Marking
I shall put your mark. Your mark is excellent 5 good 4 sat 3
The lesson is over, good bye!
Good bye!