Сценарий Кентервильское привидение на английском языке для постановки детьми в школе

Сценарий кентервил привидение мой 2014
Тревожная музыка, вой волка, привидение на сцене, портрет, дерево, цветок на подставке, прячется за портрет
Рассказ о замке и КентервиллеMR OTTIS (Звонок) Darling? At last I bought what you have wanted- a real English castle. Now I’ll discuss the purchase of the castle with lady Canterville and Lord Canterville//
EGOR MR OTTIS Hello, I’m American Minister Mr.Otis. Good day Lady Canterville. Now I’m ready to discuss the purchase of the castle
Sveta SH. Lord Canterville Lady Canterville How do you do
Lord Canterville since my grand-aunt, the Duchess of Bolton, was frightened into a fit by two skeleton hands being placed on her shoulders as she was dressing for dinner ,I feel bond to tell you Mr. Otis, that the ghost has been seen by several living members of my family! Is here in castle
Sveta S. Lady Canterville “I fear the ghost exists. Since 1584. The ghost always appears before the death of any member of our family.
MR OTTIS “My Lord ! I come from America where money can buy everything: I’ll buy the castle with furniture and the ghost(leg on leg)
Lady Canterville, “ If you don’t mind a ghost in the house, it is all right.
Lord Canterville Please, remember, I warned you. A ghost”(Stands up) Lady Canterville A ghost
MR OTTIS OK, Let’s make a deal! (signs papers)
Leave/merry music, twins with rucksacks, throwing them
Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper : Hi, Welcome to Canterville Chase!
MR OTTIS Good afternoon, Mrs. Umney, Let me introduce my family This is my wife, MRS Ottis,(-Pleased to meet you) and here is Virginia, my daughter-Pleased to meet you) (стекло разбивается ещё, выбегают дети, прыгают) These are my youngsters Loius and SharlotteKids(boy) Hi Nice to meet you! Mrs. Umney, Where is the fridge here, I’m thirsty
(girl)What a funny hat you have(примеряет и надел на себя, а потом выбросил её)
Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper Well, let me show you the castle. Look at this windowsill! Long- long ago a very mysterious inscription appeared on it.
Virginia Oh,this is a poem. When a golden girl can win Prayer from out the lips of sin,/ Peace come to Canterville.
Oh,mum It looks like something has been spilt there
Mrs. Otis (увидев пятно и стон из-за портрета)I am afraid it looks like blood.”
Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper “Yes, madam,” “it is blood of Lady Eleanore”
Mrs. Otis “How horrid,”
Virginia “Somebody was killed there.”
Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper Sir Simon de Canterville, killed his wife here in 1575.
Mrs. Otis Pardon me, but who is this Sir Simon de CantervilleMrs. Umney, Well look at the wall, you can see him in the portrait. He is the ancestor of MR Canterville Sir Simon disappeared suddenly since her death.
Mrs. Otis Mrs. Umney , remove this stain from our sitting room
Портрет оживает)Kids ( girl) Sir Simon, where are you, come out and show yourself
Mrs. Otis Do be quiet, children
Mrs. Umney, The blood-stain cannot be removed.”
Boy “nonsense,” Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover will clean it in no time,”
Lera (advert) Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover for all your dirty clothes. Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover and no problem
Kids Let’s go and find Sir Simon’s spirit around the castle- Let’s go
Mrs. Otis Do be quiet, children
(звуки вой, появление головы в портрете)
Mrs. Umney fainted.
MR OTTIS “What a monstrous climate!”
Mrs. Otis “oh,dear,what can we do with a woman who faints?”
MR OTTIS “we’ll have to take money from her wages,” “she won’t faint ;”
Mrs. Umney What? Money? I’m sorry. I’m ok. Let me continue our tour
MR OTTIS Yes,and now we are all very tired, good night
Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper Good night ,sirWhat shall I do with this crazy family?
GHOST OH? Those Americans,they walk every where, they want to remove my portrait(гладит)
Where is it) They removed my blood stain NO(,берёт краски со стола и рисует пятно)/I have been keeping this blood stain for centuries I won’t let Americans ruin my reputation What is here?uh (войбраскидывает бумажки со стола. What is here? (жвачкой залепляет руки-реклама
Peklama This is a bubble gum, taste and chew bubble gum,it’s delicious!(привидение выкидывает жвачку)
GHOST Oh. I ‘ll frighten them and make them go back to America,uh прячется за портретом, соловьи, утро
Kids делают зарядку, девочка руками, мальчик присядает Look, the blood stain is back
I’ve an idea. We must catch the ghost . Let’s hide under the desk,
No we must wait the ghost here. I’m bigger than you. No’ I’m taller than you,тянет-катит за ногу мальчика Let’s get our pillows
Утро ,в халатах Оттисы, потягиваются
MR OTTIS Oh, look at this mess! Louis and Charlotte must have been here.
Mrs. Otis Louis, Charlotte,who has done it?(идут,закрывшись подушками)
Kids No I haven’t. Neither have I.
Mrs. Otis Really? What on the earth are you doing with your pillows?
Girl We are going to haunt the ghost tonight. MR OTTIS I don’t think it is polite to throw pillows at him. Boy Look, the blood stain! Mrs. Otis Oh that’s horrible! (мальчик удаляет пятно пятновыводителем)
Night. Boy IT’s 12 o’clock( koklokol,clock beating) Girl Hurry up!(Kids have hidden on the chair and on the desk). Boy I’m here(on the chair) Girl (pushing the boy) No,I’m here(the boy hides under the desk)
The ghost groans, rattles chains,looks at blood stain standing on his knees MR OTTIS (patting the ghost by his shoulder) “My dear sir,”(the ghost is frightened) “I really must insist on your oiling those chains with a small bottle of the Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. It’s quite impossible for us to sleep. Lera (advert) Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. Use this oil, and you will have no problems
MR OTTIS I’ll supply you more,if you need it
GHOSTI must rattle my chains and make horrible noise! UH-(throws away the bottle,it breaks,the sound of glass broken
Kids Boy I’ll haunt you!(runs awat pushing the ghost)
Girl There you are! ( trying to beat the ghost with a pillow! The ghost runs away from the stage.the boy appears , kids start beat each other with pillow,the boy falls down,the girl runs away,the ghost appears, sits near the boy,hides behind the portrait showing its face in the portraitthe boy stands up,runs from the stage,appears with the girl holding by her hand, run away together)
Part 2/
Mr and Mrs Ottis appear from different sides dressed in homegowns(bids sing),sit down at the table,Mr Ottis reads a newspaper.
Mrs Ottis My dear,can you do something with the ghost? I couldn’t sleep all the night long
MR Ottis. Don’t worry, my darling,I gave him lovely oil last night. It will be all right!
The boy(jumps and sings) We caught the ghost last night. We caught the ghost last night
The girl We scared the ghost to the death. We scared the ghost to the death.
Louis You should have a look at his face, He was frightened.
Charlotte He looked like he was going to cry like this(pretends crying) Virginia Shame on you! Poor ghost ! Is there blood stain here again? Kids What? Green Blood” Virginia Emerald Green Blood?MR OTTIS I have no wish to do the ghost any personal injury. Louis,Charlotte! Let’s play golf on the lawn! (leave)
Virginia Poor ghost ! He must be so unhappy! Sir Simon! Where are you? Sir Simon(comes up to the portrait,moves it aside,the ghost sits on the chair,bending his head and arms down) Virginia You are a poor ghost ! I am so sorry for you, but my brother and sister will go to school to-morrow, and then, if you behave yourself, no one will worry you.” GHOST It is absurd to behave myself, I must rattle my chains, and walk about at night, It is my only reason for existing.” Virginia It is no reason at all for existing, and you know you are very wicked. Mrs. Umney told us that you killed your wife.” GHOST (sit s down on the steps/bench)Yes,I did kill her. It ‘s a family matter, and concerned no one else.” Virginia It is very wrong to kill any one GHOST My wife knew nothing about cookery. I don’t think it was very nice of her brothers to starve me to death Virginia Starve you to death? Oh, Sir Simon, are you hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?” GHOST “No, thank you, I never eat anything now; but it is very kind of you, and you are much nicer than the rest of your but your family is horrid, rude, vulgar,(stands up) dishonest family.” Virginia “Stop!”it is you who are rude, and horrid, and vulgar, and as for dishonesty, you know you stole my paints!. Who heard of emerald-green blood?”
GHOST What I was supposed to do? I’ts quite expensive to get real red blood especially with your crazy brother and sister. Virginia I must go GHOST Please don’t go away, Miss Virginia , help meI am so lonely and so tired. I want to sleep and I cannot.” Virginia How can I help you? GHOST Remember the poem a mysterious inscription o n the window sill Virginia When a golden girl can win Prayer from out the lips of sin,/ Peace come to Canterville.
GHOST can win, lips of sin, Canterville. Virginia What does it mean? GHOST Pray and pray the Angel of Death will have mercy on me and I ‘ll finally die. But Don’t be afraid!
Virginia I’m not afraid,I’ll ask the Angel of death to forgive Sir Simon for killing his wife. I’ll pray and the Angel of Death will have mercy on you. Amen!(the ghost throws chains away and runs away)
GHOST Thank you,little Virginia! I am free now! Peace will come to canterville Chase! This is my present for you (the angel gives a box of beautiful jewels)
The angel sings a song,
Virginia stands up and all the actors appear on the stage. Applause. The end. The compere calls out the actors’names