Открытый урок по теме Transport in London

School № 9
Open-up lesson
“Transport in London”
Teacher: Saryan O.A.
Uralsk 2016
School № 9
Open-up lesson
“Merry Christmas and
Happy new Year”
Teacher: Saryan O.A.
Uralsk 2016
Form: 9 “ B”                                                                                                             
Theme of the lesson: Transport in London
Aim of the lesson:  активизация лексики по теме: «Виды транспорта».
Задачи урока:
ввести и первично закрепить лексику урока;
совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования и диалогической речи;
тренировать навыки письменной речи.
развивать способности самостоятельно применять полученные знания для решения коммуникативных проблем и  работы в парах;
развивать поддержание контакта на иностранном языке;
развивать языковые догадки и аудитивное внимание.
воспитать  интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
показать практическую значимость языка.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический, самостоятельная работа
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, коллективная, парная
Ход урока:
1.Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you !Let’s start our lesson .
Turn to each other, look at your neighbour. Smile to your neighbor. Wish to each other a good mood. And I wish you be friendly at our lesson and discover something new and unknown.
At the beginning of the lesson I want to pay your attention to these rules, you should follow them.
The golden rules:
-Be attentive
-Be active
-Be emotional
-Don’t interrupt each other
-Don’t say “I don’t”
-First think then speak.
2.Checking-up the home task
Your home task was Ex-13 p.84 let’s check up.The next task you had to prepare the presentation about sightseeings in London.
( трое учащихся рассказывают о достопримечательностях Лондона)
3.Students,let’s watch the video.
What have you seen on this video?
How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?
What kinds of transport do you know?
4.The theme of the lesson is Transport in London. Today we’ll continue the theme about Great Britain and we’ll speak about transport in London.
Let’s study the new words. Look at the activeboard.
Double – Decker bus – двухэтажный автобус
Single – Decker bus - одноэтажный автобус
Conductor – кондуктор(a person who takes your money)
Inspector – контролер(a person who checks your tickets)
Coach- is a bus which uses for long distance.
Coach – экипаж(this kind of transport which used in the past .And nowdays it is used for excursions or sometimes for weddings.
Queue – очередь
Taxi , but in London it calls cab.
5.Ok,thank you .What do you know about London?
London is the capital of Great Britain.
The Houses of parliament – it is the place where government works.
Big Ben - it is the clock.
Buckingham Palace is the residence of the Queen.
The Tower of London is the historical monument
Westminster Abbey is the church.
What kind of transports do you know?
(a car, a plane, a taxi, a train, a bus, a bicycle, etc). Thank you.
6.Ok, Let` s read the text about “Transport in London”. Ex 9, p 82.(читаем переводим.)
7.Let’s answer the questions under the text.
What is the difference between
Conductor and conductress?(conductor is a man , conductress is a woman)
Inspector and bus driver? (Inspector is a person who checks your tickets, bus driver is a person who drives a bus.)
Double – decker bus or Single – decker bus?( Single – decker bus has one floor,
Double – decker bus has two floors
d)Bus and coach? (bus uses for short distance and coach uses for long distance.)
8.Now let’s do the next exercise in your book.
Ok, can we see these transports in our town. What kind of transports can we see in our town? What kind of transports can we see in London?
Thank you. Let’s compare the system of public transport in London and our town . And draw a table of this kind in your notebook.
The first group you will discuss about Transport in London. The second group you will discuss about transport in our town. Who will be the speaker in your groups? You should stick your sheets of paper on the blackboard.
The next task you should find something common in Transport in London and Transport in Kazakhstan. Think a little .Then go to the blackboard and write. London has 300 underground stations, double decker buses. People in Britain have queue. Our town hasn’t underground, we have single decker buses, people in our town haven’t queue. We haven’t coaches.
Things in common : Traffic jam, many cars, traffic lights.
Let’s sing the song about London.
9.Let’s revise the grammar theme “ Gerund” Who remember the rule?
Итак английский герундий
- в обязательном порядке снабжается окончанием –ing
- одновременно имеет признаки и существительного и глагола.
- имеет несколько форм.
Отличие герундия от причастия.
Smoking is very dangerous .Курение опасно.
Smoking people don’t think much about their health. Курящие люди не думают много о своем здоровье.
В первом предложении это герундий обозначает действие. Во втором предложении это причастие служит для определения существительного.
Отличие герундия от глагольного существительного.
Если это существительное то у него есть
Множественное число
Определяется прилагательным
Если это герундий то у него
нет артикля
нет числа
определяется дополнением
His reading is rather good .Его чтение вполне хорошее(сущ)
Reading is life.Чтение – жизнь (герундий)
Герундий может быть :
Singing is my favourite work.Пение мое любимое занятие.
Дополнением :
Do you like cooking? Ты любишь готовку?
10.Let’s do the exercise. You should use verbs in the right form.
Could you please stop making so much noise.
I enjoy listening to music.
Have you finished reading the newspaper yet?
My memory is getting worse. I keep forgetting things.
I don` t mind your using the phone as long as you for all your calls.
I like (ski) but my sister prefers (skate).
Thank you for (come).
(Repair) cars is his business.
Have you finished (write)
His father disliked (waste) time on such trifles.
She loves (talk) to the press and (appear) on TV.
She enjoys (drive) an expensive car.
11.The next task is creative. You should make a cluster.
I’ll give you some pictures. You must do a nice composition with them. The theme are : Sightseeing in London. Transport in London. You have 5 minutes.
Do you like our lesson?( Yes I do)
What was new for you? ( we know something new about transport in London)
What was difficult for you ? (nothing)
Your home task for the next lesson will be retelling the text about Transport in London Ex-9 p.82.
Your marks are: ……..
The lesson is over good bye!!! You will be free!!!